SIMPLE = T /Primary Header created by MWRFITS v1.10 BITPIX = 16 / NAXIS = 0 / EXTEND = T /Extensions may be present END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 10 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 8 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 3 / number of fields in each row COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' / Pulse Invariant (PI) Channel COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE2 = 'RATE ' / TFORM2 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TDISP2 = 'E9.2 ' / Column display format TUNIT2 = 'count/s/pixel' / BAT CZT detector area (one pixel) is 0.16 cm^2 COMMENT The errors (STAT_ERR column) are calculated from the RMS noise COMMENT in the BAT survey image and include the statistical and COMMENT systematic components present in the survey. TTYPE3 = 'STAT_ERR' / Required name of error column TFORM3 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TDISP3 = 'E9.2 ' / Column display format TUNIT3 = 'count/s/pixel' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'SPECTRUM' / name of this binary table extension TNULL1 = -9999 / Null value HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / format conforms to OGIP standard HDUCLAS1= 'SPECTRUM' / PHA dataset (OGIP memo OGIP-92-007) HDUVERS = '1.2.1 ' / Version of format (OGIP memo OGIP-92-007a) HDUCLAS2= 'NET ' / Bkgd-subtracted PHA Spectrum HDUCLAS3= 'RATE ' / PHA data stored in count/s TLMIN1 = 1 / Lowest legal channel number TLMAX1 = 8 / Highest legal channel number TELESCOP= 'Swift ' / mission/satellite name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' / instrument/detector name FILTER = 'none ' / filter in use COMMENT Exposure is partial coding corrected on-axis equivalant time. COMMENT Exposure cannot be used to determine statistical errors. COMMENT Raw counts are large and cannot be easily accessed. EXPOSURE= 7882277.50000 / on-axis equivalent exposure (s) AREASCAL= 1.000000E+00 / area scaling factor BACKFILE= 'none ' / associated background filename BACKSCAL= 1.000000E+00 / background file scaling factor CORRFILE= 'none ' / associated correction filename CORRSCAL= 1.000000E+00 / correction file scaling factor RESPFILE= 'swiftbat_survey_full.rsp' / associated redistrib matrix filename ANCRFILE= 'none ' / associated ancillary response filename PHAVERSN= '1992a ' / obsolete DETCHANS= 8 / total number possible channels CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / channel type (PHA, PI etc) POISSERR= F / Poissonian errors not applicable SYS_ERR = 0 / no systematic error specified GROUPING= 0 / no grouping of the data has been defined QUALITY = 0 / no data quality information specified DATE-OBS= '2004-12-16T00:00:00' / Start date of survey analysis DATE-END= '2010-09-30T23:59:59' / Stop date of 70 month analysis TSTART = '124847999.315' / Start time counted from MJDREF (DATE-OBS) TSTOP = '307497606.225' / Stop time counted from MJDREF (DATE-END) MJDREFI = '51910.0 ' / Reference time in MJD, integer part MJDREFF = '0.00074287' / Reference time in MJD, fractional part TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time is measured in seconds TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / World coord sys for this file EQUINOX = '2000.0 ' / Equinox for RA and Dec BSURSEQ = '6H ' / BAT survey sequence (up to and including) CREATOR = '' / Software used to produce this file DATE = '2012-12-13T00:40:16' / Creation date of file COMMENT Counterpart Information BAT_NAME= 'SWIFT J1709.8-3627A' / Swift/BAT 70-month survey name OBJECT = 'IGR J17091-3624' / Name of counterpart to BAT source ALT_NAME= ' ' / Alternate name for counterpart OBJ_TYPE= 'LMXB/microquasar' / Counterpart type RA_OBJ = 257.392 / Right ascention in degrees DEC_OBJ = -36.4125 / Declination in degrees SNR = 14.1302 / Blind search detection significance COMMENT Contamination is the frac of total rate due to spillover from adj srcs CONTAM = -NAN / Full band contamination fraction COMMENT Flux is derived assuming a Crab spectrum FLUX = 3.13355E-11 / Flux in 14-195 keV in erg cm^-2 s^-1 FLUX_ERR= 3.16010E-12 / Flux error ignoring confusion HISTORY Fits spectrum extension written by HISTORY input catalog file BAT_70m_catalog.fits HISTORY input flux file HISTORY input crab weighted file HISTORY Reference: Baumgartner, W., et al; 2012 ApJS submitted END ¶à®ö60w6Àÿö5©Mµ7•¹’5ðÕ17ƒå5­_þ7}z\5«åú6z…Ý5n‘6D½›5€X5í× 5%èXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 12 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 8 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 3 / number of fields in each row COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'CHANNEL ' / label for field 1 COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE2 = 'E_MIN ' / label for field 2 TFORM2 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT2 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TTYPE3 = 'E_MAX ' / label for field 3 TFORM3 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT3 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'EBOUNDS ' / name of this binary table extension HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / format conforms to OGIP standard HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' / dataset relates to spectral response HDUCLAS2= 'EBOUNDS ' / nominal energies of PHA chan boundaries HDUVERS = '1.3.0 ' / Version of format (OGIP memo CAL/GEN/92-002a) HDUDOC = 'OGIP memos CAL/GEN/92-002 & 92-002a' / Documents describing the formaHDUVERS1= '1.0.0 ' / Obsolete - included for backwards compatibilityHDUVERS2= '1.3.0 ' / Obsolete - included for backwards compatibilityTELESCOP= 'Swift ' /mission/satellite name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' /instrument/detcetor name DETNAM = 'none ' / specific detector name in use FILTER = 'none ' / filter in use DETCHANS= 8 / total number of detector channels CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / WARNING This is NOT an OGIP-approved value EFFAREA = 1.000000 / Area scaling factor RMFVERSN= '1992a ' / Obsolete - included for backwards compatibilityTLMIN1 = 1 / Minimum value legally allowed in column 1 TLMAX1 = 8 / Maximum value legally allowed in column 1 END A`A A AÀAÀB B BHBHB–B–BÈBÈCCCC