SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 234 / length of dimension 1 NAXIS2 = 157 / 0 PCOUNT = 0 / number of group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of groups TFIELDS = 13 / number of table fields TTYPE1 = 'CATNUM ' TFORM1 = '1J ' TNULL1 = -1 TDISP1 = 'I5 ' TTYPE2 = 'NAME ' TFORM2 = '30A ' TTYPE3 = 'RA_OBJ ' TFORM3 = 'D ' TUNIT3 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TDISP3 = 'F9.4 ' TTYPE4 = 'DEC_OBJ ' TFORM4 = 'D ' TUNIT4 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TDISP4 = 'F9.4 ' HISTORY File modified by user 'batgroup' with fv on 2018-07-30T17:52:10 NEWSRCIN= 1 / Current new source index number TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Start time of detection TFORM5 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT5 = 's ' / physical unit of field TDISP5 = 'F17.6 ' / Column display format TTYPE6 = 'EXPOSURE' / Image exposure TFORM6 = '1D ' / format of field TUNIT6 = 's ' / physical unit of field TDISP6 = 'F11.3 ' / Column display format TTYPE7 = 'RATE ' / Fitted source rate TFORM7 = '9D ' / format of field TUNIT7 = 'count/s ' / physical unit of field TDISP7 = 'F17.7 ' / Column display format TTYPE8 = 'RATE_ERR' / Source rate error TFORM8 = '9D ' / format of field TUNIT8 = 'count/s ' / physical unit of field TDISP8 = 'F13.7 ' / Column display format COMMENT DETECT_METHOD (sum of): 1=Cell detection; 2=PSF fit; 4=vector-image pos'COMMENT n COMMENT DETECT_STATUS: 0=OK, -1=MAXSRCPIX, -2=NOPIX, -3=NULLBORDER COMMENT DETECT_STATUS: -4=ERRTOOBIG, -5=PSFFAILED COMMENT CONSTRAINT_FLAG: (sum of): 1=IMX fixed; 2=IMY fixed; COMMENT CONSTRAINT_FLAG: 4=COUNTS/RATE fixed; 8=PSF width fixed; HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 at 2019-02-15T15:03:21 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swiftbaHISTORY P1 t_flux_157month_c0_crabweight.img[col #HDUCLAS2 = "NET"; #FACET = 0] HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157month_cHISTORY P2 rabweighted/ HISTORY P3 snrthresh = 4.0 HISTORY P4 incatalog = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/configdir/BAT_input_cataHISTORY P4 log_01Jan2018.fits HISTORY P5 pcodefile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swifHISTORY P5 tbat_exposure_157month_c0.img HISTORY P6 pcodethresh = 0.1 HISTORY P7 bkgpcodethresh = -1 HISTORY P8 pospeaks = YES HISTORY P9 posfluxfit = yes HISTORY P10 vectorflux = NO HISTORY P11 vectorposmeth = MAX_SNR HISTORY P12 rows = - HISTORY P13 niter = 2 HISTORY P14 carryover = YES HISTORY P15 keepbadsources = NO HISTORY P16 nadjpix = 1 HISTORY P17 nullborder = NO HISTORY P18 bkgwindowtype = SMOOTH_CIRCLE HISTORY P19 bkgradius = 100 HISTORY P20 srcradius = 15 HISTORY P21 regionfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157monHISTORY P21 th_crabweighted/swiftbat_c0_tot_157month.reg HISTORY P22 signifmap = NONE HISTORY P23 bkgmap = NONE HISTORY P24 bkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P25 inbkgmap = NONE HISTORY P26 inbkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P27 keepbits = ALL HISTORY P28 npixthresh = 20 HISTORY P29 newsrcname = UNKNOWN HISTORY P30 newsrcind = 1 HISTORY P31 srcdetect = YES HISTORY P32 srcfit = YES HISTORY P33 posfit = no HISTORY P34 bkgfit = NO HISTORY P35 psfshape = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P36 psffwhm = 0.325 HISTORY P37 psftopwidth = 0.04584 HISTORY P38 psf_chitol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P39 psf_partol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P40 posfitwindow = 0.0 HISTORY P41 possyserr = 0 HISTORY P42 distfile = NONE HISTORY P43 imagestatistics = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P44 keepkeywords = FACET,CRVAL1,CRVAL2,*VER HISTORY P45 hduclasses = NONE HISTORY P46 psfdebugfile = NONE HISTORY P47 sortcolumns = -KNOWN,-SNR/UNKNOWN,RA HISTORY P48 ptcorrel = NONE HISTORY P49 clobber = YES HISTORY P50 chatter = 2 HISTORY P51 history = YES HISTORY P52 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 HISTORY HISTORY CFITSIO used the following filtering expression to create this table: HISTORY 157month_crabweighted_flux_setup_src15_bkg100/swiftbat_all_tot_157month_HISTORY[@detlist.txt] HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 at 2021-06-04T21:38:24 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swiftbaHISTORY P1 t_flux_157month_c0_crabweight.img[col #HDUCLAS2 = "NET"; #FACET = 0] HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157month_cHISTORY P2 rabweighted_PositionFit_setup_src15_bkg100/swiftbat_c0_tot_157month.cHISTORY P3 snrthresh = 4.0 HISTORY P4 incatalog = 157month_crabweighted_blindsearch_setup_src15_bkg100/swifHISTORY P4 HISTORY P5 pcodefile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swifHISTORY P5 tbat_exposure_157month_c0.img HISTORY P6 pcodethresh = 0.1 HISTORY P7 bkgpcodethresh = -1 HISTORY P8 pospeaks = YES HISTORY P9 posfluxfit = yes HISTORY P10 vectorflux = NO HISTORY P11 vectorposmeth = MAX_SNR HISTORY P12 rows = - HISTORY P13 niter = 2 HISTORY P14 carryover = YES HISTORY P15 keepbadsources = NO HISTORY P16 nadjpix = 1 HISTORY P17 nullborder = NO HISTORY P18 bkgwindowtype = SMOOTH_CIRCLE HISTORY P19 bkgradius = 100 HISTORY P20 srcradius = 15 HISTORY P21 regionfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157monHISTORY P21 th_crabweighted_PositionFit_setup_src15_bkg100/swiftbat_c0_tot_157moHISTORY P21 reg HISTORY P22 signifmap = NONE HISTORY P23 bkgmap = NONE HISTORY P24 bkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P25 inbkgmap = NONE HISTORY P26 inbkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P27 keepbits = ALL HISTORY P28 npixthresh = 20 HISTORY P29 newsrcname = UNKNOWN HISTORY P30 newsrcind = 1 HISTORY P31 srcdetect = NO HISTORY P32 srcfit = YES HISTORY P33 posfit = YES HISTORY P34 bkgfit = NO HISTORY P35 psfshape = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P36 psffwhm = 0.325 HISTORY P37 psftopwidth = 0.04584 HISTORY P38 psf_chitol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P39 psf_partol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P40 posfitwindow = 0.2 HISTORY P41 possyserr = 0 HISTORY P42 distfile = NONE HISTORY P43 imagestatistics = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P44 keepkeywords = FACET,CRVAL1,CRVAL2,*VER HISTORY P45 hduclasses = NONE HISTORY P46 psfdebugfile = NONE HISTORY P47 sortcolumns = -KNOWN,-SNR/UNKNOWN,RA HISTORY P48 ptcorrel = NONE HISTORY P49 clobber = YES HISTORY P50 chatter = 2 HISTORY P51 history = YES HISTORY P52 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 at 2021-06-04T22:52:57 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swiftbaHISTORY P1 t_flux_157month_c0.img[col #HDUCLAS2 = "NET"; #FACET = 0] HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157month_cHISTORY P2 rabweighted_FluxFit_setup_src15_bkg100/ HISTORY P3 snrthresh = 4.0 HISTORY P4 incatalog = 157month_crabweighted_PositionFit_setup_src15_bkg100/swifHISTORY P4 HISTORY P5 pcodefile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/157month/swifHISTORY P5 tbat_exposure_157month_c0.img HISTORY P6 pcodethresh = 0.1 HISTORY P7 bkgpcodethresh = -1 HISTORY P8 pospeaks = YES HISTORY P9 posfluxfit = yes HISTORY P10 vectorflux = YES HISTORY P11 vectorposmeth = MAX_SNR HISTORY P12 rows = 1-9 HISTORY P13 niter = 2 HISTORY P14 carryover = YES HISTORY P15 keepbadsources = NO HISTORY P16 nadjpix = 1 HISTORY P17 nullborder = NO HISTORY P18 bkgwindowtype = SMOOTH_CIRCLE HISTORY P19 bkgradius = 100 HISTORY P20 srcradius = 15 HISTORY P21 regionfile = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157monHISTORY P21 th_crabweighted_FluxFit_setup_src15_bkg100/swiftbat_c0_tot_157month.HISTORY P22 signifmap = NONE HISTORY P23 bkgmap = NONE HISTORY P24 bkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P25 inbkgmap = NONE HISTORY P26 inbkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P27 keepbits = ALL HISTORY P28 npixthresh = 20 HISTORY P29 newsrcname = UNKNOWN HISTORY P30 newsrcind = 1 HISTORY P31 srcdetect = NO HISTORY P32 srcfit = YES HISTORY P33 posfit = NO HISTORY P34 bkgfit = NO HISTORY P35 psfshape = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P36 psffwhm = 0.325 HISTORY P37 psftopwidth = 0.04584 HISTORY P38 psf_chitol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P39 psf_partol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P40 posfitwindow = 0.0 HISTORY P41 possyserr = 0 HISTORY P42 distfile = NONE HISTORY P43 imagestatistics = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P44 keepkeywords = FACET,CRVAL1,CRVAL2,*VER HISTORY P45 hduclasses = NONE HISTORY P46 psfdebugfile = NONE HISTORY P47 sortcolumns = -KNOWN,-SNR/UNKNOWN,RA HISTORY P48 ptcorrel = NONE HISTORY P49 clobber = YES HISTORY P50 chatter = 2 HISTORY P51 history = YES HISTORY P52 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 at 2021-12-29T02:32:15 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/2004/12/swiftbatHISTORY P1 _flux_2004_12_c0.img[col #HDUCLAS2 = "NET"; #FACET = 0] HISTORY P2 outfile = HISTORY P3 snrthresh = 4.0 HISTORY P4 incatalog = /local/data/bat3/survey/survey8b/find_detections/157monthHISTORY P4 _crabweighted_FluxFit_setup_src15_bkg100/swiftbat_all_tot_157month_fiHISTORY P4 .cat HISTORY P5 pcodefile = /local/data/bat3/survey/mosaic_consolidated/2004/12/swiftHISTORY P5 bat_exposure_2004_12_c0.img HISTORY P6 pcodethresh = 0.1 HISTORY P7 bkgpcodethresh = -1 HISTORY P8 pospeaks = YES HISTORY P9 posfluxfit = NO HISTORY P10 vectorflux = YES HISTORY P11 vectorposmeth = MAX_SNR HISTORY P12 rows = - HISTORY P13 niter = 2 HISTORY P14 carryover = YES HISTORY P15 keepbadsources = NO HISTORY P16 nadjpix = 1 HISTORY P17 nullborder = NO HISTORY P18 bkgwindowtype = SMOOTH_CIRCLE HISTORY P19 bkgradius = 100 HISTORY P20 srcradius = 15 HISTORY P21 regionfile = swiftbat_c0_tot_monthly_8band.reg HISTORY P22 signifmap = NONE HISTORY P23 bkgmap = NONE HISTORY P24 bkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P25 inbkgmap = NONE HISTORY P26 inbkgvarmap = NONE HISTORY P27 keepbits = ALL HISTORY P28 npixthresh = 20 HISTORY P29 newsrcname = UNKNOWN HISTORY P30 newsrcind = 1 HISTORY P31 srcdetect = NO HISTORY P32 srcfit = YES HISTORY P33 posfit = NO HISTORY P34 bkgfit = no HISTORY P35 psfshape = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P36 psffwhm = 0.325 HISTORY P37 psftopwidth = 0.04584 HISTORY P38 psf_chitol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P39 psf_partol = 1.0E-6 HISTORY P40 posfitwindow = 0.0 HISTORY P41 possyserr = 0 HISTORY P42 distfile = NONE HISTORY P43 imagestatistics = GAUSSIAN HISTORY P44 keepkeywords = FACET,CRVAL1,CRVAL2,*VER HISTORY P45 hduclasses = NONE HISTORY P46 psfdebugfile = NONE HISTORY P47 sortcolumns = -KNOWN,-SNR/UNKNOWN,RA HISTORY P48 ptcorrel = NONE HISTORY P49 clobber = YES HISTORY P50 chatter = 2 HISTORY P51 history = YES HISTORY P52 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batcelldetect_1.85 HISTORY TTYPE9 = 'BAT_NAME' / label for field TFORM9 = '1J ' / format of field TTYPE10 = 'TIMEDEL ' / label for field TFORM10 = '1D ' / format of field TTYPE11 = 'Year ' / label for field TFORM11 = '1J ' / format of field TTYPE12 = 'Month ' / label for field TFORM12 = '1J ' / format of field TTYPE13 = 'Mission_month' / label for field TFORM13 = '1J ' / format of field END !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA2@>Gk>Q;|@Ĵxj>H>)c> ϟ>Ke? ^>>m>C>贱>>1>2>`?}`!A6I !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAj8A >"#p(`~2>0~>jh>>CԪ> >j_>VD@>#@>D=@>ҕV>>6@>L[@!ADm!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAʀA9y`>q>M[.f+>> q'>]>Ԟ@>9}`>@Q>{`> >&B>݀ >G@>ԥ`?!ABtj!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAXA>^>a\>V/>Ҁ>܏&>EB@>2>­?gYa>ጳ>>;K>`>p"@>Ե>IH >̕>T@!ADm!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA!@>& >sP@>gi~`>>l 6HСѰ??a>-1>ɠ>5@>Kx@>E >>>Oi?|!AC$!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAoM#Aů>rthY'/>CUګXqpV>n>܆~`>>@>y@>L`>7>>&`!ACRa!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA6~@ >rw~>P>ѱ״ǁ>wtl>e`>`>>N>I>߀>P@>Ӻm>݆@!AB!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA]^@DM>෌>>8Z>A^>DWW\d>l>Y>X@>͌>s >F>W >G>@>ր>?`!ADn!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAd?@ >go\ >FU>Y*>rW>l1P`Ƙ%K>Ձo!>F=>g>`>>}>ܨ>i>Ҫɀ>7!ADj !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAA Z`>AJgP]\9`cŞ>>!>&n>R> t>ė>؝_`>d`># >@> >1>!> !AC !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA:AD> >/_>ڬv,>짾>Z>]>+ض>>JԀ>Ҋ>>;`>քB`>ΒG@>^>& >f@!ADm !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TASA4>,EA>ʞ P2<2TR >. >>y >sT>]>گ`>$ >h>z@!AB !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAǪ@@>K@><ӸSSM@Ӓk>1 0Ɗ>>T>= >^>>Ȁ>d'> >1!ADo! !WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA@>Le`>+O@>6vƠ?ϡ>mB>ț>&W?j>6>D>-F@>0/>[`>X@>>׎v@?!ADn!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA?6@2` W?Ϛ`%&Ⱦ@;`&?T@$ҒH? `?@? fP?\w`? ?3?4(>? x!A?t!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA@Ӈ>Yz>Z4? i>R`>w P>Ū@?'a> >! >> >!@>/`>>逤?x4!ADn}!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA[@ 5LVe>> >@bmn<\>>;>)>>iӀ>Al>B>q1?ו@!ACH!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA3yAn>~L>s>''>u>@>р>c>V\ ?ۀ>>K@>>ӧ۠>j >͉@>ފ>H>@ !ADn!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TAOAqv>?:Hx(jf>bUƢ>Ԇc0>G >fH>Ȼ>`>>݃w>t>.V@>ڠ> !AC!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA^@[ >8>.p@p#:2>k >,>1>>o`>`K >m>>m>0N >_U? !ADn!WISE J074450.96-235014.8 @]iR7x3TA&@)>@>l>Pj>~>.>>ʖF ?\B>)`>Р>`>1`>熨 >`>X>n2?`!ADo !WISE 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