Errors in Processing for Sequence 00021786992,
version 002
The following information is also available:
- E1: no input files for xrtphascorr
- E1: unable to determine SACSREQ without engineering housekeeping
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: No burst ack message to provide trigger time.
- E1: No trigger time so will not split BAT event files.
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: file does not exist, bailing
- E2: Error from HEAdas Task ftcopy - exit status 175
- E2: Error from HEAdas Task maketime - exit status 175
- E1: missing spacecraft engineering [] for extrapolation
- E1: Unable to find xrt filter file sw00021786992x.mkf, bailing
- E1: sw00021786992uat.fits uat attitude file does not exist, trying pat file
- E1: unable to read xrtevent.failed: No such file or directory
- E1: no UVOT detimage files to process
- E1: Could not find trigtime in any catalog
- E1: TRIGTIME not defined, Unable to proceed
- E1: Unable to find TRIGTIME in database or catalogs. Email notice not sent, too soon
- E1: unable to read xrtevent.failed: No such file or directory
- E1: No XRT event files to process
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E2: Error from HEAdas Task ftverify - exit status 0
- E1: Leftover file ftchecksum.par
- E1: Leftover file ftpixcalc.par
- E1: Leftover file grb_catalog.tdat
- E1: Leftover file swiftgrb.tdat
- E1: Leftover file ximage.par