SIMPLE = T /Dummy Created by MWRFITS v1.6a BITPIX = 16 /Dummy primary header created by MWRFITS NAXIS = 0 /No data is associated with this header EXTEND = T /FITS data set may contain extensions CONTENT = 'LIGHT CURVE' /file contains rate data ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file TELSCOP = 'SWIFT ' /Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J0255.2-0011 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 43.8010 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -0.184000 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format AUTHOR = ' ' /Program name that produced this file NAME = 'SWIFT J0255.2-0011 ' /Object name FACET = 5 /BAT survey facet number BSURVER = '5C ' /BAT survey processing version BMOSVER = '98 ' /BAT survey mosaicking version CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 32 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 165 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /required keyword TFIELDS = 4 /Number of columns in table COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT EXTNAME = 'RATE ' /name of this binary table extension TIMEVERS= 'OGIP/93-003' /OGIP memo number for file format TIMESYS = 'TT ' /The time system is MJD TIMEUNIT= 'd ' /Time unit CLOCKCOR= F /if time corrected to UT TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' /Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' /Time assigned by clock TSTART = 53355.003 /First MJD from data TSTOP = 54035.998 /Last MJD from data TIMEDEL = 8 /[d] Time binning INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /Instrument Name OBJECT = 'SWIFT J0255.2-0011 ' /Swift/BAT Survey object name RA_OBJ = 43.8010 /source Right Ascension in degrees DEC_OBJ = -0.184000 /source Declination in degrees EQUINOX = 2000.00 /equinox of celelstial coord. system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' /coordinate system used DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:03:44.18' /TSTART, expressed in UTC DATE-END= '2006-10-27T23:56:44.18' /TSTOP, expressed in UTC ORIGIN = 'HEASARC/GSFC' /origin of the file HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' /Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'LIGHTCURVE' /Extenion contains light curve data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' /Total data values HDUCLAS3= 'COUNT/S ' /Light curve is unit of count/s TELAPSE = 680.99514 /TSTOP - TSTART EXPOSURE= 6113540.5 /Total exposure, with all known correction NAME = 'SWIFT J0255.2-0011 ' /Object name FACET = 5 /BAT survey facet number CREATOR = '3BAT v0.1' /BAT survey release COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / TTYPE2 = 'RATE ' / TTYPE3 = 'ERROR ' / TTYPE4 = 'EXPOSURE ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'D ' / TUNIT1 = 'd ' /physical unit of field TFORM2 = 'D ' / TUNIT2 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM3 = 'D ' / TUNIT3 = 'count/s ' /physical unit of field TFORM4 = 'D ' / TUNIT4 = 's ' /physical unit of field END @ ߼!J6?I?R@5@azjr?g?y @ͯ@1?0`?@ƠL@`?rԤ(?' @ @zjrFN@?5G\@@`_FN@?3䧀@@`0u?)?5[à@$@@L??=Z@u@@F?]?l@f@`_?u@? @@y?!W`?s@&`@`9y?!`؀? P@@պ?+I?#!@@`W|?? nu@G@?`?Is@G @`V4@?$D?YF@@@@?*9?z @치@^(?0;@?u@@*@ѥiy?%a @ @&?)`?"s@I`@`_?2? `@@?)]?T۠@1@@`%? d?ȝ @E @iYb?"J?@@\@ `O+?)@? >@> @ ߍ2[H?1?@@!_o?# ? j @ @!&? ? U@`@"`FFk? ?.%@CP@"#/? ?u6@)@#>ѥ4 ?*@;@$ (? m?@@%_D?"V@> @@% Z-?$͏?#@Yh@@&_p#?$3R? @@@&+?$?:Ơ@4@'` \?!?)`@P&@'Vb>M`?% @@e @@(iYbM?O@T`@)`!ƿM?O@@T`@)d?3'?'`@`@*`=?#l?I, @},@*?Pi?V<@U @+_?'.??W@@Ƀ`@+Ξr?4m?*@L@,_뉖?.p@? @ؕ@,D0u? 8@@? E@/@-_Ξr??#"@@Km@@-rԤ?1? `@@.`iYb? >`A @.>?> @A`@/`?_; ?#@@/0u?n ?@|`@0`K'?)A?@@Tc@0"d?6l? @. @1Z?7?#J@@1;@1w ?1/@9 @2 /T?1@ ?- @P@2,?*)ɀ? =q@p @3 \?,s`?I @B`@30u?& ?@@4 >w?$?@@H @4%?!a`?D@豟@@5"?^>U@D@@5!J6>W?@@6 ?C@? 6`@ڻ~@6?1L? @Ȓ @7 =?$Y`?@J@7Ͽ>?/@@8Z-ľ"?`@ձ@8#/?U@?m @Θ[ @9 @f?,?? s@@X@9?%[? o@@: D? Ն`? L@@:?"gj? @@@; M2[H? .; ?vh@o @@;ѥ@@<w?)-<?3 @@< ?/? @&@= ӊ?LK?@@@=m$I?u?8B@ʼC@>aÓ> ?9@@>#/? @? @{R@? ?Df?P@ @???@I@@@ ? 1?`@@@3t?R?_@(E@A \?? ? @ɠ@A%?=? V`@@B!J6?d?@O-@B??b@ڨ@C(? @?Լ @`@C}ϑ+?A>,@s@D ,|O? c?} @w`@D0u??@@E &??%A@EVb?\?LbAb6@F ӊ? T@>A@FL?6>@@G A?'?0@6@@G;֊?E?L@ @H t?"@_@HN?1?)o @@@I 0u?Q`?@{I @I!? ?\@@a @J =?!`?@@W. @J"d?1Ѐ?6@S@K K'?,?l @`H@K#zjs?" ? @`@L Z-ľUo?+E@?@LFk?%׀?0H@M@M 5~5Z?0)?< @q@@M \?*~ ?C`@w@N iYb?+7 ?&^#@x@N#/?5_@?@@~@O U?+Ѐ? u@Ӆy`@O?$]? @@P?!? D@!`@P? ;x? @%3@Q x?'Om?#@:@Q D?,?!?o@ƭ@R K'?15? @# @R_?*g`? 3@u@S