Processing Job Log for Sequence 00021789991, version 004

This is the complete and detailed record of how this sequence was processed.

The following information is also available:

Processing started (2025-069-05:50:13)

-> Not a FINAL FOR ARCHIVE-type run. (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> HEAsoft version from ftools.par: (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> stdout output from swiftversion (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> stdout output from xrtversion (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> SDC patches to HEAsoft: 2 (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> SOFTVER will be Hea_21Mar2024_V6.33.1_Swift_Rel5.8(Bld47)_30Jun2023_SDCpatch_2 (2025-069-05:50:13)

Checking input files for validity (2025-069-05:50:13)

-> Verifying the input files (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head2_00551d01_2281_20.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head2_00551d01_2281_19.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_acs_00551d01_2281_485.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head2_00551d01_2281_17.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head2_00551d01_2281_18.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head2_00551d01_2281_16.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> FITS file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds exists (2025-069-05:50:13)

Decoding Spacecraft Telemetry (2025-069-05:50:13)

-> Converting swift HK to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> converting swift_head2_00551d01_2281_16.ccsds to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> converting swift_head2_00551d01_2281_17.ccsds to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> converting swift_head2_00551d01_2281_18.ccsds to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> converting swift_head2_00551d01_2281_19.ccsds to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> converting swift_head2_00551d01_2281_20.ccsds to FITS (2025-069-05:50:13)
-> Create timeline database file. (2025-069-05:50:14)

Decoding BAT Telemetry (2025-069-05:50:14)

-> No BAT CCSDS files to process (2025-069-05:50:14)

Decoding XRT Telemetry (2025-069-05:50:14)

-> Running xrt2fits on the following files: swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:14)
-> Fetching swalign20041115v012.fits from /aps/calibration/swift (2025-069-05:50:14)
-> stdout output from xrt2fits (2025-069-05:50:14)
DEBUG: XRT2FITS V6.4 is starting----------- Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds
DEBUG: Process file  = swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Beginning file = swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Final file closes and packing HK Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

DEBUG: Statistics Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

STATS: INPUT FILE (0) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 110 Packet count = 1
STATS:     ApID 1153 = 0x481 occurs 1 times (RT Memory Status)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 1
STATS: INPUT FILE (1) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 230 Packet count = 1
STATS:     ApID 1154 = 0x482 occurs 1 times (RT Task Status)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 1
STATS: INPUT FILE (2) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 230 Packet count = 1
STATS:     ApID 1155 = 0x483 occurs 1 times (RT Errors/Events)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 1
STATS: INPUT FILE (3) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 10580 Packet count = 46
STATS:     ApID 1156 = 0x484 occurs 46 times (RT Analog HK)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 46
STATS: INPUT FILE (4) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 240 Packet count = 4
STATS:     ApID 1158 = 0x486 occurs 4 times (RT Mode Change)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 4
STATS: INPUT FILE (5) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 3220 Packet count = 14
STATS:     ApID 1160 = 0x488 occurs 14 times (RT Command Statistics)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 14
STATS: INPUT FILE (6) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 3450 Packet count = 15
STATS:     ApID 1163 = 0x48b occurs 15 times (RT Tube Heater Control)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 15
STATS: INPUT FILE (7) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 1216 Packet count = 8
STATS:     ApID 1165 = 0x48d occurs 8 times (RT TEC PS Status)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 8
STATS: INPUT FILE (8) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 1200 Packet count = 15
STATS:     ApID 1166 = 0x48e occurs 15 times (RT Baffle Heater Control)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 15
STATS: INPUT FILE (9) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 166 Packet count = 1
STATS:     ApID 1167 = 0x48f occurs 1 times (RT TAM Process HK)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 1
STATS: INPUT FILE (10) = swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 1840 Packet count = 8
STATS:     ApID 1332 = 0x534 occurs 8 times (TDRSS Analog HK)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 8
STATS: INPUT FILE (11) = swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS:     Total bytes = 728118 Packet count = 1212
STATS:     ApID 1344 = 0x540 occurs 1212 times (XRT Science Data)
STATS:     Total processed packets = 1212
STATS:     LDP arrival #1 (ApID 1344, Product 45383)
STATS:         Product #45383 Total pages from page #1 1211
STATS:         Maximum page number seen 1211
STATS:         Valid pages 1211 Simulated pages 0 Missing pages 0
STATS:         Snap Shot Counter = 373063
STATS:         Windowed Timing DRH = 121
STATS:         Photon Mode DRH = 108
STATS:         Bias Mode DRH = 1
STATS:         Trailers = 1
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds ApID(1153) 1
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds ApID(1154) 1
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds ApID(1155) 1
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds ApID(1156) 1-46
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds ApID(1158) 1-4
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds ApID(1160) 1-14
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds ApID(1163) 1-15
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds ApID(1165) 1-8
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds ApID(1166) 1-15
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds ApID(1167) 1
STATS:        Contributing ApID list
STATS:        swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds ApID(1332) 1-8
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 1 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 230 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS: FILE sw00021789991xbf_rw.img
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 1 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS: FILE sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 110 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS: FILE sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 11 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
STATS: FILE sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt
STATS:        No single packet ApIDs contributed.
STATS:        LDP(1344,45383) used 108 times File: swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds
HISTORY: Leftover CFITSIO messages in buffer:
DEBUG: XRT2FITS V6.4 is ending----------- Mon Mar 10 01:50:14 2025

-> Set TIMEPIXR=0.5 in sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt[EVENTS] (2025-069-05:50:14)
-> Set TIMEPIXR=0.5 in sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt[EVENTS] (2025-069-05:50:15)

Make XRT GRB PHAS Correction in PC mode (2025-069-05:50:15)

-> Run xrtphascorr input=sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt out=sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt.out (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> stdout output from xrtphascorr (2025-069-05:50:15)
 		Running 'xrtphascorr_0.1.1'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                          :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
Name of the input PhasConf file                       :'CALDB'
Name of the output Event file                         :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt.out'
xrtphascorr_0.1.1: Info: PHAS column in standard configuration
xrtphascorr_0.1.1: Info: correction not applied
xrtphascorr_0.1.1: Info: 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt.out' file successfully written.
xrtphascorr_0.1.1: Exit with success.

Decoding UVOT Telemetry (2025-069-05:50:15)

-> No UVOT science telemetry (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Converting uvot HK to FITS (2025-069-05:50:15)

Extracting Timing Information from Telemetry (2025-069-05:50:15)

-> stdout output from fstruct (2025-069-05:50:15)
  No. Type     EXTNAME      BITPIX Dimensions(columns)      PCOUNT  GCOUNT
   0  PRIMARY                 16     0                           0    1
   1  BINTABLE hk010x001       8     753(374) 23                 0    1
   2  BINTABLE hk011x001       8     758(377) 22                 0    1
   3  BINTABLE hk012x001       8     703(347) 21                 0    1
   4  BINTABLE hk013x001       8     693(307) 21                 0    1
   5  BINTABLE hk014x001       8     689(288) 21                 0    1
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_ldp_00551d01_2281_1344_45383.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1153.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1154.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1155.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1156.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1158.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1160.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1163.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1165.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1166.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1167.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Extracting UTCF values from file swift_head3_00551d01_2281_1332.ccsds. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Fetching leapsec_20200814.fits from /aps/calibration/swift (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> leapsec_20200814.fits is already present in the working directory (2025-069-05:50:15)

Extracting GTIs from unfiltered data (2025-069-05:50:15)

-> Merging sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt[GTI] sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt[GTI] sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt[GTI] to make sw00021789991xev.gti (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Merging sw00021789991xev.gti[GTI] to make sw00021789991sto.gti (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Merging sw00021789991xev.gti[GTI] to make sw00021789991snf.gti (2025-069-05:50:15)

Extracting attitude data (2025-069-05:50:15)

-> Creating acs_att_tmp.0 from swift_acs_00551d01_2281_485.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> swalign20041115v012.fits is already present in the working directory (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating acs_att_tmp.soh.1 from swift_head2_00551d01_2281_16.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating acs_att_tmp.soh.2 from swift_head2_00551d01_2281_17.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating acs_att_tmp.soh.3 from swift_head2_00551d01_2281_18.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating acs_att_tmp.soh.4 from swift_head2_00551d01_2281_19.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating acs_att_tmp.soh.5 from swift_head2_00551d01_2281_20.ccsds (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Using xrt attitude data in 991 sequence. (2025-069-05:50:15)
-> Creating xrt_att_tmp.0 from[1] (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Merging acs_att_tmp.0 acs_att_tmp.soh.1 acs_att_tmp.soh.2 acs_att_tmp.soh.3 acs_att_tmp.soh.4 acs_att_tmp.soh.5 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.0 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.soh.1 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.soh.2 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.soh.3 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.soh.4 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_att_tmp.soh.5 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Merging acs_merged.tmp xrt_att_tmp.0 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting acs_merged.tmp (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Deleting xrt_att_tmp.0 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Normalizing sw00021789991sat.fits (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> stdout output from att_thin (2025-069-05:50:16)
time0=763227567.30858 time1=763227567.6006 gap=0.29202 source0=3 source1=1
time0=763227585.6006 time1=763227585.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227611.60058 time1=763227611.60058 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227612.6006 time1=763227613.1851 gap=0.5845 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227613.6006 time1=763227614.25258 gap=0.65198 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227614.6006 time1=763227615.32006 gap=0.71946 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227615.6006 time1=763227616.38752 gap=0.78692 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227616.6006 time1=763227616.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227616.8006 time1=763227617.455 gap=0.6544 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227617.6006 time1=763227618.52248 gap=0.92188 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227618.60058 time1=763227619.58998 gap=0.9894 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227620.6006 time1=763227620.65744 gap=0.0568399 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227621.6006 time1=763227621.72492 gap=0.12432 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227622.6006 time1=763227622.7924 gap=0.1918 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227623.6006 time1=763227623.85988 gap=0.25928 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227624.6006 time1=763227624.92734 gap=0.32674 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227625.6006 time1=763227625.99482 gap=0.39422 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227626.6006 time1=763227627.06232 gap=0.46172 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227627.6006 time1=763227628.1298 gap=0.5292 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227628.60058 time1=763227629.19726 gap=0.59668 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227629.60058 time1=763227630.26474 gap=0.66416 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227630.6006 time1=763227631.33222 gap=0.73162 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227631.6006 time1=763227632.3997 gap=0.7991 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227632.6006 time1=763227633.46716 gap=0.86656 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227633.6006 time1=763227634.53464 gap=0.93404 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227635.6006 time1=763227635.60214 gap=0.00153995 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227636.6006 time1=763227636.66962 gap=0.06902 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227637.60062 time1=763227637.60062 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227637.60062 time1=763227637.73708 gap=0.13646 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227638.6006 time1=763227638.80456 gap=0.20396 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227639.6006 time1=763227639.87204 gap=0.27144 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227640.6006 time1=763227640.93952 gap=0.33892 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227641.6006 time1=763227642.00698 gap=0.40638 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227642.8006 time1=763227643.07448 gap=0.27388 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227643.6006 time1=763227644.14196 gap=0.54136 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227644.6006 time1=763227645.20944 gap=0.60884 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227645.6006 time1=763227646.2769 gap=0.6763 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227646.60058 time1=763227647.34438 gap=0.7438 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227648.0006 time1=763227648.41186 gap=0.41126 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227648.6006 time1=763227649.47934 gap=0.87874 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227649.6006 time1=763227650.5468 gap=0.9462 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227651.6006 time1=763227651.6143 gap=0.0137 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227652.6006 time1=763227652.68178 gap=0.08118 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227653.6006 time1=763227653.74926 gap=0.14866 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227654.6006 time1=763227654.81672 gap=0.21612 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227655.6006 time1=763227655.8842 gap=0.2836 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227656.6006 time1=763227656.95168 gap=0.35108 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227657.6006 time1=763227658.01916 gap=0.41856 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227658.6006 time1=763227659.08664 gap=0.48604 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227659.6006 time1=763227660.15412 gap=0.55352 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227660.6006 time1=763227661.2216 gap=0.621 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227661.6006 time1=763227662.28908 gap=0.68848 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227662.6006 time1=763227663.35654 gap=0.75594 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227663.6006 time1=763227663.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227663.6006 time1=763227664.42402 gap=0.82342 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227664.6006 time1=763227665.4915 gap=0.8909 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227665.6006 time1=763227666.55898 gap=0.95838 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227667.6006 time1=763227667.62646 gap=0.02586 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227668.6006 time1=763227668.69394 gap=0.09334 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227669.6006 time1=763227669.76142 gap=0.16082 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227670.6006 time1=763227670.8289 gap=0.2283 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227671.6006 time1=763227671.89636 gap=0.29576 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227672.6006 time1=763227672.96384 gap=0.36324 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227674.0006 time1=763227674.03132 gap=0.03072 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227674.6006 time1=763227675.09882 gap=0.49822 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227675.6006 time1=763227676.16628 gap=0.56568 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227677.2006 time1=763227677.23376 gap=0.03316 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227677.6006 time1=763227678.30124 gap=0.70064 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227679.2006 time1=763227679.36872 gap=0.16812 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227679.6006 time1=763227680.43618 gap=0.83558 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227680.6006 time1=763227681.50366 gap=0.90306 source0=1 source1=3
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time0=763227683.6006 time1=763227683.63864 gap=0.03804 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227684.6006 time1=763227684.7061 gap=0.1055 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227685.6006 time1=763227685.77358 gap=0.17298 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227686.6006 time1=763227686.84106 gap=0.24046 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227687.6006 time1=763227687.90854 gap=0.30794 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227688.6006 time1=763227688.976 gap=0.3754 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227689.6006 time1=763227689.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227689.6006 time1=763227690.04348 gap=0.44288 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227690.6006 time1=763227691.11098 gap=0.51038 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227691.6006 time1=763227692.17846 gap=0.57786 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227692.6006 time1=763227693.24592 gap=0.64532 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227693.6006 time1=763227694.3134 gap=0.7128 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227694.8006 time1=763227695.38088 gap=0.58028 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227695.6006 time1=763227696.44836 gap=0.84776 source0=1 source1=3
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time0=763227699.6006 time1=763227699.6508 gap=0.0502 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227700.6006 time1=763227700.71828 gap=0.11768 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227701.6006 time1=763227701.78574 gap=0.18514 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227702.6006 time1=763227702.85322 gap=0.25262 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227703.6006 time1=763227703.9207 gap=0.3201 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227704.6006 time1=763227704.98818 gap=0.38758 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227705.6006 time1=763227706.05564 gap=0.45504 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227706.6006 time1=763227707.12312 gap=0.52252 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227707.6006 time1=763227708.19062 gap=0.59002 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227708.6006 time1=763227709.2581 gap=0.6575 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227709.6006 time1=763227710.32556 gap=0.72496 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227710.6006 time1=763227711.39304 gap=0.79244 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227711.6006 time1=763227712.46052 gap=0.85992 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227712.6006 time1=763227713.528 gap=0.9274 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227713.6006 time1=763227714.59546 gap=0.99486 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227715.6006 time1=763227715.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227715.6006 time1=763227715.66294 gap=0.06234 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227716.6006 time1=763227716.73044 gap=0.12984 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227717.6006 time1=763227717.6006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227717.6006 time1=763227717.79792 gap=0.19732 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227718.6006 time1=763227718.86538 gap=0.26478 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227719.6006 time1=763227719.93286 gap=0.33226 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227720.8006 time1=763227721.00034 gap=0.19974 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227721.6006 time1=763227722.06782 gap=0.46722 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227722.6006 time1=763227723.13528 gap=0.53468 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227723.6006 time1=763227724.20278 gap=0.60218 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227724.6006 time1=763227725.27026 gap=0.66966 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227726.0006 time1=763227726.33774 gap=0.33714 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227726.6006 time1=763227727.4052 gap=0.8046 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227727.6006 time1=763227728.47268 gap=0.87208 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227728.6006 time1=763227729.54016 gap=0.93956 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227730.6006 time1=763227730.60764 gap=0.00704002 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227731.2006 time1=763227731.2006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227731.6006 time1=763227731.6751 gap=0.0745 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227732.6006 time1=763227732.7426 gap=0.142 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227733.8006 time1=763227733.81008 gap=0.00948 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227734.8006 time1=763227734.87756 gap=0.07696 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227735.80058 time1=763227735.94502 gap=0.14444 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227736.4006 time1=763227736.4006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227737.0006 time1=763227737.0125 gap=0.0119001 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227737.8006 time1=763227737.8006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227738.0006 time1=763227738.07998 gap=0.07938 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227739.0006 time1=763227739.14746 gap=0.14686 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227740.20058 time1=763227740.21492 gap=0.01434 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227741.2006 time1=763227741.28242 gap=0.08182 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227741.60058 time1=763227741.60058 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227742.4006 time1=763227744.37512 gap=1.97452 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227746.8006 time1=763227746.8825 gap=0.0819 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227747.4006 time1=763227749.38984 gap=1.98924 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227747.4006 time1=763227751.89714 gap=4.49654 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227752.4006 time1=763227754.40444 gap=2.00384 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227752.4006 time1=763227756.91178 gap=4.51118 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227758.0006 time1=763227759.4191 gap=1.4185 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227758.0006 time1=763227761.9264 gap=3.9258 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227762.4006 time1=763227762.4006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227762.4006 time1=763227764.43376 gap=2.03316 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227762.4006 time1=763227766.94108 gap=4.54048 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227767.6006 time1=763227769.44838 gap=1.84778 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227767.6006 time1=763227771.95576 gap=4.35516 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227772.8006 time1=763227774.46306 gap=1.66246 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227772.8006 time1=763227776.97038 gap=4.16978 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227778.2006 time1=763227779.47766 gap=1.27706 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227778.2006 time1=763227781.98502 gap=3.78442 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227783.2006 time1=763227784.49234 gap=1.29174 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227783.2006 time1=763227786.99964 gap=3.79904 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227788.4006 time1=763227789.507 gap=1.1064 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227788.4006 time1=763227792.01432 gap=3.61372 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227793.6006 time1=763227794.52166 gap=0.92106 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227793.6006 time1=763227797.02894 gap=3.42834 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227798.8006 time1=763227799.5363 gap=0.7357 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227798.8006 time1=763227802.0436 gap=3.243 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227804.0006 time1=763227804.5509 gap=0.5503 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227804.0006 time1=763227807.05826 gap=3.05766 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227809.2006 time1=763227809.56558 gap=0.36498 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227809.2006 time1=763227812.07288 gap=2.87228 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227814.4006 time1=763227814.58026 gap=0.17966 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227814.4006 time1=763227817.08756 gap=2.68696 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227818.6006 time1=763227819.59488 gap=0.99428 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227819.6006 time1=763227822.10216 gap=2.50156 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227822.4006 time1=763227824.60952 gap=2.20892 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227824.8006 time1=763227827.11684 gap=2.31624 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227827.4006 time1=763227829.62414 gap=2.22354 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227830.00058 time1=763227832.1315 gap=2.13092 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227832.4006 time1=763227834.63884 gap=2.23824 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227835.20058 time1=763227837.14614 gap=1.94556 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227838.8006 time1=763227839.65344 gap=0.85284 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227840.4006 time1=763227842.16078 gap=1.76018 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227842.4006 time1=763227844.6681 gap=2.2675 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227845.60058 time1=763227847.1754 gap=1.57482 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227847.4006 time1=763227849.68276 gap=2.28216 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227850.8006 time1=763227852.19008 gap=1.38948 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227852.40058 time1=763227854.69742 gap=2.29684 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227856.0006 time1=763227857.2047 gap=1.2041 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227859.0006 time1=763227859.71206 gap=0.71146 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227861.2006 time1=763227862.21936 gap=1.01876 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227862.4006 time1=763227864.72666 gap=2.32606 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227866.40058 time1=763227867.23402 gap=0.83344 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227867.4006 time1=763227869.74134 gap=2.34074 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227871.6006 time1=763227872.24866 gap=0.64806 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227872.4006 time1=763227874.75598 gap=2.35538 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227876.8006 time1=763227877.26332 gap=0.46272 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227879.2006 time1=763227879.77064 gap=0.57004 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227882.0006 time1=763227882.27792 gap=0.27732 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227882.4006 time1=763227884.78528 gap=2.38468 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227887.2006 time1=763227887.2926 gap=0.092 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227887.4006 time1=763227889.79992 gap=2.39932 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227887.4006 time1=763227892.30722 gap=4.90662 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227892.4006 time1=763227892.4006 gap=0 source0=1 source1=1
time0=763227892.4006 time1=763227894.8146 gap=2.414 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227892.4006 time1=763227897.3219 gap=4.9213 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227899.4006 time1=763227899.8292 gap=0.4286 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227899.4006 time1=763227902.3365 gap=2.9359 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227902.8006 time1=763227904.84386 gap=2.04326 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227902.8006 time1=763227907.35118 gap=4.55058 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227908.0006 time1=763227909.85848 gap=1.85788 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227908.0006 time1=763227912.36586 gap=4.36526 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227913.20058 time1=763227914.87316 gap=1.67258 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227913.20058 time1=763227917.38048 gap=4.1799 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227919.60058 time1=763227919.88776 gap=0.28718 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227919.60058 time1=763227922.39512 gap=2.79454 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227923.6006 time1=763227924.90244 gap=1.30184 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227927.40058 time1=763227927.40974 gap=0.00915992 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227928.8006 time1=763227929.9171 gap=1.1165 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227932.4006 time1=763227932.42444 gap=0.0238401 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227934.0006 time1=763227934.93174 gap=0.93114 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227937.4006 time1=763227937.43902 gap=0.0384201 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227939.80062 time1=763227939.94638 gap=0.14576 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227942.4006 time1=763227942.4537 gap=0.0531 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227944.4006 time1=763227944.96102 gap=0.56042 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227947.4006 time1=763227947.46832 gap=0.0677201 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227949.6006 time1=763227949.9757 gap=0.3751 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227952.4006 time1=763227952.483 gap=0.0824001 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227954.80058 time1=763227954.99032 gap=0.18974 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227957.4006 time1=763227957.49762 gap=0.09702 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227960.0006 time1=763227960.00496 gap=0.00435996 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227962.40058 time1=763227962.51228 gap=0.1117 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227962.40058 time1=763227965.01958 gap=2.619 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227967.40058 time1=763227967.52696 gap=0.12638 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227967.40058 time1=763227970.03426 gap=2.63368 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227972.40058 time1=763227972.54158 gap=0.141 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227972.40058 time1=763227975.04886 gap=2.64828 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227977.4006 time1=763227977.55622 gap=0.15562 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227977.4006 time1=763227980.06354 gap=2.66294 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227982.4006 time1=763227982.57086 gap=0.17026 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227982.4006 time1=763227985.07818 gap=2.67758 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227987.40058 time1=763227987.58552 gap=0.18494 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227987.40058 time1=763227990.09284 gap=2.69226 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227992.4006 time1=763227992.60012 gap=0.19952 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227992.4006 time1=763227995.10748 gap=2.70688 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227997.4006 time1=763227997.6148 gap=0.2142 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763227997.4006 time1=763228000.12212 gap=2.72152 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763228002.40058 time1=763228002.62944 gap=0.22886 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763228002.40058 time1=763228005.13678 gap=2.7362 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763228007.4006 time1=763228007.6441 gap=0.2435 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763228007.4006 time1=763228010.1514 gap=2.7508 source0=1 source1=3
time0=763228012.4006 time1=763228012.6587 gap=0.2581 source0=1 source1=3
-> normalizing quaternions (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> stdout output from ftdiff (2025-069-05:50:16)

              ftdiff V1.41

sw00021789991sat.fits[1] <     attitude.tmp[1] > 

< calculated DATASUM=1904654837
> calculated DATASUM=3925038685
These two data units are not identical.

No differences

**** End of file comparison:  0 differences were found
-> found UTCFINIT=-35.2134800000000 at 7.632275676006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:16)
-> Producing GTIs for settling and pointing. (2025-069-05:50:17)
-> masking sw00021789991spo.gti with sw00021789991sss.gti (2025-069-05:50:17)
-> comparing original and corrected sw00021789991spo.gti (2025-069-05:50:17)
-> stdout output from ftdiff (2025-069-05:50:17)

              ftdiff V1.41

sw00021789991spo.gti[0] <     gti.tmp[0] > 

< card 22: CLOCKAPP  = F 
< card 40: CREATOR  = 'unpacket' 
< card 21: DATE-END  = '2025-03-09T15:46:52' 
< card 20: DATE-OBS  = '2025-03-09T15:39:22' 
< card 36: DEC_OBJ  = 0. 
< card 30: DEC_PNT  = 0. 
< card 32: EQUINOX  = 2000. 
< card 8: HDUCLAS1  = 'ARRAY   ' 
< card 9: HDUCLAS2  = 'TOTAL   ' 
< card 7: HDUCLASS  = 'OGIP    ' 
< card 12: MJDREFF  = 0.00074287037 
< card 11: MJDREFI  = 51910 
< card 34: OBJECT  = '        ' 
< card 26: OBS_ID  = '        ' 
< card 37: ORIGIN  = 'GSFC    ' 
< card 31: PA_PNT  = 0. 
< card 38: PROCVER  = '        ' 
< card 33: RADECSYS  = 'FK5     ' 
< card 35: RA_OBJ  = 0. 
< card 29: RA_PNT  = 0. 
< card 28: SEG_NUM  = '        ' 
< card 39: SEQPNUM  = '        ' 
< card 27: TARG_ID  = '        ' 
< card 14: TASSIGN  = 'SATELLITE' 
< card 24: TELAPSE  = 0. 
< card 25: TELESCOP  = 'SWIFT   ' 
< card 17: TIERABSO  = 0. 
< card 16: TIERRELA  = 0. 
< card 13: TIMEREF  = 'LOCAL   ' 
< card 10: TIMESYS  = 'TT      ' 
< card 15: TIMEUNIT  = 's       ' 
< card 18: TSTART  = 7.632275676006000E+08 
< card 19: TSTOP  = 7.632280174006000E+08 
< card 23: UTCFINIT  = -35.2134800000000 

sw00021789991spo.gti[1] <     gti.tmp[1] > 

< card 31: CLOCKAPP  = F 
< card 49: CREATOR  = 'unpacket' 
> card 23: DATASUM  = '1802767271' 
< card 30: DATE-END  = '2025-03-09T15:46:52' 
< card 29: DATE-OBS  = '2025-03-09T15:39:22' 
< card 45: DEC_OBJ  = 0. 
< card 39: DEC_PNT  = 0. 
< card 41: EQUINOX  = 2000. 
< card 18: HDUCLAS2  = 'STANDARD' 
> card 21: HDUCLAS2  = 'ALL     ' 
> card 17: MJDREF  = 5.191000074287037E+04 
< card 21: MJDREFF  = 0.00074287037 
< card 20: MJDREFI  = 51910 
< card 43: OBJECT  = '        ' 
< card 35: OBS_ID  = '        ' 
< card 46: ORIGIN  = 'GSFC    ' 
< card 40: PA_PNT  = 0. 
< card 54: POSTFR  = 0.0E+00 
< card 53: PREFR  = 0.0E+00 
< card 47: PROCVER  = '        ' 
< card 42: RADECSYS  = 'FK5     ' 
< card 44: RA_OBJ  = 0. 
< card 38: RA_PNT  = 0. 
< card 37: SEG_NUM  = '        ' 
< card 48: SEQPNUM  = '        ' 
< card 36: TARG_ID  = '        ' 
< card 23: TASSIGN  = 'SATELLITE' 
< card 33: TELAPSE  = 0. 
< card 34: TELESCOP  = 'SWIFT   ' 
< card 26: TIERABSO  = 0. 
< card 25: TIERRELA  = 0. 
< card 22: TIMEREF  = 'LOCAL   ' 
< card 19: TIMESYS  = 'TT      ' 
< card 24: TIMEUNIT  = 's       ' 
> card 18: TIMEZERO  = 0.0 
< card 27: TSTART  = 7.632275676006000E+08 
< card 28: TSTOP  = 7.632280174006000E+08 
< card 11: TUNIT1  = 'sec     ' 
> card 11: TUNIT1  = 's       ' 
< card 14: TUNIT2  = 'sec     ' 
> card 14: TUNIT2  = 's       ' 
< card 32: UTCFINIT  = -35.2134800000000 

**** End of file comparison:  73 differences were found
-> no nominal pointing in DB for 00021789991 (2025-069-05:50:18)
-> stdout output from swacsreq (2025-069-05:50:18)
swacsreq: verbose: loaded 21 from [hk013x001][col TIME;SACSOBSNUM;SACSREQOBSNUM;SACSREQDEC] and 21 from [hk014x001][col TIME;SACSOBSNUM;SACSREQRA;SACSREQROLL]
swacsreq: SACOBSNUM: target=00021789 segment=991 { O=16626242845, N=0 }
swacsreq: warning: OBS_ID=00021789991: uncertain of requested position
swacsreq: warning: writeOutput: no result

E1[core.unknown.error] unable to determine requested pointing from

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 1553
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 591
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 257
-> Determining nominal pointing with GTI sw00021789991sot.gti (2025-069-05:50:18)
-> stdout output from aspect (2025-069-05:50:18)
kept GTI[0] 763227744.375123 - 763228015.156000
Spacecraft Euler Angles: Phi=-54.36907 Theta=115.16500 Psi=-78.76895
Telescope pointing: R.A.=210.80452 Dec=-10.15316 Roll=115.59401 degrees
-> Nominal spacecraft Euler angles: Phi=-54.3690704215807 Theta=115.164998292034 Psi=-78.7689540782262 (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Nominal telescope pointing: R.A.=210.804518455008 Dec=-10.1531573067065 Roll Angle=115.594007136673 (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Galactic Coordinates: Lii=330.379633 Bii=48.855483 (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> stdout output from attjumpcorr (2025-069-05:50:19)
SLEW: 763227568.6006 - 763227742.4006 (1 - 257)
     MAXRATE 0.436836302451294 [deg/s] at 763227632.6006 (78)
     JUMP 763227740.8006 (249) = 0.00400448617635044 [deg]
      Number of slews: 1
      Number of jumps: 1
   RMS jump magnitude: 0.240269170581026 [arcmin]
-> stdout output from ftdiff (2025-069-05:50:19)

              ftdiff V1.41

sw00021789991sat.fits[0] <     sw00021789991pat.fits[0] > 

No differences

sw00021789991sat.fits[1] <     sw00021789991pat.fits[1] > 

> card 63: AJUMPAPP  = T 
< calculated DATASUM=3925038685
> calculated DATASUM=1034267168
These two data units are not identical.

< row 79, col 2: 0.169456635232309 -0.4618687611584641 0.8699904307401549 0.03283818908297902 
> row 79, col 2: 0.1693911861401515 -0.4618264661282463 0.8700263088315465 0.03281997813907418 
< row 79, col 3: 186.0334019546164 18.97679380558319 56.93601989746094 
> row 79, col 3: 186.0343697551901 18.97297662118004 56.92660140987573 
< row 80, col 2: 0.1680672539961384 -0.4674560619510668 0.8673658290686398 0.03024478208665237 
> row 80, col 2: 0.1680020909767719 -0.4674137144752762 0.8674019184965962 0.03022609111768341 
< row 80, col 3: 186.3420381455156 18.65251126112718 57.68636322021484 
> row 80, col 3: 186.3430059460893 18.64869407672403 57.67694473262964 
< row 81, col 2: 0.1667115636308681 -0.4730206483415934 0.864693591687162 0.02763536302286092 
> row 81, col 2: 0.1666466909974823 -0.4729782500000101 0.8647298937177889 0.02761619509879232 
< row 81, col 3: 186.6496462536512 18.32779725050031 58.43459320068359 
> row 81, col 3: 186.6506140542249 18.32398006609716 58.42517471309839 
< row 82, col 2: 0.1653880470056946 -0.478561881611571 0.8619743165578183 0.02501193656470914 
> row 82, col 2: 0.1653234689283484 -0.4785194340838733 0.862010832305351 0.02499229472428368 
< row 82, col 3: 186.9559723883757 18.00259185405898 59.18063354492188 
> row 82, col 3: 186.9569401889494 17.99877466965583 59.17121505733667 
< row 83, col 2: 0.1640966304495042 -0.4840814689804315 0.8592070743881417 0.0223747756689736 
> row 83, col 2: 0.1640323511387233 -0.4840389740136908 0.8592438050495317 0.02235466282187598 
< row 83, col 3: 187.2610793920685 17.6768668889629 59.92478561401367 
> row 83, col 3: 187.2620471926422 17.67304970455975 59.91536712642846 
< row 84, col 2: 0.1638419724387262 -0.4851819068807093 0.858648425676213 0.02184505405686366 
> row 84, col 2: 0.1637777533865481 -0.4851394025603832 0.8586851994057473 0.02182484741085368 
< row 84, col 3: 187.3219917615405 17.61160526245726 60.07327651977539 
> row 84, col 3: 187.3229595621142 17.60778807805411 60.06385803219018 
< row 85, col 2: 0.1628388386220232 -0.4895772324978181 0.8563928545667584 0.01972117397639149 
> row 85, col 2: 0.1627748623740863 -0.4895346916068856 0.8564298013478889 0.01970059327080719 
< row 85, col 3: 187.5653496924003 17.35061014624203 60.66689682006836 
> row 85, col 3: 187.566317492974 17.34679296183888 60.65747833248315 
< row 86, col 2: 0.1616132391525485 -0.4950512246910858 0.8535306237266347 0.01705638365244044 
> row 86, col 2: 0.1615495700483337 -0.4950086398042121 0.8535677878089685 0.01703533801138319 
< row 86, col 3: 187.8682593279835 17.02394066606545 61.4072265625 
> row 86, col 3: 187.8692271285572 17.0201234816623 61.39780807491479 
< row 87, col 2: 0.1604216673978617 -0.5004991855693171 0.850622555787061 0.01437781137825114 
> row 87, col 2: 0.1603583095276797 -0.5004565583302256 0.8506599382728908 0.01435630413251244 
< row 87, col 3: 188.1701597827639 16.69690281002512 62.14534378051758 
> row 87, col 3: 188.1711275833376 16.69308562562197 62.13592529293237 
< row 88, col 2: 0.1592624546172856 -0.5059229326844855 0.8476679248611964 0.0116852853931693 
> row 88, col 2: 0.1591994121203247 -0.5058802647528433 0.8477055268322762 0.01166331965435349 
< row 88, col 3: 188.4710541311851 16.36927946081424 62.88152313232422 
> row 88, col 3: 188.4720219317588 16.3654622764111 62.87210464473901 
< row 89, col 2: 0.1581367649046717 -0.5113227625462246 0.844666288908868 0.008980894638223486 
> row 89, col 2: 0.1580740418397561 -0.5112800557582218 0.8447041115314229 0.008958473555509645 
< row 89, col 3: 188.7708710917043 16.04128084322254 63.61589050292969 
> row 89, col 3: 188.771838892278 16.03746365881939 63.60647201534448 
< row 90, col 2: 0.1570456077203081 -0.5166962914722104 0.8416189090379359 0.006263499374815379 
> row 90, col 2: 0.1569832081320847 -0.516653547524189 0.8416569534307837 0.006240626324903006 
< row 90, col 3: 189.0698020354471 15.71293411357752 64.34822845458984 
> row 90, col 3: 189.0707698360208 15.70911692917438 64.33880996700464 
< row 91, col 2: 0.15683195196948 -0.5177682773156582 0.8410035951960275 0.005718628714528426 
> row 91, col 2: 0.1567696175748755 -0.5177255261719115 0.8410416841292889 0.005695665666361796 
< row 91, col 3: 189.1295074444086 15.64726793793048 64.49452972412109 
> row 91, col 3: 189.1304752449823 15.64345075352733 64.48511123653589 
< row 92, col 2: 0.1559869480749122 -0.5220441727446213 0.83852576697882 0.003534380602074866 
> row 92, col 2: 0.1559248759382025 -0.5220013934113116 0.8385640341447568 0.003511058809079131 
< row 92, col 3: 189.3676539592552 15.38408766564493 65.07862854003906 
> row 92, col 3: 189.3686217598289 15.38027048124179 65.06921005245385 
< row 93, col 2: 0.1549610810864279 -0.527366971179403 0.8353864437855559 0.0007941013225018848 
> row 93, col 2: 0.1548993403724645 -0.5273241582987166 0.8354249347742683 0.0007703339839134878 
< row 93, col 3: 189.6644562156011 15.05477397886404 65.80724334716797 
> row 93, col 3: 189.6654240161748 15.0509567944609 65.79782485958276 
< row 94, col 2: -0.1539703030820177 0.5326612629219473 -0.8322026724139896 0.00195876957345912 
> row 94, col 2: -0.1539088977363618 0.5326184181545753 -0.8322413882651079 0.001982978889443998 
< row 94, col 3: 189.9604973998292 14.72513645997692 66.53374481201172 
> row 94, col 3: 189.9614652004029 14.72131927557377 66.52432632442651 
< row 95, col 2: -0.1530135859883227 0.5379306792524279 -0.8289723277099265 0.004722998327562761 
> row 95, col 2: -0.1529525200187679 0.5378878044506834 -0.8290112695740423 0.004747646373850061 
< row 95, col 3: 190.2557080451767 14.39508306885131 67.2586669921875 
> row 95, col 3: 190.2566758457504 14.39126588444817 67.24924850460229 
< row 96, col 2: -0.1520921590222077 0.5431715118597753 -0.8256975682600904 0.00749730867064094 
> row 96, col 2: -0.1520314362408286 0.5431286088596209 -0.8257367371717227 0.00752239186291939 
< row 96, col 3: 190.550039557257 14.06482855767801 67.98159027099609 
> row 96, col 3: 190.5510073578307 14.06101137327486 67.97217178341089 
< row 97, col 2: -0.1517333417565082 0.545260777957006 -0.8243746442097198 0.008609471831718826 
> row 97, col 2: -0.1516727573329143 0.5452178642482948 -0.8244139042678699 0.008634728154611027 
< row 97, col 3: 190.6675093041722 13.93266525415471 68.27033996582031 
> row 97, col 3: 190.6684771047459 13.92884806975157 68.2609214782351 
< row 98, col 2: -0.1512030976549456 0.5483856319644451 -0.8223777170555273 0.01028165380880565 
> row 98, col 2: -0.151142721907492 0.548342702622947 -0.8224171139421895 0.01030716885126271 
< row 98, col 3: 190.843372613014 13.73405077738468 68.7027587890625 
> row 98, col 3: 190.8443404135877 13.73023359298153 68.69334030147729 
< row 99, col 2: -0.1503486243889535 0.5535694501135827 -0.8190147673242839 0.01307539483321265 
> row 99, col 2: -0.1502885993697359 0.5535264962414841 -0.8190543930770735 0.01310133805005395 
< row 99, col 3: 191.1357951481264 13.40302187456828 69.42179870605469 
> row 99, col 3: 191.1367629487001 13.39920469016513 69.41238021846948 
< row 100, col 2: -0.1495284327373063 0.5587259447776806 -0.8156067493242597 0.0158807081746168 
> row 100, col 2: -0.1494687623747297 0.5586829681346996 -0.8156466049821457 0.01590707612661199 
< row 100, col 3: 191.4275969630501 13.07150383101001 70.13919830322266 
> row 100, col 3: 191.4285647636238 13.06768664660686 70.12977981563745 
< row 101, col 2: -0.1487424758124091 0.563852200755959 -0.8121557181850547 0.0186938763014707 
> row 101, col 2: -0.1486831637136173 0.5638092032541698 -0.812195804608391 0.01872066533528765 
< row 101, col 3: 191.7184282272846 12.73974950308713 70.85459136962891 
> row 101, col 3: 191.7193960278583 12.73593231868399 70.8451728820437 
< row 102, col 2: -0.1479910624738908 0.5689490843791709 -0.8086610081714224 0.02151647450515085 
> row 102, col 2: -0.1479321123700214 0.5689060678570791 -0.8087013262971433 0.02154368101594637 
< row 102, col 3: 192.0085288881502 12.40764520971479 71.56818389892578 
> row 102, col 3: 192.0094966887239 12.40382802531164 71.55876541134057 
< row 103, col 2: -0.1475564796068428 0.5719938095025511 -0.8065427854810417 0.02321427158618701 
> row 103, col 2: -0.1474977485017447 0.5719507824916318 -0.8065832430904386 0.02324172692059573 
< row 103, col 3: 192.1822211758886 12.20818298553138 71.99559020996094 
> row 103, col 3: 192.1831889764623 12.20436580112824 71.98617172237573 
< row 104, col 2: -0.1472745368123254 0.5740171520142198 -0.8051221628325009 0.02434795507050293 
> row 104, col 2: -0.1472159524344066 0.5739741183747042 -0.8051627136475111 0.02437557547712509 
< row 104, col 3: 192.2979337578625 12.07522235856231 72.28012847900391 
> row 104, col 3: 192.2989015584362 12.07140517415917 72.2707099914187 
< row 105, col 2: -0.1465928340814214 0.5790550841804269 -0.801540097831126 0.02718863824550179 
> row 105, col 2: -0.1465346191211077 0.5790120352555379 -0.8015808822505345 0.02721666887223848 
< row 105, col 3: 192.5867007727806 11.74244370813591 72.99030303955078 
> row 105, col 3: 192.5876685733543 11.73862652373276 72.98088455196557 
< row 106, col 2: -0.1459453453558755 0.5840612584999412 -0.7979162039368778 0.03003554533185476 
> row 106, col 2: -0.1458875032610263 0.5840181962537698 -0.7979572227300684 0.03006398241291926 
< row 106, col 3: 192.8745388268979 11.40945571222291 73.69850921630859 
> row 106, col 3: 192.8755066274717 11.40563852781977 73.68909072872339 
< row 107, col 2: -0.14533461358668 0.5890372306130229 -0.7942488096142497 0.03289102418134944 
> row 107, col 2: -0.1452771480359338 0.5889941569482098 -0.794290063824491 0.03291986393665088 
< row 107, col 3: 193.161928939092 11.07627471351848 74.40512084960938 
> row 107, col 3: 193.1628967396657 11.07245752911533 74.39570236202417 
< row 108, col 2: -0.1450995634863229 0.5910187930719584 -0.7927701341391241 0.03403553038927698 
> row 108, col 2: -0.1450422495486089 0.5909757153478303 -0.792811482714892 0.03406453018217658 
< row 108, col 3: 193.276680737309 10.94285896425505 74.68724822998047 
> row 108, col 3: 193.2776485378827 10.9390417798519 74.67782974239526 
< row 109, col 2: -0.1447570541313464 0.5939820566738144 -0.790539276880975 0.03575420726662715 
> row 109, col 2: -0.1446999686681692 0.5939389734606995 -0.7905807672457104 0.03578344602970265 
< row 109, col 3: 193.4485651183532 10.74262402475418 75.10995483398438 
> row 109, col 3: 193.4495329189269 10.73880684035103 75.10053634639917 
< row 110, col 2: -0.1443217498685273 0.5979144380627701 -0.7875416261634689 0.03804923561344131 
> row 110, col 2: -0.1442649709551352 0.5978713486330176 -0.7875833061213116 0.03807879071722575 
< row 110, col 3: 193.6774674445603 10.47569420544462 75.67251586914062 
> row 110, col 3: 193.678435245134 10.47187702104147 75.66309738155542 
< row 111, col 2: -0.1442165620883568 0.5988938701456534 -0.786788346978023 0.03862398970803573 
> row 111, col 2: -0.1441598601576225 0.5988507793166342 -0.7868300744029715 0.03865362347298679 
< row 111, col 3: 193.7346635214211 10.40893228286334 75.81291961669922 
> row 111, col 3: 193.7356313219948 10.4051150984602 75.80350112911401 
< row 112, col 2: -0.1437113988632799 0.6037736116559151 -0.7829955217484001 0.04150268216250685 
> row 112, col 2: -0.1436550840602356 0.6037305149971592 -0.7830374870807865 0.04153270708346214 
< row 112, col 3: 194.0203708937453 10.0748356626527 76.51416778564453 
> row 112, col 3: 194.021338694319 10.07101847824955 76.50474929805932 
< row 113, col 2: -0.143242130918992 0.6086205668532716 -0.7791614760536606 0.04438571579764769 
> row 113, col 2: -0.143186206556369 0.6085774664389993 -0.7792036801153261 0.04441612794497529 
< row 113, col 3: 194.3053590487122 9.740691327954499 77.21366119384766 
> row 113, col 3: 194.3063268492859 9.736874143551352 77.20424270626245 
< row 114, col 2: -0.1428067878564916 0.6134355394899222 -0.7752859184208513 0.0472737234746342 
> row 114, col 2: -0.1427512572957722 0.6133924373534048 -0.775328361941593 0.04730451908006738 
< row 114, col 3: 194.5895994905599 9.40624068655938 77.91152191162109 
> row 114, col 3: 194.5905672911337 9.402423502156234 77.90210342403589 
< row 115, col 2: -0.1424060627652883 0.6182180660712464 -0.7713691194353898 0.05016590129049978 
> row 115, col 2: -0.1423509293096482 0.6181749642920629 -0.77141180316439 0.05019707651534108 
< row 115, col 3: 194.8731185063361 9.071584481426553 78.60776519775391 
> row 115, col 3: 194.8740863069098 9.067767297023407 78.5983467101687 
< row 116, col 2: -0.142041655026508 0.6229659337557391 -0.7674124104853687 0.05306416729023991 
> row 116, col 2: -0.1419869219997974 0.6229228342195867 -0.7674553351863841 0.05309571804362932 
< row 116, col 3: 195.1562443809604 8.736744390179704 79.30218505859375 
> row 116, col 3: 195.1572121815341 8.732927205776557 79.29276657100854 
< row 117, col 2: -0.1417129163796618 0.6276804128238332 -0.7634150981457624 0.05596549483002246 
> row 117, col 2: -0.1416585869879329 0.6276373176608424 -0.7634582645854744 0.05599741714828817 
< row 117, col 3: 195.4387258404296 8.401832592311516 79.99500274658203 
> row 117, col 3: 195.4396936410033 8.398015407908369 79.98558425899682 
< row 118, col 2: -0.1414188347293749 0.6323606900209827 -0.7593777858386237 0.05887316260234356 
> row 118, col 2: -0.1413649123132437 0.6323176010938852 -0.7594211946899792 0.05890545251423581 
< row 118, col 3: 195.7208164452982 8.066508108724245 80.68613433837891 
> row 118, col 3: 195.7217842458719 8.062690924321098 80.6767158507937 
< row 119, col 2: -0.141162411301843 0.6370049398837914 -0.7553015480541254 0.06178552990901974 
> row 119, col 2: -0.1411088990516521 0.6369618591320338 -0.7553452000946499 0.06181818315159208 
< row 119, col 3: 196.0026377859795 7.731153847904946 81.37545776367188 
> row 119, col 3: 196.0036055865532 7.7273366635018 81.36603927608667 
< row 120, col 2: -0.1409395433537835 0.6416151668724088 -0.7511855189067229 0.06470192379949329 
> row 120, col 2: -0.140886444473148 0.6415720963031852 -0.7512294147276171 0.06473493647055632 
< row 120, col 3: 196.2838809234214 7.395402140460116 82.06320190429688 
> row 120, col 3: 196.2848487239951 7.39158495605697 82.05378341671167 
< row 121, col 2: -0.1407520225547432 0.6461897986056661 -0.7470308537336854 0.06762038076378352 
> row 121, col 2: -0.1406993400728923 0.6461467403139497 -0.7470749939573265 0.06765374875011432 
< row 121, col 3: 196.5645506145096 7.059557669139098 82.74924468994141 
> row 121, col 3: 196.5655184150833 7.055740484735952 82.7398262023562 
< row 122, col 2: -0.1407181365646252 0.6470998155452576 -0.7461959169753128 0.06820475241832692 
> row 122, col 2: -0.1406655377082731 0.6470567598931993 -0.7462401060796726 0.0682381909583042 
< row 122, col 3: 196.6206024319264 6.992304548822315 82.88613891601562 
> row 122, col 3: 196.6215702325001 6.988487364419169 82.87672042843042 
< row 123, col 2: -0.1406005379593689 0.6507266286082293 -0.7428392491250453 0.07054213992389695 
> row 123, col 2: -0.1405482748649938 0.6506835845174138 -0.7428836343138474 0.07057585891133267 
< row 123, col 3: 196.8448415195751 6.723604985407489 83.43333435058594 
> row 123, col 3: 196.8458093201488 6.719787801004343 83.42391586300073 
< row 124, col 2: -0.1404858777965795 0.6552289419140035 -0.7386076253525371 0.07346786773186233 
> row 124, col 2: -0.1404340373091837 0.6551859140670327 -0.7386522563004294 0.0735019336135992 
< row 124, col 3: 197.1249542870751 6.387454550719465 84.11605072021484 
> row 124, col 3: 197.1259220876488 6.383637366316319 84.10663223262964 
< row 125, col 2: -0.1404058696726481 0.6596937556083667 -0.7343392577076381 0.07639499435297409 
> row 125, col 2: -0.1403544546656044 0.6596507460433367 -0.7343841348844249 0.07642940290742774 
< row 125, col 3: 197.4045196667907 6.051162436568834 84.79692840576172 
> row 125, col 3: 197.4054874673645 6.047345252165688 84.78750991817651 
< row 126, col 2: -0.1403630928708079 0.6641206099448476 -0.7300338385846545 0.07932598645828082 
> row 126, col 2: -0.1403121063711379 0.6640776205587919 -0.7300789626315991 0.07936073329825388 
< row 126, col 3: 197.6840036260985 5.714730439760708 85.47603607177734 
> row 126, col 3: 197.6849714266722 5.710913255357562 85.46661758419214 
< row 127, col 2: -0.1403549899793078 0.6685110767655268 -0.7256908879272504 0.08225662410446513 
> row 127, col 2: -0.1403044348169073 0.6684681097607735 -0.7257362593634183 0.08229170508989896 
< row 127, col 3: 197.9629044242879 5.378213384397054 86.15358734130859 
> row 127, col 3: 197.9638722248616 5.374396199993908 86.14416885372339 
< row 128, col 2: -0.1403623860824769 0.6702564948119509 -0.7239434336330797 0.08342983060738923 
> row 128, col 2: -0.1403120042895013 0.6702135372960766 -0.7239889042112384 0.08346504400103538 
< row 128, col 3: 198.0744728951057 5.24358263551643 86.42412567138672 
> row 128, col 3: 198.0754406956794 5.239765451113284 86.41470718380151 
< row 129, col 2: -0.1403831673450046 0.6728638487275571 -0.7213110831209062 0.08518878311531851 
> row 129, col 2: -0.1403330464085696 0.6728209061492362 -0.7213567025206516 0.08522419392624472 
< row 129, col 3: 198.2415524862351 5.04159713638428 86.82949066162109 
> row 129, col 3: 198.2425202868088 5.037779951981134 86.82007217403589 
< row 130, col 2: -0.1404475279106288 0.6771777500650452 -0.7168953003939682 0.08812442904029774 
> row 130, col 2: -0.1403978441376441 0.6771348337740883 -0.7169411682750609 0.08816016527416742 
< row 130, col 3: 198.520147005027 4.704715939720799 87.50361633300781 
> row 130, col 3: 198.5211148056007 4.700898755317653 87.4941978454226 
< row 131, col 2: -0.1405460009069268 0.6814543809234875 -0.712443004320813 0.09105884879346193 
> row 131, col 2: -0.1404967570155999 0.6814114931265043 -0.7124891211114172 0.09109490627167113 
< row 131, col 3: 198.7981835403596 4.367710992359501 88.17620086669922 
> row 131, col 3: 198.7991513409333 4.363893807956355 88.16678237911401 
< row 132, col 2: -0.1406215390103999 0.6840012203536496 -0.709755228306961 0.09281933641218473 
> row 132, col 2: -0.1405725603035907 0.6839583506238449 -0.7098014945914662 0.09285558453273511 
< row 132, col 3: 198.9647928927333 4.165442778917828 88.57884216308594 
> row 132, col 3: 198.965760693307 4.161625594514682 88.56942367550073 
< row 133, col 2: -0.1406795897550478 0.6856915696205781 -0.7079559754686928 0.09399287832485551 
> row 133, col 2: -0.1406307883958151 0.6856487123783334 -0.7080023415584169 0.09402925265331148 
< row 133, col 3: 199.0758517300009 4.030624715025348 88.84699249267578 
> row 133, col 3: 199.0768195305747 4.026807530622202 88.83757400509057 
< row 134, col 2: -0.1408500463955221 0.6898896353769104 -0.7034333642130639 0.09692810501492297 
> row 134, col 2: -0.1408016903596271 0.6898468106941144 -0.7034799801405638 0.0969647917351457 
< row 134, col 3: 199.3534805713049 3.693428576615121 89.51615142822266 
> row 134, col 3: 199.3544483718786 3.689611392211975 89.50673294063745 
< row 135, col 2: -0.1409707247551611 0.6923900780078317 -0.7007022911774851 0.09868907627967931 
> row 135, col 2: -0.1409226372418752 0.6923472739014034 -0.7007490573313626 0.0987259482871333 
< row 135, col 3: 199.5200600903372 3.491148848031418 89.91696929931641 
> row 135, col 3: 199.5210278909109 3.487331663628272 89.9075508117312 
< row 136, col 2: -0.1410573958459953 0.6940490466291959 -0.6988749142932215 0.09986283654039237 
> row 136, col 2: -0.1410094878510669 0.6940062566426798 -0.6989217806132478 0.09989983122696824 
< row 136, col 3: 199.630985613629 3.35621665555291 90.18380737304688 
> row 136, col 3: 199.6319534142027 3.352399471149764 90.17438888546167 
< row 137, col 2: -0.1412998213741559 0.6981689163631309 -0.6942818026390212 0.102797389209427 
> row 137, col 2: -0.1412523640773373 0.6981261631148901 -0.6943289197344628 0.102834687462958 
< row 137, col 3: 199.9082863693727 3.018816070528096 90.84981536865234 
> row 137, col 3: 199.9092541699464 3.01499888612495 90.84039688106714 
< row 138, col 2: -0.1415779846690055 0.7022480183240715 -0.6896554625599888 0.1057295511110565 
> row 138, col 2: -0.1415309805184728 0.702205303939877 -0.6897028307824083 0.1057671484029271 
< row 138, col 3: 200.1853033922819 2.681465855957387 91.51405334472656 
> row 138, col 3: 200.1862711928556 2.677648671554241 91.50463485714135 
< row 139, col 2: -0.1418911191772259 0.7062869452431957 -0.6849953558800455 0.1086601293043555 
> row 139, col 2: -0.1418445706975903 0.7062442718158766 -0.6850429755632732 0.1086980211909016 
< row 139, col 3: 200.4620907527862 2.343996956629396 92.17664337158203 
> row 139, col 3: 200.4630585533599 2.34017977222625 92.16722488399682 
< row 140, col 2: -0.1422408137767982 0.7102851469695237 -0.6803016957091133 0.1115892633988668 
> row 140, col 2: -0.1421947234883811 0.7102425165805551 -0.6803495672702647 0.1116274453132907 
< row 140, col 3: 200.7388422510247 2.006503849500007 92.83760070800781 
> row 140, col 3: 200.7398100515984 2.00268666509686 92.8281822204226 
< row 141, col 2: -0.1425462540143638 0.7134546582178286 -0.6765223817531063 0.1139319231859898 
> row 141, col 2: -0.1425005321284012 0.7134120637387871 -0.6765704550888167 0.1139703338885318 
< row 141, col 3: 200.9602286826386 1.736381750675442 93.36524963378906 
> row 141, col 3: 200.9611964832123 1.732564566272295 93.35583114620385 
< row 142, col 2: -0.1426266024233493 0.714242445439533 -0.6755746651182006 0.1145174801685701 
> row 142, col 2: -0.1425809728623471 0.7141998601210802 -0.6756227889355914 0.1145559475549264 
< row 142, col 3: 201.015609712635 1.668880908107563 93.49693298339844 
> row 142, col 3: 201.0165775132087 1.665063723704417 93.48751449581323 
< row 143, col 2: -0.1430480776220389 0.7181585577005591 -0.6708151083233502 0.1174420024319405 
> row 143, col 2: -0.1430029111216103 0.7181160196325831 -0.6708634847151329 0.1174807507307643 
< row 143, col 3: 201.2921859620139 1.331310751833086 94.15463256835938 
> row 143, col 3: 201.2931537625877 1.32749356742994 94.14521408077417 
< row 144, col 2: -0.1435045217857065 0.7220340966417192 -0.6660226844601722 0.1203619512067592 
> row 144, col 2: -0.1434598206530981 0.7219916080792832 -0.6660713137210672 0.1204009759412084 
< row 144, col 3: 201.5684915686313 0.9937688173472579 94.81082916259766 
> row 144, col 3: 201.569459369205 0.9899516329441118 94.80141067501245 
< row 145, col 2: -0.1439967753872971 0.7258669772293743 -0.6611990056975504 0.1232799047311524 
> row 145, col 2: -0.1439525419646109 0.7258245401675075 -0.6612478880873782 0.1233192012245065 
< row 145, col 3: 201.8448490843639 0.6561327097019958 95.46525573730469 
> row 145, col 3: 201.8458168849376 0.6523155252988497 95.45583724971948 
< row 146, col 2: -0.1445249091150796 0.7296577609158502 -0.6563434462444032 0.1261958127378491 
> row 146, col 2: -0.1444811457822225 0.7296153773863397 -0.6563925820570776 0.1262353763527874 
< row 146, col 3: 202.1213103088606 0.3183625153097069 96.11805725097656 
> row 146, col 3: 202.1222781094343 0.3145453309065608 96.10863876339135 
< row 147, col 2: -0.1450885901363266 0.7334062144299863 -0.6514568572386452 0.1291068890666861 
> row 147, col 2: -0.1450452990689119 0.7333638866131321 -0.6515062467156972 0.1291467151618915 
< row 147, col 3: 202.3976778784831 -0.01934738890659655 96.76923370361328 
> row 147, col 3: 202.3986456790568 -0.02316457330974264 96.75981521602807 
< row 148, col 2: -0.1456873146101605 0.7371120544155028 -0.6465395707749549 0.1320136698193562 
> row 148, col 2: -0.1456444979903637 0.7370697844335994 -0.6465892141110021 0.1320537537580705 
< row 148, col 3: 202.6739995857024 -0.3570986606175729 97.41876983642578 
> row 148, col 3: 202.6749673862761 -0.360915845020719 97.40935134884057 
< row 149, col 2: -0.146322670788062 0.7407747687313848 -0.6415917633927029 0.1349163710268477 
> row 149, col 2: -0.1462803308001077 0.7407325586919342 -0.641641660868059 0.1349567080520944 
< row 149, col 3: 202.9504811811229 -0.6948112252581087 98.06668090820312 
> row 149, col 3: 202.9514489816966 -0.6986284096612547 98.05726242061792 
< row 150, col 2: -0.1469915385590407 0.7443946902757894 -0.6366144785042188 0.1378116048816614 
> row 150, col 2: -0.1469496771344368 0.7443525424500274 -0.6366646301776341 0.1378521904171157 
< row 150, col 3: 203.2266380213142 -1.032443916780386 98.71296691894531 
> row 150, col 3: 203.2276058218879 -1.036261101183533 98.7035484313601 
< row 151, col 2: -0.147696903720847 0.7479709039296223 -0.6316073193921371 0.1407030404655756 
> row 151, col 2: -0.1476555230167872 0.747928820370632 -0.6316577255056817 0.1407438697166137 
< row 151, col 3: 203.5030652801612 -1.370111041780492 99.35762023925781 
> row 151, col 3: 203.5040330807349 -1.373928226183638 99.3482017516726 
< row 152, col 2: -0.1484383745638892 0.7515031689527614 -0.6265708877895384 0.1435895490118194 
> row 152, col 2: -0.1483974766376903 0.7514611517587715 -0.626621548538398 0.1436306171838721 
< row 152, col 3: 203.7796924297328 -1.707762992489737 100.0006332397461 
> row 152, col 3: 203.7806602303066 -1.711580176892883 99.99121475216089 
< row 153, col 2: -0.1485912365243838 0.7522047417021555 -0.6255597470558634 0.1441654391744175 
> row 153, col 2: -0.1485504353791804 0.7521627381097453 -0.6256104587873619 0.1442065545726384 
< row 153, col 3: 203.8350042287991 -1.775219095957907 100.1291198730469 
> row 153, col 3: 203.8359720293728 -1.779036280361053 100.1197013854617 
< row 154, col 2: -0.149214393433278 0.7549916099588625 -0.6215057761275811 0.1464694641354197 
> row 154, col 2: -0.1491739802126404 0.7549496613043476 -0.6215566915942996 0.1465107665207601 
< row 154, col 3: 204.0563043347604 -2.045390587567776 100.6420211791992 
> row 154, col 3: 204.0572721353341 -2.049207771970922 100.632602691614 
< row 155, col 2: -0.1500265145294734 0.7584355267877354 -0.6164123904990859 0.1493430998859685 
> row 155, col 2: -0.1499865879343434 0.7583936488132704 -0.6164635608402496 0.14938463164388 
< row 155, col 3: 204.3331154200101 -2.382920529096936 101.2817611694336 
> row 155, col 3: 204.3340832205838 -2.386737713500083 101.2723426818484 
< row 156, col 2: -0.1507017856230377 0.7611588915160363 -0.6123171490481447 0.15163714141878 
> row 156, col 2: -0.1506622497031013 0.7611170716577326 -0.6123685233852798 0.1516788532327068 
< row 156, col 3: 204.5546771611919 -2.652902529758656 101.7924346923828 
> row 156, col 3: 204.5556449617656 -2.656719714161802 101.7830162047976 
< row 157, col 2: -0.1508741470898745 0.7618356735372301 -0.6112901720206689 0.1522094736109382 
> row 157, col 2: -0.1508347090232678 0.7617938684779512 -0.6113415973850953 0.1522512299878861 
< row 157, col 3: 204.6100470604273 -2.720362567240695 101.9200134277344 
> row 157, col 3: 204.6110148610011 -2.724179751643841 101.9105949401492 
< row 158, col 2: -0.1517565586213709 0.7651903139609971 -0.6061416479918592 0.1550678332388189 
> row 158, col 2: -0.15171761078034 0.7651485839677836 -0.6061933283814517 0.1551098093828067 
< row 158, col 3: 204.8870347889974 -3.057657687037617 102.5564880371094 
> row 158, col 3: 204.8880025895711 -3.061474871440764 102.5470695495242 
< row 159, col 2: -0.152672792551193 0.7685001376472109 -0.6009656250595695 0.1579204684250882 
> row 159, col 2: -0.152634336832269 0.7684584847673598 -0.6010175604592305 0.1579626595897584 
< row 159, col 3: 205.1642084000626 -3.395134453751862 103.1913223266602 
> row 159, col 3: 205.1651762006363 -3.398951638155008 103.1819038390749 
< row 160, col 2: -0.1530493699356351 0.7698114993348202 -0.5988875959840407 0.1590590872306198 
> row 160, col 2: -0.1530111115474601 0.769769877931385 -0.5989396334204459 0.1591013630406027 
< row 160, col 3: 205.2751349157978 -3.530065274391624 103.44482421875 
> row 160, col 3: 205.2761027163716 -3.53388245879477 103.4354057311648 
< row 161, col 2: -0.1536243304647913 0.771764623397323 -0.5957630503215287 0.1607647941348504 
> row 161, col 2: -0.1535863685657684 0.7717230498184857 -0.5958152407769828 0.1608071954539638 
< row 161, col 3: 205.441562565136 -3.732466390033241 103.8245162963867 
> row 161, col 3: 205.4425303657097 -3.736283574436388 103.8150978088015 
< row 162, col 2: -0.1546120026949162 0.7749833313431149 -0.5905344391462529 0.1636002473873917 
> row 162, col 2: -0.1545745362506251 0.77494183927037 -0.5905868847349142 0.1636428539172557 
< row 162, col 3: 205.7191855667722 -4.069559377627417 104.4560623168945 
> row 162, col 3: 205.7201533673459 -4.073376562030563 104.4466438293093 
< row 163, col 2: -0.155633223885587 0.7781565140892307 -0.5852799689899628 0.1664274529715093 
> row 163, col 2: -0.1555962545496729 0.7781151056589728 -0.5853326696251745 0.1664702599206044 
< row 163, col 3: 205.9969365918486 -4.406675656832733 105.0859603881836 
> row 163, col 3: 205.9979043924223 -4.410492841235879 105.0765419005984 
< row 164, col 2: -0.1566893601395847 0.7812822581588973 -0.5800021022436447 0.1692454989006638 
> row 164, col 2: -0.1566528893569535 0.7812409354505457 -0.5800550578285707 0.1692885012569521 
< row 164, col 3: 206.274937555535 -4.743588789358168 105.7139434814453 
> row 164, col 3: 206.2759053561087 -4.747405973761314 105.7045249938601 
< row 165, col 2: -0.1577764860857025 0.7843487394927645 -0.5747217677715678 0.1720422184932631 
> row 165, col 2: -0.1577405132688333 0.7843075043168831 -0.574774977240725 0.1720854104960583 
< row 165, col 3: 206.5521033586874 -5.078874007582263 106.3376388549805 
> row 165, col 3: 206.5530711592611 -5.082691191985409 106.3282203673953 
< row 166, col 2: -0.1584378235701107 0.7861488827884648 -0.5715730414800948 0.1736998802705662 
> row 166, col 2: -0.1584021473406245 0.7861077005926101 -0.5716264017072812 0.1737431826848257 
< row 166, col 3: 206.7168717138555 -5.278121202544924 106.7073974609375 
> row 166, col 3: 206.7178395144292 -5.281938386948069 106.6979789733523 
< row 167, col 2: -0.158879965436094 0.7873280151394951 -0.5694911123765782 0.1747902345201705 
> row 167, col 2: -0.1588444850783023 0.7872868684016727 -0.5695445720082118 0.1748336089043406 
< row 167, col 3: 206.8254563354349 -5.409480309758835 106.9510726928711 
> row 167, col 3: 206.8264241360086 -5.413297494161981 106.9416542052859 
< row 168, col 2: -0.1599855069375658 0.7901859325278199 -0.5643755917721832 0.1774570962708114 
> row 168, col 2: -0.1599505074522931 0.7901448738883029 -0.5644292948560479 0.1775006437334158 
< row 168, col 3: 207.0918393701381 -5.731360464298875 107.5468444824219 
> row 168, col 3: 207.0928071707118 -5.735177648702021 107.5374259948367 
< row 169, col 2: -0.1610840145171625 0.7929045581731098 -0.5594161274249142 0.1800219383082302 
> row 169, col 2: -0.1610494804658975 0.792863586553078 -0.5594700655468361 0.1800656485202136 
< row 169, col 3: 207.3493488264991 -6.041826114582568 108.1206512451172 
> row 169, col 3: 207.3503166270728 -6.045643298985714 108.111232757532 
< row 170, col 2: -0.1621678591459767 0.7954835928524124 -0.5546239951056202 0.1824819525753409 
> row 170, col 2: -0.1621337741550191 0.7954427067324181 -0.5546781592842824 0.1825258155186287 
< row 170, col 3: 207.5973617728111 -6.340589555650616 108.6716003417969 
> row 170, col 3: 207.5983295733848 -6.344406740053762 108.6621818542117 
< row 171, col 2: -0.1632354875470339 0.7979295423754407 -0.5499968209015231 0.1848407909743406 
> row 171, col 2: -0.1632018355611505 0.7978887400953127 -0.550051202410016 0.1848847971822858 
< row 171, col 3: 207.8361932958227 -6.627957709739904 109.2003707885742 
> row 171, col 3: 207.8371610963964 -6.631774894143049 109.190952300989 
< row 172, col 2: -0.1640774493732886 0.7997943005479364 -0.5464124145288874 0.1866578170527678 
> row 172, col 2: -0.1640441324561843 0.7997535640206342 -0.5464669638025133 0.1867019313570475 
< row 172, col 3: 208.0209285766365 -6.849847473591129 109.6078109741211 
> row 172, col 3: 208.0218963772102 -6.853664657994274 109.5983924865359 
< row 173, col 2: -0.1642859630867431 0.80024766825684 -0.5455334722170345 0.1871016367458549 
> row 173, col 2: -0.1642527282651617 0.8002069479871525 -0.5455880625579609 0.1871457771762585 
< row 173, col 3: 208.0661734529294 -6.904125080016501 109.7074508666992 
> row 173, col 3: 208.0671412535031 -6.907942264419646 109.698032379114 
< row 174, col 2: -0.1653155913093087 0.8024420945063016 -0.5412361499004247 0.1892640226650556 
> row 174, col 2: -0.1652827576077087 0.8024014543126242 -0.5412909405310014 0.1893082887450011 
< row 174, col 3: 208.2871150433047 -7.169049643668367 110.1930084228516 
> row 174, col 3: 208.2880828438784 -7.172866828071513 110.1835899352664 
< row 175, col 2: -0.1663209500439027 0.8045154489133904 -0.5371095020014922 0.1913259441264789 
> row 175, col 2: -0.1662885009714323 0.8044748867373052 -0.5371644842648564 0.191370327618492 
< row 175, col 3: 208.4987542053727 -7.422454663717299 110.6569290161133 
> row 175, col 3: 208.4997220059464 -7.426271848120445 110.6475105285281 
< row 176, col 2: -0.1673001423011584 0.8064715415427854 -0.5331536836322361 0.1932911397270784 
> row 176, col 2: -0.167268061529122 0.8064310550444062 -0.5332088489610066 0.1933356327590391 
< row 176, col 3: 208.7013389350715 -7.66462013237346 111.0994338989258 
> row 176, col 3: 208.7023067356452 -7.668437316776606 111.0900154113406 
< row 177, col 2: -0.1682498184593894 0.808314691129436 -0.5293693397404894 0.1951600902731533 
> row 177, col 2: -0.1682180896130542 0.8082742778811335 -0.5294246795620067 0.1952046854471696 
< row 177, col 3: 208.8947337505256 -7.895626931973314 111.5207977294922 
> row 177, col 3: 208.8957015510993 -7.899444116376459 111.511379241907 
< row 178, col 2: -0.169168047699643 0.8100460709178499 -0.5257614841485116 0.1969324666325984 
> row 178, col 2: -0.1691366540287555 0.8100057282404872 -0.5258169898143462 0.1969771567039142 
< row 178, col 3: 209.0789095622521 -8.115245351537736 111.9207229614258 
> row 178, col 3: 209.0798773628258 -8.119062535940882 111.9113044738406 
< row 179, col 2: -0.1700537558047987 0.8116699617398535 -0.522329655588969 0.1986084697041285 
> row 179, col 2: -0.1700226805760949 0.8116296869579031 -0.5223853186011248 0.1986532477869392 
< row 179, col 3: 209.2539026279132 -8.323428973445706 112.2995986938477 
> row 179, col 3: 209.254870428487 -8.327246157848853 112.2901802062624 
< row 180, col 2: -0.1709029585739958 0.8131896139592872 -0.5190748438846752 0.2001902518743126 
> row 180, col 2: -0.1708721850781204 0.8131494041704842 -0.5191306556495046 0.2002351115133804 
< row 180, col 3: 209.4196058941473 -8.520450759798457 112.6575241088867 
> row 180, col 3: 209.420573694721 -8.524267944201604 112.6481056213015 
< row 181, col 2: -0.1717134336680696 0.8146066725884573 -0.5160006388463404 0.2016774810990363 
> row 181, col 2: -0.1716829449168879 0.8145665247121365 -0.5160565906987415 0.2017224160491903 
< row 181, col 3: 209.5759213687649 -8.706163830210851 112.9943389892578 
> row 181, col 3: 209.5768891693386 -8.709981014613998 112.9849205016726 
< row 182, col 2: -0.1724835825078486 0.8159238376085123 -0.5131081958167851 0.2030706388749986 
> row 182, col 2: -0.1724533614412462 0.8158837484600381 -0.5131642791241494 0.2031156431570176 
< row 182, col 3: 209.7228395734808 -8.880542589967281 113.3101501464844 
> row 182, col 3: 209.7238073740545 -8.884359774370427 113.3007316588992 
< row 183, col 2: -0.1732141825879413 0.8171448060867827 -0.5103955497801455 0.2043712200883696 
> row 183, col 2: -0.1731842123394872 0.8171047724845288 -0.5104517561672226 0.2044162879530716 
< row 183, col 3: 209.8606181995054 -9.043614597637843 113.6054000854492 
> row 183, col 3: 209.8615860000791 -9.04743178204099 113.595981597864 
< row 184, col 2: -0.1733547981489973 0.8173777165405961 -0.5098750444112058 0.2046196998049608 
> row 184, col 2: -0.1733248759795883 0.8173376936746434 -0.5099312743665205 0.2046647797516078 
< row 184, col 3: 209.8869772415007 -9.074848185256258 113.6619720458984 
> row 184, col 3: 209.8879450420744 -9.078665369659404 113.6525535583132 
< row 185, col 2: -0.1739006546760274 0.8182708303862075 -0.5078668274068323 0.2055789290322193 
> row 185, col 2: -0.1738709180671941 0.8182308489252179 -0.5079231482414587 0.2056240550333237 
< row 185, col 3: 209.9889112295188 -9.195388367970997 113.8798141479492 
> row 185, col 3: 209.9898790300925 -9.199205552374144 113.870395660364 
< row 186, col 2: -0.1745431184803347 0.8193043491384042 -0.5055220498984064 0.2066943161786717 
> row 186, col 2: -0.1745135983452423 0.8192644163747684 -0.5055784766879922 0.2067394950342957 
< row 186, col 3: 210.1078482480085 -9.33579476256158 114.1335830688477 
> row 186, col 3: 210.1088160485822 -9.339611946964727 114.1241645812624 
< row 187, col 2: -0.1751397479150693 0.8202480802885042 -0.5033606392166727 0.2077190948628755 
> row 187, col 2: -0.1751104272017511 0.8202081926775732 -0.5034171634935884 0.2077643215807294 
< row 187, col 3: 210.2174350819787 -9.465022024132489 114.3669128417969 
> row 187, col 3: 210.2184028825524 -9.468839208535636 114.3574943542117 
< row 188, col 2: -0.1756884374306729 0.8211035874762949 -0.5013846847318044 0.2086525089787233 
> row 188, col 2: -0.1756592988917345 0.8210637414041013 -0.5014412979583359 0.2086977787738288 
< row 188, col 3: 210.317495030774 -9.582969507153468 114.5797576904297 
> row 188, col 3: 210.3184628313477 -9.586786691556615 114.5703392028445 
< row 189, col 2: -0.1761877964562095 0.8218719343977037 -0.4995956432548577 0.2094960072890338 
> row 189, col 2: -0.1761588228117609 0.8218321260640157 -0.4996523368603971 0.2095413155150132 
< row 189, col 3: 210.4080645266851 -9.689716769516638 114.7720336914062 
> row 189, col 3: 210.4090323272588 -9.693533953919784 114.762615203821 
< row 190, col 2: -0.176374386807416 0.8221550852765201 -0.4989325859567769 0.2098079266918902 
> row 190, col 2: -0.1763454742495024 0.8221152909876817 -0.4989893093698688 0.2098532489685161 
< row 190, col 3: 210.4416932531426 -9.72918500978065 114.8432006835938 
> row 190, col 3: 210.4426610537163 -9.733002194183797 114.8337821960085 
< row 191, col 2: -0.1766386848352997 0.822554995554299 -0.4979937522141809 0.2102481321295483 
> row 191, col 2: -0.1766098587010646 0.8225152212537206 -0.4980505177778251 0.210293474224818 
< row 191, col 3: 210.4891807413316 -9.784992193454729 114.9439239501953 
> row 191, col 3: 210.4901485419053 -9.788809377857875 114.9345054626101 
< row 192, col 2: -0.1770385630513487 0.8231543523869675 -0.4965785908212713 0.2109122150968653 
> row 192, col 2: -0.1770098672376683 0.8231146081874662 -0.4966354198472888 0.2109575867462693 
< row 192, col 3: 210.5608663061778 -9.869198640852771 115.0954742431641 
> row 192, col 3: 210.5618341067515 -9.873015825255917 115.0860557555789 
< row 193, col 2: -0.1773886176935887 0.823672027866314 -0.495348949274399 0.2114877946267843 
> row 193, col 2: -0.1773600350591173 0.8236323099387807 -0.4954058334534675 0.2115331916019576 
< row 193, col 3: 210.6232335865508 -9.942200898755022 115.2269744873047 
> row 193, col 3: 210.6242013871245 -9.946018083158169 115.2175559997195 
< row 194, col 2: -0.1776874401907109 0.8241080454280877 -0.4943073683958939 0.2119748301301254 
> row 194, col 2: -0.1776589534138714 0.8240683498045231 -0.494364299320984 0.2120202482628541 
< row 194, col 3: 210.6761999150462 -10.00394031664284 115.3382034301758 
> row 194, col 3: 210.6771677156199 -10.00775750104598 115.3287849425906 
< row 195, col 2: -0.1777418778444033 0.8241852261995741 -0.4941219875384711 0.2120613100160733 
> row 195, col 2: -0.1777134081202397 0.8241455345674539 -0.4941789268478666 0.2121067318191844 
< row 195, col 3: 210.6857323046729 -10.01484080434972 115.3579864501953 
> row 195, col 3: 210.6867001052466 -10.01865798875287 115.3485679626101 
< row 196, col 2: -0.1777929078566801 0.8242596987361891 -0.4939435118581281 0.2121448515718733 
> row 196, col 2: -0.1777644545638375 0.8242200109186849 -0.4940004591533177 0.2121902769926725 
< row 196, col 3: 210.6947902831674 -10.02544986506934 115.3770217895508 
> row 196, col 3: 210.6957580837411 -10.02926704947249 115.3676033019656 
< row 197, col 2: -0.1778429852781153 0.8243310225241877 -0.4937724455545831 0.2122239616599445 
> row 197, col 2: -0.1778145476842844 0.8242913384374487 -0.4938294005768935 0.2122693904831279 
< row 197, col 3: 210.7035196672503 -10.03546135979004 115.3953018188477 
> row 197, col 3: 210.704487467824 -10.03927854419319 115.3858833312624 
< row 198, col 2: -0.1778898834457512 0.8243989743398765 -0.4936093678062255 0.2123000529650314 
> row 198, col 2: -0.1778614608534838 0.8243592937572861 -0.4936663301378426 0.2123454850728964 
< row 198, col 3: 210.7118035727833 -10.04512078550233 115.4126968383789 
> row 198, col 3: 210.712771373357 -10.04893796990548 115.4032783507937 
< row 199, col 2: -0.1779346105393841 0.8244633902142876 -0.4934544621041343 0.2123725179915719 
> row 199, col 2: -0.1779062022075134 0.824423712948249 -0.4935114313855912 0.2124179532009675 
< row 199, col 3: 210.7197021551021 -10.05430359897881 115.4292068481445 
> row 199, col 3: 210.7206699556758 -10.05812078338195 115.4197883605593 
< row 200, col 2: -0.1779758363829742 0.82452528963219 -0.493306769726675 0.2124407667152602 
> row 200, col 2: -0.1779474416003952 0.8244856155786643 -0.4933637455552365 0.2124862049899864 
< row 200, col 3: 210.7270313464286 -10.06307415762064 115.4449920654297 
> row 200, col 3: 210.7279991470023 -10.06689134202378 115.4355735778445 
< row 201, col 2: -0.1780157057324947 0.8245827320323339 -0.4931681278218021 0.212506292253648 
> row 201, col 2: -0.1779873237494255 0.8245430608993339 -0.4932251098522075 0.2125517332980114 
< row 201, col 3: 210.7341294027277 -10.0713661254107 115.4597320556641 
> row 201, col 3: 210.7350972033015 -10.07518330981385 115.4503135680789 
< row 202, col 2: -0.1780523298141457 0.8246382561127524 -0.4930357181865349 0.2125673893036298 
> row 202, col 2: -0.178023959973458 0.8245985878640856 -0.4930927060640706 0.212612833115832 
< row 202, col 3: 210.7406586377494 -10.07924504134867 115.4738845825195 
> row 202, col 3: 210.7416264383231 -10.08306222575182 115.4644660949343 
< row 203, col 2: -0.1780878476828549 0.8246898866879835 -0.4929114325727375 0.212625560413938 
> row 203, col 2: -0.1780594892856225 0.8246502210959509 -0.4929684259980057 0.212671006730231 
< row 203, col 3: 210.746958009364 -10.0866439325022 115.4871215820312 
> row 203, col 3: 210.7479258099377 -10.09046111690534 115.477703094446 
< row 204, col 2: -0.1781214431868458 0.8247385913263718 -0.4927943461301386 0.2126799000286495 
> row 204, col 2: -0.1780930955455991 0.8246989282702621 -0.492851344791849 0.2127253487014469 
< row 204, col 3: 210.7528729611529 -10.09356549614776 115.4996109008789 
> row 204, col 3: 210.7538407617266 -10.09738268055091 115.4901924132937 
< row 205, col 2: -0.1781531027444355 0.8247843399152851 -0.4926845162950002 0.212730420993801 
> row 205, col 2: -0.1781247651685376 0.8247446792703937 -0.4927415198794091 0.2127758718737724 
< row 205, col 3: 210.7584037747748 -10.10000949333991 115.511344909668 
> row 205, col 3: 210.7593715753485 -10.10382667774306 115.5019264220828 
< row 206, col 2: -0.1781820866100145 0.8248266607035375 -0.4925827893308105 0.2127776291319912 
> row 206, col 2: -0.1781537583789277 0.8247870022608913 -0.4926397974506701 0.2128230820704332 
< row 206, col 3: 210.7635211093167 -10.10603736908155 115.5221939086914 
> row 206, col 3: 210.7644889098904 -10.10985455348469 115.5127754211062 
The # of differences in this HDU exceeds the max. = 256. Comparison stops!

sw00021789991sat.fits[2] <     sw00021789991pat.fits[2] > 

No differences

**** End of file comparison:  256 differences were found
-> Calculating attitude/orbit filtering quantities (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Running prefilter with sw00021789991pat.fits attitude (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Copying orbit file /aps/orbit/sw/SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.25068.18349675 to working directory (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Fetching from /aps/calibration/swift (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Running prefilter (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> stdout output from prefilter (2025-069-05:50:19)
monitor: 2001-01-01T00:00:00 => mjd[utc]=51910.000000000000 str=01/01/01 00:00:00.000000
verbose: leapsec FITS data was successfully read
status: retrieved time offset -35.213480 from UTCFINIT
status: querying CALDB with
	FILTER => -
	STARTDATE => 2025-03-09
	STARTTIME => 15:39:22
	STOPDATE => 2025-03-09
	STOPTIME => 15:46:52
verbose: CALDB query ALIGNMENT results [1/1]
verbose: 	/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/mis/bcf/align/swalign20041115v012.fits
status: selected ALIGNMENT /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/mis/bcf/align/swalign20041115v012.fits
warning: bad line 1 checksum 9 != 7
warning: validation of line 1 elements failed
warning: bad TLE record 1
warning: bad line 1 checksum 2 != 0
warning: validation of line 1 elements failed
warning: bad TLE record 2
warning: bad line 2 checksum 9 != 1
warning: validation of line 2 elements failed
warning: bad TLE record 75
verbose: mission time 763155507.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155508.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155509.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155510.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155511.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155512.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155513.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155514.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155515.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155516.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155517.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155518.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155519.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155520.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155521.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155522.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155523.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155524.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155526.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155527.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155528.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155529.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155530.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155531.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155532.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155533.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155534.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155535.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155536.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155537.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155538.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155539.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155540.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155541.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155542.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155543.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155544.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155545.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155546.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155547.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155548.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155549.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155550.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155551.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155552.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155553.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155554.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155555.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155556.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155557.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155558.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155559.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155560.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155561.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155562.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155563.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155564.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155565.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155566.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155567.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155568.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155569.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155570.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155571.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155572.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155573.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155574.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155575.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155576.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155577.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155578.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155579.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155580.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155581.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155582.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155583.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155584.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155585.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155586.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155587.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155588.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155589.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155590.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155591.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155592.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155593.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155594.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155595.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155596.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155597.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155598.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155599.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155600.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155601.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155602.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155603.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155604.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763155608.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155609.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763155624.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763155629.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763155630.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763156020.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763156024.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156025.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156026.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156027.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156028.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156029.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763156855.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763156856.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763157268.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763157272.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763157273.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763157274.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763157690.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158099.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158103.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158104.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158105.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158106.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158107.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158158.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158159.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158521.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158526.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158527.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158529.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158934.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158937.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158938.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763158941.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763158942.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763159353.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763159357.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763159358.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763159773.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763159774.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763159776.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161425.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161429.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161431.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763161432.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161434.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161832.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763161836.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763161837.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763162664.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163063.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163067.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763163068.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163070.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763163071.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763163072.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163477.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163481.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763163482.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763163484.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763163485.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763164302.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763164306.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164307.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164308.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763164717.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763164721.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164722.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164723.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164724.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164725.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164726.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763164727.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165129.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165133.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165134.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165135.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165136.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165137.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165138.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165139.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165140.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165143.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165149.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165150.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165152.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165155.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165156.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165158.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165159.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165161.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165162.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165163.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165164.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165165.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165169.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165550.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165554.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165558.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165559.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165560.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165964.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165968.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165969.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763165971.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165972.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165973.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763165974.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763166385.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763166389.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763166390.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763166391.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763166797.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763166801.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763166805.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763167217.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763167631.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763168047.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763168050.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168051.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168052.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168053.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168054.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168055.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168056.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763168467.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763168471.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168472.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168473.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168474.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168475.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168476.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763168888.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763168889.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763169303.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169304.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169305.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169306.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169307.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763169720.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169721.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169722.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169723.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169724.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763169725.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763170138.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763170964.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763171373.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763171775.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763171778.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763171779.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763171783.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763171784.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763172191.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763172195.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763172624.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763172625.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763172824.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763172825.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763172826.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763172827.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763172828.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173008.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173011.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173012.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173013.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173014.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173015.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173421.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173422.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173423.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173424.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173425.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173426.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173427.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173428.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173429.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173430.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173431.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173432.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173434.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173436.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173437.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173441.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173660.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173662.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173829.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173833.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173834.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763173837.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763173838.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174244.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174247.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174253.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174255.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174271.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174273.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174289.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174290.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174291.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174292.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174293.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174665.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763174666.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763174668.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175073.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175074.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175077.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175078.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175079.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175080.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175081.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175082.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175523.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175524.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175914.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175915.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175917.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175918.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175919.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175920.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175925.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763175926.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763175931.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763176329.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763176333.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763176334.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763176335.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763176336.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763176337.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763176743.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763176747.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763176748.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177156.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177157.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177158.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177159.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177160.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177161.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177162.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177163.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177164.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177165.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177166.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177167.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177168.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177169.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177170.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177171.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177172.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177173.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177174.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177176.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177177.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177178.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177179.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177180.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177181.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177182.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177183.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177185.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177186.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177187.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177188.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177189.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177190.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177576.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177580.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177581.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177583.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177584.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763177585.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177994.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763177998.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763178420.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763178421.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763178422.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763178826.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763178830.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763178831.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763178833.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763178834.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763178835.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179242.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179245.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179246.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179247.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179251.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179253.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179288.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179290.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179665.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763179667.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763179668.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763181317.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763181321.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181322.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181323.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181324.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181325.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181326.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763181327.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763181724.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763181728.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182138.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182142.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182143.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182552.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182553.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182555.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182557.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182558.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182827.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182828.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182927.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182928.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182955.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182959.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182960.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763182962.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182963.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763182964.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183370.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183374.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763183375.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183377.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763183378.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183624.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183631.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763183778.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184190.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184191.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184192.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184193.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184194.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184195.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184196.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184197.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184198.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184199.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184200.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184201.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184202.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184203.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184204.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184205.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184206.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184207.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184209.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184217.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184219.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184222.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184223.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184224.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184225.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184235.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184237.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184238.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184239.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184245.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184253.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184254.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184257.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184259.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184292.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184294.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184422.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184423.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184424.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184425.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184429.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184439.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184442.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184443.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184444.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184445.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184608.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184622.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763184624.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763184625.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185022.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185023.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185024.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185025.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185026.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185027.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185028.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185029.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185030.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185031.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185032.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185033.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185034.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185038.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185048.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185289.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185442.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185446.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185447.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185451.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185857.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185858.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185861.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185862.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763185865.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763185866.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186276.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186277.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186278.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186279.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186280.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186281.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186282.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186283.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186284.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186285.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186286.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186287.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186288.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186289.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186290.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186291.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186292.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186293.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186294.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186296.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186297.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186424.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186521.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186522.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186523.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186524.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186526.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186527.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186691.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763186695.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763186696.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187103.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187107.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187108.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187109.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187111.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187148.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187149.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187151.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187187.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187188.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187189.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187526.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187530.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187531.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187939.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187943.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187944.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187945.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187946.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187947.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187948.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187949.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187958.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763187959.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187961.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763187965.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188159.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188167.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188168.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188169.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188170.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188171.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188172.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188173.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188179.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188181.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188183.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188184.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188185.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188186.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188187.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188188.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188189.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188190.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188191.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188359.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188363.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188365.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188366.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188774.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188778.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188779.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188781.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188782.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188783.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188784.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763188787.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763188788.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189188.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189189.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189190.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189191.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189192.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189193.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189194.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189195.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189196.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189197.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189198.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189199.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189200.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189201.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189202.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189203.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189204.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189205.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189206.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189207.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189222.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189223.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189236.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189237.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189239.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189243.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189249.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189252.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189255.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189422.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189423.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189424.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189425.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189426.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189427.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189428.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189429.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189430.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189431.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189432.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189608.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189622.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763189624.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763189625.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763190853.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763190857.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763190858.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191268.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191271.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191273.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191275.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191276.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191277.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191680.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763191683.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191684.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191685.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191686.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191687.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191688.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763191689.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192101.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192102.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192103.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192105.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192106.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192107.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192108.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192109.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192114.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192118.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192121.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192133.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192146.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192147.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192148.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192149.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192150.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192159.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192161.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192189.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192190.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192191.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192360.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192361.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192362.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192519.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192520.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192521.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192522.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192523.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192524.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192526.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192923.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192924.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192925.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192926.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192927.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192928.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192929.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192930.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192931.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192932.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763192933.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763192939.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193159.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193189.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193190.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193348.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193350.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193351.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193352.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193353.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193354.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193355.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193356.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193357.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193358.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193776.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193777.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763193780.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193781.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193782.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193783.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193784.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763193785.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194204.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194208.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763194209.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194248.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194632.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194636.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763194637.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763194639.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195060.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195062.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195064.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195065.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195066.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195067.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195068.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195188.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195189.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195489.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195490.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195493.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763195494.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763195922.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763196347.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196348.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763196351.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196352.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196353.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196354.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196355.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196356.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763196776.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196777.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763196780.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763196781.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763197205.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763197206.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763197209.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763197634.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763197642.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198063.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198064.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198067.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198068.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198070.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198071.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198072.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198492.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198493.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198494.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198496.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198497.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198498.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198499.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198500.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198501.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198921.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198922.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198923.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763198925.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198926.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198927.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198928.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198929.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763198930.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763199350.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199351.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199352.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199353.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199354.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199355.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199356.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199357.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199358.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199359.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763199779.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763199783.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763199784.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763200208.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763201924.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763201928.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763201929.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763201931.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763202345.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763203164.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763203168.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763203169.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763203171.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763203172.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763203983.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763203987.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763204408.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763204409.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763204816.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763204820.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763204821.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763204823.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763204824.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763204825.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763204826.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763205232.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205233.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763205236.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205237.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205238.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205239.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205240.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205241.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763205654.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205655.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763205657.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763205658.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763206065.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763206904.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763206905.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763206906.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763207315.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763207316.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763207319.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763207320.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763207322.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763207323.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763208149.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208150.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763208977.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208978.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763208981.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208982.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208983.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208984.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208985.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208986.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763208987.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763209406.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763209407.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763210235.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763210239.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763210240.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763210241.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763210242.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763210243.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763210244.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211097.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211098.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211522.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211526.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211527.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211528.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211529.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211530.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211531.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211532.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211951.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211955.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211956.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763211958.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763211959.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763212388.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763212809.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763213238.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213239.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763213241.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213242.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213243.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213244.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213245.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213246.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213247.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213253.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213254.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213255.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763213257.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213258.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213259.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763213266.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213267.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213268.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213269.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213270.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213271.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213272.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213273.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763213274.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763213667.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214101.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214525.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214527.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214529.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214530.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214531.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214532.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214533.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214534.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214958.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214959.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763214962.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763214963.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763215383.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763215387.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763215388.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763215389.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763215390.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763215391.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763215392.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763215817.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216241.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216242.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216244.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216245.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216246.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216247.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216253.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216254.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216255.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216257.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216259.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216260.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216262.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216265.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216266.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216267.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216268.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216269.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216270.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763216271.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216274.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763216670.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217103.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217104.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217106.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217107.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217108.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217528.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217532.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217533.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217534.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217535.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217536.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217537.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217957.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217961.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217962.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217963.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763217964.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763217966.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763218386.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763218390.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218391.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218392.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218393.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763218815.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763218819.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218820.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218821.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218822.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218823.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218824.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218825.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218826.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218827.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218828.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218829.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218830.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218831.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763218832.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763219244.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219245.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219246.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219247.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219248.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219249.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219250.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219253.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219254.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219255.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219256.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219257.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219258.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219259.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219260.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763219266.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219267.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219268.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219269.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219270.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219271.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219272.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219273.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219274.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219275.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219276.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763219277.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763221822.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763221824.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763221825.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763221826.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222251.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222252.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222253.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222254.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222255.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222256.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222257.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222258.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222259.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222260.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222263.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222265.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222266.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222267.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222268.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222269.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222271.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222272.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222273.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222274.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222275.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222277.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763222278.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763222287.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763223109.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763223113.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223114.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223115.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223116.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223117.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223118.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763223538.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763223542.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223543.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223544.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223545.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223546.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223547.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763223972.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223973.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223974.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223975.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763223976.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763224423.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763224825.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763224829.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763224830.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763224831.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763224832.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763224833.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763224834.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763225254.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225255.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225256.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225257.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225258.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225259.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225260.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225261.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225262.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225263.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225264.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225265.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225266.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225267.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225268.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225269.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225270.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225271.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225272.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225273.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225274.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225275.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225276.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225277.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763225279.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225280.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225281.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763225283.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225284.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225285.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763225287.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225288.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225289.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225290.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225291.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225292.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225293.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763225294.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226112.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226113.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226114.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226116.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226117.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226118.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226119.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226120.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226121.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226123.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226133.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226138.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226139.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226142.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226161.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226162.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226248.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226541.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226546.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763226974.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226975.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226976.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226977.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763226978.601 is not available in the attitude file
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verbose: mission time 763227398.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227399.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227400.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227401.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227402.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227403.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227404.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227405.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227406.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227407.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227408.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227409.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227410.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227411.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227412.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227413.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227414.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227415.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227416.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227417.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227418.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227419.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227420.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227421.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227422.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227423.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227424.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227425.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227426.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227427.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227428.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227429.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227430.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227431.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227432.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227433.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227434.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227435.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227436.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227437.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227438.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227439.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227440.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227441.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227442.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227443.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227444.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227445.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227446.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227447.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227448.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227449.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227450.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227451.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227452.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227453.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227454.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227455.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227456.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227457.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227458.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227459.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227460.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227461.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227462.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227463.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227464.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227465.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227466.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227467.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227468.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227469.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227470.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227471.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227472.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227473.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227474.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227475.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227476.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227477.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227478.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227479.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227480.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227481.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227482.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227483.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227484.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227485.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227486.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227487.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227488.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227489.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227490.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227491.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227492.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227493.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227494.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227495.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227496.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227497.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227498.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227499.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227500.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227501.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227502.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227503.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227504.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227505.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227506.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227507.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227508.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227509.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227510.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227511.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227512.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227513.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227514.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227515.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227516.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227517.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227518.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227519.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227520.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227521.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227522.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227523.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227524.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227525.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227526.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227527.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227528.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227529.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227530.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227531.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227532.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227533.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763227534.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228049.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228050.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228051.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228052.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228053.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228054.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228055.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228056.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228057.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228058.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228059.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228060.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228061.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228062.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228063.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228064.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228065.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228066.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228067.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228068.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228069.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228070.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228071.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228072.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228073.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228074.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228075.601 is not available in the attitude file
verbose: mission time 763228076.601 is not available in the attitude file

Determining start and end times of the observation (2025-069-05:50:19)

-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdmess files (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all calspec files (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all enhk files (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Examining[11] (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> TSTART=763227568.37308 TSTOP=763227988.37484 (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763227988.37484 (2025-069-05:50:19)
-> Examining[10] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227784.67688 TSTOP=763227784.67688 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763227988.37484 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[9] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227581.37832 TSTOP=763228001.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763228001.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[8] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227582.3725 TSTOP=763228002.37282 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763228002.37282 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[7] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227585.37222 TSTOP=763228005.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763228005.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[6] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227586.37792 TSTOP=763228002.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227568.37308 fstop=763228005.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[5] (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> TSTART=763227567.9722 TSTOP=763227744.28372 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228005.37242 (2025-069-05:50:20)
-> Examining[4] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227568.37308 TSTOP=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[3] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227749.37848 TSTOP=763227749.37848 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[2] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227770.4312 TSTOP=763227770.4312 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[1] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227771.46212 TSTOP=763227771.46212 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[0] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227567.9722 TSTOP=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227567.9722 fstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.9722 tstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all errlog files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbratetr files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all logindex files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdattlpd files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all sumdph files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtblongtr files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tddb files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bgain files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all pulsar files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all filterimg files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all boffset files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all event files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdimage files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bgaoff files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all scenhk files (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[5] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227570.07704 TSTOP=763228012.08724 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> File fstart=763227570.07704 fstop=763228012.08724 (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> Examining[4] (2025-069-05:50:21)
-> TSTART=763227590.87434 TSTOP=763228006.87042 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> File fstart=763227570.07704 fstop=763228012.08724 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining[3] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> TSTART=763227585.67328 TSTOP=763228001.6722 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> File fstart=763227570.07704 fstop=763228012.08724 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining[2] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> TSTART=763227580.47602 TSTOP=763228000.47386 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> File fstart=763227570.07704 fstop=763228012.08724 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining[1] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> TSTART=763227575.27562 TSTOP=763228017.2977 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> File fstart=763227570.07704 fstop=763228017.2977 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining[0] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.9722 tstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all fileinfo files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbveto files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all imageplot files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all filterexp files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rawdph files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all filter files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all xbiasmode files (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining sw00021789991xbf_rw.img[1] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> TSTART=763227567.30859 TSTOP=763227579.79484 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> File fstart=763227567.30859 fstop=763227579.79484 (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> Examining sw00021789991xbf_rw.img[0] (2025-069-05:50:22)
-> TSTART=763227567.30859 TSTOP=763227579.79484 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.30859 fstop=763227579.79484 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.37282 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all dph files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdevent files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all pixlist files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bshelllg files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbratedg files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rscalemap files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdlcurve files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all xrawmode files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all procpar files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rawimage files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdql files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all shelllog files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all qualcal files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdrawimage files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bcomman files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all spectrum files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbimgtr files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all xrdb files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all eventaux files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all hk files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining[1] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> TSTART=763227567.73278 TSTOP=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.73278 fstop=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining[0] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> TSTART=763227567.73278 TSTOP=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.73278 fstop=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining[1] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> TSTART=763227567.30859 TSTOP=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.30859 fstop=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining[0] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> TSTART=763227567.30859 TSTOP=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.30859 fstop=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55066 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all maskwt files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbshorttr files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all xrtcal files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all amspec files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bdetflag files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all filterplot files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rcatalog files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bsegment files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all respfunc files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdscalemap files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all timedata files (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining sw00021789991sti.fits[1] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> TSTART=763227567.73278 TSTOP=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> File fstart=763227567.73278 fstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Examining sw00021789991sti.fits[0] (2025-069-05:50:23)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all dpimage files (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all header files (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btrigflx files (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbrun files (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all unfiltered files (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt[2] (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:24)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227744.375123 TSTOP=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> File fstart=763227744.375123 fstop=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt[1] (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> TSTART=763227744.375123 TSTOP=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> File fstart=763227744.375123 fstop=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt[0] (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> TSTART=763227744.375123 TSTOP=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> File fstart=763227744.375123 fstop=763228015.156 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt[2] (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:24)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227613.18509 TSTOP=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> File fstart=763227613.18509 fstop=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt[1] (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> TSTART=763227613.18509 TSTOP=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> File fstart=763227613.18509 fstop=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:24)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt[0] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> TSTART=763227613.18509 TSTOP=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> File fstart=763227613.18509 fstop=763227730.60585 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt[2] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:25)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227730.60763 TSTOP=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> File fstart=763227730.60763 fstop=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt[1] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> TSTART=763227730.60763 TSTOP=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> File fstart=763227730.60763 fstop=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt[0] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> TSTART=763227730.60763 TSTOP=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> File fstart=763227730.60763 fstop=763227742.34811 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all uvdb files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdnosc files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all mtlc files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all calspecplot files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdspec files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdunfilter files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all attcorr files (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining sw00021789991pat.fits[2] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> Examining sw00021789991pat.fits[1] (2025-069-05:50:25)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991pat.fits[0] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbratetr files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all corrimage files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all lcplot files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all xtam files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all postimg files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all response files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all joblog files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all report files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all srclist files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all dssplot files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btblongtr files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all reconst files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rawlc files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all skyplot files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all attitude files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991sat.fits[2] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991sat.fits[1] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991sat.fits[0] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all jobpar files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all detplot files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbveto files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all ucentroid files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all gti files (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991sss.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:26)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227566.500600 TSTOP=763228018.000600 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> File fstart=763227566.500600 fstop=763228018.000600 (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Examining sw00021789991sss.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:26)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Examining sw00021789991sto.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:27)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227613.185090 TSTOP=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> File fstart=763227613.185090 fstop=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Examining sw00021789991sto.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Examining sw00021789991snf.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:27)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227613.185090 TSTOP=763228015.156000 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> File fstart=763227613.185090 fstop=763228015.156000 (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Examining sw00021789991snf.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:27)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Examining sw00021789991stp.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:28)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227742.400600 TSTOP=763228017.400600 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> File fstart=763227742.400600 fstop=763228017.400600 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Examining sw00021789991stp.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Examining sw00021789991xev.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:28)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227613.185090 TSTOP=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> File fstart=763227613.185090 fstop=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Examining sw00021789991xev.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> Examining sw00021789991sot.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:28)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:29)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227744.375123 TSTOP=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> File fstart=763227744.375123 fstop=7.632280151560000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Examining sw00021789991sot.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Examining sw00021789991snp.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:29)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=763227366.5006 TSTOP=763228218.0006 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> File fstart=763227366.5006 fstop=763228218.0006 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Examining sw00021789991snp.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:29)
-> Examining sw00021789991spo.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:30)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=7.632277424006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> File fstart=7.632277424006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining sw00021789991spo.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining sw00021789991sst.gti[1] (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> stdout output from cktime (2025-069-05:50:30)
Time column is TIME ORDERED
-> TSTART=7.632277298006001E+08 TSTOP=7.632277424006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> File fstart=7.632277298006001E+08 fstop=7.632277424006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining sw00021789991sst.gti[0] (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> TSTART=7.632275676006000E+08 TSTOP=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> File fstart=7.632275676006000E+08 fstop=7.632280174006000E+08 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Observation tstart=763227567.30859 tstop=763228018.55718 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rshelllg files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbratedg files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all burstgti files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all specfitplot files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rawmtlc files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all skyimage files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all specfit files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all attorb files (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining sw00021789991sao.fits[1] (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> TSTART=763227507.6006 TSTOP=763228077.4006 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> File fstart=763227507.6006 fstop=763228077.4006 (2025-069-05:50:30)
-> Examining sw00021789991sao.fits[0] (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> TSTART=763227507.6006 TSTOP=763228077.4006 (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> File fstart=763227507.6006 fstop=763228077.4006 (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Observation tstart=763227507.6006 tstop=763228077.4006 (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all maskimage files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bdaphk files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bscalemap files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tapecat files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdref files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all ucmp files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all lightcurve files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rcomman files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbimgtr files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bcatalog files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rsegment files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all attlpd files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all umon files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bamgaoff files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all badb files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all batlcatt files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all umemdump files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all expimage files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all specplot files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtbshorttr files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all bamdph files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdhk files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdrsslcatt files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all detimage files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all badimage files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all checksum files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all tdskyimage files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all rtrigflx files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all dpi files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all btbrun files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Examining TSTART and TSTOP in all batrates files (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> overall TSTART=763227507.6006 = 2025-03-09T15:38:22 (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> overall TSTOP=763228077.4006 = 2025-03-09T15:47:52 (2025-069-05:50:31)

Extracting attitude for UVOT (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> Process skipped since sequence is not "FINAL FOR ARCHIVE" (2025-069-05:50:31)

Process XRT tdrss messages (2025-069-05:50:31)

Process UVOT tdrss messages (2025-069-05:50:31)

Sort and organize TDRSS messages (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> Tdrss obs ids for this run: (2025-069-05:50:31)

Determining burst position (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> Setting target position to nominal pointing as a kludge (2025-069-05:50:31)

Creating BAT quality map (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> Exporting gainoff and dpflags files to the shared repositories bgaoff and bdetflag (2025-069-05:50:31)

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 102
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 271
-> no BAT event files, will not make quality map (2025-069-05:50:31)

BAT Burst Processing (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> No BAT event mode data (2025-069-05:50:31)

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 899
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 223
  4. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  5. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 272

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 257
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 291
  4. File: Subs/ Line: 230
  5. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  6. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 272

E1[] No burst ack message to provide trigger time.

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 260
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 291
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 230
  4. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  5. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 272

E1[] No trigger time so will not split BAT event files.

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 294
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 230
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 272

BAT interesting time interval determination (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> No unfiltered BAT event mode data (2025-069-05:50:31)

Processing BAT images (2025-069-05:50:31)

-> Accumulating BAT detector plane images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Computing sky images ... (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> Extracting postage stamp images... (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> BAT position refinement... (2025-069-05:50:31)

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 673
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 158
  4. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  5. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 275
-> TDRSS ACK unavalable, so no position refinement (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no dpimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no dpimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no dpimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no skyimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no skyimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> no skyimage images (2025-069-05:50:31)
-> getTrigFromDB: While searching for TRIG_TIME, TargetID 21789 not found in /aps/db/rdb/tables/sw/swifttdrss.rdb (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, TargetID 21789 not found in Lorella's catalog (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> getTrigFromJDCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, TriggerID 21789 not found in JD's catalog (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> getTrigFromLocalCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, GRB DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger 21789 not found in Local catalog. (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Got pat attitude file sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:50:47)

Build BAT spectra, response matrices, light curves (2025-069-05:50:47)

-> Making mask tagged light curves (2025-069-05:50:47)

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 160
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 277
-> No BAT TDRSS centroid message, eg. not GRB segment-000, so skipping BAT spectra, resp matrices, and light curves. (2025-069-05:50:47)

Make BAT light curves gif file (2025-069-05:50:47)

-> Making BAT light curves gif file (2025-069-05:50:47)

E1[core.unknown.error] file does not exist, bailing

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 67
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 44
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 278

Create filter file (2025-069-05:50:47)

-> Creating filter file sw00021789991s.mkf (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting filter quantites from (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting iFWCounter, a.k.a. FWHEEL from APIDS 846 866 961 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for iFWCounter, a.k.a. FWHEEL (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting iHVCathode, a.k.a. iHVCathode from APIDS 864 866 961 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for iHVCathode, a.k.a. iHVCathode (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting iHVmcp1, a.k.a. iHVmcp1 from APIDS 864 866 961 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for iHVmcp1, a.k.a. iHVmcp1 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting iHVmcp23, a.k.a. iHVmcp23 from APIDS 864 866 961 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for iHVmcp23, a.k.a. iHVmcp23 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting filter quantites from (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKGRBFOLLOW, a.k.a. BDIHKGRBFOLLOW from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKGRBFOLLOW, a.k.a. BDIHKGRBFOLLOW (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKLAG, a.k.a. BDIHKLAG from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKLAG, a.k.a. BDIHKLAG (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKTIMELAG, a.k.a. BDIHKTIMELAG from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKTIMELAG, a.k.a. BDIHKTIMELAG (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKNGOODDETS, a.k.a. BDIHKNGOODDETS from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKNGOODDETS, a.k.a. BDIHKNGOODDETS (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BCAHKDOINGBLK, a.k.a. BCAHKDOINGBLK from APIDS 312 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BCAHKDOINGBLK, a.k.a. BCAHKDOINGBLK (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDICFTIME, a.k.a. BDICFTIME from APIDS 544 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDICFTIME, a.k.a. BDICFTIME (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKDATAMET, a.k.a. BDIHKDATAMET from APIDS 313 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKDATAMET, a.k.a. BDIHKDATAMET (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKSLEWING, a.k.a. BDIHKSLEWING from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKSLEWING, a.k.a. BDIHKSLEWING (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKSAA, a.k.a. BDIHKSAA from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKSAA, a.k.a. BDIHKSAA (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BTGHKDITGCPU, a.k.a. BTGHKDITGCPU from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BTGHKDITGCPU, a.k.a. BTGHKDITGCPU (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BBRHKTRIGNUM, a.k.a. BBRHKTRIGNUM from APIDS 312 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BBRHKTRIGNUM, a.k.a. BBRHKTRIGNUM (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BBRHKTRYINGTRIG, a.k.a. BBRHKTRYINGTRIG from APIDS 312 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BBRHKTRYINGTRIG, a.k.a. BBRHKTRYINGTRIG (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDICMDBLSNCURTR, a.k.a. BDICMDBLSNCURTR from APIDS 340 395 492 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDICMDBLSNCURTR, a.k.a. BDICMDBLSNCURTR (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting BDIHKVALID, a.k.a. BDIHKVALID from APIDS 313 399 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> No data for BDIHKVALID, a.k.a. BDIHKVALID (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting filter quantites from (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting SAC_ADERR, a.k.a. SAC_ADERR from APIDS 17 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting SAC_MODESTAT, a.k.a. SAC_MODESTAT from APIDS 17 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting SACSTNUMSTARS, a.k.a. SACSTNUMSTARS from APIDS 19 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting STAST_LOSSFCN, a.k.a. STAST_LOSSFCN from APIDS 20 (2025-069-05:50:47)
-> Extracting STA0VALID, a.k.a. STA0VALID from APIDS 19 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Extracting STA1VALID, a.k.a. STA1VALID from APIDS 20 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Extracting STA2VALID, a.k.a. STA2VALID from APIDS 16 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Extracting STA3VALID, a.k.a. STA3VALID from APIDS 17 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Extracting STA4VALID, a.k.a. STA4VALID from APIDS 18 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Extracting STA5VALID, a.k.a. STA5VALID from APIDS 19 (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> Creating filter file sw00021789991s.mkf (2025-069-05:50:48)
-> stdout output from newmakefilter (2025-069-05:50:48)
Reading ASCII configuration file makefilter_config.tmp
Warning: column SAC_MODESTAT in file[hk011x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA0VALID in file[hk013x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA1VALID in file[hk014x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA2VALID in file[hk010x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA3VALID in file[hk011x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA4VALID in file[hk012x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column STA5VALID in file[hk013x001] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column TEN_ARCMIN in file acs_flags1.tmp[ACS_DATA] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column SETTLED in file acs_flags1.tmp[ACS_DATA] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column ACS_SAA in file acs_flags2.tmp[ACS_DATA] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

Warning: column SAFEHOLD in file acs_flags2.tmp[ACS_DATA] has no TNULL keyword
Will use 255 for TNULL

-> Extrapolating sw00021789991s.mkf to make sw00021789991x.mkf for XRT (2025-069-05:50:51)
-> extrapolating STAST_LOSSFCN in sw00021789991x.mkf (2025-069-05:50:51)
-> extrapolating SAC_MODESTAT in sw00021789991x.mkf (2025-069-05:50:51)

Doing XRT coordinate transforms (2025-069-05:50:53)

-> Got pat attitude file sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> running coordinator on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> updating ATTFLAG in sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:53)

Running XRT tasks for event list processing (2025-069-05:50:53)

-> get_grb_coord_local: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> get_grb_coord_local: GRB DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger 21789 not found in Local catalog. (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> get_swiftgrb_coord: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> get_swiftgrb_coord: TargetID 21789 not found in Lorella's catalog (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> get_grb_coord: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> get_grb_coord:TriggerID 21789 not found in JD catalog (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> Not found in GRB catalogs, will be using job.par coordinates (210.804518455008, -10.1531573067065) (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> Got pat attitude file sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> Running xrthkproc on (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> stdout output from xrthkproc (2025-069-05:50:53)
 		Running 'xrthkproc_0.4.8'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packets file   :''
Name of the output Housekeeping Header Packet file   :'hkout.tmp'
Source DETX                                          :'300'
Source DETY                                          :'300'
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: Processing '' file.
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: 'LRHPixCt' column does not exist
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: the file
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: is in new format.
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: 'LRBiasPx' column does not exist
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: the file
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: is in new format.
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: 'HKTIME' column does not exist
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: HKTIME column will be added and filled
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: in 'hkout.tmp' file.
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: 'hkout.tmp' file successfully written.
xrthkproc_0.4.8: Info: Exit with success.
-> Running xrttimetag on sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> stdout output from xrttimetag (2025-069-05:50:53)
 		Running 'xrttimetag_0.8.3'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                  :'sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt'
Name of the output Event file                 :'timefile.tmp'
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packets :''
Name of the input Housekeeping Trailer Packets:''
Name of the WT offset file                    :'CALDB'
Name of the input Attitude file               :'sw00021789991pat.fits'
Name of the input teldef file                 :'CALDB'
Use keywords value in HK Header Packets file? :no
Use detector coordinates?                     :no
Source RA                                     :'210.804518'
Source Dec                                    :'-10.153157'
Nominal RA                                    :'210.804518'
Nominal Dec                                   :'-10.153157'
Should aberration be included in aspecting?   : no
Interpolate Attitude values?                  : no
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: XRAWXCOR keyword not found or set to FALSE
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: the RAWX will be corrected.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits input file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/teldef/swx20230701v001.teldef' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing input file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Using file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: File 'timefile.tmp' successfully written.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Exit with success.
-> Running xrttimetag on sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> stdout output from xrttimetag (2025-069-05:50:53)
 		Running 'xrttimetag_0.8.3'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                  :'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt'
Name of the output Event file                 :'timefile.tmp'
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packets :''
Name of the input Housekeeping Trailer Packets:''
Name of the WT offset file                    :'CALDB'
Name of the input Attitude file               :'sw00021789991pat.fits'
Name of the input teldef file                 :'CALDB'
Use keywords value in HK Header Packets file? :no
Use detector coordinates?                     :no
Source RA                                     :'210.804518'
Source Dec                                    :'-10.153157'
Nominal RA                                    :'210.804518'
Nominal Dec                                   :'-10.153157'
Should aberration be included in aspecting?   : no
Interpolate Attitude values?                  : no
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: XRAWXCOR keyword not found or set to FALSE
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: the RAWX will be corrected.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits input file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/teldef/swx20230701v001.teldef' file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing input file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Using file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Processing file.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: OBS_MODE keyword is set to SLEW
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: Using 300, 300 default coordinates to calculate
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: pixels exposure time
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Info: File 'timefile.tmp' successfully written.
xrttimetag_0.8.3: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtpcbias on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> obs mode = POINTING (2025-069-05:50:53)
-> stdout output from xrtpcbias (2025-069-05:50:54)
             Running ' xrtpcbias version 0.1.6 '
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Name of the Input Event File  'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Name of the Output Event File 'biasfile.tmp'
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Copying input file to 'biasfile.tmp.32097out'
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Cleaning 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' file from previous bias correction
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - XRTVSUB 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits 1
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Get Thresholds values from
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' file
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Event Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 120
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Split Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 120
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Running 'xrtflagpix' 
 		Running 'xrtflagpix_0.7.7'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file            :'biasfile.tmp.32097out'
Name of the input BADPIXEL file         :'CALDB'
Name of the input user bad pixels file  :'NONE'
Name of the input BPTABLE file          :'CALDB'
Name of the input region  file          :'CALDB'
Name of the output Event file           :'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp'
Name of the output bad pixels file      :'NONE'
Name of the input thresholds file       :'NONE'
Event threshold                         :'120'
Overwrite STATUS column?                : yes
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxbadpix20090821v005.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxonboardbp20090821v004.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxregion20010101v004.fits' file to get Calibration Sources Info.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxregion20010101v004.fits' file to get Calibration FOV Info.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: 'overstatus'  parameter is set
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: the STATUS columnn will be overwritten.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Added standard keywords in BADPIX extension
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: File 'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp' successfully written.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: The percentage of the flagged events is:    16.8193
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Exit with success.
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: 'xrtflagpix' exit with success. 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' updated
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Running 'xrtpcgrade' on biasfile.tmp.32097out
 		Running 'xrtpcgrade_0.3.2'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'biasfile.tmp.32097out'
Name of the output Event file            :'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp'
Name of the input GRADES file            :'CALDB'
Name of the input thresholds file        :'NONE'
Split Threshold Level                    : 120
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Processing 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: 		 Swift XRT GRADES
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total pixels                             29044
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total saturated events                       0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  0               22267   76.6664%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  1                  41    0.1412%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  2                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  3                 112    0.3856%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  4                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  5                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  6                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  7                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  8                   3    0.0103%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  9                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 10                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 11                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 12                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 13                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 14                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 15                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 16                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 17                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 18                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 19                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 20                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 21                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 22                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 23                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 24                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 25                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 26                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 27                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 28                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 29                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 30                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 31                   5    0.0172%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 32                6605   22.7414%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: 'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp' file successfully written.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Exit with success.
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: 'xrtpcgrade' exit with success. 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' updated
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Running 'xrthotpix' 

		Running 'xrthotpix_0.3.4'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                :'biasfile.tmp.32097out'
Name of the output Event file               :'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp'
Name of the output Badpixel file            :'NONE'
Overwrite STATUS column?                    : yes
Using only events flag as good?             : yes
Execute new iteration using only events with grade<=12? : yes
Search and flag flickering pixels?          : yes
Iterate the search                          : yes

xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Processing 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' file.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =   3 y = 489 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =   4 y = 512 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  10 y = 239 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  12 y =  18 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  32 y =  65 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  45 y = 397 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  54 y = 342 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  56 y = 258 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  60 y = 340 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  63 y =  11 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  63 y = 218 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  65 y = 302 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  72 y = 535 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  73 y =  70 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  75 y = 148 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  78 y = 198 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  82 y = 304 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  82 y = 434 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  83 y = 508 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  90 y =  67 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  93 y = 171 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  95 y = 420 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x =  99 y = 277 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 106 y = 338 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 110 y = 208 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 112 y =  13 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 112 y =  57 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 126 y =  98 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 129 y = 182 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 130 y = 100 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 131 y =  79 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 131 y = 362 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 132 y = 540 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 146 y =  27 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 146 y = 243 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 146 y = 517 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 150 y = 196 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 152 y =  70 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 152 y = 143 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 152 y = 565 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 153 y = 371 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 153 y = 537 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 154 y = 461 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 157 y = 475 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 162 y = 415 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 162 y = 549 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 169 y = 512 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 171 y = 402 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 171 y = 431 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 173 y = 227 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 178 y = 329 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 179 y =  61 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 179 y = 336 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 180 y = 238 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 182 y = 406 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 183 y = 518 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 189 y = 361 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 190 y = 443 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 195 y = 375 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 198 y = 394 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 202 y =  53 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 205 y =  56 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 209 y = 485 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 214 y = 160 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 218 y = 578 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 220 y = 289 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 221 y = 144 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 226 y = 428 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 226 y = 578 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 228 y = 239 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 231 y = 159 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 234 y =  48 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 236 y = 478 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 242 y = 448 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 245 y = 519 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 257 y = 235 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 264 y = 162 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 276 y = 426 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 281 y = 209 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 282 y = 139 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 295 y = 581 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 296 y = 441 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 305 y = 515 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 309 y = 556 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 312 y = 592 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 316 y = 140 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 318 y =  47 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 328 y = 394 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 330 y = 148 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 330 y = 564 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 340 y = 488 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 341 y = 556 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 343 y = 160 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 350 y = 470 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 356 y = 322 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 357 y = 230 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 365 y = 479 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 371 y = 395 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 375 y =  14 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 381 y = 546 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 382 y = 344 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 416 y = 242 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 421 y = 588 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 424 y = 424 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 426 y = 269 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 428 y =  71 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 428 y = 388 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 432 y = 185 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 432 y = 507 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 435 y =  60 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 442 y = 405 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 450 y = 266 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 460 y = 395 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 464 y = 324 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 467 y = 217 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 472 y = 380 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 476 y = 232 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 481 y = 378 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 485 y =  34 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 490 y = 371 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 497 y = 447 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 498 y =  32 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 514 y =  90 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 514 y = 210 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 518 y = 206 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 525 y = 441 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 526 y = 203 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 538 y =  32 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 543 y = 331 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 546 y =  55 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 548 y = 541 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 550 y = 433 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 550 y = 478 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 556 y =  92 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 556 y = 170 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 557 y = 219 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 557 y = 352 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 559 y = 213 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 572 y = 583 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 574 y = 113 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Found a Hot Pixel in : x = 581 y =  55 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy =  58
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy = 579
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   4 rawy = 192
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  11 rawy = 483
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 284
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 322
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 425
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  15 rawy = 139
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  16 rawy = 208
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  18 rawy = 129
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  27 rawy = 497
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  31 rawy = 254
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  39 rawy = 565
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  46 rawy = 150
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  52 rawy = 505
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  59 rawy = 205
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 160
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 347
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  65 rawy = 174
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  71 rawy =  28
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 103
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 463
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  83 rawy =  98
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  88 rawy = 145
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  94 rawy = 330
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  96 rawy = 335
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  97 rawy = 240
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 102 rawy = 364
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 107 rawy =  79
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 108 rawy = 167
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 110 rawy = 126
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  34
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 113 rawy = 525
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 116 rawy = 180
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 117 rawy = 572
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 182
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 436
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 130 rawy = 256
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 133 rawy = 277
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 138 rawy = 558
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 143 rawy = 104
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 145 rawy = 394
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 573
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 575
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 577
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 148 rawy = 223
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 150 rawy = 474
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy = 250
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 164 rawy = 196
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 343
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 545
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 168 rawy = 537
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy =  79
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 172 rawy = 250
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 314
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 316
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 319
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 322
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 324
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 326
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 333
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 417
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 468
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 373
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 186 rawy = 476
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 194 rawy = 306
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy =  25
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy = 128
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 202 rawy = 515
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 210 rawy =  73
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 219 rawy =  20
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy =  29
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy = 413
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 223 rawy = 168
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 225 rawy = 426
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 229 rawy = 559
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 237 rawy = 408
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 241 rawy = 570
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 254 rawy =  25
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 260 rawy =  27
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 262 rawy = 577
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 263 rawy =  12
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 266 rawy =  75
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 273 rawy = 192
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 524
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 289 rawy = 490
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 297 rawy = 502
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 299 rawy = 203
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy =  24
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 303 rawy = 542
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 305 rawy =  36
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 306 rawy = 409
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 307 rawy = 123
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 308 rawy = 514
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 311 rawy = 580
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 317 rawy = 263
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 321 rawy = 267
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 333 rawy = 576
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 336 rawy = 129
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 179
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 564
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 342 rawy = 175
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 345 rawy = 253
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 346 rawy = 568
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 357 rawy = 515
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 363 rawy =  87
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 365 rawy = 481
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 382 rawy = 429
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 383 rawy = 164
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 387 rawy = 425
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 388 rawy = 509
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 393 rawy = 191
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 327
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 400
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 404 rawy = 122
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 418 rawy = 312
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 425 rawy = 189
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 433 rawy = 419
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 434 rawy = 314
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 442 rawy = 433
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 445 rawy = 590
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 447 rawy = 343
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 449 rawy = 167
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 310
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 569
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 452 rawy = 497
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy =  46
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 454 rawy = 429
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 456 rawy = 403
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 458 rawy = 452
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 461 rawy = 437
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 468 rawy = 505
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  52
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  57
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy = 264
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 470 rawy = 197
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 173
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 400
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 479 rawy = 269
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 480 rawy = 237
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 487 rawy = 453
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 505 rawy =  62
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 506 rawy = 430
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 510 rawy = 134
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 511 rawy = 492
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 512 rawy = 441
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 520 rawy = 509
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 523 rawy = 464
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 527 rawy = 521
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 531 rawy = 384
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 540 rawy =  94
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 414
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 548 rawy = 307
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 549 rawy = 425
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 272
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 316
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 451
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 577 rawy = 234
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 580 rawy = 430
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 536
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 545
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 583 rawy = 565
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 586 rawy =  51
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 592 rawy = 102
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Executing new search of flickering pixels using grade selection.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: 'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp' file successfully written.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Exit with success.
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: 'xrthotpix' exit with success. 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' updated
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Running 'xrtpccorr' 
 		Running 'xrtpccorr_0.2.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                          :'biasfile.tmp.32097out'
Name of the output Event file                         :'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp'
Name of the input mkf file                            :'sw00021789991x.mkf'
Bias method                                           :'MEDIAN'
Grades selection                                      :'0-0'
Name of the the input attitude file                  :'sw00021789991pat.fits'
Name of the input TELDEF file                        :'CALDB'
Source RA                                            :'210.804518'
Source Dec                                           :'-10.153157'
Nominal RA                                           :'-1.000000'
Nominal Dec                                          :'-91.000000'
Should aberration be included in aspecting?          : no
Interpolate Attitude values?                         : no
Size in pixel for the subimage                        :'100'
Nevents                                               :'25'
Use subimage method?(yes/no)                          :'yes'
Use events found within each image even if <nevents?(yes/no):'no'
Exclude bad pixels?(yes/no)                           :'yes'
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: input parameter ranom < 0, using value of input file
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: input parameter decnom < -90, using value of input file
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/teldef/swx20230701v001.teldef'  CALDB file.
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing sw00021789991x.mkf file.
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: Orbit 1 start time 763227742.40059996 srcdetx 288 srcdey 300
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Warning: Orbit 1 : central image events (2) < nevents parameter
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Warning: using TOTAL image for ALL subimages.
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: XPHASCO keyword not found or set to FALSE
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: new column PHASO will be added to output file biasfile.tmp.32097tmp
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Info: 'biasfile.tmp.32097tmp' file successfully written.
xrtpccorr_0.2.6: Exit with success.
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: 'xrtpccorr' exit with success. 'biasfile.tmp.32097out' updated
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Info: Output Event File 'biasfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtpcbias_0.1.6: Exit with success 
-> Running xrtflagpix on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:54)
-> stdout output from xrtflagpix (2025-069-05:50:54)
 		Running 'xrtflagpix_0.7.7'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file            :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
Name of the input BADPIXEL file         :'CALDB'
Name of the input user bad pixels file  :'NONE'
Name of the input BPTABLE file          :'CALDB'
Name of the input region  file          :'CALDB'
Name of the output Event file           :'flagfile.tmp'
Name of the output bad pixels file      :'NONE'
Name of the input thresholds file       :'CALDB'
Overwrite STATUS column?                : yes
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Event Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 80
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxbadpix20090821v005.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxonboardbp20090821v004.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxregion20010101v004.fits' file to get Calibration Sources Info.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxregion20010101v004.fits' file to get Calibration FOV Info.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: 'overstatus'  parameter is set
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: the STATUS columnn will be overwritten.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Added standard keywords in BADPIX extension
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: File 'flagfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: The percentage of the flagged events is:    16.8193
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtflagpix on sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:54)
-> stdout output from xrtflagpix (2025-069-05:50:54)
 		Running 'xrtflagpix_0.7.7'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file            :'sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt'
Name of the input BADPIXEL file         :'CALDB'
Name of the input user bad pixels file  :'NONE'
Name of the input BPTABLE file          :'CALDB'
Name of the input region  file          :'CALDB'
Name of the output Event file           :'flagfile.tmp'
Name of the output bad pixels file      :'NONE'
Overwrite STATUS column?                : yes
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxbadpix20090821v005.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxonboardbp20090821v004.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: 'overstatus' parameter is set
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: the STATUS columnn will be overwritten.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Added standard keywords in BADPIX extension
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: File 'flagfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: The percentage of the flagged events is:    22.8571
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtflagpix on sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:54)
-> stdout output from xrtflagpix (2025-069-05:50:54)
 		Running 'xrtflagpix_0.7.7'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file            :'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt'
Name of the input BADPIXEL file         :'CALDB'
Name of the input user bad pixels file  :'NONE'
Name of the input BPTABLE file          :'CALDB'
Name of the input region  file          :'CALDB'
Name of the output Event file           :'flagfile.tmp'
Name of the output bad pixels file      :'NONE'
Overwrite STATUS column?                : yes
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxbadpix20090821v005.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/badpix/swxonboardbp20090821v004.fits' file.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: 'overstatus' parameter is set
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: the STATUS columnn will be overwritten.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: Added standard keywords in BADPIX extension
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: File 'flagfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Info: The percentage of the flagged events is:    23.0682
xrtflagpix_0.7.7: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtwtcorr on sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:54)
-> stdout output from xrtwtcorr (2025-069-05:50:54)
 		Running 'xrtwtcorr_0.2.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                          :'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt'
Name of the output Event file                         :'wtfile.tmp'
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packet file     :''
Name of the input Housekeeping Trailer Packet file    :''
Bias difference                                       : 2
Minimum number of events to calculate the bias value  : 20
Number of frames to calculate the bias median         : 20
Metod to calculate module bias difference             : M20P
Name of the input Thresholds file                     :'CALDB'
Minimum number of pix to calculate the bias median    : 20
Search and Flag trailing events                       : yes
PHA threshold for trailing events identification      : 1000
Use PHA threshold for trailing events identification  : no
Allowed temporal gap in RAWY for trailing events      : 2
Minimum number of consecutive trailing events         : 2
Maximum number of consecutive trailing events         : 30
Number of sigmas for statistical variability          : 1.00
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing input file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: XRAWXCOR keyword set to TRUE
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: the RAWX is corrected.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Bias Threshold from input thresholds file = 200
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt' file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Warning: median for WT frames between rows 122-122 in file
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Warning: calculated with only 1 frames (end of hd file).
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: 'wtfile.tmp' file successfully written.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Start Find Trailing Charge Events
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Copied input file: wtfile.tmp to sort file wtfile_32154spuEvntTmp.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'ftsort infile=wtfile_32154spuEvntTmp.tmp outfile=wtfile_32154spuSortEvntTmp.tmp columns=RAWX,TIME method=heap'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: 'wtfile_32154spuEvnt.tmp' file successfully written.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Start sort processed Event file by (TIME,RAWX): wtfile_32154spuEvnt.tmp to file wtfile_32154FinalSpuEvnt.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Copied input file: wtfile_32154spuEvnt.tmp to sort file wtfile_32154FinalSpuEvnt.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'ftsort infile=wtfile_32154FinalSpuEvnt.tmp outfile=wtfile.tmp columns=CCDFrame,TIME,RAWX method=heap clobber=yes'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'fselect infile=wtfile.tmp outfile=wtfile.tmp expr=STATUS==bxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx clobber=yes'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=wtfile.tmp update=yes datasum=yes ok=yes'
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Remove unuseful files ...
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: File Produced: 'wtfile.tmp'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtwtcorr on sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:54)
-> stdout output from xrtwtcorr (2025-069-05:50:55)
 		Running 'xrtwtcorr_0.2.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                          :'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt'
Name of the output Event file                         :'wtfile.tmp'
Name of the input Housekeeping Header Packet file     :''
Name of the input Housekeeping Trailer Packet file    :''
Bias difference                                       : 2
Minimum number of events to calculate the bias value  : 20
Number of frames to calculate the bias median         : 20
Metod to calculate module bias difference             : M20P
Name of the input Thresholds file                     :'CALDB'
Minimum number of pix to calculate the bias median    : 20
Search and Flag trailing events                       : yes
PHA threshold for trailing events identification      : 1000
Use PHA threshold for trailing events identification  : no
Allowed temporal gap in RAWY for trailing events      : 2
Minimum number of consecutive trailing events         : 2
Maximum number of consecutive trailing events         : 30
Number of sigmas for statistical variability          : 1.00
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing input file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: XRAWXCOR keyword set to TRUE
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: the RAWX is corrected.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxwtcolum20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Bias Threshold from input thresholds file = 200
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt' file.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Warning: median for WT frames between rows 122-122 in file
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Warning: calculated with only 1 frames (end of hd file).
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: 'wtfile.tmp' file successfully written.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Start Find Trailing Charge Events
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Copied input file: wtfile.tmp to sort file wtfile_32160spuEvntTmp.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'ftsort infile=wtfile_32160spuEvntTmp.tmp outfile=wtfile_32160spuSortEvntTmp.tmp columns=RAWX,TIME method=heap'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: 'wtfile_32160spuEvnt.tmp' file successfully written.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Start sort processed Event file by (TIME,RAWX): wtfile_32160spuEvnt.tmp to file wtfile_32160FinalSpuEvnt.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Copied input file: wtfile_32160spuEvnt.tmp to sort file wtfile_32160FinalSpuEvnt.tmp
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'ftsort infile=wtfile_32160FinalSpuEvnt.tmp outfile=wtfile.tmp columns=CCDFrame,TIME,RAWX method=heap clobber=yes'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'fselect infile=wtfile.tmp outfile=wtfile.tmp expr=STATUS==bxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxx clobber=yes'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: executing 'fchecksum infile=wtfile.tmp update=yes datasum=yes ok=yes'
Checksum keywords updated successfully.
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: Remove unuseful files ...
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Info: File Produced: 'wtfile.tmp'
xrtwtcorr_0.2.6: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtevtrec on sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtevtrec (2025-069-05:50:55)
 		Running 'xrtevtrec_0.5.3'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file         :'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt'
Name of the output Event file        :'recfile.tmp'
Name of the input GRADES file        :'CALDB'
Name of the input Thresholds file    :'CALDB'
Added 'PHAS' and 'PixsAbove colums?  : no
Delete rows if PHA is NULL?          : yes
Flag events?                         : yes
Write HISTORY keywords?              : yes
Overwrite output file?               : yes
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits file
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' CALDB file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits file
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Event Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 60
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Split Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 60
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: EVTPHA column will be added and filled
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: in 'recfile.tmp' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: File 'recfile32166tmp.tmp' successfully written.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: File 'recfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: 		 Swift XRT GRADES
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total pixels                                 108
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total saturated events                        10    9.2593 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  0                    49   45.3704 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  1                     1    0.9259 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  2                     1    0.9259 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  3                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  4                     1    0.9259 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  5                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  6                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  7                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  8                     1    0.9259 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  9                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 10                     2    1.8519 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 11                     6    5.5556 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 12                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 13                     1    0.9259 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 14                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 15                     0    0.0000 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total NULL pixels                             44   40.7407 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total non reconstructed pixels                 2    1.8519 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtevtrec on sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtevtrec (2025-069-05:50:55)
 		Running 'xrtevtrec_0.5.3'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file         :'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt'
Name of the output Event file        :'recfile.tmp'
Name of the input GRADES file        :'CALDB'
Name of the input Thresholds file    :'CALDB'
Added 'PHAS' and 'PixsAbove colums?  : no
Delete rows if PHA is NULL?          : yes
Flag events?                         : yes
Write HISTORY keywords?              : yes
Overwrite output file?               : yes
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits file
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' CALDB file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits file
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Event Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 60
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Split Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 60
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: EVTPHA column will be added and filled
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: in 'recfile.tmp' file.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: File 'recfile32168tmp.tmp' successfully written.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: File 'recfile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: 		 Swift XRT GRADES
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total pixels                                1182
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total saturated events                       125   10.5753 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  0                   416   35.1946 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  1                    12    1.0152 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  2                     7    0.5922 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  3                    13    1.0998 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  4                     2    0.1692 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  5                     7    0.5922 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  6                     3    0.2538 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  7                    16    1.3536 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  8                     8    0.6768 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade  9                     6    0.5076 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 10                    18    1.5228 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 11                    24    2.0305 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 12                    17    1.4382 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 13                     7    0.5922 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 14                    10    0.8460 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total events with grade 15                    13    1.0998 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total NULL pixels                            561   47.4619 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Info: Total non reconstructed pixels                42    3.5533 %
xrtevtrec_0.5.3: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtpcgrade on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtpcgrade (2025-069-05:50:55)
 		Running 'xrtpcgrade_0.3.2'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
Name of the output Event file            :'gradefile.tmp'
Name of the input GRADES file            :'CALDB'
Name of the input thresholds file        :'CALDB'
Calculate grades using ASCA patterns?    : no
Write HISTORY keywords?                  : yes
Overwrite output file?                   : yes
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits file
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/grade/swxgrade20010101v002.fits' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: CalGetFileName: Found /aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits file
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: CalGetFileName: in Calibration database.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' CALDB file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: reading '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxvsubthr20131211v001.fits' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Split Threshold Level from input thresholds file = 40
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt' file.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Warning: PHA is already calculated,
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Warning: the PHA column will be overwritten.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: 		 Swift XRT GRADES
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total pixels                             29044
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total saturated events                       0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  0               23913   82.3337%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  1                 771    2.6546%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  2                 531    1.8283%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  3                 668    2.3000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  4                 467    1.6079%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  5                  27    0.0930%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  6                  14    0.0482%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  7                  31    0.1067%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  8                  20    0.0689%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade  9                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 10                   4    0.0138%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 11                   5    0.0172%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 12                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 13                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 14                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 15                   5    0.0172%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 16                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 17                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 18                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 19                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 20                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 21                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 22                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 23                   1    0.0034%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 24                   0    0.0000%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 25                   2    0.0069%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 26                 436    1.5012%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 27                 481    1.6561%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 28                 440    1.5149%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 29                 366    1.2602%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 30                  74    0.2548%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 31                  21    0.0723%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: Total events with grade 32                 756    2.6029%
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Info: 'gradefile.tmp' file successfully written.
xrtpcgrade_0.3.2: Exit with success.
-> Running xrthotpix on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrthotpix (2025-069-05:50:55)

		Running 'xrthotpix_0.3.4'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file                :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
Name of the output Event file               :'pixfile.tmp'
Name of the output Badpixel file            :'NONE'
Overwrite STATUS column?                    : yes
Using only events flag as good?             : yes
Execute new iteration using only events with grade<=12? : yes
Search cell size                            :'3'
Factor to estimate input gamma function x   :'1000.000000'
Log Poisson probability threshold           :'-5.300000'
Zero background threshold                   :'3'
Search and flag flickering pixels?          : yes
Iterate the search                          : yes
Overwrite output file?                      : yes
Write HISTORY keywords in output file?      : yes

xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt' file.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Image X Range is: xmin=  2 xmax=595.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Image Y Range is: ymin=  2 ymax=597.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   2 rawy = 232 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 5 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   2 rawy = 232 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy =  58 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy =  58 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy = 489 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy = 489 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy = 579 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   3 rawy = 579 img = 105 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   4 rawy = 192 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   4 rawy = 192 img = 67 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =   4 rawy = 512 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =   4 rawy = 512 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  10 rawy = 239 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  10 rawy = 239 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  11 rawy = 483 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  11 rawy = 483 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy =  18 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy =  18 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 284 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 284 img = 75 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 322 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 322 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 425 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  12 rawy = 425 img = 14 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  14 rawy = 358 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  14 rawy = 358 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  15 rawy = 139 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  15 rawy = 139 img = 41 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  16 rawy = 208 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  16 rawy = 208 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  16 rawy = 214 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  16 rawy = 214 img = 17 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  18 rawy = 129 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  18 rawy = 129 img = 101 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  24 rawy = 254 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  24 rawy = 254 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  26 rawy = 505 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  26 rawy = 505 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  26 rawy = 521 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  26 rawy = 521 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  27 rawy = 497 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  27 rawy = 497 img = 24 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  31 rawy = 254 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  31 rawy = 254 img = 70 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  31 rawy = 429 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  31 rawy = 429 img = 8 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  32 rawy =  65 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  32 rawy =  65 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  36 rawy = 433 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  36 rawy = 433 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  38 rawy = 245 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  38 rawy = 245 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  39 rawy = 565 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  39 rawy = 565 img = 73 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  40 rawy = 274 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  40 rawy = 274 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  45 rawy = 397 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  45 rawy = 397 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  45 rawy = 541 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  45 rawy = 541 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  46 rawy = 150 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  46 rawy = 150 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  46 rawy = 339 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  46 rawy = 339 img = 21 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  51 rawy = 208 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  51 rawy = 208 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  52 rawy = 505 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  52 rawy = 505 img = 56 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  54 rawy = 342 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  54 rawy = 342 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  56 rawy = 258 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  56 rawy = 258 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  58 rawy = 349 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  58 rawy = 349 img = 21 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  59 rawy = 205 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  59 rawy = 205 img = 72 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 160 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 160 img = 80 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 340 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 340 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 347 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  60 rawy = 347 img = 43 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  63 rawy =  11 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  63 rawy =  11 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  63 rawy = 218 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  63 rawy = 218 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  65 rawy = 174 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  65 rawy = 174 img = 48 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  65 rawy = 302 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  65 rawy = 302 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  66 rawy = 574 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  66 rawy = 574 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  71 rawy =  28 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  71 rawy =  28 img = 100 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 152 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 152 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 516 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 516 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 535 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  72 rawy = 535 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  73 rawy =  70 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  73 rawy =  70 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  75 rawy = 148 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  75 rawy = 148 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  78 rawy = 198 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  78 rawy = 198 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 103 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 103 img = 40 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 463 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  79 rawy = 463 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  81 rawy = 311 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  81 rawy = 311 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  82 rawy = 304 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  82 rawy = 304 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  82 rawy = 434 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  82 rawy = 434 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  83 rawy =  98 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  83 rawy =  98 img = 88 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  83 rawy = 508 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  83 rawy = 508 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  85 rawy = 464 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  85 rawy = 464 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  86 rawy = 454 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  86 rawy = 454 img = 12 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  87 rawy = 499 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  87 rawy = 499 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  88 rawy = 145 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  88 rawy = 145 img = 92 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  89 rawy = 127 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  89 rawy = 127 img = 12 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  90 rawy =  67 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  90 rawy =  67 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  92 rawy = 113 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  92 rawy = 113 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  93 rawy = 171 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  93 rawy = 171 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  94 rawy = 330 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  94 rawy = 330 img = 36 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 102 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 102 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 420 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 420 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 525 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  95 rawy = 525 img = 8 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  96 rawy = 335 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  96 rawy = 335 img = 19 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  96 rawy = 445 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  96 rawy = 445 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  97 rawy = 240 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  97 rawy = 240 img = 65 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx =  99 rawy = 277 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx =  99 rawy = 277 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 102 rawy = 364 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 102 rawy = 364 img = 71 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 106 rawy = 338 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 106 rawy = 338 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 107 rawy =  79 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 107 rawy =  79 img = 61 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 108 rawy = 167 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 108 rawy = 167 img = 67 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 109 rawy = 525 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 109 rawy = 525 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 110 rawy = 126 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 110 rawy = 126 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 110 rawy = 208 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 110 rawy = 208 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  13 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  13 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  34 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  34 img = 24 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  57 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 112 rawy =  57 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 113 rawy = 525 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 113 rawy = 525 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 114 rawy = 389 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 114 rawy = 389 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 116 rawy = 180 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 116 rawy = 180 img = 43 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 117 rawy = 572 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 117 rawy = 572 img = 68 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 182 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 182 img = 15 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 436 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 123 rawy = 436 img = 90 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy =  77 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy =  77 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy =  98 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy =  98 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy = 209 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 126 rawy = 209 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 129 rawy = 182 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 129 rawy = 182 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 130 rawy = 100 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 130 rawy = 100 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 130 rawy = 256 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 130 rawy = 256 img = 41 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 131 rawy =  79 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 131 rawy =  79 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 131 rawy = 362 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 131 rawy = 362 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 132 rawy = 540 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 132 rawy = 540 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 133 rawy = 277 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 133 rawy = 277 img = 95 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 136 rawy = 150 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 136 rawy = 150 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 138 rawy = 558 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 138 rawy = 558 img = 39 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 139 rawy = 340 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 139 rawy = 340 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 143 rawy = 104 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 143 rawy = 104 img = 66 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 145 rawy = 394 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 145 rawy = 394 img = 26 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  27 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  27 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  83 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  83 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  90 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy =  90 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 243 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 243 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 517 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 517 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 573 percent 0.0651042 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.375000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 573 img = 9 -- bac = 0.375 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 575 percent 0.00960553 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.375000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 575 img = 61 -- bac = 0.375 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 577 percent 0.0169837 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.500000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 577 img = 46 -- bac = 0.500 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 148 rawy = 223 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 148 rawy = 223 img = 95 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 150 rawy = 196 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 150 rawy = 196 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 150 rawy = 474 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 150 rawy = 474 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy =  70 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy =  70 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy = 143 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy = 143 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy = 565 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 152 rawy = 565 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 153 rawy = 371 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 153 rawy = 371 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 153 rawy = 537 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 153 rawy = 537 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 154 rawy = 461 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 154 rawy = 461 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 155 rawy =  69 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 155 rawy =  69 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 157 rawy = 475 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 157 rawy = 475 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 160 rawy = 152 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 160 rawy = 152 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 160 rawy = 222 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 160 rawy = 222 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy =  50 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy =  50 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 320 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 320 img = 23 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 415 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 415 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 549 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 162 rawy = 549 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy =  82 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy =  82 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy = 250 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy = 250 img = 59 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy = 370 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 163 rawy = 370 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 164 rawy = 196 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 164 rawy = 196 img = 54 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 343 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 343 img = 26 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 545 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 167 rawy = 545 img = 43 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 168 rawy = 537 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 168 rawy = 537 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 169 rawy = 512 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 169 rawy = 512 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy =  79 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy =  79 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy = 402 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy = 402 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy = 431 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 171 rawy = 431 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 172 rawy = 250 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 172 rawy = 250 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 173 rawy = 227 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 173 rawy = 227 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 307 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 307 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 314 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 314 img = 35 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 316 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 316 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 319 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 319 img = 23 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 322 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 322 img = 88 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 324 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 324 img = 66 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 326 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 326 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 329 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 329 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 333 percent 0.0232515 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.625000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 333 img = 42 -- bac = 0.625 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 179 rawy =  61 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 179 rawy =  61 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 179 rawy = 336 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 179 rawy = 336 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 180 rawy = 238 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 180 rawy = 238 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 417 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 417 img = 81 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 468 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 181 rawy = 468 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 133 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 133 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 373 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 373 img = 72 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 406 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 182 rawy = 406 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 183 rawy = 518 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 183 rawy = 518 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 186 rawy = 476 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 186 rawy = 476 img = 19 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 188 rawy = 252 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 188 rawy = 252 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 189 rawy = 361 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 189 rawy = 361 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 190 rawy = 443 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 190 rawy = 443 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 191 rawy = 434 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 191 rawy = 434 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 194 rawy = 306 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 194 rawy = 306 img = 25 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 195 rawy = 375 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 195 rawy = 375 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy =  25 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy =  25 img = 90 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy = 128 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 196 rawy = 128 img = 94 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 198 rawy =  95 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 198 rawy =  95 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 198 rawy = 394 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 198 rawy = 394 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 199 rawy = 398 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 199 rawy = 398 img = 12 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 202 rawy =  53 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 202 rawy =  53 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 202 rawy = 515 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 202 rawy = 515 img = 63 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 204 rawy = 369 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 204 rawy = 369 img = 17 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 205 rawy =  56 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 205 rawy =  56 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 209 rawy = 485 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 209 rawy = 485 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 210 rawy =  73 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 210 rawy =  73 img = 37 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 214 rawy = 160 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 214 rawy = 160 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 217 rawy = 224 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 217 rawy = 224 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 218 rawy = 578 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 218 rawy = 578 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 219 rawy =  20 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 219 rawy =  20 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy =  29 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy =  29 img = 30 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy = 289 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy = 289 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy = 413 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 220 rawy = 413 img = 23 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 221 rawy = 141 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 221 rawy = 141 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 221 rawy = 144 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 221 rawy = 144 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 223 rawy = 168 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 223 rawy = 168 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 223 rawy = 581 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 223 rawy = 581 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 225 rawy = 426 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 225 rawy = 426 img = 55 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 226 rawy = 428 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 226 rawy = 428 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 226 rawy = 578 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 226 rawy = 578 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 228 rawy =  39 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 228 rawy =  39 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 228 rawy = 239 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 228 rawy = 239 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 229 rawy = 559 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 229 rawy = 559 img = 42 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 231 rawy = 159 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 231 rawy = 159 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 233 rawy = 518 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 233 rawy = 518 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 234 rawy =  48 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 234 rawy =  48 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 236 rawy = 362 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 236 rawy = 362 img = 17 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 236 rawy = 478 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 236 rawy = 478 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 237 rawy = 408 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 237 rawy = 408 img = 39 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 241 rawy = 570 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 241 rawy = 570 img = 101 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 242 rawy = 448 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 242 rawy = 448 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 245 rawy = 519 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 245 rawy = 519 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 251 rawy = 282 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 251 rawy = 282 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 254 rawy =  25 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 254 rawy =  25 img = 69 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 257 rawy = 235 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 257 rawy = 235 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 260 rawy =  27 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 260 rawy =  27 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 262 rawy = 541 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 262 rawy = 541 img = 23 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 262 rawy = 577 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 262 rawy = 577 img = 78 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 263 rawy =  12 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 263 rawy =  12 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 264 rawy = 162 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 264 rawy = 162 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 265 rawy = 437 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 265 rawy = 437 img = 27 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 266 rawy =  75 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 266 rawy =  75 img = 83 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 273 rawy = 192 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 273 rawy = 192 img = 33 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 276 rawy = 310 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 276 rawy = 310 img = 8 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 276 rawy = 426 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 276 rawy = 426 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 281 rawy = 209 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 281 rawy = 209 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 282 rawy = 139 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 282 rawy = 139 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 283 rawy = 502 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 283 rawy = 502 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 285 rawy = 328 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 285 rawy = 328 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 228 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 228 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 494 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 494 img = 14 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 524 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 286 rawy = 524 img = 94 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 289 rawy = 390 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 289 rawy = 390 img = 20 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 289 rawy = 490 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 289 rawy = 490 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 295 rawy = 126 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 295 rawy = 126 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 295 rawy = 581 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 295 rawy = 581 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 296 rawy = 441 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 296 rawy = 441 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 297 rawy = 502 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 297 rawy = 502 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 299 rawy = 203 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 299 rawy = 203 img = 99 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 299 rawy = 517 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 299 rawy = 517 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy =  24 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy =  24 img = 104 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy =  49 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy =  49 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy = 192 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 300 rawy = 192 img = 21 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 303 rawy = 542 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 303 rawy = 542 img = 104 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 304 rawy = 116 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 304 rawy = 116 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 304 rawy = 467 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 304 rawy = 467 img = 20 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 305 rawy =  36 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 305 rawy =  36 img = 33 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 305 rawy = 515 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 305 rawy = 515 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 306 rawy = 409 percent 0.00219452 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.125000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 306 rawy = 409 img = 89 -- bac = 0.125 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 307 rawy = 123 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 307 rawy = 123 img = 25 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 307 rawy = 162 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 307 rawy = 162 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 308 rawy = 514 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 308 rawy = 514 img = 46 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 309 rawy = 280 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 309 rawy = 280 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 309 rawy = 556 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 309 rawy = 556 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 311 rawy = 580 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 311 rawy = 580 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 312 rawy = 592 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 312 rawy = 592 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 313 rawy = 132 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 313 rawy = 132 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 314 rawy =  21 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 314 rawy =  21 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 315 rawy = 421 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 315 rawy = 421 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 316 rawy = 140 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 316 rawy = 140 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 317 rawy = 263 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 317 rawy = 263 img = 95 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 318 rawy =  47 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 318 rawy =  47 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 321 rawy = 267 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 321 rawy = 267 img = 84 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 321 rawy = 419 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 321 rawy = 419 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 325 rawy =  77 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 325 rawy =  77 img = 29 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 328 rawy = 394 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 328 rawy = 394 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 330 rawy = 148 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 330 rawy = 148 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 330 rawy = 564 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 330 rawy = 564 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 332 rawy = 551 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 332 rawy = 551 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 333 rawy = 576 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 333 rawy = 576 img = 40 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 334 rawy = 182 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 334 rawy = 182 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 335 rawy = 302 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 335 rawy = 302 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 336 rawy = 129 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 336 rawy = 129 img = 103 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 339 rawy =  33 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 339 rawy =  33 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 179 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 179 img = 40 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 488 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 488 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 564 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 340 rawy = 564 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 341 rawy = 368 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 341 rawy = 368 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 341 rawy = 556 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 341 rawy = 556 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 342 rawy = 136 percent 0.0139509 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.125000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 342 rawy = 136 img = 14 -- bac = 0.125 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 342 rawy = 175 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 342 rawy = 175 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 343 rawy = 160 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 343 rawy = 160 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 345 rawy = 253 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 345 rawy = 253 img = 104 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 346 rawy = 189 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 346 rawy = 189 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 346 rawy = 568 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 346 rawy = 568 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 350 rawy = 470 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 350 rawy = 470 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 351 rawy = 179 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 351 rawy = 179 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 352 rawy = 144 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 352 rawy = 144 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 356 rawy = 322 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 356 rawy = 322 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 357 rawy = 230 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 357 rawy = 230 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 357 rawy = 515 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 357 rawy = 515 img = 33 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 358 rawy = 167 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 358 rawy = 167 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 363 rawy =  87 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 363 rawy =  87 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 363 rawy = 539 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 363 rawy = 539 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 364 rawy = 549 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 364 rawy = 549 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 365 rawy = 479 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 365 rawy = 479 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 365 rawy = 481 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 365 rawy = 481 img = 34 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 370 rawy = 587 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 370 rawy = 587 img = 14 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 371 rawy = 395 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 371 rawy = 395 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 375 rawy =  14 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 375 rawy =  14 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 376 rawy = 321 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 376 rawy = 321 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 381 rawy = 546 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 381 rawy = 546 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 382 rawy = 344 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 382 rawy = 344 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 382 rawy = 429 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 382 rawy = 429 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 383 rawy = 164 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 383 rawy = 164 img = 44 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 383 rawy = 333 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 383 rawy = 333 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 387 rawy = 425 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 387 rawy = 425 img = 27 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 388 rawy = 509 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 388 rawy = 509 img = 97 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 393 rawy = 191 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 393 rawy = 191 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 394 rawy = 376 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 394 rawy = 376 img = 19 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 397 rawy = 550 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 397 rawy = 550 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 398 rawy = 257 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 398 rawy = 257 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 399 rawy = 356 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 399 rawy = 356 img = 7 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 400 rawy =  66 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 400 rawy =  66 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 401 rawy = 551 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 401 rawy = 551 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 327 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 327 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 400 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 403 rawy = 400 img = 62 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 404 rawy = 122 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 404 rawy = 122 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 408 rawy = 573 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 408 rawy = 573 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 409 rawy = 166 percent 0.0108507 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.125000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 409 rawy = 166 img = 18 -- bac = 0.125 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 410 rawy = 586 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 410 rawy = 586 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 416 rawy = 242 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 416 rawy = 242 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 418 rawy = 115 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 418 rawy = 115 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 418 rawy = 312 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 418 rawy = 312 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 419 rawy = 180 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 419 rawy = 180 img = 15 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 419 rawy = 511 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 419 rawy = 511 img = 9 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 421 rawy = 588 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 421 rawy = 588 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 424 rawy = 424 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 424 rawy = 424 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 425 rawy = 189 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 425 rawy = 189 img = 31 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 426 rawy = 269 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 426 rawy = 269 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 428 rawy =  71 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 428 rawy =  71 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 428 rawy = 388 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 428 rawy = 388 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 430 rawy = 320 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 430 rawy = 320 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 430 rawy = 433 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 430 rawy = 433 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 431 rawy =  96 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 431 rawy =  96 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 432 rawy = 185 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 432 rawy = 185 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 432 rawy = 507 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 432 rawy = 507 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 433 rawy = 419 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 433 rawy = 419 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 434 rawy = 314 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 434 rawy = 314 img = 57 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 435 rawy =  60 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 435 rawy =  60 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 442 rawy = 405 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 442 rawy = 405 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 442 rawy = 433 percent 0.0025699 pix_star 1 pix_num 8 bac 0.125000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 442 rawy = 433 img = 76 -- bac = 0.125 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 443 rawy = 284 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 443 rawy = 284 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 445 rawy = 533 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 445 rawy = 533 img = 19 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 445 rawy = 590 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 445 rawy = 590 img = 35 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 447 rawy = 343 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 447 rawy = 343 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 447 rawy = 389 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 447 rawy = 389 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 449 rawy = 167 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 449 rawy = 167 img = 105 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 266 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 266 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 310 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 310 img = 60 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 569 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 450 rawy = 569 img = 87 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 452 rawy = 497 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 452 rawy = 497 img = 85 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy =  46 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy =  46 img = 55 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy = 216 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy = 216 img = 11 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy = 376 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 453 rawy = 376 img = 15 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 454 rawy = 429 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 454 rawy = 429 img = 36 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 456 rawy = 403 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 456 rawy = 403 img = 56 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 458 rawy = 452 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 458 rawy = 452 img = 104 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 460 rawy = 395 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 460 rawy = 395 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 461 rawy = 437 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 461 rawy = 437 img = 41 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 464 rawy = 324 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 464 rawy = 324 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 467 rawy = 217 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 467 rawy = 217 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 468 rawy = 505 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 468 rawy = 505 img = 89 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  52 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  52 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  57 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy =  57 img = 103 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy = 264 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 469 rawy = 264 img = 57 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 470 rawy = 166 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 470 rawy = 166 img = 24 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 470 rawy = 197 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 470 rawy = 197 img = 52 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 472 rawy = 380 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 472 rawy = 380 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 131 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 131 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 166 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 166 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 421 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 473 rawy = 421 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 173 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 173 img = 62 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 400 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 475 rawy = 400 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 476 rawy = 232 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 476 rawy = 232 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 477 rawy =  75 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 477 rawy =  75 img = 10 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 478 rawy = 206 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 478 rawy = 206 img = 16 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 479 rawy = 269 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 479 rawy = 269 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 480 rawy = 237 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 480 rawy = 237 img = 68 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 481 rawy = 378 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 481 rawy = 378 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 483 rawy = 404 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 483 rawy = 404 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 484 rawy = 332 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 484 rawy = 332 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 485 rawy =  34 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 485 rawy =  34 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 487 rawy = 453 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 487 rawy = 453 img = 82 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 488 rawy =  47 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 488 rawy =  47 img = 14 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 490 rawy = 371 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 490 rawy = 371 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 492 rawy = 386 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 492 rawy = 386 img = 8 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 495 rawy = 397 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 495 rawy = 397 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 496 rawy = 290 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 496 rawy = 290 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 497 rawy = 447 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 497 rawy = 447 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 498 rawy =  32 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 498 rawy =  32 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 498 rawy = 100 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 498 rawy = 100 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 505 rawy =  62 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 505 rawy =  62 img = 81 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 506 rawy = 430 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 506 rawy = 430 img = 69 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 507 rawy = 240 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 507 rawy = 240 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 507 rawy = 386 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 507 rawy = 386 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 510 rawy = 134 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 510 rawy = 134 img = 77 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 511 rawy = 492 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 511 rawy = 492 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 512 rawy = 441 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 512 rawy = 441 img = 76 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy =  90 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy =  90 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 122 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 122 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 210 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 210 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 302 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 514 rawy = 302 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 516 rawy = 538 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 516 rawy = 538 img = 12 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 518 rawy = 206 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 518 rawy = 206 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 520 rawy = 509 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 520 rawy = 509 img = 107 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 523 rawy = 464 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 523 rawy = 464 img = 36 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 524 rawy = 419 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 524 rawy = 419 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 525 rawy = 441 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 525 rawy = 441 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 526 rawy = 203 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 526 rawy = 203 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 527 rawy = 521 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 527 rawy = 521 img = 82 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 531 rawy = 384 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 531 rawy = 384 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 533 rawy =  92 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 533 rawy =  92 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 538 rawy =  32 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 538 rawy =  32 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 540 rawy =  94 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 540 rawy =  94 img = 70 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 541 rawy = 202 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 541 rawy = 202 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 542 rawy = 164 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 542 rawy = 164 img = 20 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 331 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 331 img = 106 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 414 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 414 img = 18 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 460 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 543 rawy = 460 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 546 rawy =  55 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 546 rawy =  55 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 548 rawy = 307 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 548 rawy = 307 img = 105 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 548 rawy = 541 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 548 rawy = 541 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 549 rawy = 425 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 549 rawy = 425 img = 31 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 119 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 119 img = 6 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 433 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 433 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 478 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 550 rawy = 478 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 272 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 272 img = 72 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 316 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 316 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 451 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 551 rawy = 451 img = 51 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 556 rawy =  92 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 556 rawy =  92 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 556 rawy = 170 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 556 rawy = 170 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 557 rawy = 219 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 557 rawy = 219 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 557 rawy = 352 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 557 rawy = 352 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 559 rawy = 213 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 559 rawy = 213 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 562 rawy = 437 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 562 rawy = 437 img = 14 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 572 rawy = 583 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 572 rawy = 583 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 574 rawy = 113 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 574 rawy = 113 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 575 rawy = 294 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 575 rawy = 294 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 577 rawy = 234 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 577 rawy = 234 img = 36 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 577 rawy = 310 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 577 rawy = 310 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 578 rawy = 454 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 578 rawy = 454 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 579 rawy =  21 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 579 rawy =  21 img = 22 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 580 rawy = 430 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 580 rawy = 430 img = 89 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 581 rawy =  55 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 581 rawy =  55 img = 108 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 536 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 536 img = 46 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 545 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 582 rawy = 545 img = 80 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 583 rawy = 565 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 583 rawy = 565 img = 75 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 586 rawy =  51 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 586 rawy =  51 img = 62 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 592 rawy = 102 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 1 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 592 rawy = 102 img = 13 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels iter: 1
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels pixel numb: 445
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels counts: 27903
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 578 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 2 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 146 rawy = 578 img = 4 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 332 percent 0 pix_star 0 pix_num 8 bac 0.000000
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Iter 2 Found Flickering Pixels in rawx = 178 rawy = 332 img = 5 -- bac = 0.000 -- pixel_prob = 0
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels iter: 2
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels pixel numb: 447
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Flickering pixels counts: 27912
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: Executing new search of flickering pixels using grade selection.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: CreateFile: Writing pixfile32172tmp.tmp file.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: primary HDU successfully created
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: in 'pixfile32172tmp.tmp' file. 
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: BADPIX extension successfully written
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Info: 'pixfile.tmp' file successfully written.
xrthotpix_0.3.4: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtcalcpi on sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtcalcpi (2025-069-05:50:55)
		Running 'xrtcalcpi_0.4.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
Name of the input GAIN file              :'CALDB'
Name of the input HK Header file         :''
Name of the output Event file            :'pifile.tmp'
Nominal gain                             : -99.000000
Offset in channel/energy relationship    : 0.000000
Method to correct positional gain variation : TOTAL
Number of iterations for charge traps correction : 2
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt' file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/gain/swxpcgains6_20010101v024.fits' CALDB file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: File 'pifile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtcalcpi on sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtcalcpi (2025-069-05:50:55)
		Running 'xrtcalcpi_0.4.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt'
Name of the input GAIN file              :'CALDB'
Name of the input HK Header file         :''
Name of the output Event file            :'pifile.tmp'
Nominal gain                             : -99.000000
Offset in channel/energy relationship    : 0.000000
Method to correct positional gain variation : TOTAL
Number of iterations for charge traps correction : 2
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt' file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/gain/swxwtgains6_20010101v026.fits' CALDB file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: PI column will be added and filled
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: in 'pifile.tmp' file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: File 'pifile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Exit with success.
-> Running xrtcalcpi on sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtcalcpi (2025-069-05:50:55)
		Running 'xrtcalcpi_0.4.6'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt'
Name of the input GAIN file              :'CALDB'
Name of the input HK Header file         :''
Name of the output Event file            :'pifile.tmp'
Nominal gain                             : -99.000000
Offset in channel/energy relationship    : 0.000000
Method to correct positional gain variation : TOTAL
Number of iterations for charge traps correction : 2
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt' file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/gain/swxwtgains6_20010101v026.fits' CALDB file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Processing file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: PI column will be added and filled
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: in 'pifile.tmp' file.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: File 'pifile.tmp' successfully written.
xrtcalcpi_0.4.6: Info: Exit with success.

Doing UVOT coordinate transforms (2025-069-05:50:55)

E1[core.unknown.error] sw00021789991uat.fits uat attitude file does not exist, trying pat file

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 88
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  3. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 285
-> Got pat attitude file sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:50:55)

Cleaning and filtering the event files (2025-069-05:50:55)

-> Mode pcw?po (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> Extracting sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt from sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:50:55)
-> stdout output from xrtscreen (2025-069-05:50:57)
             Running ' xrtscreen version 0.5.0 '
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Using Maketime input file:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: sw00021789991x.mkf
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - HKRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "DATA.eq.ATTITUDE.and.XRTVSUB.eq.6" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits 1
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Get Expression for ATTITUDE GTIs selection from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - HKRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "DATA.eq.SAC.and.XRTVSUB.eq.6" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits 3
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Get Expression for SAC GTIs selection from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - HKRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.XRTVSUB.eq.6" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: obsmodescreen set to 'yes', adding to the gti expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: the Observation Mode expression related to the input data.
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Data taken during 'POINTING'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: acsscreen set to 'no'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Added the Observation Mode expr: ((SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==1)||(SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==0&&SAFEHOLD==0))
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' input: 'sw00021789991x.mkf'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' output: 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'maketime' .
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Creating xrtscreen_gti.tmp file using '"(ELV>=28||BR_EARTH>=120)&&(SUN_ANGLE>=45&&ANG_DIST<=0.15&&MOON_ANGLE>=14)&&((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&(STLOCKFL==1)&&((STAST_LOSSFCN>=0&&STAST_LOSSFCN<=5.0E-9)||(STAST_LOSSFCN>=1&&STAST_LOSSFCN<=5.0E+3))&&((SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==1)||(SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==0&&SAFEHOLD==0))"' expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Copy Swift keyword to File 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - EVTRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "DATAMODE.eq.PHOTON" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits 1
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Event Selection Expressions from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits' file HDU Number 1
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'exprgrade' set to: '0-12'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'expr' set to: 'STATUS==b0'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'xselect'  on 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-12"'
                         **  XSELECT V2.5b  **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel32185
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Got new mission: SWIFT
        OBJECT      OBS_ID      DATE-OBS            DATAMODE
      1 NOT_FOUND   00021789991 2025-03-09T15:42:19 PHOTON
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      SWIFT
 Time keyword is TIME       in units of s
 Default timing binsize =   5.0000
 Image  keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 WMAP   keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 Energy keyword   = PI                     with binning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   2.5073
MJDREF =  5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT
 Number of files read in:            1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
HK Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
extractor v6.11    12 Dec 2023
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt
 10% completed
 20% completed
 30% completed
 40% completed
 50% completed
 60% completed
 70% completed
 80% completed
 90% completed
100% completed
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
          29044     26232          222         0      2590         0
 Writing events file
  26232 events written to the output file
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
          29044     26232          222         0      2590         0
   in  268.28     seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Wrote events list to file ./xselect32186evt.flt
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel32185:SUZAKU > read event
!> Enter the Event file dir >[./] ./
!> Enter Event file list >[] sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt
!> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter time file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > filter grade "0-12"
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract events
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > yes
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > save events ./xselect32186evt.flt
!> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes
!xsel32185:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > quit
!> Save this session? >[no] no
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file './xselect32186evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'fselect'  to select events with expression '"STATUS==b0"'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. './fselect32186evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Filtered event file './sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Selections applied:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info:  TIME: "(ELV>=28||BR_EARTH>=120)&&(SUN_ANGLE>=45&&ANG_DIST<=0.15&&MOON_ANGLE>=14)&&((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&(STLOCKFL==1)&&((STAST_LOSSFCN>=0&&STAST_LOSSFCN<=5.0E-9)||(STAST_LOSSFCN>=1&&STAST_LOSSFCN<=5.0E+3))&&((SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==1)||(SETTLED==1&&TEN_ARCMIN==0&&SAFEHOLD==0))" 
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE: "0-12"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: EVENT: "STATUS==b0"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Exit with success 
-> 670 filtered events (2025-069-05:50:57)
-> No unfiltered files for mode wtw?po (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> No unfiltered files for mode pub?po (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> No unfiltered files for mode lrb?po (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> No unfiltered files for mode pcw?s[lt] (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> Mode wtw?s[lt] (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> Extracting sw00021789991xwtw2st_cl.evt from sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:51:00)
-> stdout output from xrtscreen (2025-069-05:51:02)
             Running ' xrtscreen version 0.5.0 '
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Using Maketime input file:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: sw00021789991x.mkf
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - HKRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:05 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.XRTVSUB.eq.6" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: obsmodescreen set to 'yes', adding to the gti expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: the Observation Mode expression related to the input data.
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Data taken during 'SETTLING'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Added the Observation Mode expr: SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==1
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' input: 'sw00021789991x.mkf'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' output: 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'maketime' .
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Creating xrtscreen_gti.tmp file using '"((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==1"' expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Copy Swift keyword to File 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - EVTRANGE 2025-03-09 15:42:05 "DATAMODE.eq.WINDOWED" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Event Selection Expressions from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits' file HDU Number 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'exprgrade' set to: '0-2'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'expr' set to: 'STATUS==b0'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'xselect'  on 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-2"'
                         **  XSELECT V2.5b  **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel32518
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Got new mission: SWIFT
        OBJECT      OBS_ID      DATE-OBS            DATAMODE
      1 NOT_FOUND   00021789991 2025-03-09T15:42:05 WINDOWED
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      SWIFT
 Time keyword is TIME       in units of s
 Default timing binsize =   1.0000
 Image  keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 WMAP   keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 Energy keyword   = PI                     with binning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.17791E-02
MJDREF =  5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT
 Number of files read in:            1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
HK Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
extractor v6.11    12 Dec 2023
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt
 20% completed
 30% completed
 40% completed
 50% completed
 70% completed
 80% completed
 90% completed
100% completed
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
             62        51            0         0        11         0
 Writing events file
     51 events written to the output file
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
             62        51            0         0        11         0
   in  11.728     seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Wrote events list to file ./xselect32519evt.flt
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel32518:SUZAKU > read event
!> Enter the Event file dir >[./] ./
!> Enter Event file list >[] sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt
!> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter time file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter grade "0-2"
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > extract events
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > yes
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > save events ./xselect32519evt.flt
!> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes
!xsel32518:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > quit
!> Save this session? >[no] no
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file './xselect32519evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'fselect'  to select events with expression '"STATUS==b0"'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. './fselect32519evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Filtered event file './sw00021789991xwtw2st_cl.evt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Selections applied:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info:  TIME: "((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==1" 
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE: "0-2"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: EVENT: "STATUS==b0"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Exit with success 
-> 12 filtered events (2025-069-05:51:02)
-> Extracting sw00021789991xwtw2sl_cl.evt from sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:51:04)
-> stdout output from xrtscreen (2025-069-05:51:06)
             Running ' xrtscreen version 0.5.0 '
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GTI file for TIME selection will be:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Using Maketime input file:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: sw00021789991x.mkf
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - HKRANGE 2025-03-09 15:40:08 "DATA.eq.INSTRUMENT.and.XRTVSUB.eq.6" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Get Expression for INSTRUMENT GTIs selection from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxhkranges6_20010101v011.fits' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: obsmodescreen set to 'yes', adding to the gti expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: the Observation Mode expression related to the input data.
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Data taken during 'SLEW'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Added the Observation Mode expr: ((SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==0)||(SAFEHOLD==1))
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' input: 'sw00021789991x.mkf'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' output: 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'maketime' .
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Creating xrtscreen_gti.tmp file using '"((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&((SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==0)||(SAFEHOLD==1))"' expression
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Copy Swift keyword to File 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp'
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(0): TELESCOP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 1 key(1): INSTRUME to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(0): TIMESYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(1): TIMEREF to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(2): TASSIGN to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(3): TIMEUNIT to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(4): CLOCKAPP to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(5): OBS_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(6): TARG_ID to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(7): SEG_NUM to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(8): EQUINOX to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
update 9 key(9): RADECSYS to file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'maketime' exit with success. 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - EVTRANGE 2025-03-09 15:40:08 "DATAMODE.eq.WINDOWED" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Event Selection Expressions from
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxevtrange20010101v002.fits' file HDU Number 2
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'exprgrade' set to: '0-2'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Default 'expr' set to: 'STATUS==b0'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'xselect'  on 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: TIME selection using GTIs from 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp' file
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE expression for 'xselect' selection: '"0-2"'
                         **  XSELECT V2.5b  **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel33033
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Got new mission: SWIFT
        OBJECT      OBS_ID      DATE-OBS            DATAMODE
      1 NOT_FOUND   00021789991 2025-03-09T15:40:08 WINDOWED
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      SWIFT
 Time keyword is TIME       in units of s
 Default timing binsize =   1.0000
 Image  keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 WMAP   keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 Energy keyword   = PI                     with binning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:  0.17791E-02
MJDREF =  5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT
 Number of files read in:            1
******************** Observation Catalogue ********************
Data Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
HK Directory is: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
extractor v6.11    12 Dec 2023
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt
 10% completed
 20% completed
 30% completed
 40% completed
 50% completed
 60% completed
 70% completed
 80% completed
 90% completed
100% completed
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            579       432            3         0       144         0
 Writing events file
    432 events written to the output file
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            579       432            3         0       144         0
   in  116.61     seconds
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Wrote events list to file ./xselect33034evt.flt
Changing Data directory from:
to the current working directory.
!xsel33033:SUZAKU > read event
!> Enter the Event file dir >[./] ./
!> Enter Event file list >[] sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt
!> Reset the mission ? >[yes] yes
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter time file xrtscreen_gti.tmp
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > filter grade "0-2"
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > extract events
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > yes
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > save events ./xselect33034evt.flt
!> Use filtered events as input data file ? >[yes] yes
!xsel33033:SWIFT-XRT-WINDOWED > quit
!> Save this session? >[no] no
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'xselect' exit with success. Output file './xselect33034evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Running 'fselect'  to select events with expression '"STATUS==b0"'
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: 'fselect' exit with success. './fselect33034evt.flt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Filtered event file './sw00021789991xwtw2sl_cl.evt' created
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: Selections applied:
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info:  TIME: "((CCDTemp>=-102&&CCDTemp<=-47)&&(Vod1>=29.8&&Vod1<=30.25)&&(Vod2>=29.30&&Vod2<=29.80)&&(Vrd1>=16.40&&Vrd1<=16.80)&&(Vrd2>=16.45&&Vrd2<=16.90)&&(Vsub>=5.67&&Vsub<=6.07)&&(Vbackjun>=5.65&&Vbackjun<=6.05)&&(BaseLin1>=0.1&&BaseLin1<=0.4)&&(BaseLin2>=-0.1&&BaseLin2<=0.1))&&((SETTLED==0&&TEN_ARCMIN==0)||(SAFEHOLD==1))" 
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: GRADE: "0-2"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Info: EVENT: "STATUS==b0"
xrtscreen_0.5.0: Exit with success 
-> 106 filtered events (2025-069-05:51:06)
-> No unfiltered files for mode pub?s[lt] (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> No unfiltered files for mode lrb?s[lt] (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> Screen uvot images. (2025-069-05:51:08)

Extracting, merging and plotting images for UVOT (2025-069-05:51:08)

-> No uvot catalogue file indicates no uvot data (2025-069-05:51:08)

Apply uvotgraspcorr (2025-069-05:51:08)

E1[core.unknown.error] no UVOT detimage files to process

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 81
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 57
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 299

Make UVOT products: 2 gif lightcurves (2025-069-05:51:08)

E1[core.unknown.error] No Uvot image files exist

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 243
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 171
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 300

Generating XRT products (2025-069-05:51:08)

-> get_grb_coord_local: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> get_grb_coord_local: GRB DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger 21789 not found in Local catalog. (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> get_swiftgrb_coord: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> get_swiftgrb_coord: TargetID 21789 not found in Lorella's catalog (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> get_grb_coord: GRB id= DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY), trigger=21789 (2025-069-05:51:08)
-> get_grb_coord:TriggerID 21789 not found in JD catalog (2025-069-05:51:09)
-> Not found in GRB catalogs, will be using job.par coordinates (210.804518455008, -10.1531573067065) (2025-069-05:51:09)
-> Got pat attitude file sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:51:09)
-> making exposure maps for each XRT mode (2025-069-05:51:09)
-> stdout output from xrtexpomap (2025-069-05:51:13)
             Running ' xrtexpomap version 0.3.1 '
xrtexpomap_0.3.1: Info: CallQuzcif: Running quzcif SWIFT XRT - - TELDEF 2025-03-09 15:42:19 "-" retrieve+ clobber=yes
CallQuzcif: Info: Output 'quzcif' Command: 
CallQuzcif: Info:/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/teldef/swx20230701v001.teldef 0
 		Running 'xrtinstrmap_0.3.5'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt'
Name of the input region file            :'CALDB'
Name of the input HK Header file         :''
Name of the output instrument map file   :'./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img'
Check pointing stability?(yes/no)        :'yes'
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Processing 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt' file.
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Processing file.
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Processing '/aps/calibration/caldb_b20230607_xrt20240522_u20240201_clock165/data/swift/xrt/bcf/instrument/swxregion20010101v004.fits' file.
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 1 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 2 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 3 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 4 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 5 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 6 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: Appended 7 image in ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img file
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Info: File './sw00021789991xpcw3po_rawinstr.img' successfully written.
xrtinstrmap_0.3.5: Exit with success.
swiftxform: running ftcopy
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[1] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227748.131112
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[2] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227758.160416
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[3] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227769.443386
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[4] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227785.740986
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[5] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227812.067866
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[6] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227860.960676
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: verbose: HDU[7] skytime DEFAULT[TMIDDLE] => 763227953.731636
swiftxform: running getxform
swiftxform: running imagetrans
swiftxform: running getwcs
swiftxform: running fthedit
swiftxform: running ftchecksum
 No of detectors read in:   34
![XIMAGE> chat 0          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+1"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+1
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+2"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+2
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+3"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+3
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+4"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+4
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+5"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+5
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+6"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+6
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> read "./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+7"
![XIMAGE>   read_image ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_skyinstr.img+7
![XIMAGE> sum_ima          
![XIMAGE> save_ima          
![XIMAGE> write_ima/file=\"./sw00021789991xpcw3po_sumskyinstr.img\"          
![XIMAGE> quit
![XIMAGE> exit
 		Running 'xrtexpocalc_0.1.4'
		 Input Parameters List: 
Name of the input Event file             :'./sw00021789991xpcw3po_sumskyinstr.img.gz'
Name of the output Event file            :'./sw00021789991xpcw3po_ex.img'
xrtexpocalc_0.1.4: Info: Processing './sw00021789991xpcw3po_sumskyinstr.img.gz' file.
xrtexpocalc_0.1.4: Info:File  ./sw00021789991xpcw3po_ex.img successfully written.
xrtexpocalc_0.1.4: Exit with success.
xrtexpomap_0.3.1: Exit with success 
-> Running xselect (2025-069-05:51:13)
-> stdout output from xselect (2025-069-05:51:14)
                         **  XSELECT V2.5b  **
!> Enter session name >[xsel] xsel
 Command not found; type ? for a command listing
Obscat listing off
Setting data directory to /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/
 Notes: XSELECT set up for      SWIFT
 Time keyword is TIME       in units of s
 Default timing binsize =   5.0000
 Image  keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 WMAP   keywords   = X          Y           with binning =    1
 Energy keyword   = PI                     with binning =    1
Getting Min and Max for Energy Column...
Got min and max for PI:     0   1023
Got the minimum time resolution of the read data:   2.5073
MJDREF =  5.1910000742870E+04 with TIMESYS = TT
 Number of files read in:            1
extractor v6.11    12 Dec 2023
 Getting FITS WCS Keywords
 Doing file: /data/sdcproc3/seq_proc2/sw0a_00021789991.004/sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt
 10% completed
 20% completed
 30% completed
 40% completed
 50% completed
 60% completed
 70% completed
 80% completed
 90% completed
100% completed
          Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            670       670            0         0         0         0
    Grand Total      Good    Bad: Time     Phase     Grade       Cut
            670       670            0         0         0         0
   in  268.28     seconds
 Image            has      670 counts for   2.497     counts/sec
Wrote image to file sw00021789991xpc_sk.img
!xsel:SUZAKU > set dumpcat
!xsel:SUZAKU > set mission SWIFT
!xsel:SWIFT > set datadir ./
!xsel:SWIFT > read events "sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt"
!xsel:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > extract image
!xsel:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > save image "sw00021789991xpc_sk.img"
!xsel:SWIFT-XRT-PHOTON > quit
!> Save this session? >[no] no
-> stdout output from ximage (2025-069-05:51:15)
 No of detectors read in:   34
![XIMAGE> set exit_on_startfail 1
![XIMAGE> cey 2000
![XIMAGE> read size=600 sw00021789991xpc_sk.img
![XIMAGE>    read_image size=600 sw00021789991xpc_sk.img
 Image size = 600 x 600 pixels
 Image rebin = 1.000
 Image center = 500.5, 500.5
 Reading an image
  Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.0000000
 Copied MAP1 to MAP9
![XIMAGE> detect fits=tmp.xim_detect.27024.fits
 Calculating background: Poisson statistics assumed
 Too many (>80%) background boxes rejected
          16   failed
          32   3.12224915E-03
          64   2.20477767E-03
         128   2.07519531E-03
 >>> Optimum box size = 128
 Background box size = 128
 Background =2.0752E-03 cts/original-pixel
            =2.0752E-03 cts/image-pixel
            =5.0311E-03 cts/sqarcmin/s
            =7.7660E-06 cts/original-pixel/s
 Source box size (orig pix):    8 (image pix):    8
 >>>>> Searching for excesses
     64 excesses found
 >>>>> Removing contiguous sources
 Using fast contiguous search
         10 excesses left
 >>>>> Sort by radius
 >>>>> Applying thresholds
  Using average energy for PSF:    1.00000000
  snr threshold =    2.00000000
  bgnd fluctuation probability limit =    9.99999975E-05
 >>>>> removing duplicates
   #   count/s    err         pixel      Vig  RA(2000)   Dec(2000)   Err  H-Box
                             x     y     corr                        rad  (sec)
    1 3.16E-02+/-1.4E-02   386.3   685.0 1.16 14 03 31.3 -10 01 56.4  -1     22
 Writing FITS source list: tmp.xim_detect.27024.fits
![XIMAGE> exit
-> stdout output from ximage (2025-069-05:51:15)
 No of detectors read in:   34
![XIMAGE> set exit_on_startfail 1
![XIMAGE> cey 2000
![XIMAGE> levels number=64
 Set to 64 levels
![XIMAGE>  color setcolor=0 namecolor=white          
![XIMAGE>  color setcolor=1 namecolor=black          
![XIMAGE> cct set reverse bb
![XIMAGE> cpd sw00021789991x_skim.gif/gif
![XIMAGE> read size=-5 ra=210.804518455008 dec=-10.1531573067065 sw00021789991xpc_sk.img
![XIMAGE>    read_image size=-5 ra=210.804518455008 dec=-10.1531573067065 sw00021789991xpc_sk.img
  Input Ra and Dec of   210.80451845500801       -10.153157306706500
WARNING:  Equinox of 2000 assumed
 Negative size interpreted as arcmin
 Image size = 126 x 126 pixels
 Image rebin = 1.000
 Image center = 500.5, 500.5
 Reading an image
  Image level, min = 0.0000000 max = 3.0000000
 Copied MAP1 to MAP9
![XIMAGE> eval chheader key=DATE-OBS
![XIMAGE>  chheader key=DATE-OBS
![XIMAGE> string range [eval chheader key=DATE-OBS] 0 9
![XIMAGE>  ::tcl::string::range 2025-03-09T15:42:19.00 0 9
![XIMAGE> format "GRB DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY) SWIFT 00021789991 %s" [string range [eval chheader key=DATE-OBS] 0 9]
![XIMAGE> title [format "GRB DISCOVERED ELSEWHERE (XRT ONLY) SWIFT 00021789991 %s" [string range [eval chheader key=DATE-OBS] 0 9]]
![XIMAGE> eval chheader key=EXPOSURE
![XIMAGE>  chheader key=EXPOSURE
![XIMAGE> expr int([eval chheader key=EXPOSURE])
![XIMAGE>  tcl::mathfunc::int 267.217072224837
![XIMAGE> format "SWIFT XRT PC Exposure: %10d s" [expr int([eval chheader key=EXPOSURE])]
![XIMAGE> title lower [format "SWIFT XRT PC Exposure: %10d s" [expr int([eval chheader key=EXPOSURE])]]
![XIMAGE> eval chheader key=DATAMAX
![XIMAGE>  chheader key=DATAMAX
![XIMAGE> set datamax [eval chheader key=DATAMAX]
![XIMAGE> eval chheader key=DATAMIN
![XIMAGE>  chheader key=DATAMIN
![XIMAGE> set datamin [eval chheader key=DATAMIN]
![XIMAGE> expr $datamax - $datamin
![XIMAGE> set datarange [expr $datamax - $datamin]
![XIMAGE> if { [catch {background optimize} fid] } {
![XIMAGE>  catch {background optimize} fid
![XIMAGE>   background optimize
 Calculating background: Poisson statistics assumed
 Too many (>80%) background boxes rejected
           8   failed
 Too many (>80%) background boxes rejected
          16   failed
 >>> Optimum box size =   0
 Background boxsize = 0
![XIMAGE>  if { [catch {set minlevel $background(imgpix)} fid] } {
![XIMAGE>   catch {set minlevel $background(imgpix)} fid
![XIMAGE>   expr $datamin + 1
![XIMAGE>   set minlevel [expr $datamin + 1]
![XIMAGE> if { $datarange > 0 } {
![XIMAGE>   disp log minlevel=1.0 maxlevel=3.0          
 Plotting image
  Min =   0.00000000      Max =    3.00000000
![XIMAGE> grid abbrev ticks csize=.5
![XIMAGE> scale curvp margin=4
![XIMAGE> exit

Make XRT GRB Light Curve (2025-069-05:51:15)

-> Segment number is greater than zero: 991, no light curves or spectral analysis made (2025-069-05:51:15)

Making UVOT HTML Exposure Report (2025-069-05:51:15)

-> No UVOT exposure report file . (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> No UVOT exposure report file sw00021789991udi_rw.img . (2025-069-05:51:15)

Sort and organize UVOT data (2025-069-05:51:15)

-> Unable to locate uvot exposure catalog (2025-069-05:51:15)

Extracting data for XRT exposure database. (2025-069-05:51:15)

-> hk_path = (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> num_frames = 231 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> object = GRB Discovered Elsewhere (XRT only) (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> target = 00021789 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> obs = 001 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> sequence = 00021789991 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> target_id = 00021789 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> segment = 991 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> ra = 210.804518455008 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> dec = -10.1531573067065 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> roll = 115.594007136673 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Identifying flip-flop series start and stop frames. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> num_flip_flop_series = 0 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> The following flip-flop series were found: (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Masking out flip-flop series frames. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Determining start and end frames for frame sets. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> First frame set starts at frame 0. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Frame set ends at 0, new set starts at 1 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Cause: XRTMode change from 9 to 6 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Frame set ends at 110, new set starts at 111 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Cause: ObservationMode change from slewing to settling for XRTMode 6 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Frame set ends at 121, new set starts at 122 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Cause: XRTMode change from 6 to 7 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Ending last frame set at last frame. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> num_frame_sets = 4 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Computing frame set exposure times and mean temperature (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> num_records = 4 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> record_sets = $VAR1 = [ #0 0, #1 1, #2 2, #3 3 ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Record frame sets, adjusted rows: (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> 1 1 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> 2 111 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> 112 122 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> 123 230 (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> NAME = $VAR1 = [ #0 '\'GRB Discovered Elsewhere (XRT only)\'', #1 '\'GRB Discovered Elsewhere (XRT only)\'', #2 '\'GRB Discovered Elsewhere (XRT only)\'', #3 '\'GRB Discovered Elsewhere (XRT only)\'' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> ORIG_TID = $VAR1 = [ #0 21789, #1 21789, #2 21789, #3 21789 ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> FINL_TID = $VAR1 = [ #0 21789, #1 21789, #2 21789, #3 21789 ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> ORIG_SEG = $VAR1 = [ #0 1, #1 1, #2 1, #3 1 ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> FINL_SEG = $VAR1 = [ #0 991, #1 991, #2 991, #3 991 ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> ORIG_SEG = $VAR1 = [ #0 '00021789001', #1 '00021789001', #2 '00021789001', #3 '00021789001' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> FINL_SEG = $VAR1 = [ #0 '00021789991', #1 '00021789991', #2 '00021789991', #3 '00021789991' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> RA = $VAR1 = [ #0 '210.80452', #1 '210.80452', #2 '210.80452', #3 '210.80452' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> DEC = $VAR1 = [ #0 '-10.15316', #1 '-10.15316', #2 '-10.15316', #3 '-10.15316' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> ROLL = $VAR1 = [ #0 '115.59401', #1 '115.59401', #2 '115.59401', #3 '115.59401' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> XRT_MODE = $VAR1 = [ #0 'BIASIMA', #1 'WINDOWED', #2 'WINDOWED', #3 'PHOTON' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> OBS_MODE = $VAR1 = [ #0 'slewing', #1 'slewing', #2 'settling', #3 'pointing' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> START = $VAR1 = [ #0 '2025-03-09T15:39:22.30858', #1 '2025-03-09T15:40:08.18242', #2 '2025-03-09T15:42:05.44481', #3 '2025-03-09T15:42:19.37512' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> END = $VAR1 = [ #0 '2025-03-09T15:39:34.79483', #1 '2025-03-09T15:42:05.44480', #2 '2025-03-09T15:42:17.18706', #3 '2025-03-09T15:46:50.15600' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> BIAS = $VAR1 = [ #0 'N', #1 'Y', #2 'Y', #3 'Y' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> WINDOW = $VAR1 = [ #0 'INDEF', #1 200, #2 200, #3 '600x600' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> INT_TIME = $VAR1 = [ #0 'INDEF', #1 '0.00178', #2 '0.00178', #3 '2.50730' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> EXPOSURE = $VAR1 = [ #0 '12.48625', #1 '117.26229', #2 '11.74225', #3 '269.70694' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> AVG_TEMP = $VAR1 = [ #0 '-51.85237', #1 '-51.75347', #2 '-51.68873', #3 '-51.81758' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> EVT_FILE = $VAR1 = [ #0 'sw00021789991xbf_rw.img', #1 'sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt', #2 'sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt', #3 'sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> FLIP_FLOP = $VAR1 = [ #0 'N', #1 'N', #2 'N', #3 'N' ]; (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Create xrt database file. (2025-069-05:51:15)
-> Ending XRTDB::body(). (2025-069-05:51:15)

Making XRT HTML Exposure Report (2025-069-05:51:15)

BAT cleanup and HTML Exposure Report (2025-069-05:51:16)

E1[] no BAT TDRSS centroid message

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Util/ Line: 132
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 131
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 314
-> Total survey exposure 0 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> Total unfiltered event exposure 0 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> Total filtered event exposure 0 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> creating merged gain offset map (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> requesting from repository bgaoff: 763227792.2506 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> Fetching sw00021789001bcbo117ag03b8_763227584.fits from /aps/procshare/bgaoff/763000000 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> fetched from repository bgaoff: $file= sw00021789001bcbo117ag03b8.fits (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> creating merged detector enable map (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> requesting from repository bdetflag: 763227792.2506 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> Fetching swt0763227582bdecb_763227582.fits from /aps/procshare/bdetflag/763000000 (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> fetched from repository bdetflag: $file= swt0763227582bdecb.fits (2025-069-05:51:16)

Update BAT exposure database (2025-069-05:51:16)

-> Unable to locate BAT exposure database housekeeping file (2025-069-05:51:16)

Adding GTI's to spacecraft attitude file (2025-069-05:51:16)

-> s/ng GTI file not available (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> s/ra GTI file not available (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> b/im GTI file not available (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> u/im GTI file not available (2025-069-05:51:16)
-> x/im GTI file not available (2025-069-05:51:16)

Creating HTML header page (2025-069-05:51:16)

Doing final wrapup of all swift files (2025-069-05:51:17)

-> Copying sw0.par to sw00021789991ppr.par (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Copying job.par to sw00021789991pjb.par (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> exporting to the shared repositories bcatalog and rcatalog (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Cleaning up temporary files. (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Creating (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Creating (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Creating sw00021789991pfi.html (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Writing standard keywords to all FITS files (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991pxrdb.fits (2025-069-05:51:17)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2st_cl.evt (2025-069-05:51:18)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sto.gti (2025-069-05:51:18)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:18)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sot.gti (2025-069-05:51:18)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:18)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991spo.gti (2025-069-05:51:19)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2sl_uf.evt (2025-069-05:51:19)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sao.fits (2025-069-05:51:19)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xbf_rw.img (2025-069-05:51:19)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:19)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2sl_cl.evt (2025-069-05:51:20)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:51:20)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xev.gti (2025-069-05:51:21)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:21)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991x.mkf (2025-069-05:51:21)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xpcw3po_cl.evt (2025-069-05:51:21)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xpcw3po_uf.evt (2025-069-05:51:22)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2sl_ufre.evt (2025-069-05:51:22)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xpc_sk.img (2025-069-05:51:23)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:23)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sat.fits (2025-069-05:51:23)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:24)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xwtw2st_uf.evt (2025-069-05:51:24)
-> Adding standard keywords to leapsec_20200814.fits (2025-069-05:51:24)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991s.mkf (2025-069-05:51:24)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:25)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sti.fits (2025-069-05:51:26)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991snf.gti (2025-069-05:51:26)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991pat.fits (2025-069-05:51:26)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:26)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sss.gti (2025-069-05:51:26)
-> Adding standard keywords to (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991snp.gti (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sat.gti (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991stp.gti (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xpc_ex.img (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to swalign20041115v012.fits (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991xpcw3cb_uf.evt (2025-069-05:51:27)
-> Adding standard keywords to sw00021789991sst.gti (2025-069-05:51:28)
-> Not making a checksum file (2025-069-05:51:28)
-> Updating FITS checksum keywords (2025-069-05:51:28)
-> Running ftverify on all FITS files (2025-069-05:51:29)

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file extractor.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file fdump.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file ffilecat.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file fselect.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file ftsort.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file grb_catalog.tdat

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file quzcif.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file sw00021789991xpc_sk.det

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file swiftgrb.tdat

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file ximage.hty

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file ximage.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file xrtevent.failed

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

E1[core.unknown.file] Leftover file xrtpccorr.par

Stack Trace:
  1. File: Subs/ Line: 418
  2. File: Subs/ Line: 110
  3. File: Subs/ Line: 669
  4. File: proc3.20.02/sw0 Line: 321

Processing complete (2025-069-05:51:30)