====================================================================== BAT GRB EVENT DATA PROCESSING REPORT Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.48 Process Start Time: Sun May 12 20:30:28 EDT 2024 Host Name: batproc1 Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/trigger1227767/GCN5_download_cron ====================================================================== Trigger: 01227767 Segment: 000 BAT Trigger Time: 737143646.656 [s; MET] Trigger Stop: 737143648.704 [s; MET] UTC: 2024-05-11T18:06:53.226840 [includes UTCF correction] Where From?: TDRSS position message BAT RA: 336.664509948977 Dec: 8.51351293746527 [deg; J2000] Catalogged Source?: NO Point Source?: YES GRB Indicated?: YES [ by BAT flight software ] Image S/N Ratio: 8.52 Image Trigger?: NO Rate S/N Ratio: 14.8996644257513 [ if not an image trigger ] Image S/N Ratio: 8.52 Analysis Position: [ source = BAT ] RA: 336.664509948977 Dec: 8.51351293746527 [deg; J2000] Refined Position: [ source = BAT pre-slew burst ] RA: 336.668521076857 Dec: 8.51416525750696 [deg; J2000] { 22h 26m 40.4s , +08d 30' 51.0" } +/- 0.689232651612834 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR) +/- 0.235260275407324 [arcmin] (formal 1-sigma fit error) SNR: 51.7635815640006 Angular difference between the analysis and refined position is 0.241212 arcmin Partial Coding Fraction: 0.8515625 [ including projection effects ] Duration T90: 148.536000013351 +/- 17.0657857031545 Measured from: -44.8279999494553 to: 103.708000063896 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] T50: 59.9880000352859 +/- 2.39597334507173 Measured from: -15.095999956131 to: 44.892000079155 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Fluence Peak Flux (peak 1 second) Measured from: 35.1480000019073 to: 36.1480000019073 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Total Fluence Measured from: -92.0119999647141 to: 203.703999996185 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 keV Total 4.891166 6.502661 4.679380 1.151685 0.099978 0.104191 0.089568 0.072790 [error] Peak 0.074694 0.123857 0.094247 0.022257 0.007559 0.008561 0.007527 0.005405 [error] [ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ] ====================================================================== ====== Table of the duration information ============================= Value tstart tstop T100 295.716 -92.012 203.704 T90 148.536 -44.828 103.708 T50 59.988 -15.096 44.892 Peak 1.000 35.148 36.148 ====== Spectral Analysis Summary ===================================== Model : spectral model: simple power-law (PL) and cutoff power-law (CPL) Ph_index : photon index: E^{Ph_index} Ph_90err : 90% error of the photon index Epeak : Epeak in keV Epeak_90err: 90% error of Epeak Norm : normalization at 50 keV in both the PL model and CPL model Nomr_90err : 90% error of the normalization chi2 : Chi-Squared dof : degree of freedo === Time-averaged spectral analysis === (Best model with acceptable fit: PL) Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi Epeak Epeak_90err_low Epeak_90err_hi Norm Nomr_90err_low Norm_90err_hi chi2 dof PL -1.582 -0.042 0.042 - - - 4.39e-03 -9.56e-05 9.56e-05 42.730 57 CPL -1.403 -0.168 0.174 185.591 -64.702 2380.679 5.29e-03 -8.12e-04 1.02e-03 39.450 56 === 1-s peak spectral analysis === (Best model with acceptable fit: PL) Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi Epeak Epeak_90err_low Epeak_90err_hi Norm Nomr_90err_low Norm_90err_hi chi2 dof PL -1.437 -0.131 0.130 - - - 2.09e-02 -1.64e-03 1.64e-03 60.620 57 CPL -1.220 -0.288 0.555 182.912 -182.912 -182.912 2.69e-02 -7.41e-03 2.37e-02 60.090 56 === Fluence/Peak Flux Summary === Model Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Total 15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 15-150 15-350 keV Fluence PL 1.55e-06 2.71e-06 3.63e-06 9.93e-06 1.06e-05 1.78e-05 erg/cm2 90%_error_low -6.97e-08 -7.04e-08 -9.62e-08 -6.00e-07 -2.36e-07 -6.45e-07 erg/cm2 90%_error_hi 7.11e-08 7.03e-08 9.60e-08 6.26e-07 2.36e-07 6.65e-07 erg/cm2 Peak flux PL 8.11e-01 8.47e-01 6.26e-01 7.46e-01 2.57e+00 3.03e+00 ph/cm2/s 90%_error_low -1.07e-01 -7.13e-02 -6.02e-02 -1.37e-01 -2.03e-01 -2.38e-01 ph/cm2/s 90%_error_hi 1.11e-01 7.08e-02 5.97e-02 1.54e-01 2.03e-01 2.39e-01 ph/cm2/s Fluence CPL 1.48e-06 2.74e-06 3.68e-06 7.88e-06 1.04e-05 1.58e-05 erg/cm2 90%_error_low -9.26e-08 -7.44e-08 -1.08e-07 -1.50e-06 -2.65e-07 -1.52e-06 erg/cm2 90%_error_hi 9.46e-08 7.47e-08 1.09e-07 1.91e-06 2.64e-07 1.92e-06 erg/cm2 Peak flux CPL 7.81e-01 8.66e-01 6.40e-01 5.78e-01 2.55e+00 2.86e+00 ph/cm2/s 90%_error_low -1.27e-01 -8.30e-02 -6.77e-02 -2.53e-01 -2.07e-01 -3.34e-01 ph/cm2/s 90%_error_hi 1.26e-01 8.59e-02 6.92e-02 2.13e-01 2.07e-01 3.13e-01 ph/cm2/s ======================================================================
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name 336.6685 8.5142 0.0037 28.3846 -173.5370 9.1260616 51.764 TRIG_01227767 Foreground time interval of the image: -92.012 -13.852 (delta_t = 78.160 [sec]) -12.656 -12.426 (delta_t = 0.230 [sec]) -11.656 -11.546 (delta_t = 0.110 [sec]) -10.656 8.174 (delta_t = 18.830 [sec]) 21.344 24.845 (delta_t = 3.501 [sec]) Background time interval of the image: -239.656 -92.012 (delta_t = 147.644 [sec])
Note: The mask-weighted lightcurves have units of either count/det or counts/sec/det, where a det is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 sq cm.
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum tstart tstop -92.012000 -13.851700 -12.656000 -12.426000 -11.656000 -11.546000 -10.656000 8.174000 21.344000 155.994000 157.344000 157.454000 158.344000 158.584000 159.344000 159.924000 180.344000 203.704000 Spectral model in power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: -1.58165 ( -0.0421925 0.042186 ) Norm@50keV : 4.39358E-03 ( -9.55954e-05 9.55953e-05 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 42.73 using 59 bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.749649 # Null hypothesis probability of 9.20e-01 with 57 degrees of freedom Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 256.3 sec: 0.561451 ( -0.014184 0.014242 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 1.05569e-05 ( -2.36259e-07 2.36214e-07 ) ergs/cm2
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum tstart tstop -92.012000 -13.851700 -12.656000 -12.426000 -11.656000 -11.546000 -10.656000 8.174000 21.344000 155.994000 157.344000 157.454000 158.344000 158.584000 159.344000 159.924000 180.344000 203.704000 Spectral model in the cutoff power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: -1.40316 ( -0.167626 0.17447 ) Epeak [keV] : 185.591 ( -64.74 2380.65 ) Norm@50keV : 5.28886E-03 ( -0.000811855 0.00102247 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 39.45 using 59 bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.704464 # Null hypothesis probability of 9.54e-01 with 56 degrees of freedom Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 256.3 sec: 0.552947 ( -0.01607 0.01617 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 1.04287e-05 ( -2.65278e-07 2.64309e-07 ) ergs/cm2
Time interval is from 35.148 sec. to 36.148 sec. Spectral model in power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: -1.43659 ( -0.13097 0.130348 ) Norm@50keV : 2.09284E-02 ( -0.00163986 0.00163574 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 60.62 using 59 bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.06351 # Null hypothesis probability of 3.47e-01 with 57 degrees of freedom Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1 sec: 2.57072 ( -0.20277 0.20296 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 2.00798e-07 ( -1.72372e-08 1.73444e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Time interval is from 35.148 sec. to 36.148 sec. Spectral model in the cutoff power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: -1.22001 ( -0.287691 0.554746 ) Epeak [keV] : 182.912 ( -182.933 -182.933 ) Norm@50keV : 2.69440E-02 ( -0.00741363 0.0237355 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 60.09 using 59 bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.07304 # Null hypothesis probability of 3.30e-01 with 56 degrees of freedom Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1 sec: 2.55294 ( -0.20712 0.20704 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 1.98089e-07 ( -1.86363e-08 1.8437e-08 ) ergs/cm2
T90 = 148.536 sec. Hardness ratio (energy fluence ratio) = 1.33644161788
S(15-50 keV) = 4.266348e-06 S(50-150 keV) = 6.290545e-06
The dash-dotted line and the dashed line traces the fluences calculated from the Band function with Epeak = 15 and 150 keV, respectively. Both lines assume a canonical values of alpha = -1 and beta = -2.5.
IMX = -5.369171108225050E-01, IMY = 6.082231970598598E-02
Time interval of the image: -239.656000 -92.012000 # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name # [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] ['] 309.7853 -32.6420 4.3 32.1 77.4 1.0743 2.7 ------ UNKNOWN 331.7526 29.0190 2.5 49.4 -173.8 2.2340 4.6 ------ UNKNOWN 349.1950 26.9756 2.1 46.7 -153.2 2.2087 5.5 ------ UNKNOWN
Time interval of the image: -92.012000 -13.851700 -12.656000 -12.426000 -11.656000 -11.546000 -10.656000 8.174000 21.344000 24.844590 # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name # [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] ['] 336.6685 8.5142 0.2 28.4 -173.5 9.1261 51.8 ------ UNKNOWN
Time interval of the image: 91.044580 155.994000 157.344000 157.454000 158.344000 158.584000 159.344000 159.924000 180.344000 232.454000 233.344000 327.594000 328.344000 647.330200 660.344000 712.104000 720.344000 758.434000 765.344000 773.984000 780.344000 799.153200 800.344000 809.964000 817.344000 822.834000 829.344000 846.004000 849.344000 863.764000 866.344000 866.814000 868.344000 882.554000 884.344000 962.416100 # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name # [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] ['] 299.5934 35.1950 1.2 43.1 150.4 27.1416 9.5 0.4 Cyg X-1 308.0864 40.9302 3.4 41.1 163.2 6.3680 3.4 1.7 Cyg X-3 326.2560 38.5072 0.0 31.4 -179.2 -2.4647 -2.1 11.8 Cyg X-2 308.7583 -7.4394 3.8 32.1 77.5 6.1289 3.0 ------ UNKNOWN 11.5511 8.9950 2.5 34.5 -77.0 8.3959 4.6 ------ UNKNOWN 18.5808 8.1630 2.2 41.4 -76.2 18.9880 5.2 ------ UNKNOWN