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Class: LDPPacket

Parent class: SwiftPacket

This class represents a packet from the Swift mission, which is part of a large data structure. It adds the product and page number header fields to the generic SwiftPacket.

Data Fields

Constructors / Destructor
protected LDPPacket(const LDPPacket& orig)
Copy constructor.
public LDPPacket()
Construct an empty packet.
public LDPPacket(int size)
Construct a packet with a given number of data bytes.

public virtual
int product()
public virtual void product(int product)
public virtual
int page()
public virtual void page(int product)
public virtual CCSDSPacket* copy()
Virtual wrapper around the copy constructor.
public virtual void finish()
public virtual int samePlaceAs(CCSDSPacket* generic_p)
Returns true if two packets have the same time and sequence values .
protected virtual
int extraHeadSize()
Add the LDP product and page numbers to the headers.
protected virtual void readExtraHeaders(Reader* r)
Throws: Interpreter::Exception
protected virtual void writeExtraHeaders(Writer* w)
Write .
Throws: Interpreter::Exception

public int LDPPacket& < const CCSDSPacket&
Ordering operator order the packets by increasing product number and then page number and then by time and sequence counter.

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