Sequence 03112104075 Header Page
This page gives a basic description of this sequence
and references to more detailed information.
The following information is also available:
Observation Information
- Nominal Pointing (degrees)
- R.A.= 32.34
Dec.= -56.434
- Lii= 282.833
Bii= -57.549
- Observation Date: September 28, 2023
Time: 22:52:56
- Good Attitude Fraction: 1.00
Processing Information
- Processing Date: October 8, 2023
Time: 06:30:49
- Version of Data: 007
- Processing Script Version: 3.19.02
- FTOOLS Version: heasoft-6.17
- HEAsoft Version: heasoft-6.17
- SDC patches to HEAsoft: 19
- XRT2FITS Version: xrt2fits_6.4_heasoft6.17
- BAT2FITS Version: bat2fits6_7.21_20170804
- UVOT2FITS Version: uvot2fits_3.36_20170804