proc3.1.14/lists/file_classes proc3.1.14/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.13 2006/03/06 15:04:10 apsop HISTORY: Set new parameter burst_pos_info. HISTORY: proc3.1.14/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.8 2006/03/06 15:05:21 apsop HISTORY: Add value for new align parameter in xrt2fits. HISTORY: proc3.1.14/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.5 2006/03/06 15:06:22 apsop HISTORY: Use new filenames for xrt tdrss postage stamp images. HISTORY: proc3.1.14/sw0 HISTORY: Revision 1.65 2006/03/06 17:30:28 apsop HISTORY: New UvotTdrss module. HISTORY: proc3.1.14/sw0.par HISTORY: Revision 1.160 2006/03/06 17:37:34 apsop HISTORY: New version of bat2fits and xrt2fits. HISTORY: proc3.1.14/Util/ HISTORY: Revision 1.62 2006/03/06 17:13:37 apsop HISTORY: Remove findchart type, which is handled in generic tdrss. Support new name for uvot genie images. HISTORY: uvot2fits xrt2fits 2006-03-03 RFink V5.6 Support for XRT TDRSS LDP packets in Image mode and PC mode via TDRSS2FITS. Raw Images were getting negative values in large dn pixels due to gss/g++ shifting a signed number 2^15 bit continuously as 1 instead of 0 as it is supposed to. Fixed. A patched version was created at the sdc for the reprocessing and never appeared in the CVS. Write Low Rate bias pixels to both its normal location and to the same location used by the other modes so the Italians software will work on reprocessed data. Remove Low Rate specific bias pixel columns. Move all other columns down. 2005-12-16 RFink V5.5 Add columns to timing event files for Italians to use correcting problem with detector coord systems. Requested by Lorella on short notice to try to get in before the next major reprocessing (headas16_2). bat2fits 2006-02-10 RFink V7.8 Change CCommandables spare6 to SUNMON. A number of changes provided by Craig M of the BAT team for their use (runaspipeline=bat). Add protection to reading the BAT source catalog for the BAT exposure DB since one turned up with garbage entries.