- The event data are only available for part of the burst duration. - battblocks failed because of the weak nature of the burst. - T100, T90, and T50 are lower limits. - Refined position calculated with time interval and energy band determined by the flight software (T0 to T0+360 s; 15-50 keV). - The T100 spectrum is made from the total range of event data (T0-239 s to T0+963.092 s; i.e., the whole event data range before slew). because from the "SN=5 or 10 sec. binning" plot, it looks like the burst is longer than the whole event data range. - This burst occurred during the period of recovering the thermal control system (Barthelmy et al., GCN Circ. 18562). The CZT bias voltage has been reduced to -150v (instead of the normal -200v) and as such the energy scale in the data from the Quicklook and HEASARC sites is somewhat off from the proper calibration. Therefore, an accurate spectral analysis is unavailable. - Possible GRB. With BAT data alone (no XRT observations due to Sun constraint), we cannot rule out other possible Galactic origins due to it's proximity to the Galactic plane.