Errors in Processing for Sequence 00075369027,
version 004
The following information is also available:
- E1: no input files for xrtphascorr
- E1: GTI file sw00075369027sot.gti is empty. Deleting.
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: No burst ack message to provide trigger time.
- E1: No trigger time so will not split BAT event files.
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: This is not GRB, call from BATImages not ran
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: file does not exist, bailing
- E1: sw00075369027uat.fits uat attitude file does not exist, trying pat file
- E1: no UVOT detimage files to process
- E1: This is not GRB, not making UVOT GIF files
- E1: No XRT event files to process
- E1: unable to determine UVOT event exposure times without on-target GTI
- E1: no BAT TDRSS centroid message
- E1: Leftover file fselect.par
- E1: Leftover file ftsort.par
- E1: Leftover file grb_catalog.tdat
- E1: Leftover file sacsreq.fits
- E1: Leftover file xrtevent.failed