Sequence 00021812991 File List
This page lists all of the files included in the
distribution for this sequence.
The size of most files is given after the
file name.
The following information is also available:
(level 1) FITS format tape contents (FITS)
(level 1) HTML processing summary page (HTML)
- sw00021812991psu.html (2 kilobytes)
(level 1) HTML file list (HTML)
- sw00021812991pfi.html
(level 1) HTML processing job log (HTML)
- sw00021812991pjl.html (5523 kilobytes)
(level 1) HTML processing error index (HTML)
- sw00021812991per.html (2 kilobytes)
(level 1) HTML Processing index (HTML)
- sw00021812991pin.html (5 kilobytes)
(level 1) HTML exposure report (HTML)
- sw00021812991uir.html
- sw00021812991xir.html (13 kilobytes)
- sw00021812991bir.html
(level 1) Job parameter file (ASCII)
- sw00021812991pjb.par (8 kilobytes)
(level 1) Processing parameter file (ASCII)
- sw00021812991ppr.par (4 kilobytes)
(level 1) UTC corrections file (FITS)
- sw00021812991sti.fits (11 kilobytes)
(level 1) Spacecraft attitude file (FITS)
- sw00021812991sat.fits (169 kilobytes)
(level 3) Corrected attitude file (FITS)
- sw00021812991pat.fits (113 kilobytes)
(level 1) TLE orbit file (ASCII)
- SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.25068.18349675 (647 kilobytes)
(level 1) Attitude/orbit-related filter values (FITS)
- sw00021812991sao.fits (107 kilobytes)
(level 2) Makefilter filter file (FITS)
- sw00021812991x.mkf (188 kilobytes)
- sw00021812991s.mkf (191 kilobytes)
(level 1) S/C engineering data (FITS)
- (1226 kilobytes)
(level 1) instrument engineering data (FITS)
- (214 kilobytes)
(level 1) Calibrated unscreened event file (FITS)
- sw00021812991xpcw3po_uf.evt (4390 kilobytes)
- sw00021812991xwtw2st_uf.evt (98 kilobytes)
(level 1a) Reconstructed events (XRT) (FITS)
- sw00021812991xwtw2st_ufre.evt (65 kilobytes)
(level 2) Screened event file (FITS)
- sw00021812991xpcw3po_cl.evt (121 kilobytes)
- sw00021812991xwtw2st_cl.evt (68 kilobytes)
(level 2) Sky coordinate images (FITS)
- sw00021812991xpc_sk.img (3952 kilobytes)
(level 2) Exposure map images (FITS)
- sw00021812991xpc_ex.img (3915 kilobytes)
(level 3) Ximage plot of sky coord image (GIF)
- sw00021812991x_skim.gif (9 kilobytes)
(level 1) Housekeeping data (FITS)
- (132 kilobytes)
- (413 kilobytes)
- (84 kilobytes)
- (37 kilobytes)