
Time averaged spectrum fit using the average DRM

Power-law model
Time interval is from   -3.404 sec. to   32.312 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.85273     ( -0.255446   0.243409 )
Norm@50keV  : 1.98432E-03    ( -0.000319047   0.000310529 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          61.91 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.086 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   3.051781e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 35.72 sec: 0.279242 ( -0.0383  0.038326 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.51811e-07 ( -1.03154e-07  1.05094e-07 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from   -3.404 sec. to   32.312 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.69209     ( -0.618229   0.975161 )
Epeak [keV] : 84.7415      ( -84.7204 -84.7415 )
Norm@50keV  : 2.44189E-03    ( -0.00244189   0.00615125 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          61.80 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.104 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   2.766341e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 35.72 sec: 0.277656 ( -0.039139  0.019684 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 6.41803e-07 ( -1.15408e-07  1.12371e-07 ) ergs/cm2

1-s peak spectrum fit

Power-law model
Time interval is from   -1.580 sec. to   -0.580 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.55388     ( -0.492169   0.465746 )
Norm@50keV  : 5.96080E-03    ( -0.0017918   0.00176072 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          69.77 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.224 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   1.193639e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 0.755478 ( -0.220854  0.221689 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 5.60919e-08 ( -1.76911e-08  1.80733e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from   -1.580 sec. to   -0.580 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -0.24015     ( -1.66296   3.68785 )
Epeak [keV] : 69.2655      ( -23.6272 -69.2666 )
Norm@50keV  : 2.63034E-02    ( -0.0263168   1.6449 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          68.52 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =          1.223 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   1.217200e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 0.720856 ( -0.231069  0.22976 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 5.30078e-08 ( -1.80415e-08  1.87733e-08 ) ergs/cm2

Time-resolved spectra