package Util::SimpleFITS; ######################################################################## # # DESCRIPTION: Lean and mean FITS interface # # HISTORY: $Log:,v $ # HISTORY: Revision 1.8 2005/09/17 16:19:47 apsop # HISTORY: Load TBIT columns as strings. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.7 2005/08/30 14:33:13 apsop # HISTORY: Change documentation comments to standard format. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.6 2005/08/16 21:20:00 apsop # HISTORY: Added a method to load an entire table into a list of hash refs with # HISTORY: keys corresponding to the column names. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.5 2005/07/06 20:36:55 apsop # HISTORY: Implemented BAT position refinement. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.4 2005/05/13 19:36:52 apsop # HISTORY: Allow user to specify output variable for status, nhdu calls. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.3 2005/04/01 14:52:44 apsop # HISTORY: Update header comment section # HISTORY: # # HISTORY: Revision 1.2 2004/11/16 14:15:15 apsop # HISTORY: Added reopen and wrappers for open modes. # # HISTORY: Revision 1.1 2004/11/09 19:07:31 apsop # HISTORY: Adding BAT pipeline support modules. # # # VERSION: 0.0 # ########################################################################### use strict; use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO qw(:longnames :constants); sub open { my ($first,$inspec) = @_; my ($fits,$mode, $modestr, $filename); my $self = bless {}; my $status = 0; if ($inspec =~ m/^([+<>]*)([^+<>].*)/) { $modestr = $1 || '<'; $filename = $2; if ($modestr eq ">" || ($modestr eq "+<" && ! -f $filename)) { $fits = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::create_file($filename,$status); } else { if ($modestr eq "<") { $mode = READONLY; } elsif ($modestr eq "+<") { $mode = READWRITE; } else { die("bad inspec [$inspec]"); } $fits = Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file("$filename",$mode,$status); # print "fits=$fits filename=$filename mode=$mode status=$status\n"; } } $self->{fits} = $fits; $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } sub readonly { my ($first, $path) = @_; return $first->open("<$path"); } sub create { my ($first, $path) = @_; return $first->open(">$path"); } sub update { my ($first, $path) = @_; return $first->open("+<$path"); } sub reopen { my ($self, $inspec) = @_; my $fits = $self->open($inspec); if ($fits->{status}) { $self->{status} = $fits->{status}; } else { $self->close; %$self = %$fits; } return $self; } sub close { my ($self) = @_; my ($fits); return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); my $status = 0; $fits->close_file($status); undef $self->{fits}; return $self; } sub status { my ($self) = @_; return NULL_INPUT_PTR unless ($self); if (@_ >= 2) { $_[1] = $self->{status}; return $self; } return $self->{status}; } sub setstatus { my ($self,$value) = @_; return 0 unless ($self); $self->{status} = $value; return $self; } sub handle { my ($self) = @_; return 0 unless ($self); return $self->{fits}; } sub nhdu { my ($self) = @_; my ($nhdu); return 0 unless ($self); my $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); my $status = $self->{status}; $fits->get_num_hdus($nhdu,$status); $self->{status} = $status; if (@_ >= 2) { $_[1] = $nhdu; return $self; } return $nhdu; } sub move { my ($self,$hdu) = @_; return 0 unless ($self); my $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); my $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } if ($hdu =~ m/^[-+][0-9]+$/) { $fits->movrel_hdu($hdu,undef,$status); } elsif ($hdu =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) { $fits->movabs_hdu($hdu,undef,$status); } else { $fits->movnam_hdu(ANY_HDU,$hdu,0,$status); } $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } sub readheader { my ($self,$header) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $value, $comment, $dtype, $type); return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } ($header, $status) = $fits->read_header(); $self->{status} = $status; $_[1] = $header; return $self; } sub readkey { my ($self,$keyname) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $value, $comment, $dtype, $type); return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } if ($_[4]) { $type = $_[4]; } else { $fits->read_keyword($keyname,$value,$comment,$status); Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::fits_get_keytype($value,$dtype,$status); $type = TSTRING; if ($dtype eq 'L') { $type = TLOGICAL; } elsif ($dtype eq 'I') { $type = TINT; } elsif ($dtype eq 'F') { $type = TDOUBLE; } } $fits->read_key($type,$keyname,$value,$comment,$status); $self->{status} = $status; if ($#_ <= 0) { return $value; } $_[2] = $value; $_[3] = $comment; return $self; } sub vtype { my ($val) = @_; my ($strval); $strval = "$val"; if ($strval =~ m/^[-+]?[0-9]+$/) { return TLONG; } elsif ($strval =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) { # m/^[-+]?[0-9.]+[eE]?([-+][0-9]+)?/ my old one return TDOUBLE; } return TSTRING; } sub writekey { my ($self,$keyname,$value) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $comment, $type); return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } $comment = 0; if ($_[3]) { $comment = "$_[3]"; } if ($_[4]) { $type = $_[4]; } else { $type = vtype($value); } $fits->update_key($type,$keyname,$value,$comment,$status); $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } sub readcol { my ($self,$column,$type,$rrows) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $colnum, $nrows); my ($typecode, $repeat, $width, $r, $nel, $rowstart, $data, $comment); my @rows; return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } if ($column =~ m/^[0-9]$/) { $colnum = $column; } else { $fits->get_colnum(CASEINSEN,$column,$colnum,$status); } $fits->get_num_rows($nrows,$status) unless $status; $fits->get_coltype($colnum,$typecode,$repeat,$width,$status) unless $status; if ($status) { $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } if ($typecode == TSTRING) { $repeat /= $width; } if (!defined($type)) { $type = $typecode; } $r = ref($rrows); if ($r eq "SCALAR") { @rows = ($$rrows,$$rrows); } elsif ($r eq "ARRAY") { @rows = @$rrows; if ($#rows == -1) { @rows = (1, $nrows); } if ($#rows == 0) { @rows = ($rows[0], $rows[0]); } } elsif ($rrows) { @rows = ($rrows, $rrows); } else { @rows = (1, $nrows); } $rowstart = $rows[0]; $nel = ($rows[1] - $rows[0] + 1)*$repeat; my $passedArray = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[4], 'ARRAY'); if ($passedArray) { $data = $_[4]; } $fits->read_col($type,$colnum,$rowstart,1,$nel,undef,$data,undef,$status); $self->{status} = $status; if ($#_ == (3-1)) { return @$data; } if (not $passedArray) { $_[4] = $data; } return $self; } sub writecol { my ($self,$column,$options,$data) = @_; my ($rrows,$type); my ($fits, $status, $colnum, $nrows); my ($typecode, $repeat, $width, $r, $nel, $rowstart, $comment); my @rows; return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } if ($column =~ m/^[0-9]$/) { $colnum = $column; } else { $fits->get_colnum(CASEINSEN,$column,$colnum,$status); } $fits->get_num_rows($nrows,$status) unless $status; $fits->get_coltype($colnum,$typecode,$repeat,$width,$status) unless $status; if ($status) { $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } if ($typecode == TSTRING) { $repeat /= $width; } $type = $options->{type}; if (!defined($options->{type})) { $type = $typecode; } $rrows = $options->{rows}; $rrows = [] unless($rrows); $r = ref($rrows); if ($r eq "SCALAR") { @rows = ($$rrows,$$rrows); } elsif ($r eq "ARRAY") { @rows = @$rrows; if ($#rows == -1) { @rows = (1, $nrows); } if ($#rows == 0) { @rows = ($rows[0], $rows[0]); } } elsif ($rrows) { @rows = ($rrows, $rrows); } else { @rows = (1, $nrows); } $rowstart = $rows[0]; $nel = ($rows[1] - $rows[0] + 1)*$repeat; $fits->write_col($type,$colnum,$rowstart,1,$nel,$data,$status); $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } sub parsekeys { my ($arg) = @_; if (ref($arg) eq "SCALAR") { return ("$$arg",undef,TSTRING); } elsif (ref($arg) eq "ARRAY") { return ("$$arg[0]", $$arg[1], $$arg[2]); } else { return ("$arg",undef,TSTRING); } } sub createtab { my ($self,$extname) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $colnum, $nrows); my @rows; return 0 unless ($self); $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } $fits->create_tbl(BINARY_TBL,0,0,undef,undef,undef,$extname,$status); $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } sub insertcol { my ($self,$colkeys,$column) = @_; my ($fits, $status, $colnum, $ncols); my ($ttype,$type,$comment,$tform,$value); my ($typecode, $repeat, $width, $r, $nel, $rowstart); my @rows; my %defcomments; return 0 unless ($self); $defcomments{TUNIT} = "physical unit of field"; $defcomments{TSCAL} = "data scale"; $defcomments{TZERO} = "data offset"; $defcomments{TNULL} = "data null value"; $defcomments{TDIM} = "Array dimensions"; $defcomments{TDMIN} = "Minimum column data value"; $defcomments{TDMAX} = "Maximum column data value"; $defcomments{TLMIN} = "Minimum legal value"; $defcomments{TLMAX} = "Maximum legal value"; $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); $status = $self->{status}; if ($status) { return $self; } if (!defined($colkeys)) {return $self; } if (!defined($$colkeys{TTYPE}) || !defined($$colkeys{TFORM})) { $self->{status} = -1; return $self; } $fits->get_num_cols($ncols,$status); if (!defined($column)) { $colnum = $ncols+1; } elsif ($column =~ m/^[0-9]$/) { $colnum = $column; } else { $fits->get_colnum(CASEINSEN,$column,$colnum,$status); } if ($status) { $self->{status} = $status; return $self; } ($ttype,$comment) = parsekeys($$colkeys{TTYPE}); if (! $ttype ) { $self->{status} = -1; return $self; } ($tform) = parsekeys($$colkeys{TFORM}); $self->{status} = $status; $fits->insert_col($colnum,$ttype,$tform,$status); if ($comment) { $self->writekey("TTYPE$colnum",$ttype,$comment,TSTRING); } foreach my $key (keys %$colkeys) { if ($key ne "TTYPE" && $key ne "TFORM") { undef $type; undef $comment; ($value,$comment,$type) = parsekeys($$colkeys{$key}); if (!defined($type)) { $type = vtype($value); } if (!defined($comment) && $defcomments{$key}) { $comment = $defcomments{$key}; } $self->writekey("$key$colnum",$value,$comment,$type); } } return $self; } sub loadTable { my ($self, $dataref, $tableref) = @_; return 0 unless ($self); my $fits = $self->{fits}; return $self unless ($fits); my $status = $self->{status}; my $nrows; my $ncols; $fits->get_num_rows($nrows, $status) unless $status; $fits->get_num_cols($ncols, $status) unless $status; my @column; for (my $i = 1; not $status and $i <= $ncols; ++$i) { my $colname; my $comment; my $type; my $repeat; my $width; my @data; $fits->read_key_str("TTYPE$i", $colname, $comment, $status); $colname =~ s/^'//; $colname =~ s/\s*'$//; $fits->get_coltype($i, $type, $repeat, $width, $status) unless $status; my $readstr = $type == TSTRING || $type == TBIT; my $nelem = $readstr ? $nrows : $nrows * $repeat; my $nulls; if ($status) { } elsif ($readstr) { $fits->read_col_str($i, 1, 1, $nelem, 0, \@data, $nulls, $status) } else { $fits->read_col($type, $i, 1, 1, $nelem, 0, \@data, $nulls, $status) } if (not $status and $type == TBIT) { @data = map { substr($_, 0, $repeat) } @data; } my %column = ( index => $i, name => uc($colname), type => $type, data => \@data, ); push(@column, \%column); } if ($status) { $self->{status} = $status; } else { for (my $i = 0; $i < $nrows; ++$i) { my %record = map { $_->{name} => $_->{data}[$i] } @column; push(@$dataref, \%record); } } return $self; } 1;