proc3.3.2/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.10 2006/04/14 18:43:58 apsop HISTORY: Fix bug in getting exposure for mask tagged and rate files. HISTORY: proc3.3.2/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.26 2006/04/14 18:41:43 apsop HISTORY: More heroics for determining DATE-OBS in tdrss data. HISTORY: proc3.3.2/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.26 2006/04/14 18:26:35 apsop HISTORY: Fix bug in calculating intensifier exposure. HISTORY: proc3.3.2/sw0 proc3.3.2/sw0.par uvot2fits xrt2fits bat2fits 2006-04-13 RFink V7.8.1 Small patch to fix problem with safe pointing Exposure Catalogs. Survey didn't reflect safe pointing target number correctly.