SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HISTORY TASK: FEXTRACT on FILENAME:[0] TSTART = 717632882.4601 TSTOP = 717633661.5808 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:57' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:56' PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version TIMESYS = 'TT ' / time system MJDREFI = 51910 / MJD reference day 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / MJD reference (fraction of day) 01 Jan 2001 00:CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timing header keywords OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART CHECKSUM= '9XaoHWWm9WamEWWm' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = ' 0' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 228 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 78 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 85 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'D_ICUI_NCMDS_ACC' / Number of commands successfully received TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'D_ICUI_NCMDS_REJ' / Number of commands rejected TFORM3 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'D_ICUI_NMSGS' / Number of messages sent TFORM4 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE5 = 'D_ICUI_NMSG_ERRS' / Number of messages errors encountered TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'D_SSI_TX_TBYTES' / Total number of bytes transmitted via SSI DriveTFORM6 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE7 = 'D_SSI_RX_TBYTES' / Number of command bytes received by the SSI driTFORM7 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'D_SSI_RX_INTR' / Number of SSI receiver interrupts TFORM8 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'D_SSI_ERR_INTR' / Number of SSI error interrupts TFORM9 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO9 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE10 = 'D_SSI_CSR' / Current value of the SSI hardware control/statuTFORM10 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO10 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE11 = 'D_SSI_FILL1' / Alignment fill/reserved TFORM11 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO11 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE12 = 'D_TMALI_QADDR' / Address of the TMALI queue in bytes TFORM12 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO12 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE13 = 'D_TMALI_QSIZE' / Size of the TMALI queue in bytes TFORM13 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO13 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE14 = 'D_TMALI_QDEPTH' / Current depth of TMALI queue in bytes TFORM14 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO14 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE15 = 'D_DCI_NERRS' / Number of DCI error interruptssince last reportTFORM15 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO15 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE16 = 'D_DCI_TIMEOUTS' / Number of DCI timeout interrupts since last repTFORM16 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO16 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE17 = 'D_DCI_EVNTS_LOST' / No of events lost due to a full TMALI_QUEUE sinTFORM17 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO17 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE18 = 'D_DCI_RPTS_LOST' / No of Complete DCI_FRM_LIMIT sized buffs lost sTFORM18 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO18 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE19 = 'D_DCI_WINXY_XMAX' / Upper Right Hand corner X value of Hardware filTFORM19 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE20 = 'D_DCI_WINXY_XMIN' / DCI hardware window minimum window X/Y TFORM20 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE21 = 'D_DCI_WINXY_YMAX' / Upper Right Hand corner Y value of Hardware filTFORM21 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE22 = 'D_DCI_WINXY_YMIN' / DCI hardware window minimum window X/Y TFORM22 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE23 = 'D_DCI_FRM_LIMIT' / Current value of the DCI hardware frame limit rTFORM23 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO23 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE24 = 'D_DCI_TIMEOUT' / Current value of the DCI hardware frame timeoutTFORM24 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO24 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE25 = 'D_DCI_CSR' / Current value of the DCI hardware control/statuTFORM25 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO25 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE26 = 'D_TMALI_FILL1' / Alignment fill/reserved TFORM26 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO26 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE27 = 'D_SCUI_POLL_RATE' / SCUI Poll Rate in Hz TFORM27 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO27 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE28 = 'D_SCUI_BUF_RATE' / SCUI Buffer Rate in bits per poll TFORM28 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO28 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE29 = 'D_SCUI_LPQSIZE' / Size of SCUI low priority (science) queue in byTFORM29 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO29 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE30 = 'D_SCUI_HPQSIZE' / Size of SCUI high priority (HK/TDRSS) queue in TFORM30 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO30 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE31 = 'D_SCUI_LPQDEPTH' / Number of bytes currently in the SCUI science qTFORM31 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO31 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE32 = 'D_SCUI_HPQDEPTH' / Number of bytes currently in the SCUI high prioTFORM32 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO32 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE33 = 'D_SCUI_TBYTES' / Total number of bytes transmitted to the S/C siTFORM33 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO33 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE34 = 'D_SCUI_TSTPDU' / Total number of STDPUs transmitted to the S/C sTFORM34 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO34 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE35 = 'D_SCUI_NCMDS_ACC' / Number of commands received TFORM35 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO35 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE36 = 'D_SCUI_NCMDS_REJ' / Number of commands rejected TFORM36 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO36 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE37 = 'D_SCUI_RSVD_1' / Reserved for expansion TFORM37 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO37 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE38 = 'D_DCX_QDEPTH' / Current depth of DCX queue in bytes TFORM38 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO38 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE39 = 'D_DCX_TBYTES' / Total bytes compressed since last report TFORM39 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO39 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE40 = 'D_DCX_CRATE' / Average compression ratio since last report TFORM40 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO40 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE41 = 'D_DCX_QSIZE' / Reserved for expansion TFORM41 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO41 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE42 = 'D_DPA_DCX_STAT' / Data compression enabled or disabled status TFORM42 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO42 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE43 = 'D_DPA_LWORD_CNT' / Number of data words received since last reportTFORM43 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO43 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE44 = 'D_DPA_TS_TOTAL' / Number of timestamps since last report TFORM44 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO44 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE45 = 'D_DPA_DCI_EV_CNT' / Number of events received since exposure start TFORM45 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO45 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE46 = 'D_DPA_EVT_EV_CNT' / Number of event mode events received since lastTFORM46 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO46 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE47 = 'D_DPA_MOD_CNT' / Number of mode commands received TFORM47 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO47 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE48 = 'D_DPA_MOD_CUR' / Current mode TFORM48 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO48 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE49 = 'D_DPA_MOD_SUB' / Sub mode TFORM49 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO49 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE50 = 'D_DPA_EVNT_ERRS' / Number of events with bad parity or length erroTFORM50 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO50 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE51 = 'D_DPA_QDEPTH' / No commands waiting on the DPA command queue siTFORM51 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO51 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE52 = 'D_DPA_TIME_LEFT' / Time remaining in current exposure (s) TFORM52 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE53 = 'D_DPA_RESERVED2' / Reserved for expansion TFORM53 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO53 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE54 = 'D_ADC_P5V_REF' / Plus 5V Reference TFORM54 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO54 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE55 = 'D_ADC_M5V_REF' / Minus 5V Reference TFORM55 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO55 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE56 = 'D_ADC_EXTERNAL' / External analog input value TFORM56 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO56 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE57 = 'D_ADC_M12V' / Minus 12V supply TFORM57 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO57 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE58 = 'D_ADC_P12V' / Plus 12V supply TFORM58 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO58 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE59 = 'D_ADC_P5VA' / Plus 5V supply DPU TFORM59 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO59 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE60 = 'D_ADC_P5VB' / Plus 5V supply ICU TFORM60 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO60 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE61 = 'D_ADC_GND' / Ground TFORM61 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO61 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE62 = 'D_ADC_THERM_PSB' / Power Supply B Side Temperature TFORM62 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO62 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE63 = 'D_ADC_THERM_PSA' / Power Supply B Side Temperature TFORM63 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO63 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE64 = 'D_ADC_THERM_SCM' / DPU Summit Chip Temperature TFORM64 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO64 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE65 = 'D_ADC_THERM_ICPU' / ICU CPU Temperature TFORM65 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO65 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE66 = 'D_ADC_THERM_ICU' / ICU Interface Temperature TFORM66 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO66 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE67 = 'D_ADC_THERM_RSV' / Reserved Thermistor Slot TFORM67 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO67 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE68 = 'D_ADC_RP55_DEGC' / Reference conversion value at 55 Deg C TFORM68 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO68 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE69 = 'D_ADC_RP25_DEGC' / Reference conversion value at 25 Deg C TFORM69 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO69 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE70 = 'D_ADC_RM5_DEGC' / Reference conversion value at -5 Deg C TFORM70 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO70 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE71 = 'D_ADC_RM35_DEGC' / Reference conversion value at -35 Deg C TFORM71 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO71 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE72 = 'D_CCM_FSM_STAT' / SCM Hardware Finite State Machine Status TFORM72 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO72 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE73 = 'D_CCM_FCODE_ACC' / Last command Function Code Executed TFORM73 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE74 = 'D_CCM_FCODE_REJ' / Last command Function Code Rejected TFORM74 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE75 = 'D_CCM_NCMDS_ACC' / Number of command received by CCM since last reTFORM75 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO75 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE76 = 'D_CCM_NCMDS_REJ' / Number of Rejected commands received by CCM sinTFORM76 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO76 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE77 = 'D_DPA_ACSQSIZE' / Size of ACS queue (units of ACS messages) TFORM77 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO77 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE78 = 'D_DPA_ACSQDEPTH' / Number of ACS messages in ACS queue TFORM78 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO78 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE79 = 'D_DPA_COR_INTVL' / Drift correction interval of current exposure (TFORM79 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO79 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE80 = 'D_DPA_ACS_DELTX' / Current drift correction (subpixels) TFORM80 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE81 = 'D_DPA_ACS_DELTY' / Current drift correction (subpixels) TFORM81 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE82 = 'D_DPA_ACS_STATE' / Last commanded AF configuration (0=NA,1=disableTFORM82 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE83 = 'D_HRP_RESERVED1' / Reserved for expansion TFORM83 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO83 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE84 = 'D_HRP_RESERVED2' / Reserved for expansion TFORM84 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE85 = 'D244CKSUM' / Packet Checksum TFORM85 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO85 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk244x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632882.4846 TSTOP = 717633652.48458 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:57' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:47' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 769.999980092049 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 580 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'mCrPoAoMmAoMmAoM' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '1494964132' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 15 = D_DCI_NERRS - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Zero = no description COMMENT 1-1000000 = High = Delta limit triggers on 1 COMMENT Column 16 = D_DCI_TIMEOUTS - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Zero = no description COMMENT 1-1000000 = High = Delta warning on 1 COMMENT Column 17 = D_DCI_EVNTS_LOST - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Zero = no description COMMENT 1-1000000 = High = Delta warning on 1 COMMENT Column 18 = D_DCI_RPTS_LOST - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Zero = no description COMMENT 1-1000000 = High = Delta warning on 1 TYEHI27 = 2 / D_SCUI_POLL_RATE Yellow upper limit = D244LIM_3TYELO28 = 7663 / D_SCUI_BUF_RATE Yellow lower limit = D244LIM_4 TYEHI28 = 7665 / D_SCUI_BUF_RATE Yellow upper limit = D244LIM_4 COMMENT Column 42 = D_DPA_DCX_STAT - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Disabled = no description COMMENT 1 = Enabled = On and off COMMENT Column 48 = D_DPA_MOD_CUR - Discrete value COMMENT 0-1 = Idle = no description COMMENT 2 = Event = no description COMMENT 3 = Image = no description COMMENT 4 = ImageEvent = no description COMMENT 6 = RawEventList = no description COMMENT 7 = ChannelBoundary = no description COMMENT 9 = IntensCharacter = no description COMMENT 10 = CentroidConfirm = Modes COMMENT Column 49 = D_DPA_MOD_SUB - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = none = no description COMMENT 1 = GenFindChart = no description COMMENT 2 = SaveACSMsg = no description COMMENT 16 = PerformTracking = no description COMMENT 32 = GenTrackFrame = Submodes TYEHI51 = 8 / D_DPA_QDEPTH Yellow upper limit = D244LIM_7 COMMENT Column 82 = D_DPA_ACS_STATE - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Not Available = Aspect Following State COMMENT 1 = Disabled = no description COMMENT 2 = Enabled = no description HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅc¹>_Œw€œç€€6Éö€°~€ w€…a€«Pƒo@€ ˆ€€€€ÿÿ €}…}€€€ð‚À€p€€€^€šþ€€€€€€€€-,€º€N者退€€€ŽèÿAŽÛŽÔˆ‡öŠÁŠCŠŽ7Ž€‰‹IŽš<Œ{€Î €€€œ’AÅc¾?nƒŒx€œé€€6Ê>€°ˆ€ x€…a€«Pƒo@€0€€€€ÿÿ€ €}…u€€€ð‚À€p€>9€€ð€›;€€€€€€€€€€N者退€€€ŽèÿAŽÛŽÔˆ‡öŠÁŠCŠŽ7Ž"€‰‹IŽš|Œ|€Î €€€›AÅcÃ?nƒŒx€œê€€6Êr€°ˆ€ x€…a€«Pƒo@€0€€€€ÿÿ€ €}…u€€€ð‚À€p€Mƒ€€Pª€Z›w€€€€€€€€€€N者退€€€ŽèÿAŽÛŽÔˆ‡öŠÁŠCŠŽ7Ž"€‰‹JŽ–|Œ|€Î €€€œ3AÅcÈ?mÛŒx€œì€€6ʺ€°ˆ€ x€…a€«Pƒo@€€€€€ÿÿ€ €}…u€€€ð‚À€p€P€€P»€Z›³€€€€€€€€Ì€P€,€…退€€ÿü€Žãÿ&ŽÜŽÔˆ‡öŠÁŠCŠŽ7Ž"€‰‹JŽ–|Œ|€Î €€€žuAÅcÍ?iDŒx€œí€€6Êˆ€ x€…a€«Pƒo@€€€€€ÿÿ€ €}…u€€€ð‚À€p€ €€P´€Z›ï€€€€€€€€€€,€…退€€ÿü€Žãÿ&ŽÜŽé‡û‡ûŠ¾ŠCŠŽ7Ž"€‰‹JŽ–|Œ|€Î €€€ž%AÅcÒ>Œx€œî€€6Ë"€°ˆ€ x€…a€«Pƒo@€€€€€ÿÿ€ 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integers TTYPE29 = 'D_TMALI_TID' / TMALI Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM29 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO29 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE30 = 'D_TMALI_TSTK_MAX' / TMALI Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM30 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO30 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE31 = 'D_TMALI_TSTAT' / TMALI Task Control Block - Status TFORM31 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO31 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE32 = 'D_TMALI_TERRNO' / TMALI Task Control Block - Errno TFORM32 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO32 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE33 = 'D_CPP_TID' / CPP Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM33 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO33 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE34 = 'D_CPP_TSTK_MAX' / CPP Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM34 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO34 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE35 = 'D_CPP_TSTAT' / CPP Task Control Block - Status TFORM35 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO35 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE36 = 'D_CPP_TERRNO' / CPP Task Control Block - Errno TFORM36 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO36 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE37 = 'D_EDAC_TID' / EDAC Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM37 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO37 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE38 = 'D_EDAC_TSTK_MAX' / EDAC Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM38 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO38 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE39 = 'D_EDAC_TSTAT' / EDAC Task Control Block - Status TFORM39 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO39 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE40 = 'D_EDAC_TERRNO' / EDAC Task Control Block - Errno TFORM40 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO40 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE41 = 'D_DPAIP_TID' / DPAIP Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM41 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO41 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE42 = 'D_DPAIP_TSTK_MAX' / DPAIP Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM42 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO42 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE43 = 'D_DPAIP_TSTAT' / DPAIP Task Control Block - Status TFORM43 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO43 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE44 = 'D_DPAIP_TERRNO' / DPAIP Task Control Block - Errno TFORM44 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO44 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE45 = 'D_DPAEM_TID' / DPAEM Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM45 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO45 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE46 = 'D_DPAEM_TSTK_MAX' / DPAEM Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM46 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO46 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE47 = 'D_DPAEM_TSTAT' / DPAEM Task Control Block - Status TFORM47 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO47 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE48 = 'D_DPAEM_TERRNO' / DPAEM Task Control Block - Errno TFORM48 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO48 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE49 = 'D_DCX_TID' / DCX Task Control Block - Task ID TFORM49 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO49 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE50 = 'D_DCX_TSTK_MAX' / DCX Task Control Block - Stack Max Growth TFORM50 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO50 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE51 = 'D_DCX_TSTAT' / DCX Task Control Block - Status TFORM51 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO51 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE52 = 'D_DCX_TERRNO' / DCX Task Control Block - Errno TFORM52 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO52 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE53 = 'D_LRP_RESERVED1' / Reserved for expansion TFORM53 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO53 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE54 = 'D_LRP_RESERVED2' / Reserved for expansion TFORM54 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO54 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE55 = 'D_LRP_RESERVED3' / Reserved for expansion TFORM55 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO55 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE56 = 'D248CKSUM' / Packet Checksum TFORM56 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO56 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk248x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632904.49558 TSTOP = 717633624.49558 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:28:19' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:19' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 720. TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 584 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'TfcHUfZ9TfaETfY9' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '231972008' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 TRDHI2 = 1 / D_BC_INDEX Red upper limit = D240LIM_1 TYEHI18 = 640 / D_EXEC_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_6 TRDHI22 = 11250 / D_CCMD_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_4 TYEHI22 = 7500 / D_CCMD_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_4 TRDHI26 = 4500 / D_SCUI_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI26 = 4000 / D_SCUI_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5 TRDHI30 = 4500 / D_TMALI_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI30 = 4000 / D_TMALI_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5TRDHI34 = 4500 / D_CPP_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI34 = 4000 / D_CPP_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5 TRDHI38 = 4500 / D_EDAC_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI38 = 4000 / D_EDAC_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5 TRDHI42 = 4500 / D_DPAIP_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI42 = 4000 / D_DPAIP_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5TRDHI46 = 4500 / D_DPAEM_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI46 = 4000 / D_DPAEM_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5TRDHI50 = 4500 / D_DCX_TSTK_MAX Red upper limit = D248LIM_5 TYEHI50 = 4000 / D_DCX_TSTK_MAX Yellow upper limit = D248LIM_5 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcÄ?o*€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹V‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€¢¸€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹d ‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€¢lAÅc<>€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹r@‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€¢˜AÅcx?iD€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹€`‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€¢ÆAÅc´?s€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹ŽcÛ‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€£®AÅcð>_€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹œ€‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€£AÅc,?o*€€ü€–‚€@‚€8€ ‚€¸†€ ø ø€ ô ô‹ª ‡ÿ¢€$€€‡ÿý0€,€€=‡ýðP€t€€…; 0€L€€‡þ6€¼€€=«à€$€€ªï €€€«@€|€€€€€€€€€£0XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 77 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 3 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 39 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'D_CE_VERSION' / Command Echo Command Packet Version TFORM2 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE3 = 'D_CE_TYPE' / Command Echo Command Packet Type TFORM3 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE4 = 'D_CE_SHDRFLG' / Command Echo Secondary Header Flag TFORM4 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE5 = 'D_CE_APID' / Command Echo Command APID TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'D_CE_SEGFLG' / Command Echo Grouping Flags TFORM6 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE7 = 'D_CE_SEQCNT' / Command Echo Source Sequence Count TFORM7 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'D_CE_PKTLEN' / Command Echo Packet Data Length TFORM8 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'D_CE_RESERVED1' / Command Echo 2nd hdr Reserved TFORM9 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE10 = 'D_CE_SHDRTYPE' / Command Echo 2nd hdr Packet Type TFORM10 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE11 = 'D_CE_FC ' / Command Echo Function Code TFORM11 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE12 = 'D_CE_DATA_1' / Command Echo Data TFORM12 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO12 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE13 = 'D_CE_DATA_2' / Command Echo Data TFORM13 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO13 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE14 = 'D_CE_DATA_3' / Command Echo Data TFORM14 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO14 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE15 = 'D_CE_DATA_4' / Command Echo Data TFORM15 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO15 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE16 = 'D_CE_DATA_5' / Command Echo Data TFORM16 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO16 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE17 = 'D_CE_DATA_6' / Command Echo Data TFORM17 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO17 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE18 = 'D_CE_DATA_7' / Command Echo Data TFORM18 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO18 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE19 = 'D_CE_DATA_8' / Command Echo Data TFORM19 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO19 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE20 = 'D_CE_DATA_9' / Command Echo Data TFORM20 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO20 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE21 = 'D_CE_DATA_10' / Command Echo Data TFORM21 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO21 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE22 = 'D_CE_DATA_11' / Command Echo Data TFORM22 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO22 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE23 = 'D_CE_DATA_12' / Command Echo Data TFORM23 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO23 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE24 = 'D_CE_DATA_13' / Command Echo Data TFORM24 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO24 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE25 = 'D_CE_DATA_14' / Command Echo Data TFORM25 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO25 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE26 = 'D_CE_DATA_15' / Command Echo Data TFORM26 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO26 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE27 = 'D_CE_DATA_16' / Command Echo Data TFORM27 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO27 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE28 = 'D_CE_DATA_17' / Command Echo Data TFORM28 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO28 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE29 = 'D_CE_DATA_18' / Command Echo Data TFORM29 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO29 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE30 = 'D_CE_DATA_19' / Command Echo Data TFORM30 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO30 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE31 = 'D_CE_DATA_20' / Command Echo Data TFORM31 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO31 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE32 = 'D_CE_DATA_21' / Command Echo Data TFORM32 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO32 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE33 = 'D_CE_DATA_22' / Command Echo Data TFORM33 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO33 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE34 = 'D_CE_DATA_23' / Command Echo Data TFORM34 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO34 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE35 = 'D_CE_DATA_24' / Command Echo Data TFORM35 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO35 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE36 = 'D_CE_DATA_25' / Command Echo Data TFORM36 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO36 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE37 = 'D_CE_DATA_26' / Command Echo Data TFORM37 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO37 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE38 = 'D_CE_DATA_27' / Command Echo Data TFORM38 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO38 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE39 = 'D24cCKSUM' / CCSDS 2nd hdr sub-seconds TFORM39 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO39 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk24cx001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632884.48468 TSTOP = 717633660.89554 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:59' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:55' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 776.410859942436 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 588 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'IhSCKeQBIeQBIeQB' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '3590392436' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcº> ÿ†zŒj€׋ô€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ƒ®AÅc>¸†zŒk€7‚‹¸ƒ„…Çù\€¹ƒPƒˆˆƒPƒˆˆ€€€€€€€ï€ñ‰-‰cAÅc>r¡†zŒl€Ù‹¸€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ƒvXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 226 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 56 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'D_ERR_REL_CNT' / Cumulative Error Count TFORM2 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'D_ERR_PKT_CNT' / Errors in this packet TFORM3 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'D_ERR_CODES_1' / Errors codes TFORM4 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE5 = 'D_ERR_CODES_2' / Errors codes TFORM5 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'D_ERR_CODES_3' / Errors codes TFORM6 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE7 = 'D_ERR_CODES_4' / Errors codes TFORM7 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'D_ERR_CODES_5' / Errors codes TFORM8 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'D_ERR_CODES_6' / Errors codes TFORM9 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO9 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE10 = 'D_ERR_CODES_7' / Errors codes TFORM10 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO10 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE11 = 'D_ERR_CODES_8' / Errors codes TFORM11 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO11 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE12 = 'D_ERR_CODES_9' / Errors codes TFORM12 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO12 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE13 = 'D_ERR_CODES_10' / Errors codes TFORM13 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO13 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE14 = 'D_ERR_CODES_11' / Errors codes TFORM14 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO14 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE15 = 'D_ERR_CODES_12' / Errors codes TFORM15 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO15 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE16 = 'D_ERR_CODES_13' / Errors codes TFORM16 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO16 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE17 = 'D_ERR_CODES_14' / Errors codes TFORM17 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO17 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE18 = 'D_ERR_CODES_15' / Errors codes TFORM18 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO18 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE19 = 'D_ERR_CODES_16' / Errors codes TFORM19 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO19 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE20 = 'D_ERR_CODES_17' / Errors codes TFORM20 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO20 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE21 = 'D_ERR_CODES_18' / Errors codes TFORM21 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO21 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE22 = 'D_ERR_CODES_19' / Errors codes TFORM22 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO22 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE23 = 'D_ERR_CODES_20' / Errors codes TFORM23 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO23 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE24 = 'D_ERR_CODES_21' / Errors codes TFORM24 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO24 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE25 = 'D_ERR_CODES_22' / Errors codes TFORM25 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO25 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE26 = 'D_ERR_CODES_23' / Errors codes TFORM26 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO26 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE27 = 'D_ERR_CODES_24' / Errors codes TFORM27 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO27 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE28 = 'D_ERR_CODES_25' / Errors codes TFORM28 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO28 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE29 = 'D_ERR_CODES_26' / Errors codes TFORM29 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO29 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE30 = 'D_ERR_CODES_27' / Errors codes TFORM30 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO30 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE31 = 'D_ERR_CODES_28' / Errors codes TFORM31 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO31 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE32 = 'D_ERR_CODES_29' / Errors codes TFORM32 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO32 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE33 = 'D_ERR_CODES_30' / Errors codes TFORM33 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO33 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE34 = 'D_ERR_CODES_31' / Errors codes TFORM34 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO34 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE35 = 'D_ERR_CODES_32' / Errors codes TFORM35 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO35 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE36 = 'D_ERR_CODES_33' / Errors codes TFORM36 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO36 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE37 = 'D_ERR_CODES_34' / Errors codes TFORM37 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO37 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE38 = 'D_ERR_CODES_35' / Errors codes TFORM38 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO38 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE39 = 'D_ERR_CODES_36' / Errors codes TFORM39 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO39 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE40 = 'D_ERR_CODES_37' / Errors codes TFORM40 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO40 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE41 = 'D_ERR_CODES_38' / Errors codes TFORM41 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO41 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE42 = 'D_ERR_CODES_39' / Errors codes TFORM42 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO42 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE43 = 'D_ERR_CODES_40' / Errors codes TFORM43 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO43 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE44 = 'D_ERR_CODES_41' / Errors codes TFORM44 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO44 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE45 = 'D_ERR_CODES_42' / Errors codes TFORM45 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO45 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE46 = 'D_ERR_CODES_43' / Errors codes TFORM46 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO46 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE47 = 'D_ERR_CODES_44' / Errors codes TFORM47 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO47 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE48 = 'D_ERR_CODES_45' / Errors codes TFORM48 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO48 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE49 = 'D_ERR_CODES_46' / Errors codes TFORM49 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO49 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE50 = 'D_ERR_CODES_47' / Errors codes TFORM50 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO50 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE51 = 'D_ERR_CODES_48' / Errors codes TFORM51 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO51 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE52 = 'D_ERR_CODES_49' / Errors codes TFORM52 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO52 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE53 = 'D_ERR_CODES_50' / Errors codes TFORM53 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO53 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE54 = 'D24e_RESERVED_1' / Reserved TFORM54 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO54 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE55 = 'D24e_RESERVED_2' / Reserved TFORM55 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO55 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE56 = 'D24eCKSUM' / Packet Checksum TFORM56 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO56 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk24ex001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632912.49562 TSTOP = 717632912.49562 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:28:27' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:28:27' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 0. TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 590 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'CdMEEZMBCdMBCZMB' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '2728138719' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 2 = D_ERR_REL_CNT - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 3 = D_ERR_PKT_CNT - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 4 = D_ERR_CODES_1 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 5 = D_ERR_CODES_2 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 6 = D_ERR_CODES_3 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 7 = D_ERR_CODES_4 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 8 = D_ERR_CODES_5 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 9 = D_ERR_CODES_6 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 10 = D_ERR_CODES_7 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 11 = D_ERR_CODES_8 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 12 = D_ERR_CODES_9 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 13 = D_ERR_CODES_10 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 14 = D_ERR_CODES_11 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 15 = D_ERR_CODES_12 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 16 = D_ERR_CODES_13 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 17 = D_ERR_CODES_14 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 18 = D_ERR_CODES_15 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 19 = D_ERR_CODES_16 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 20 = D_ERR_CODES_17 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 21 = D_ERR_CODES_18 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 22 = D_ERR_CODES_19 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 23 = D_ERR_CODES_20 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 24 = D_ERR_CODES_21 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 25 = D_ERR_CODES_22 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 26 = D_ERR_CODES_23 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 27 = D_ERR_CODES_24 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 28 = D_ERR_CODES_25 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 29 = D_ERR_CODES_26 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 30 = D_ERR_CODES_27 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 31 = D_ERR_CODES_28 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 32 = D_ERR_CODES_29 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 33 = D_ERR_CODES_30 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 34 = D_ERR_CODES_31 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 35 = D_ERR_CODES_32 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 36 = D_ERR_CODES_33 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 37 = D_ERR_CODES_34 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 38 = D_ERR_CODES_35 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 39 = D_ERR_CODES_36 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 40 = D_ERR_CODES_37 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 41 = D_ERR_CODES_38 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 42 = D_ERR_CODES_39 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 43 = D_ERR_CODES_40 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 44 = D_ERR_CODES_41 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 45 = D_ERR_CODES_42 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 46 = D_ERR_CODES_43 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 47 = D_ERR_CODES_44 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 48 = D_ERR_CODES_45 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 49 = D_ERR_CODES_46 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 50 = D_ERR_CODES_47 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 51 = D_ERR_CODES_48 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 52 = D_ERR_CODES_49 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nCOMMENT Column 53 = D_ERR_CODES_50 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = = no description COMMENT 402718976-402719231 = Task spawn failed = no description COMMENT 402721024-402721279 = Error creating mutex = no description COMMENT 402721280-402721535 = Malloc error = no description COMMENT 402721536-402721791 = System block integrity = no description COMMENT 402721792-402722047 = semTake error = no description COMMENT 402722816-402723071 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 402723584-402723839 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402723840-402724095 = Command queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402724352-402724607 = Bad command function code = no description COMMENT 402724608-402724863 = Bad command parameter = no description COMMENT 402724864-402725119 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402725120-402725375 = Bad command pointer = no description COMMENT 402727168-402727423 = Command lost - semaphore conflict = no descripCOMMENT 402728192-402728447 = Command failed = no description COMMENT 402732800-402733055 = System call - bad task ID = no description COMMENT 402733312-402733567 = CCM cannot enqueue data to SCUI = no descriptiCOMMENT 402733568-402733823 = Bad HK designation = no description COMMENT 402733824 = X1 = no description COMMENT 402733825 = X2 = no description COMMENT 402733826 = X3 = no description COMMENT 402733827 = X4 = no description COMMENT 402733828-402734079 = X5+ = no description COMMENT 402734080-402734335 = Buffer copy error = no description COMMENT 402734336-402734591 = Error opening EEFS device = no description COMMENT 402735616-402735871 = Bad CCSDS grouping flags = no description COMMENT 402735872-402736127 = Bad CCSDS sequence number = no description COMMENT 402736128-402736383 = Bad upload length = no description COMMENT 402736384-402736639 = Data rcvd does not match expectation = no descCOMMENT 402736640-402736895 = Upload malloc failure = no description COMMENT 402736896-402737151 = Upload checksum error = no description COMMENT 402737664-402737919 = Upload already in progress = no description COMMENT 402738176-402738431 = ICU message lost - interface busy = no descripCOMMENT 402739712 = Download finished = no description COMMENT 402739456-402739711 = Block download error = no description COMMENT 402743296-402743551 = Upload missing sequence number = no descriptioCOMMENT 402747392-402747647 = Upload rejected sequence number = no descriptiCOMMENT 402784512-402784767 = SCUI interface already initialized = no descriCOMMENT 402784768-402785023 = Full SCUI buffer could not be allocated = no dCOMMENT 402785024-402785279 = Failure to initialize SCUI resources = no descCOMMENT 402792704-402792959 = Sub-address read error = no description COMMENT 402792960-402793215 = Sub-address write error = no description COMMENT 402793216-402793471 = Packet needed to be segmented = no descriptionCOMMENT 402793728-402793983 = Data would not fit in CCSDS packet = no descriCOMMENT 402793984-402794239 = Data dropped because of SCUI timeout = no descCOMMENT 402794496-402794751 = Zero length packet = no description COMMENT 402794752-402795007 = SCUI queue corrupt - purge queue = no descriptCOMMENT 402795008-402796799 = SCUI purged = no description COMMENT 402796800-402797055 = Bad command checksum = no description COMMENT 402797056-402797311 = Bad command length = no description COMMENT 402800896-402801151 = NULL pointer passed to scuiHkGet = no descriptCOMMENT 402801152-402801407 = New poll rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402801408-402801663 = New buffer rate out of range = no description COMMENT 402804992-402805247 = Outgoing observatory msg dropped - timeout = nCOMMENT 402805760-402806015 = Outgoing observatory msg purged - timeout = noCOMMENT 402806016-402806271 = Outgoing observatory msg rejected - length = nCOMMENT 402854400-402854655 = Message rejected - length = no description COMMENT 402854656-402854911 = ICU msg queue overrun = no description COMMENT 402855168-402855423 = Semaphore could not be created = no descriptioCOMMENT 402855424-402855679 = No data available = no description COMMENT 402855680-402855935 = Invalid NULL pointer passed = no description COMMENT 402855936-402856191 = Invalid data size - odd number of bytes = no dCOMMENT 402886656-402886911 = Error reading number of bytes reported = no deCOMMENT 402890752-402891007 = Command enqueue failure = no description COMMENT 402894848-402895103 = Bad command = no description COMMENT 402898944-402899199 = Invalid command - too long = no description COMMENT 402903040-402903295 = ICUI not yet initialized = no description COMMENT 402907136-402907391 = ICUI previously initialized = no description COMMENT 402853632-402853887 = ICUI Semaphore timeout = no description COMMENT 402915584-402915839 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 402915840-402916095 = DCI port initialization error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402916096-402916351 = No DCI data available for tmaliNextEvent = no COMMENT 402916352-402916607 = TMALI full; data discarded = no description COMMENT 402916608-402916863 = DCI driver call failure = no description COMMENT 402916864-402917119 = Unrecoverable semaphore error = no descriptionCOMMENT 402917120-402917375 = Frame depth not completed - another rcvd = no COMMENT 402917376-402917631 = TMALI task not initialized = no description COMMENT 402917632-402917887 = Invalid DCI window spec = no description COMMENT 402917888-402918143 = Invalid frame depth parameter = no descriptionCOMMENT 402918144-402918399 = TMALI passed a NULL pointer = no description COMMENT 403046400-403046655 = Invalid state in EM Task = no description COMMENT 403046656-403046911 = Attempt to overflow event frame buffer = no deCOMMENT 403046912-403047167 = Single timestamp word received = no descriptioCOMMENT 403047168-403047423 = Error sending event data = no description COMMENT 403047424-403047679 = Memory allocation error = no description COMMENT 403047680-403047935 = Message queue creation error = no description COMMENT 403047936-403048191 = Message queue not ISR callable = no descriptioCOMMENT 403048192-403048447 = Message queue Object ID error = no descriptionCOMMENT 403048448-403048703 = Message queue unknown error = no description COMMENT 403048704-403048959 = Error sending MODE COMPLETE message = no descrCOMMENT 403048960-403049215 = Abort command not found on message queue = no COMMENT 403049728 = ABORT while Idle = no description COMMENT 403049984-403050239 = Invalid channel boundary data found = no descrCOMMENT 403050240-403050495 = Event data error detected = no description COMMENT 403050496-403050751 = EEPROM read error = no description COMMENT 403050752-403051007 = EEPROM corruption detected = no description COMMENT 403051008-403051263 = TMALI timeout multiplier too small = no descriCOMMENT 403051264-403051519 = TMALI timeout multiplier too big = no descriptCOMMENT 403051520-403051775 = IP Task delay too small = no description COMMENT 403051776-403052031 = IP Task delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052032-403052287 = SCUI output delay too small = no description COMMENT 403052288-403052543 = SCUI output delay too big = no description COMMENT 403052544-403052799 = SCUI retry counter too small = no description COMMENT 403052800-403053055 = SCUI retry counter too big = no description COMMENT 403053056-403053311 = Finding chart size too big = no description COMMENT 403053312-403053567 = Finding chart nhigh stars too big = no descripCOMMENT 403053568-403053823 = Invalid ACA value = no description COMMENT 403054592 = STOP while Idle = no description COMMENT 403054848-403055103 = Invalid command ID = no description COMMENT 403055104-403055359 = Invalid state during receipt of MODE cmd = no COMMENT 403055616-403055871 = Ignoring XRT Position telecommand = no descripCOMMENT 403058688-403058943 = Invalid DPA ping pong state = no description COMMENT 403058944-403059199 = EM Task stuck in ping pong loop = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059200-403059455 = Error sending science image = no description COMMENT 403063040-403063295 = Invalid image window parameters = no descriptiCOMMENT 403059456-403059711 = Invalid DARK_BURST_STATE = no description COMMENT 403063296-403063551 = Image shift and add error = no description COMMENT 403066880-403067135 = Ping pong task invalid state = no description COMMENT 403070976-403071231 = Error queuing image row = no description COMMENT 403071232-403071487 = Error sending channel boundaries to ICU = no dCOMMENT 403071488-403071743 = Error sending channel boundaries to SCUI = no COMMENT 403071744-403071999 = Error queuing confirmation image = no descriptCOMMENT 403072000-403072255 = Error queuing IC data = no description COMMENT 403072256-403072511 = Error queuing exposure record = no descriptionCOMMENT 403072512-403072767 = Error queuing exposure start = no description COMMENT 403072768-403073023 = Error queuing XRT position = no description COMMENT 403073024-403073279 = CCSDS data package too big = no description COMMENT 403073280-403073535 = Error queuing finding chart = no description COMMENT 403073792-403074047 = Error queuing startup packet = no description COMMENT 403074048-403074303 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074304-403074559 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074560-403074815 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403074816-403075071 = Attempt to overflow finding chart array = no dCOMMENT 403075072-403075327 = CoderTest failed to enqueue data = no descriptCOMMENT 403075328-403075583 = Invalid MODE_ID in MODE command = no descriptiCOMMENT 403075584-403075839 = Invalid DCI data format in MODE command = no dCOMMENT 403075840-403076095 = Invalid binning level in MODE command = no desCOMMENT 403076096-403076351 = Invalid window spec in MODE command = no descrCOMMENT 403076352-403076607 = Invalid tracking interval in MODE command = noCOMMENT 403076608-403076863 = Invalid filter ID in MODE command = no descripCOMMENT 403076864-403077119 = Image discarded, as commanded = no descriptionCOMMENT 403077120-403077375 = Error queuing ACS Report = no description COMMENT 403077376-403077631 = Attempt to overflow ACS buffer = no descriptioCOMMENT 403077632-403077887 = No ACS available in correction interval = no dCOMMENT 403079424-403079679 = Not enough x counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079680-403079935 = Not enough y counts to compute chan bounds = nCOMMENT 403079936-403080191 = Error computing x chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080192-403080447 = Error computing y chan bounds = no descriptionCOMMENT 403080448-403080703 = Error queuing chan bound data = no descriptionCOMMENT 403083520-403083775 = DPA command buffer full - cmd rejected = no deCOMMENT 403083776-403084031 = Invalid msg ID in dpaCommandSend = no descriptCOMMENT 403084032-403084287 = ICMD_AF_CONFIG received = no description COMMENT 403087616-403087871 = Memory allocation error-bright star index = noCOMMENT 403087872-403088127 = Memory allocation error-bright star data = no COMMENT 403088128-403088383 = Memory allocation error-bgd histogram = no desCOMMENT 403088384-403088639 = Memory allocation error-thresh arrays = no desCOMMENT 403088640-403088895 = Memory allocation error-fchart data = no descrCOMMENT 403091712-403091967 = Memory allocation error-bright star counts = nCOMMENT 403091968-403092223 = Memory allocation error-bright star image = noCOMMENT 403096064-403096319 = Error opening thresh lookup table = no descripCOMMENT 403096576-403096831 = Thresh lookup table too short = no descriptionCOMMENT 403096832-403097087 = Error determining background level = no descriCOMMENT 403099648-403099903 = Too many iterations on DCI window = no descripCOMMENT 403099904-403100159 = Invalid detector window spec = no description COMMENT 403103744-403103999 = Error writing DPA App Config Area = no descripCOMMENT 403107840-403108095 = Invalid short word length = no description COMMENT 403108096-403108351 = Invalid long word length = no description COMMENT 403108352-403108607 = Invalid number of bits to CoderWriteBits = no COMMENT 403108864-403109119 = Compression buffer overflow = no description COMMENT 403109120-403109375 = Bug in compression software = no description COMMENT 403109376-403109631 = Short Word Length reset = no description COMMENT 403109632 = PATCH_6a1 installed = no description COMMENT 403109633 = PATCH_6a1 tested = no description COMMENT 403109634-403109887 = PATCH_6a1 failed = no description COMMENT 403109888-403110143 = Invalid Aspect Following State = no descriptioCOMMENT 403110144-403110399 = ACS Queue flushed = no description COMMENT 403110400-403110655 = ACS initialization failed = no description COMMENT 403116032-403116287 = Failed to set a bit in hardware register = no COMMENT 403120128-403120383 = Attempt to manually set clock in auto mode = nHISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcÈ?pz€$.€˜ €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€‘XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 303 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 78 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 216 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iDebugIntCntr' / Debug Int Counter (HK SID) TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'iBPETemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM3 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'iBPERefBTemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM4 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE5 = 'iBPERefCTemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'iBPEMainTemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM6 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE7 = 'iBPEForward1Temp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM7 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'iBPEForward2Temp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM8 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'iBPECCDTemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM9 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO9 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE10 = 'iBPERefATemp' / BPE Thermistor Readings TFORM10 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO10 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE11 = 'iHVCathode' / Vcathode TFORM11 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO11 = 15974.4 / data offset (32k shift ivcconv conversion) TSCAL11 = 0.4875 / data scaling (ivcconv conversion) TTYPE12 = 'iHVmcp1 ' / Vmcp1 TFORM12 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO12 = 79036.416 / data offset (32k shift ivmcp1conv conversion) TSCAL12 = 2.412 / data scaling (ivmcp1conv conversion) TTYPE13 = 'iHVmcp23' / Vmcp23 TFORM13 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO13 = 305397.76 / data offset (32k shift ivmcp23conv conversion) TSCAL13 = 9.32 / data scaling (ivmcp23conv conversion) TTYPE14 = 'iLVPlus5' / Low Voltage +5 TFORM14 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO14 = 639.028768 / data offset (32k shift ilvplus5cnv conversion) TSCAL14 = 0.019501 / data scaling (ilvplus5cnv conversion) TTYPE15 = 'iLVPlus15' / Low Voltage +15 TFORM15 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO15 = 1769.907394 / data offset (32k shift ilvplus15cnv conversion)TSCAL15 = 0.0540177 / data scaling (ilvplus15cnv conversion) TTYPE16 = 'iLVMinus15' / Low Voltage -15 TFORM16 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO16 = 1170.989834 / data offset (32k shift ilvminus15cnv conversionTSCAL16 = 0.0362727 / data scaling (ilvminus15cnv conversion) TTYPE17 = 'iLVRef ' / Low Voltage 1.23 V Reference TFORM17 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO17 = 319.514384 / data offset (32k shift ilvrefcnv conversion) TSCAL17 = 0.0097505 / data scaling (ilvrefcnv conversion) TTYPE18 = 'iFWPickOff' / F/W Analogue Pick-Off TFORM18 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO18 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE19 = 'iFloodLEDBias' / Flood LED Bias Current TFORM19 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE20 = 'iFWFineSnsrBias' / Fine Sensor Bias Current TFORM20 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE21 = 'iBPEIntegratNbld' / BPE Integration Enabled TFORM21 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE22 = 'iBPEAcqMode' / BPE Acquisition Mode TFORM22 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE23 = 'iBPEFrameTagNbld' / Frame Tag Enabled TFORM23 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE24 = 'undocumented1' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM24 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE25 = 'iBPECentrdTblOk' / Centroid Table Access TFORM25 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE26 = 'iBPECamStarted' / Camera Started/No Window Tble Access TFORM26 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE27 = 'iBPEEventThold' / Event Detect Threshold TFORM27 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE28 = 'iHtrMain' / Main I/F Htr TFORM28 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE29 = 'iHtrForward' / Forward Tube Htr TFORM29 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE30 = 'iHtrMetering' / Metering Rods Htr TFORM30 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE31 = 'iHtrSecondary' / Secondary Mirror Htr TFORM31 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE32 = 'iFWCrsSnsrBias' / Coarse Sensor Current TFORM32 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE33 = 'iFWCoarseSensor' / Coarse Sensor Status TFORM33 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE34 = 'undocumented2' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM34 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE35 = 'iMotorTempNbld' / Motor Temp Control Enabled TFORM35 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE36 = 'iICBAlive' / ICB Alive TFORM36 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE37 = 'iFWCounter' / F/W Position Counter TFORM37 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO37 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE38 = 'iHVEnabled' / HV Enabled TFORM38 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE39 = 'iFWFineSensor' / Fine Sensor TFORM39 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE40 = 'iWatchdogNbld' / Watchdog Enabled TFORM40 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE41 = 'iBootStatus' / Boot Status TFORM41 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE42 = 'iLimChkStatus' / Limit Checking Status TFORM42 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE43 = 'iOnePPSSyncStat' / Time Sync Status TFORM43 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE44 = 'iOnePPSSyncChan' / Time Sync Channel TFORM44 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE45 = 'iDMCounter' / Dichroic Position Counter TFORM45 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE46 = 'iTMPSUPlus28' / +28V Rail Current TFORM46 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE47 = 'iTMPSUPlus11' / +11V Rail Current TFORM47 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE48 = 'iTMPSUPlus15' / +15V Rail Current TFORM48 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE49 = 'iTMPSUMinus15' / -15V Rail Current TFORM49 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE50 = 'iTMPSUPlus5B' / +5VB Rail Current TFORM50 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE51 = 'iTMPSUPlus5A' / +5VA Rail Current TFORM51 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE52 = 'iTMPSUMinus5A' / -5VA Rail Current TFORM52 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE53 = 'iTMPSUDisMon' / DISMON, Ballast Resistor Temp Comparitor StatusTFORM53 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE54 = 'iICBStatus' / ICB Status TFORM54 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE55 = 'iICBErrors' / ICB Error Count TFORM55 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE56 = 'iSftyPCThold' / Safety PCTHOLD Threshold TFORM56 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE57 = 'iSftyFCThold' / Safety FCTHOLD Threshold TFORM57 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE58 = 'iSftySThold' / Safety STHOLD Threshold TFORM58 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE59 = 'iSftyRThold' / Safety RTHOLD Threshold TFORM59 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE60 = 'undocumented3' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM60 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE61 = 'iSftyAlertFlag' / Safety Alert Ouput TFORM61 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE62 = 'iSftyOpRST' / Safety Circuit Reset TFORM62 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE63 = 'iSftyAlertEn' / Safety Cathode Control Enabled TFORM63 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE64 = 'iSftySysEn' / Safety Circuit Enabled TFORM64 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE65 = 'iSftyRateOp' / Safety RATE_OP TFORM65 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO65 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TSCAL65 = 1 / data are not scaled TTYPE66 = 'iVersionBasic' / Basic S/W Version TFORM66 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE67 = 'iVersionOper' / Oper S/W Version TFORM67 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE68 = 'iSSIErrors' / SSI Error Count TFORM68 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO68 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE69 = 'iSSIInterrupts' / SSI Interrupt Count TFORM69 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO69 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE70 = 'iSSIOverflows' / SSI Overflow Count TFORM70 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE71 = 'iSSIHalfFulls' / SSI Half Full Count TFORM71 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE72 = 'iSSIGood' / SSI Good Count TFORM72 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO72 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE73 = 'iSSIBad ' / SSI Bad Count TFORM73 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO73 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE74 = 'iSSISent' / SSI Sent Count TFORM74 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO74 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE75 = 'iOnePPSInts' / 1 PPS Interrupt Count TFORM75 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO75 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE76 = 'iSC1553Ints' / 1553 Interrupt Count TFORM76 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO76 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE77 = 'iSC1553Errors' / 1553 Error Count TFORM77 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO77 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE78 = 'iSC1553IHTC' / 1553 IHTC Count TFORM78 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO78 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE79 = 'iSC1553TCPckt' / 1553 TC Packet Count TFORM79 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO79 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE80 = 'iSC1553IntReg' / 1553 Interrupt Reg TFORM80 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO80 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE81 = 'iTCGoodPckts' / Number of Good TC Packets TFORM81 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO81 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE82 = 'iTCBadPckts' / Number of Bad TC Packets TFORM82 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO82 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE83 = 'iTMGoodPckts' / Number of Good TM Packets TFORM83 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO83 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE84 = 'iTMBadPckts' / Number of Bad TM Packets TFORM84 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO84 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE85 = 'iRT2RTGoodPckts' / Number of Good RT2RT Packets TFORM85 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO85 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE86 = 'iRT2RTBadPckts' / Number of Bad RT2RT Packets TFORM86 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO86 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE87 = 'iHtrCntrlActive' / Active Heater Control TFORM87 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE88 = 'iDPUMonActive' / Active DPU Monitor TFORM88 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE89 = 'iUVOTState' / UVOT State TFORM89 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE90 = 'iActiveDEM' / Active DEM TFORM90 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE91 = 'iNextUVOTState' / Next UVOT State TFORM91 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE92 = 'undocumented4' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM92 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE93 = 'iSC1553Channel' / 1553 Channel TFORM93 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE94 = 'iDPUHeartbeats' / DPU Heartbeat Counts TFORM94 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO94 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE95 = 'iDPUMode' / DPU Mode TFORM95 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE96 = 'iDPUSubMode' / DPU SubMode TFORM96 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE97 = 'iDPUTempPSUAF' / DPU Temp PSU A Status Flags TFORM97 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE98 = 'undocumented5' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM98 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE99 = 'iDPUTempPSUA' / DPU Temp PSU A TFORM99 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO99 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE100= 'iDPUTempPSUBF' / DPU Temp PSU B Status Flags TFORM100= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE101= 'undocumented6' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM101= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE102= 'iDPUTempPSUB' / DPU Temp PSU B TFORM102= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO102= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE103= 'iDPUTempICUCPUF' / DPU Temp ICU CPU Module Status Flags TFORM103= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE104= 'undocumented7' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM104= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE105= 'iDPUTempICUCPU' / DPU Temp ICU CPU Module TFORM105= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO105= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE106= 'iDPUTempICUIFF' / DPU Temp ICU I/F Module Status Flags TFORM106= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE107= 'undocumented8' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM107= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE108= 'iDPUTempICUIF' / DPU Temp ICU I/F Module TFORM108= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO108= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE109= 'iDPUTempCommF' / DPU Temp DPU Comm/Mem Module Status Flags TFORM109= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE110= 'undocumented9' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM110= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE111= 'iDPUTempComm' / DPU Temp DPU Comm/Mem Module TFORM111= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO111= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE112= 'iDPUTempRes1F' / DPU Temp Reserve 1 Status Flags TFORM112= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE113= 'undocumented10' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM113= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE114= 'iDPUTempRes1' / DPU Temp Reserve 1 TFORM114= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO114= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE115= 'iDPUTempRes2F' / DPU Temp Reserve 2 Status Flags TFORM115= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE116= 'undocumented11' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM116= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE117= 'iDPUTempRes2' / DPU Temp Reserve 2 TFORM117= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO117= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE118= 'iDPUPlus5VAF' / DPU Voltage PSU A +5V Status Flags TFORM118= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE119= 'undocumented12' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM119= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE120= 'iDPUPlus5VA' / DPU Voltage PSU A +5V TFORM120= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO120= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE121= 'iDPUPlus5VBF' / DPU Voltage PSU B +5V Status Flags TFORM121= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE122= 'undocumented13' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM122= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE123= 'iDPUPlus5VB' / DPU Voltage PSU B +5V TFORM123= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO123= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE124= 'iDPUPlus12VAF' / DPU Voltage PSU A +12V Status Flags TFORM124= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE125= 'undocumented14' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM125= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE126= 'iDPUPlus12VA' / DPU Voltage PSU A +12V TFORM126= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO126= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE127= 'iDPUMinus12VAF' / DPU Voltage PSU A -12V Status Flags TFORM127= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE128= 'undocumented15' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM128= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE129= 'iDPUMinus12VA' / DPU Voltage PSU A -12V TFORM129= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO129= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE130= 'iDPUPlus5VRefF' / DPU Voltage PSU +5V Ref Status Flags TFORM130= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE131= 'undocumented16' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM131= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE132= 'iDPUPlus5VRef' / DPU Voltage PSU +5V Ref TFORM132= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO132= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE133= 'iDPUMinus5VRefF' / DPU Voltage PSU -5V Ref Status Flags TFORM133= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE134= 'undocumented17' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM134= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE135= 'iDPUMinus5VRef' / DPU Voltage PSU -5V Ref TFORM135= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO135= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE136= 'iDPUPowerResF' / DPU Power Reserve Status Flags TFORM136= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE137= 'undocumented18' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM137= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE138= 'iDPUPowerRes' / DPU Power Reserve TFORM138= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO138= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE139= 'iDPUParityErrors' / DPU Parity Errors TFORM139= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO139= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE140= 'iDPURes1' / DPU Reserve 1 TFORM140= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO140= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE141= 'iDPURes2' / DPU Reserve 2 TFORM141= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO141= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE142= 'iSCVoltage' / S/C Voltage TFORM142= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO142= 327.68 / data offset (32k shift iscvconv conversion) TSCAL142= 0.01 / data scaling (iscvconv conversion) TTYPE143= 'iWatchdogTsk01' / Task TCQ Monitored by Watchdog TFORM143= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE144= 'iWatchdogTsk02' / Task HV Ramp Monitored by Watchdog TFORM144= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE145= 'iWatchdogTsk03' / Task DPU Data Mgr Mon'ed by Watchdog TFORM145= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE146= 'iWatchdogTsk04' / Task Htr Cntrl Monitored by Watchdog TFORM146= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE147= 'iWatchdogTsk05' / Task Limit Chck Monitored by Watchdog TFORM147= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE148= 'iWatchdogTsk06' / Task Mechanism Monitored by Watchdog TFORM148= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE149= 'iWatchdogTsk07' / Task Feed 1553 Monitored by Watchdog TFORM149= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE150= 'iWatchdogTsk08' / Task HK Monitored by Watchdog TFORM150= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE151= 'iWatchdogTsk09' / Task Mem Dump Monitored by Watchdog TFORM151= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE152= 'iWatchdogTsk10' / Task DCS Monitored by Watchdog TFORM152= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE153= 'iWatchdogTsk11' / Task Ld Cntrd Tbl Mon'ed by Watchdog TFORM153= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE154= 'iWatchdogTsk12' / Task Ld Wndw Tbl Mon'ed by Watchdog TFORM154= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE155= 'iWatchdogTsk13' / Task Feed SSI Monitored by Watchdog TFORM155= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE156= 'iWatchdogTsk14' / Task Star Cat Monitored by Watchdog TFORM156= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE157= 'iWatchdogTsk15' / Task Monitored by Watchdog TFORM157= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE158= 'iWatchdogTsk16' / Task Monitored by Watchdog TFORM158= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE159= 'iRTSToken' / RTS Command Code Token TFORM159= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO159= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE160= 'iOnePPSInts2' / 1 PPS Interrupt Count (Redundant) TFORM160= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO160= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE161= 'iICBErrCmd' / ICB Error Command Word TFORM161= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO161= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE162= 'iICBErrDatum' / ICB Error Datum TFORM162= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO162= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE163= 'iDebug1stEx' / Debug First Exception TFORM163= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO163= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE164= 'iDebug1stProg' / Debug First Progress TFORM164= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO164= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE165= 'iTDRSSPcktCnt' / TDRSS Packet Count TFORM165= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE166= 'iRTSDepth' / RTS Depth TFORM166= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE167= 'undocumented19' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM167= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE168= 'iSWTaskCntr01' / Task TCQ Loop Counter TFORM168= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE169= 'iSWTaskCntr02' / Task HV Ramp Loop Counter TFORM169= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE170= 'iSWTaskCntr03' / Task DPU Data Manager Loop Counter TFORM170= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE171= 'iSWTaskCntr04' / Task Heater Control Loop Counter TFORM171= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE172= 'iSWTaskCntr05' / Task Limit Check Loop Counter TFORM172= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE173= 'iSWTaskCntr06' / Task Mechanism Loop Counter TFORM173= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE174= 'iSWTaskCntr07' / Task Feed 1553 Loop Counter TFORM174= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE175= 'iSWTaskCntr08' / Task HK Loop Counter TFORM175= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE176= 'iSWTaskCntr09' / Task Memory Dump Loop Counter TFORM176= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE177= 'iSWTaskCntr10' / Task DCS Loop Counter TFORM177= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE178= 'iSWTaskCntr11' / Task Load Centroid Table Loop Counter TFORM178= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE179= 'iSWTaskCntr12' / Task Load Window Table Loop Counter TFORM179= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE180= 'iSWTaskCntr13' / Task Feed SSI Loop Counter TFORM180= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE181= 'iSWTaskCntr14' / Task Star Cat Loop Counter TFORM181= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE182= 'iSWTaskCntr15' / Task Loop Counter TFORM182= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE183= 'iSWTaskCntr16' / Task Loop Counter TFORM183= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE184= 'iSWTaskCntr17' / Task Loop Counter TFORM184= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE185= 'iSWTaskCntr18' / Task Loop Counter TFORM185= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE186= 'iSWTaskCntr19' / Task Loop Counter TFORM186= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE187= 'iSWTaskCntr20' / Task Loop Counter TFORM187= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE188= 'iSWTaskCntr21' / Task Loop Counter TFORM188= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE189= 'iSWTaskCntr22' / Task Loop Counter TFORM189= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE190= 'iSWTaskCntr23' / Task Loop Counter TFORM190= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE191= 'iSWTaskCntr24' / Task Loop Counter TFORM191= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE192= 'iWatchdogTskCntr' / Watchdog Task Counter TFORM192= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE193= 'undocumented20' / Byte field not in ITOS database TFORM193= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE194= 'iACSCount' / ACS Counter TFORM194= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO194= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE195= 'iTimetoneCount' / Timetone Counter TFORM195= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO195= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE196= 'iTopLevelRTS' / Top Level RTS TFORM196= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO196= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE197= 'iBottomLevelRTS' / Bottom Level RTS TFORM197= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO197= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE198= 'iRTSLineNumber' / RTS Line Number TFORM198= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO198= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE199= 'iSunConstViol' / Sun Constraint Violation, 1=TRUE TFORM199= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE200= 'iMoonConstViol' / Moon Constraint Violation TFORM200= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE201= 'iEarthConstViol' / Earth Constraint Violation TFORM201= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE202= 'iICBDirectCom' / ICB direct commanding enabled flag TFORM202= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE203= 'undocumented21' / Bit field not in ITOS database TFORM203= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE204= 'iFWRotations' / FW Rotation Counter TFORM204= '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO204= 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE205= 'iSunAngDist' / Angular Distance to Sun TFORM205= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE206= 'iMoonAngDist' / Angular Distance to Moon TFORM206= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE207= 'iEarthAngDist' / Angular Distance to Earth TFORM207= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE208= 'undocumented22' / Byte field not in ITOS database TFORM208= '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE209= 'iRTSEvent' / RTS Current Event TFORM209= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO209= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE210= 'iRTSTimeout' / RTS Timeout Count TFORM210= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE211= 'iRTSDelay' / RTS Delay Time TFORM211= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO211= 6553.6 / data offset (32k shift itickscnv conversion) TSCAL211= 0.2 / data scaling (itickscnv conversion) TTYPE212= 'iRTSTCCount' / RTS TC Count TFORM212= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO212= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE213= 'iRTSRT2RTCount' / RTS RT2RT Count TFORM213= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO213= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE214= 'iRTSTCCode' / RTS TC Code TFORM214= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO214= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE215= 'iRTSExec' / RTS Current Exec TFORM215= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO215= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE216= 'iEndOfHKMarker' / Padding to mark where CRC value is added TFORM216= '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO216= 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk362x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632889.58956 TSTOP = 717633660.34624 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:28:04' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:55' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 770.756680011749 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 866 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= '9jBBHiB99iBAEiB9' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '2374285713' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 TRDHI2 = 1 / iDebugIntCntr Red upper limit = idebugintcntrliCOMMENT Column 21 = iBPEIntegratNbld - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off TYELO22 = 2 / iBPEAcqMode Yellow lower limit = ilimacq COMMENT Column 23 = iBPEFrameTagNbld - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = On = no description COMMENT 1 = Off = General purpose on/off TYEHI23 = 1 / iBPEFrameTagNbld Yellow upper limit = iLimEnablCOMMENT Column 25 = iBPECentrdTblOk - Discrete value COMMENT 1 = No = no description COMMENT 0 = Yes = Centroid writeable COMMENT Column 26 = iBPECamStarted - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = Yellow when not enabled COMMENT 1 = On = no description TRDHI27 = 255 / iBPEEventThold Red upper limit = iBPETholdLim TYELO27 = 11 / iBPEEventThold Yellow lower limit = iBPETholdLiTYEHI27 = 16 / iBPEEventThold Yellow upper limit = iBPETholdLiCOMMENT Column 28 = iHtrMain - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 29 = iHtrForward - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 30 = iHtrMetering - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 31 = iHtrSecondary - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 33 = iFWCoarseSensor - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 35 = iMotorTempNbld - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 36 = iICBAlive - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Dead = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = Red when ICB not alive COMMENT Column 37 = iFWCounter - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Blocked = FW at blocked COMMENT 200 = Grism1_UV = FW at Grism 1 (UV) COMMENT 400 = UVW2 = FW at UVW2 COMMENT 600 = V = FW at V COMMENT 800 = UVM2 = FW at UVM2 COMMENT 1000 = Grism2_V = FW at Grism 2 (Visible) COMMENT 1200 = UVW1 = FW at UVW1 COMMENT 1400 = U = FW at U COMMENT 1600 = Magnifier = FW at Magnifier COMMENT 1800 = B = FW at B COMMENT 2000 = White = FW at White COMMENT 2200 = Unknown = FW position Unknown COMMENT 2201 = Moving = FW Moving COMMENT Column 38 = iHVEnabled - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = Orange when enabled COMMENT Column 39 = iFWFineSensor - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 40 = iWatchdogNbld - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 41 = iBootStatus - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Pwr = no description COMMENT 1 = Wdog = no description COMMENT 2 = Cmd = Red when boot status is watchdog trip COMMENT Column 42 = iLimChkStatus - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 43 = iOnePPSSyncStat - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 44 = iOnePPSSyncChan - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = A = no description COMMENT 1 = B = 1pps A or B TYEHI44 = 1 / iOnePPSSyncChan Yellow upper limit = iLimsyncchTSCAL46 = 4.1 / data scaling (iTMPSUPlus28Dspcnv conversion) TZERO46 = 134356.3 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUPlus28Dspcnv conveTSCAL47 = 2 / data scaling (iTMPSUPlus11Dspcnv conversion) TZERO47 = 65552.1 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUPlus11Dspcnv conveTSCAL48 = 1.2 / data scaling (iTMPSUPlus15Dspcnv conversion) TZERO48 = 39329.6 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUPlus15Dspcnv conveTSCAL49 = 1.2 / data scaling (iTMPSUMinus15Dspcnv conversion) TZERO49 = 39320.3 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUMinus15Dspcnv convTSCAL50 = 5.7 / data scaling (iTMPSUPlus5BDspcnv conversion) TZERO50 = 186754.3 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUPlus5BDspcnv conveTSCAL51 = 5 / data scaling (iTMPSUPlus5ADspcnv conversion) TZERO51 = 163833.1 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUPlus5ADspcnv conveTSCAL52 = 3.6 / data scaling (iTMPSUMinus5ADspcnv conversion) TZERO52 = 117969.5 / data offset (32k shift iTMPSUMinus5ADspcnv convTRDHI55 = 1 / iICBErrors Red upper limit = iICBErrLim TRDHI61 = 1 / iSftyAlertFlag Red upper limit = iSftyAlertFlagTRDHI68 = 1 / iSSIErrors Red upper limit = iSSIErrorsLim TRDHI73 = 1 / iSSIBad Red upper limit = iSSIBadLim TRDHI77 = 1 / iSC1553Errors Red upper limit = iSC1553ErrorsLiTRDHI80 = 1 / iSC1553IntReg Red upper limit = iSC1553IntRegrLTRDHI82 = 1 / iTCBadPckts Red upper limit = iTCBadPcktsLim TRDHI84 = 1 / iTMBadPckts Red upper limit = iTMBadPcktsLim TRDHI86 = 1 / iRT2RTBadPckts Red upper limit = iRT2RTBadPcktsCOMMENT Column 87 = iHtrCntrlActive - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 88 = iDPUMonActive - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 89 = iUVOTState - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Basic = no description COMMENT 1 = Safe = no description COMMENT 2 = Slew = no description COMMENT 3 = Settling = no description COMMENT 4 = Finding = no description COMMENT 5 = AT = no description COMMENT 6 = PT = no description COMMENT 7 = SafePnt = no description COMMENT 8 = SAA = no description COMMENT 9 = SlewSAA = no description COMMENT 10 = Idle = no description COMMENT 11 = OffUrgt = no description COMMENT 12 = OffUVOT = no description COMMENT 13 = OffTM = All possible states COMMENT Column 90 = iActiveDEM - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = ICU0/DEM1/R = no description COMMENT 1 = ICU1/DEM2/P = no description COMMENT Column 91 = iNextUVOTState - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Basic = no description COMMENT 1 = Safe = no description COMMENT 2 = Slew = no description COMMENT 3 = Settling = no description COMMENT 4 = Finding = no description COMMENT 5 = AT = no description COMMENT 6 = PT = no description COMMENT 7 = SafePnt = no description COMMENT 8 = SAA = no description COMMENT 9 = SlewSAA = no description COMMENT 10 = Idle = no description COMMENT 11 = OffUrgt = no description COMMENT 12 = OffUVOT = no description COMMENT 13 = OffTM = All possible states COMMENT Column 93 = iSC1553Channel - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = A = no description COMMENT 1 = B = no description TYEHI93 = 1 / iSC1553Channel Yellow upper limit = dLimDPUflagTRDHI139= 1 / iDPUParityErrors Red upper limit = iDPUParityErCOMMENT Column 143 = iWatchdogTsk01 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 144 = iWatchdogTsk02 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 145 = iWatchdogTsk03 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 146 = iWatchdogTsk04 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 147 = iWatchdogTsk05 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 148 = iWatchdogTsk06 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 149 = iWatchdogTsk07 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 150 = iWatchdogTsk08 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 151 = iWatchdogTsk09 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 152 = iWatchdogTsk10 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 153 = iWatchdogTsk11 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 154 = iWatchdogTsk12 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 155 = iWatchdogTsk13 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 156 = iWatchdogTsk14 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 157 = iWatchdogTsk15 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 158 = iWatchdogTsk16 - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Asleep = no description COMMENT 1 = Alive = no description COMMENT 3 = Unknown = no description COMMENT Column 159 = iRTSToken - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = None = no description COMMENT 61440 = NoOp = no description COMMENT 61441 = Cmd = no description COMMENT 61442 = RTS = no description COMMENT 61443 = Push = no description COMMENT 61444 = PushLong = no description COMMENT 61445 = PushArg = no description COMMENT 61446 = Delay = no description COMMENT 61447 = WaitFor = no description COMMENT 61448 = Exit = no description COMMENT 61449 = Return = no description COMMENT 61450 = PushRAM = no description COMMENT 61451 = PushRAMLong = no description COMMENT 61452 = PushEEPROM = no description COMMENT 61453 = PushEEPROMLong = no description COMMENT 61454 = Exec = no description COMMENT 61455 = If = no description COMMENT 61456 = Jump = no description COMMENT 61457 = LineNo = no description TRDHI163= 1 / iDebug1stEx Red upper limit = iDebug1stExLim TRDHI164= 1 / iDebug1stProg Red upper limit = i1stproglim TRDHI165= 1 / iTDRSSPcktCnt Red upper limit = iTDRSSCntLim COMMENT Column 196 = iTopLevelRTS - Discrete value COMMENT 1280 = diagnostic = no description COMMENT 64 = load_wndw_table = no description COMMENT 51 = interrupt_exp = no description COMMENT 50 = end_exp = no description COMMENT 49 = start_exp = no description COMMENT 48 = do_exp = no description COMMENT 33 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 1794 = sfty_reset = no description COMMENT 1793 = sfty_reset_slew = no description COMMENT 1285 = move_fw = no description COMMENT 1284 = blocked_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1283 = blocked_failsafe = no description COMMENT 1282 = retry_fw = no description COMMENT 1033 = hv231 = no description COMMENT 1032 = hvcathode = no description COMMENT 1031 = hvidle_or_saa = no description COMMENT 1030 = hvofffast = no description COMMENT 1029 = hvsaa = no description COMMENT 1028 = hvnominal = no description COMMENT 1027 = hvoff = no description COMMENT 1026 = hvon = no description COMMENT 999 = get_sp_config = no description COMMENT 998 = get_pt_config = no description COMMENT 997 = get_at_config = no description COMMENT 996 = get_fc_config = no description COMMENT 995 = get_sttlng_config = no description COMMENT 1007 = bright_planets = no description COMMENT 887 = safep_to_safep = no description COMMENT 807 = slew_to_safep = no description COMMENT 1014 = do_pt_exp = no description COMMENT 870 = pt_to_pt = no description COMMENT 806 = slew_to_pt = no description COMMENT 837 = fc_to_at = no description COMMENT 805 = slew_to_at = no description COMMENT 1012 = do_fc_exp = no description COMMENT 820 = settling_to_fc = no description COMMENT 804 = slew_to_fc = no description COMMENT 1011 = do_sttlng_exp = no description COMMENT 803 = slew_to_settling = no description COMMENT 906 = saa_to_idle = no description COMMENT 1018 = obs_to_idle = no description COMMENT 810 = slew_to_idle = no description COMMENT 1674 = saa_to_idle2 = no description COMMENT 794 = safe_to_idle = no description COMMENT 770 = do_slew = no description COMMENT 994 = send_slewsafe = no description COMMENT 20 = process_slew_warn = no description COMMENT 776 = gotosaa = no description COMMENT 768 = gotobasic = no description COMMENT 769 = fastsafe = no description COMMENT 1585 = hve_safe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1569 = gotosafefw_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1553 = gotosafehv_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1537 = gotosafe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 17 = gotosafe = no description COMMENT 19 = autostate = no description COMMENT 513 = change_state = no description COMMENT 258 = controlled_tmoff = no description COMMENT 257 = controlled_off = no description COMMENT 18 = emergency_hvoff = no description COMMENT 21 = slewabort = no description COMMENT 15 = h_15 = no description COMMENT 14 = h_14 = no description COMMENT 13 = h_13 = no description COMMENT 12 = h_12 = no description COMMENT 11 = h_11 = no description COMMENT 5 = h_uvot_off = no description COMMENT 4 = h_tm_off = no description COMMENT 3 = h_emergency_safe = no description COMMENT 2 = h_basic = no description COMMENT 32766 = notallowed = no description COMMENT 32767 = undefined = no description COMMENT 0 = noaction = no description COMMENT Column 197 = iBottomLevelRTS - Discrete value COMMENT 1280 = diagnostic = no description COMMENT 64 = load_wndw_table = no description COMMENT 51 = interrupt_exp = no description COMMENT 50 = end_exp = no description COMMENT 49 = start_exp = no description COMMENT 48 = do_exp = no description COMMENT 33 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 1794 = sfty_reset = no description COMMENT 1793 = sfty_reset_slew = no description COMMENT 1285 = move_fw = no description COMMENT 1284 = blocked_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1283 = blocked_failsafe = no description COMMENT 1282 = retry_fw = no description COMMENT 1033 = hv231 = no description COMMENT 1032 = hvcathode = no description COMMENT 1031 = hvidle_or_saa = no description COMMENT 1030 = hvofffast = no description COMMENT 1029 = hvsaa = no description COMMENT 1028 = hvnominal = no description COMMENT 1027 = hvoff = no description COMMENT 1026 = hvon = no description COMMENT 999 = get_sp_config = no description COMMENT 998 = get_pt_config = no description COMMENT 997 = get_at_config = no description COMMENT 996 = get_fc_config = no description COMMENT 995 = get_sttlng_config = no description COMMENT 1007 = bright_planets = no description COMMENT 887 = safep_to_safep = no description COMMENT 807 = slew_to_safep = no description COMMENT 1014 = do_pt_exp = no description COMMENT 870 = pt_to_pt = no description COMMENT 806 = slew_to_pt = no description COMMENT 837 = fc_to_at = no description COMMENT 805 = slew_to_at = no description COMMENT 1012 = do_fc_exp = no description COMMENT 820 = settling_to_fc = no description COMMENT 804 = slew_to_fc = no description COMMENT 1011 = do_sttlng_exp = no description COMMENT 803 = slew_to_settling = no description COMMENT 906 = saa_to_idle = no description COMMENT 1018 = obs_to_idle = no description COMMENT 810 = slew_to_idle = no description COMMENT 1674 = saa_to_idle2 = no description COMMENT 794 = safe_to_idle = no description COMMENT 770 = do_slew = no description COMMENT 994 = send_slewsafe = no description COMMENT 20 = process_slew_warn = no description COMMENT 776 = gotosaa = no description COMMENT 768 = gotobasic = no description COMMENT 769 = fastsafe = no description COMMENT 1585 = hve_safe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1569 = gotosafefw_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1553 = gotosafehv_tdrss = no description COMMENT 1537 = gotosafe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 17 = gotosafe = no description COMMENT 19 = autostate = no description COMMENT 513 = change_state = no description COMMENT 258 = controlled_tmoff = no description COMMENT 257 = controlled_off = no description COMMENT 18 = emergency_hvoff = no description COMMENT 21 = slewabort = no description COMMENT 15 = h_15 = no description COMMENT 14 = h_14 = no description COMMENT 13 = h_13 = no description COMMENT 12 = h_12 = no description COMMENT 11 = h_11 = no description COMMENT 5 = h_uvot_off = no description COMMENT 4 = h_tm_off = no description COMMENT 3 = h_emergency_safe = no description COMMENT 2 = h_basic = no description COMMENT 32766 = notallowed = no description COMMENT 32767 = undefined = no description COMMENT 0 = noaction = no description COMMENT Column 199 = iSunConstViol - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = OK = no description COMMENT 1 = DANGER = no description TRDHI199= 1 / iSunConstViol Red upper limit = iSunConstViolLiCOMMENT Column 200 = iMoonConstViol - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = OK = no description COMMENT 1 = DANGER = no description TRDHI200= 1 / iMoonConstViol Red upper limit = iMoonConstViolCOMMENT Column 201 = iEarthConstViol - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = OK = no description COMMENT 1 = DANGER = no description TRDHI201= 1 / iEarthConstViol Red upper limit = iEarthConstViCOMMENT Column 202 = iICBDirectCom - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Off = no description COMMENT 1 = On = General purpose on/off COMMENT Column 209 = iRTSEvent - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Normal_Delay = no description COMMENT 1 = At_Requested_HV = no description COMMENT 2 = At_Requested_Filter = no description COMMENT 3 = DPU_Mode_Ready = no description COMMENT 4 = DPU_Ack = no description COMMENT 5 = Centroid_Loaded = no description COMMENT 6 = Window_Loaded = no description COMMENT 7 = Nextobsinfo = no description COMMENT 8 = Within_10_arcmin = no description COMMENT 9 = Settled = no description COMMENT 10 = Chain_Code = no description COMMENT 11 = Slew_Start = no description COMMENT Column 214 = iRTSTCCode - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = None = no description COMMENT 24575 = ibad65f = no description COMMENT 24831 = ibad660 = no description COMMENT 25087 = ibad661 = no description COMMENT 25343 = ibad662 = no description COMMENT 25599 = ibad663 = no description COMMENT 25855 = ibad664 = no description COMMENT 26111 = ibad665 = no description COMMENT 26367 = ibad666 = no description COMMENT 26623 = ibad667 = no description COMMENT 26879 = ibad668 = no description COMMENT 27135 = ibad669 = no description COMMENT 27391 = ibad66a = no description COMMENT 27647 = ibad66b = no description COMMENT 27903 = ibad66c = no description COMMENT 28159 = ibad66d = no description COMMENT 28415 = ibad66e = no description COMMENT 28671 = ibad66f = no description COMMENT 28927 = ibad670 = no description COMMENT 29183 = ibad671 = no description COMMENT 29439 = ibad672 = no description COMMENT 29695 = ibad673 = no description COMMENT 29951 = ibad674 = no description COMMENT 30207 = ibad675 = no description COMMENT 30463 = ibad676 = no description COMMENT 30719 = ibad677 = no description COMMENT 30975 = ibad678 = no description COMMENT 31231 = ibad679 = no description COMMENT 31487 = ibad67a = no description COMMENT 31743 = ibad67b = no description COMMENT 31999 = ibad67c = no description COMMENT 32255 = ibad67d = no description COMMENT 32511 = ibad67e = no description COMMENT 32767 = ibad67f = no description COMMENT 41215 = ibad700 = no description COMMENT 41471 = ibad701 = no description COMMENT 41727 = ibad702 = no description COMMENT 41983 = ibad703 = no description COMMENT 42239 = ibad704 = no description COMMENT 42495 = ibad705 = no description COMMENT 49151 = ibad7ff = no description COMMENT 24576 = ibpestopcntrdld = no description COMMENT 24577 = ibpestartcntrdld = no description COMMENT 24578 = ibpestopwndwld = no description COMMENT 24579 = ibpestartwndwld = no description COMMENT 24580 = ibpeinteg = no description COMMENT 24581 = ibpeacqmode = no description COMMENT 24582 = ibpethreshold = no description COMMENT 24583 = ibpeled = no description COMMENT 24584 = ibpeframetags = no description COMMENT 24585 = ibpecamera = no description COMMENT 24586 = ibpehead = no description COMMENT 24589 = ihvramp = no description COMMENT 24588 = ihvstopramp = no description COMMENT 24590 = ihvenable = no description COMMENT 24587 = ihvset = no description COMMENT 24688 = ibpesftyconfig = no description COMMENT 24725 = idputask = no description COMMENT 27141 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 27142 = idpustop = no description COMMENT 27200 = idpupurgedcx = no description COMMENT 27201 = idpupurgesci = no description COMMENT 27145 = idpuxrtpos = no description COMMENT 27146 = idpuabort = no description COMMENT 27172 = idpunoop = no description COMMENT 27202 = idpureboot = no description COMMENT 41473 = fonextobsinfo = no description COMMENT 24674 = ihtr = no description COMMENT 24675 = ihtrparams = no description COMMENT 24722 = ihk = no description COMMENT 24723 = ihkrate = no description COMMENT 24724 = ihktdrss = no description COMMENT 24608 = iicbenable = no description COMMENT 24609 = iicbwrite = no description COMMENT 24610 = iicbread = no description COMMENT 24736 = ilimit = no description COMMENT 24737 = ichangelimits = no description COMMENT 25088 = iicuload = no description COMMENT 25089 = iicudump = no description COMMENT 25090 = iicucrc = no description COMMENT 25091 = iicudumpabort = no description COMMENT 24640 = ifwstop = no description COMMENT 24641 = ifwsetcoarse = no description COMMENT 24642 = ifwsetfine = no description COMMENT 24643 = ifwsetrate = no description COMMENT 24644 = ifwfilter = no description COMMENT 24645 = ifwabs = no description COMMENT 24646 = ifwrel = no description COMMENT 24647 = ifwpulse = no description COMMENT 24648 = ifwdatum = no description COMMENT 24649 = ifwcoarse = no description COMMENT 24671 = imotorinhibit = no description COMMENT 24656 = idmstop = no description COMMENT 24657 = idmmove = no description COMMENT 24704 = irtsrun = no description COMMENT 24705 = irtskill = no description COMMENT 24706 = irtstrace = no description COMMENT 41217 = siscattitude = no description COMMENT 41219 = sislewwarning = no description COMMENT 41220 = sislewabort = no description COMMENT 41216 = sinoop = no description COMMENT 41218 = sitimetone = no description COMMENT 6 = sacpwroffuvottm = no description COMMENT 7 = sacpwroffuvot = no description COMMENT 4 = sacslewsafereply = no description COMMENT 24832 = istate = no description COMMENT 24833 = istatetrans = no description COMMENT 25856 = itest = no description COMMENT 25857 = inhkecho = no description COMMENT 25858 = irtsstacktest = no description COMMENT 24752 = itimesync = no description COMMENT 24624 = iwatchdog = no description COMMENT 24625 = iwatchdogint = no description COMMENT 42240 = xrtposition = no description COMMENT 42241 = xrtcentroiderr = no description COMMENT Column 215 = iRTSExec - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = Bright_Stars = no description COMMENT 1 = Bright_Planets = no description COMMENT 2 = Zero_Accum_Counts = no description COMMENT 3 = Start_Acc_Counts = no description COMMENT 4 = End_Acc_Counts = no description COMMENT 5 = Get_AT_Config = no description COMMENT 6 = Get_PT_Config = no description COMMENT 7 = Get_SP_Config = no description COMMENT 8 = FC_Taken = no description COMMENT 9 = Incr_FC_Attempts = no description COMMENT 10 = Get_Settling_Config = no description COMMENT 11 = Get_FC_Config = no description COMMENT 12 = Starting_Exposure = no description COMMENT 13 = Ending_Exposure = no description COMMENT 14 = Calc_Sun_Moon_Planets = no description COMMENT 15 = No_Exec = no description HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 TNULL8 = 32767 TNULL216= 32767 TNULL160= 32767 TNULL105= 32767 TNULL141= 32767 TNULL15 = 32767 TNULL84 = 32767 TNULL73 = 32767 TNULL69 = 32767 TNULL117= 32767 TNULL215= 32767 TNULL114= 32767 TNULL9 = 32767 TNULL72 = 32767 TNULL45 = 32767 TNULL14 = 32767 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standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632882.7778 TSTOP = 717633661.5808 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:57' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:56' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 778.803000092506 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 880 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= '66II64FH64FH64FH' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '969183766' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iVer3bfc - Discrete value COMMENT 4 = sacslewsafereply = no description COMMENT 6 = sacpwroffuvottm = no description COMMENT 7 = sacpwroffuvot = no description COMMENT 22 = sacsimsetatt = no description COMMENT 23 = sacldstarmap = no description COMMENT 65536 = sinoop = no description COMMENT 65537 = siscattitude = no description COMMENT 65538 = sitimetone = no description COMMENT 65539 = sislewwarning = no description COMMENT 65540 = sislewabort = no description COMMENT 131073 = fonextobsinfo = no description COMMENT 327680 = xrtposition = no description COMMENT 327681 = xrtcentroiderr = no description COMMENT 6291456 = ibpestopcntrdld = no description COMMENT 6291457 = ibpestartcntrdld = no description COMMENT 6291458 = ibpestopwndwld = no description COMMENT 6291459 = ibpestartwndwld = no description COMMENT 6291460 = ibpeinteg = no description COMMENT 6291461 = ibpeacqmode = no description COMMENT 6291462 = ibpethreshold = no description COMMENT 6291463 = ibpeled = no description COMMENT 6291464 = ibpeframetags = no description COMMENT 6291465 = ibpecamera = no description COMMENT 6291466 = ibpehead = no description COMMENT 6291467 = ihvset = no description COMMENT 6291468 = ihvstopramp = no description COMMENT 6291469 = ihvramp = no description COMMENT 6291470 = ihvenable = no description COMMENT 6291488 = iicbenable = no description COMMENT 6291489 = iicbwrite = no description COMMENT 6291490 = iicbread = no description COMMENT 6291504 = iwatchdog = no description COMMENT 6291505 = iwatchdogint = no description COMMENT 6291520 = ifwstop = no description COMMENT 6291521 = ifwsetcoarse = no description COMMENT 6291522 = ifwsetfine = no description COMMENT 6291523 = ifwsetrate = no description COMMENT 6291524 = ifwfilter = no description COMMENT 6291525 = ifwabs = no description COMMENT 6291526 = ifwrel = no description COMMENT 6291527 = ifwpulse = no description COMMENT 6291528 = ifwdatum = no description COMMENT 6291529 = ifwcoarse = no description COMMENT 6291536 = idmstop = no description COMMENT 6291537 = idmmove = no description COMMENT 6291551 = imotorinhibit = no description COMMENT 6291554 = ihtr = no description COMMENT 6291555 = ihtrparams = no description COMMENT 6291568 = ibpesftyconfig = no description COMMENT 6291584 = irtsrun = no description COMMENT 6291585 = irtskill = no description COMMENT 6291586 = irtstrace = no description COMMENT 6291602 = ihk = no description COMMENT 6291603 = ihkrate = no description COMMENT 6291604 = ihktdrss = no description COMMENT 6291605 = idputask = no description COMMENT 6291616 = ilimit = no description COMMENT 6291617 = ichangelimits = no description COMMENT 6291632 = itimesync = no description COMMENT 6356992 = istate = no description COMMENT 6356993 = istatetrans = no description COMMENT 6422528 = iicuload = no description COMMENT 6422529 = iicudump = no description COMMENT 6422530 = iicucrc = no description COMMENT 6422531 = iicudumpabort = no description COMMENT 6619136 = itest = no description COMMENT 6619137 = inhkecho = no description COMMENT 6750208 = ibatgrbfluxinfo = no description COMMENT 6946821 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 6946822 = idpustop = no description COMMENT 6946825 = idpuxrtpos = no description COMMENT 6946826 = idpuabort = no description COMMENT 6946852 = idpunoop = no description COMMENT 6946880 = idpupurgedcx = no description COMMENT 6946881 = idpupurgesci = no description COMMENT 6946882 = idpureboot = no description COMMENT 7340032 = RTS ibpestopcntrdld = no description COMMENT 7340033 = RTS ibpestartcntrdld = no description COMMENT 7340034 = RTS ibpestopwndwld = no description COMMENT 7340035 = RTS ibpestartwndwld = no description COMMENT 7340036 = RTS ibpeinteg = no description COMMENT 7340037 = RTS ibpeacqmode = no description COMMENT 7340038 = RTS ibpethreshold = no description COMMENT 7340039 = RTS ibpeled = no description COMMENT 7340040 = RTS ibpeframetags = no description COMMENT 7340041 = RTS ibpecamera = no description COMMENT 7340042 = RTS ibpehead = no description COMMENT 7340043 = RTS ihvset = no description COMMENT 7340044 = RTS ihvstopramp = no description COMMENT 7340045 = RTS ihvramp = no description COMMENT 7340046 = RTS ihvenable = no description COMMENT 7340064 = RTS iicbenable = no description COMMENT 7340065 = RTS iicbwrite = no description COMMENT 7340066 = RTS iicbread = no description COMMENT 7340080 = RTS iwatchdog = no description COMMENT 7340081 = RTS iwatchdogint = no description COMMENT 7340096 = RTS ifwstop = no description COMMENT 7340097 = RTS ifwsetcoarse = no description COMMENT 7340098 = RTS ifwsetfine = no description COMMENT 7340099 = RTS ifwsetrate = no description COMMENT 7340100 = RTS ifwfilter = no description COMMENT 7340101 = RTS ifwabs = no description COMMENT 7340102 = RTS ifwrel = no description COMMENT 7340103 = RTS ifwpulse = no description COMMENT 7340104 = RTS ifwdatum = no description COMMENT 7340105 = RTS ifwcoarse = no description COMMENT 7340112 = RTS idmstop = no description COMMENT 7340113 = RTS idmmove = no description COMMENT 7340127 = RTS imotorinhibit = no description COMMENT 7340130 = RTS ihtr = no description COMMENT 7340131 = RTS ihtrparams = no description COMMENT 7340144 = RTS ibpesftyconfig = no description COMMENT 7340160 = RTS irtsrun = no description COMMENT 7340161 = RTS irtskill = no description COMMENT 7340162 = RTS irtstrace = no description COMMENT 7340178 = RTS ihk = no description COMMENT 7340179 = RTS ihkrate = no description COMMENT 7340180 = RTS ihktdrss = no description COMMENT 7340181 = RTS idputask = no description COMMENT 7340192 = RTS ilimit = no description COMMENT 7340193 = RTS ichangelimits = no description COMMENT 7340208 = RTS itimesync = no description COMMENT 7405568 = RTS istate = no description COMMENT 7405569 = RTS istatetrans = no description COMMENT 7471104 = RTS iicuload = no description COMMENT 7471105 = RTS iicudump = no description COMMENT 7471106 = RTS iicucrc = no description COMMENT 7471107 = RTS iicudumpabort = no description COMMENT 7667712 = RTS itest = no description COMMENT 7667713 = RTS inhkecho = no description COMMENT 7798784 = RTS ibatgrbfluxinfo = no description COMMENT 7995397 = RTS idpumode = no description COMMENT 7995398 = RTS idpustop = no description COMMENT 7995401 = RTS idpuxrtpos = no description COMMENT 7995402 = RTS idpuabort = no description COMMENT 7995428 = RTS idpunoop = no description COMMENT 7995456 = RTS idpupurgedcx = no description COMMENT 7995457 = RTS idpupurgesci = no description COMMENT 7995458 = RTS idpureboot = no description HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:10 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅc¹cŽó€AÅc¹w €p AÅcº5é:€zAÅcºQ߀pAÅcºRÖ$€pAÅcºWûj€uAÅcº]”€p AÅcºã ‘€p¡AÅcºæìÀ€p AÅc»Q/€p¡AÅc»¯%€p¡AÅc» —á€p AÅc»&þr€p¡AÅc»Å÷¥€pDAÅc»ÊÍ€p AÅc¼MÐú€p¡AÅc¼Q³)€p AÅc¼‰x-€p¡AÅc¼ŠØÀp¡AÅc¼Ž¸R€p AÅc¼­'=€p¡AÅcv ï€p¡AÅc{C€p AÅc ´€p¡AÅc߀uAÅcX¸€pAÅcTa€pAÅcR€pAÅc%\û€pAÅc'$t€pAÅc9#£€zAÅcUj¾€pAÅc>eM@€AÅc>kÇ€p AÅc>m´Ì€zAÅc>£+V€p¡AÅc>¤TÞ€p AÅc>ɳЀpAÅc>ÊW¨€p XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 17 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 16 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 5 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iNHKEvPkgCode' / NHK Parameter 1 TFORM2 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE3 = 'iNHK3bECode' / NHK Err+Parameter 1 TFORM3 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'iNHKParam2' / NHK Parameter 2 TFORM4 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE5 = 'iNHKParam3' / NHK Parameter 3 TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk373x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632882.77664 TSTOP = 717633661.52084 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:57' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:56' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 778.744199991226 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 883 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'HbihHbZfHbffHbZf' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '2221703300' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iNHK3bECode - Discrete value COMMENT 0-1179647 = = no description COMMENT 1179649 = Cathode = no description COMMENT 1179650 = MCP1 = no description COMMENT 1179651 = MCP23 = no description COMMENT 1245185 = Cathode = no description COMMENT 1245186 = MCP1 = no description COMMENT 1245187 = MCP23 = no description COMMENT 1310720-1376255 = = no description COMMENT 1376257 = Cathode = no description COMMENT 1376258 = MCP1 = no description COMMENT 1376259 = MCP23 = no description COMMENT 1441792-4259839 = = no description COMMENT 4259840 = BASIC = no description COMMENT 4259841 = SAFE = no description COMMENT 4259842 = SLEW = no description COMMENT 4259843 = SETTLING = no description COMMENT 4259844 = FINDING = no description COMMENT 4259845 = AUTOMATED = no description COMMENT 4259846 = PLANNED = no description COMMENT 4259847 = SAFEPOINT = no description COMMENT 4259848 = SAA = no description COMMENT 4259849 = SLEWSAA = no description COMMENT 4259850 = IDLE = no description COMMENT 4259851 = OFFURGENT = no description COMMENT 4259852 = OFFUVOT = no description COMMENT 4259853 = OFFUVOTTM = no description COMMENT 4325376-4587519 = = no description COMMENT 4587520 = Mercury = no description COMMENT 4587521 = Venus = no description COMMENT 4587522 = Mars = no description COMMENT 4587523 = Jupiter = no description COMMENT 4587524 = Saturn = no description COMMENT 4587525 = Uranus = no description COMMENT 4587526 = Neptune = no description COMMENT 4587527 = Pluto = no description COMMENT 4587528 = Sun = no description COMMENT 4587529 = Moon = no description COMMENT 4587530 = Earth = no description COMMENT 4653056-5439487 = = no description COMMENT 5440769 = testmode = no description COMMENT 5440768 = diagnostic = no description COMMENT 5439539 = interrupt_exp = no description COMMENT 5439538 = end_exp = no description COMMENT 5439537 = start_exp = no description COMMENT 5439536 = do_exp = no description COMMENT 5439521 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 5441282 = sfty_reset = no description COMMENT 5441281 = sfty_reset_slew = no description COMMENT 5440773 = move_fw = no description COMMENT 5440772 = blocked_tdrss = no description COMMENT 5440771 = blocked_failsafe = no description COMMENT 5440770 = retry_fw = no description COMMENT 5440521 = hv231 = no description COMMENT 5440520 = hvcathode = no description COMMENT 5440519 = hvidle_or_saa = no description COMMENT 5440518 = hvofffast = no description COMMENT 5440517 = hvsaa = no description COMMENT 5440516 = hvnominal = no description COMMENT 5440515 = hvoff = no description COMMENT 5440514 = hvon = no description COMMENT 5440487 = get_sp_config = no description COMMENT 5440486 = get_pt_config = no description COMMENT 5440485 = get_at_config = no description COMMENT 5440484 = get_fc_config = no description COMMENT 5440483 = get_sttlng_config = no description COMMENT 5440495 = bright_planets = no description COMMENT 5440375 = safep_to_safep = no description COMMENT 5440295 = slew_to_safep = no description COMMENT 5440502 = do_pt_exp = no description COMMENT 5440358 = pt_to_pt = no description COMMENT 5440294 = slew_to_pt = no description COMMENT 5440325 = fc_to_at = no description COMMENT 5440293 = slew_to_at = no description COMMENT 5440500 = do_fc_exp = no description COMMENT 5440308 = settling_to_fc = no description COMMENT 5440292 = slew_to_fc = no description COMMENT 5440499 = do_sttlng_exp = no description COMMENT 5440291 = slew_to_settling = no description COMMENT 5440394 = saa_to_idle = no description COMMENT 5440506 = obs_to_idle = no description COMMENT 5440298 = slew_to_idle = no description COMMENT 5441162 = saa_to_idle2 = no description COMMENT 5440282 = safe_to_idle = no description COMMENT 5440258 = do_slew = no description COMMENT 5440482 = send_slewsafe = no description COMMENT 5439508 = process_slew_warn = no description COMMENT 5440264 = gotosaa = no description COMMENT 5440256 = gotobasic = no description COMMENT 5440257 = fastsafe = no description COMMENT 5441025 = gotosafe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 5439505 = gotosafe = no description COMMENT 5439507 = autostate = no description COMMENT 5440001 = change_state = no description COMMENT 5439746 = controlled_tmoff = no description COMMENT 5439745 = controlled_off = no description COMMENT 5439506 = emergency_hvoff = no description COMMENT 5439520 = test = no description COMMENT 5439509 = slewabort = no description COMMENT 5439503 = h_15 = no description COMMENT 5439502 = h_14 = no description COMMENT 5439501 = h_13 = no description COMMENT 5439500 = h_12 = no description COMMENT 5439499 = h_11 = no description COMMENT 5439493 = h_uvot_off = no description COMMENT 5439492 = h_tm_off = no description COMMENT 5439491 = h_emergency_safe = no description COMMENT 5439490 = h_basic = no description COMMENT 5439489 = line = no description COMMENT 5472254 = notallowed = no description COMMENT 5472255 = undefined = no description COMMENT 5439488 = noaction = no description COMMENT 5505024-7340031 = = no description COMMENT 7341312 = diagnostic = no description COMMENT 7340096 = load_wndw_table = no description COMMENT 7340083 = interrupt_exp = no description COMMENT 7340082 = end_exp = no description COMMENT 7340081 = start_exp = no description COMMENT 7340080 = do_exp = no description COMMENT 7340065 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 7341826 = sfty_reset = no description COMMENT 7341825 = sfty_reset_slew = no description COMMENT 7341317 = move_fw = no description COMMENT 7341316 = blocked_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7341315 = blocked_failsafe = no description COMMENT 7341314 = retry_fw = no description COMMENT 7341065 = hv231 = no description COMMENT 7341064 = hvcathode = no description COMMENT 7341063 = hvidle_or_saa = no description COMMENT 7341062 = hvofffast = no description COMMENT 7341061 = hvsaa = no description COMMENT 7341060 = hvnominal = no description COMMENT 7341059 = hvoff = no description COMMENT 7341058 = hvon = no description COMMENT 7341031 = get_sp_config = no description COMMENT 7341030 = get_pt_config = no description COMMENT 7341029 = get_at_config = no description COMMENT 7341028 = get_fc_config = no description COMMENT 7341027 = get_sttlng_config = no description COMMENT 7341039 = bright_planets = no description COMMENT 7340919 = safep_to_safep = no description COMMENT 7340839 = slew_to_safep = no description COMMENT 7341046 = do_pt_exp = no description COMMENT 7340902 = pt_to_pt = no description COMMENT 7340838 = slew_to_pt = no description COMMENT 7340869 = fc_to_at = no description COMMENT 7340837 = slew_to_at = no description COMMENT 7341044 = do_fc_exp = no description COMMENT 7340852 = settling_to_fc = no description COMMENT 7340836 = slew_to_fc = no description COMMENT 7341043 = do_sttlng_exp = no description COMMENT 7340835 = slew_to_settling = no description COMMENT 7340938 = saa_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7341050 = obs_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7340842 = slew_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7341706 = saa_to_idle2 = no description COMMENT 7340826 = safe_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7340802 = do_slew = no description COMMENT 7341026 = send_slewsafe = no description COMMENT 7340052 = process_slew_warn = no description COMMENT 7340808 = gotosaa = no description COMMENT 7340800 = gotobasic = no description COMMENT 7340801 = fastsafe = no description COMMENT 7341617 = hve_safe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7341601 = gotosafefw_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7341585 = gotosafehv_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7341569 = gotosafe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7340049 = gotosafe = no description COMMENT 7340051 = autostate = no description COMMENT 7340545 = change_state = no description COMMENT 7340290 = controlled_tmoff = no description COMMENT 7340289 = controlled_off = no description COMMENT 7340050 = emergency_hvoff = no description COMMENT 7340053 = slewabort = no description COMMENT 7340047 = h_15 = no description COMMENT 7340046 = h_14 = no description COMMENT 7340045 = h_13 = no description COMMENT 7340044 = h_12 = no description COMMENT 7340043 = h_11 = no description COMMENT 7340037 = h_uvot_off = no description COMMENT 7340036 = h_tm_off = no description COMMENT 7340035 = h_emergency_safe = no description COMMENT 7340034 = h_basic = no description COMMENT 7372798 = notallowed = no description COMMENT 7372799 = undefined = no description COMMENT 7340032 = noaction = no description COMMENT 7405568-7733247 = = no description COMMENT 7734528 = diagnostic = no description COMMENT 7733312 = load_wndw_table = no description COMMENT 7733299 = interrupt_exp = no description COMMENT 7733298 = end_exp = no description COMMENT 7733297 = start_exp = no description COMMENT 7733296 = do_exp = no description COMMENT 7733281 = idpumode = no description COMMENT 7735042 = sfty_reset = no description COMMENT 7735041 = sfty_reset_slew = no description COMMENT 7734533 = move_fw = no description COMMENT 7734532 = blocked_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7734531 = blocked_failsafe = no description COMMENT 7734530 = retry_fw = no description COMMENT 7734281 = hv231 = no description COMMENT 7734280 = hvcathode = no description COMMENT 7734279 = hvidle_or_saa = no description COMMENT 7734278 = hvofffast = no description COMMENT 7734277 = hvsaa = no description COMMENT 7734276 = hvnominal = no description COMMENT 7734275 = hvoff = no description COMMENT 7734274 = hvon = no description COMMENT 7734247 = get_sp_config = no description COMMENT 7734246 = get_pt_config = no description COMMENT 7734245 = get_at_config = no description COMMENT 7734244 = get_fc_config = no description COMMENT 7734243 = get_sttlng_config = no description COMMENT 7734255 = bright_planets = no description COMMENT 7734135 = safep_to_safep = no description COMMENT 7734055 = slew_to_safep = no description COMMENT 7734262 = do_pt_exp = no description COMMENT 7734118 = pt_to_pt = no description COMMENT 7734054 = slew_to_pt = no description COMMENT 7734085 = fc_to_at = no description COMMENT 7734053 = slew_to_at = no description COMMENT 7734260 = do_fc_exp = no description COMMENT 7734068 = settling_to_fc = no description COMMENT 7734052 = slew_to_fc = no description COMMENT 7734259 = do_sttlng_exp = no description COMMENT 7734051 = slew_to_settling = no description COMMENT 7734154 = saa_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7734266 = obs_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7734058 = slew_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7734922 = saa_to_idle2 = no description COMMENT 7734042 = safe_to_idle = no description COMMENT 7734018 = do_slew = no description COMMENT 7734242 = send_slewsafe = no description COMMENT 7733268 = process_slew_warn = no description COMMENT 7734024 = gotosaa = no description COMMENT 7734016 = gotobasic = no description COMMENT 7734017 = fastsafe = no description COMMENT 7734833 = hve_safe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7734817 = gotosafefw_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7734801 = gotosafehv_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7734785 = gotosafe_tdrss = no description COMMENT 7733265 = gotosafe = no description COMMENT 7733267 = autostate = no description COMMENT 7733761 = change_state = no description COMMENT 7733506 = controlled_tmoff = no description COMMENT 7733505 = controlled_off = no description COMMENT 7733266 = emergency_hvoff = no description COMMENT 7733269 = slewabort = no description COMMENT 7733263 = h_15 = no description COMMENT 7733262 = h_14 = no description COMMENT 7733261 = h_13 = no description COMMENT 7733260 = h_12 = 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data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 20 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iDPU0897MessID' / Message ID for all DPU Messages TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'iDPU0897Mode' / DPU Mode TFORM3 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE4 = 'iDPU0897SubMode' / DPU SubMode TFORM4 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE5 = 'iHbeatPSUATemp' / PSU A Temperature TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'iHbeatPSUBTemp' / PSU B Temperature TFORM6 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE7 = 'iHbeatICUCPUTemp' / ICU CPU Temperature TFORM7 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'iHbeatICUIFTemp' / ICU I/F Temperature TFORM8 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'iHbeatCommTemp' / Comm/Mem Module Temperature TFORM9 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO9 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE10 = 'iHbeatRes1Temp' / Reserved 1 Temperature TFORM10 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO10 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE11 = 'iHbeatRes2Temp' / Reserved 2 Temperature TFORM11 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO11 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE12 = 'iHbeatVPlus5A' / +5A Voltage TFORM12 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO12 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE13 = 'iHbeatVPlus5B' / +5B Voltage TFORM13 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO13 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE14 = 'iHbeatVPlus12A' / +12A Voltage TFORM14 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO14 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE15 = 'iHbeatVMinus12A' / -12A Voltage TFORM15 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO15 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE16 = 'iHbeatVPlus5Ref' / +5 Ref Voltage TFORM16 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO16 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE17 = 'iHbeatVMinus5Ref' / -5 Ref Voltage TFORM17 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO17 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE18 = 'iHbeatVRes' / Reserved Voltage TFORM18 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO18 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE19 = 'iHbeatParityErrs' / Event parity errors over DCI TFORM19 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO19 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE20 = 'iHbeatReserve' / Reserved for future use TFORM20 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO20 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk381x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632882.4601 TSTOP = 717633652.40698 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:57' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:47' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 769.946879982948 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 897 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'OafnQXZnOafnOWZn' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '1118934186' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iDPU0897Mode - Discrete value COMMENT 0-1 = Idle = no description COMMENT 2 = Event = no description COMMENT 3 = Image = no description COMMENT 4 = ImageEvent = no description COMMENT 6 = RawEventList = no description COMMENT 7 = ChannelBoundary = no description COMMENT 9 = IntensCharacter = no description COMMENT 10 = CentroidConfirm = Modes COMMENT Column 4 = iDPU0897SubMode - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = none = no description COMMENT 1 = GenFindChart = no description COMMENT 2 = SaveACSMsg = no description COMMENT 16 = PerformTracking = no description COMMENT 32 = GenTrackFrame = Submodes HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:11 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅc¹:䌊CŠÁŽ7ŽŠ€€ŽÔˆŽÛAŽè€€€AÅc¾=š•ŒŠCŠÁŽ7Ž"Š€€ŽÔˆŽÛAŽè€€€AÅcÃ3øwŒŠCŠÁŽ7Ž"Š€€ŽÔˆŽÛAŽè€€€AÅcÈ53 ŒŠCŠÁŽ7Ž"Š€€ŽÔˆŽÜ&Žã€€€AÅcÍ1ô²ŒŠCŠ¾Ž7Ž"Š€€Žé‡ûŽÜ&Žã€€€AÅcÒ6õ팊DŠ¾Ž9Ž"Š€€Žé‡ûŽÜ&Žã€€€AÅc×5*„ŒŠDŠ¾Ž9Ž"Š€€Žé‡ûŽÜ&Žã€€€AÅcÜ7󌌊DŠ¾Ž9Ž"Š€€Žé‡ûŽÜ&Žç€€€AÅcá2€ñŒŠDŠ¾Ž9Ž"Š€€ŽÔ‡ûŽàŽç€û€€€AÅcæ2ú׌ŠEŠÂŽ9Ž"Š€€ŽÔ‡þŽàŽç€û€€€AÅcë7ÞŒŠEŠÂŽ6Ž#Š€€ŽÔ‡þŽàŽç€û€€€AÅcð2¨ëŒŠEŠÂŽ6Ž#Š€€ŽÔ‡þŽàŽç€û€€€AÅcõ1µÈŒŠEŠÂŽ6Ž#Š€€ŽÔ‡þŽàŽå&€€€AÅcú4PHŒŠEŠÂŽ6Ž#Š€€ŽÔ‡öŽÜ$Žå&€€€AÅcÿ3ã~ŒŠCŠ¾Ž6Ž#Š€€ŽÔ‡öŽÜ$Žå&€€€AÅc2ÃÊŒŠCŠ¾Ž5Ž%Š€€ŽÔ‡öŽÜ$Žå&€€€AÅc 0öjŒŠCŠ¾Ž5Ž%Š€€ŽÔ‡öŽÜ$Žå&€€€AÅc1ç–ŒŠCŠ¾Ž5Ž%Š€€ŽÔ‡öŽÜ$Žä$€€€AÅc2jŒŠCŠ¾Ž5Ž%Š€€Ž×‡ûŽÞŽä$€€€AÅc2køŒŠDŠÃŽ5Ž%Š€€Ž×‡ûŽÞŽä$€€€AÅc5AtŒŠDŠÃŽ4Ž"Š€€Ž×‡ûŽÞŽä$€€€AÅc"2>ŒŠDŠÃŽ4Ž"Š€€Ž×‡ûŽÞŽä$€€€AÅc'>”FŒŠDŠÃŽ4Ž"Š€€Ž×‡ûŽÞAŽá€€€AÅc,3J#ŒŠDŠÃŽ4Ž"Š€€ŽàˆŽàAŽá€€€AÅc139ÁŒŠ>ŠÁŽ6Ž"Š€€ŽàˆŽàAŽá€€€AÅc63V—ŒŠ>ŠÁŽ6Ž Š€€ŽàˆŽàAŽá€€€AÅc;1PÛŒŠ>ŠÁŽ6Ž Š€€ŽàˆŽàAŽá€€€AÅc@2žoŒŠ>ŠÁŽ6Ž Š€€ŽàˆŽÜ&Žè$€€€AÅcE>÷ŒŠ>Š¿Ž6Ž Š€€ŽÐ‡ûŽÜ&Žè$€€€AÅcJ2 ™ŒŠDŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÐ‡ûŽÜ&Žè$€€€AÅcO6k¥ŒŠDŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÐ‡ûŽÜ&Žè$€€€AÅcT=¯ŽŒŠDŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÐ‡ûŽÜ&Žæ$€€€AÅcY0¥'ŒŠDŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÙ‡ûŽÜ$Žæ€€€AÅc^<Ý׌ŠDŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÙ‡úŽÜ$Žæ€€€AÅcc5`錊DŠ¿Ž7ŽŠ€€ŽÙ‡úŽÜ$Žæ€€€AÅch3kŒŠDŠ¿Ž7ŽŠ€€ŽÙ‡úŽÜ$Žæ€€€AÅcm2®ÑŒŠDŠ¿Ž7ŽŠ€€ŽÙ‡úŽÜ$Žä$€€€AÅcr11fŒŠDŠ¿Ž7ŽŠ€€ŽÜ‡ûŽà$Žä$€€€AÅcw2JŒŒŠ>Š½Ž7ŽŠ€€ŽÜ‡ûŽà$Žä$€€€AÅc|3‰ ŒŠ>Š½Ž5Ž!Š€€ŽÜ‡ûŽà$Žä$€€€AÅc6L0ŒŠ>Š½Ž5Ž!Š€€ŽÜ‡ûŽà$Žä$€€€AÅc†4LYŒŠ>Š½Ž5Ž!Š€€ŽÜ‡ûŽà$Žã$€€€AÅc‹0ž™ŒŠ>Š½Ž5Ž!Š€€ŽÜˆŽÝ$Žã$€€€AÅc4aRŒŠFŠ¾Ž5Ž!Š€€ŽÜˆŽÝ$Žã$€€€AÅc•0.ŒŠFŠ¾Ž4Ž&Š€€ŽÜˆŽÝ$Žã$€€€AÅcš1ίŒŠFŠ¾Ž4Ž&Š€€ŽÜˆŽÝ$Žã$€€€AÅcŸ4,䌊FŠ¾Ž4Ž&Š€€ŽÜˆŽÝ$Žæ €€€AÅc¤1ç–ŒŠFŠ¾Ž4Ž&Š€€ŽÔˆŽà$Žæ €€€AÅc©6ÞüŒŠFŠ»Ž6Ž&Š€€ŽÔˆŽà$Žæ €€€AÅc®1¤¾ŒŠFŠ»Ž6Ž!Š€€ŽÔˆŽà$Žæ €€€AÅc³8OôŒŠFŠ»Ž6Ž!Š€€ŽÔˆŽà$Žæ €€€AÅc¸3eªŒŠFŠ»Ž6Ž!Š€€ŽÔˆŽÛ$Žæ%€€€AÅc½1ê6ŒŠFŠÃŽ6Ž!Š€€ŽÎ‡þŽÛ$Žæ%€€€AÅcÂ1;⌊>ŠÃŽ2ŽŠ€€ŽÎ‡þŽÛ$Žæ%€€€AÅcÇ3¹ŒŒŠ>ŠÃŽ2ŽŠ€€ŽÎ‡þŽÛ$Žæ%€€€AÅcÌ2ÛbŒŠ>ŠÃŽ2ŽŠ€€ŽÎ‡þŽÛ$Žã%€€€AÅcÑ4R?ŒŠ>ŠÃŽ2ŽŠ€€ŽÛ‡þŽß$Žã€ÿ€€€AÅcÖ2t~ŒŠDŠ¾Ž2ŽŠ€€ŽÛ‡ûŽß$Žã€ÿ€€€AÅcÛ3R¨ŒŠDŠ¾Ž/Ž!Š€€ŽÛ‡ûŽß$Žã€ÿ€€€AÅcà6ÁŒŠDŠ¾Ž/Ž!Š€€ŽÛ‡ûŽß$Žã€ÿ€€€AÅcå7iŒŠDŠ¾Ž/Ž!Š€€ŽÛ‡ûŽß$Žè€û€€€AÅcê2“óŒŠDŠ¾Ž/Ž!Š€€ŽÜˆŽà)Žè€û€€€AÅcï7 匊>Š¿Ž/Ž!Š€€ŽÜˆŽà)Žè€û€€€AÅcô2³hŒŠ>Š¿Ž7Ž"Š€€ŽÜˆŽà)Žè€û€€€AÅcù1×4ŒŠ>Š¿Ž7Ž"Š€€ŽÜˆŽà)Žè€û€€€AÅcþ3»„ŒŠ>Š¿Ž7Ž"Š€€ŽÜˆŽà)Žä€€€AÅc2>ŒŠ>Š¿Ž7Ž"Š€€ŽÖˆŽÚŽä€€€AÅc96¤ŒŠFŠÃŽ7Ž"Š€€ŽÖˆŽÚŽä€€€AÅc 4‚¿ŒŠFŠÃŽ4ŽŠ€€ŽÖˆŽÚŽä€€€AÅc0ò|ŒŠFŠÃŽ4ŽŠ€€ŽÖˆŽÚŽä€€€AÅc6PŒŠFŠÃŽ4ŽŠ€€ŽÖˆŽÚ2Žã€û€€€AÅc3ÜðŒŠFŠÃŽ4ŽŠ€€ŽÙ‡íŽÝ2Žã€û€€€AÅc!3•ŒŠAŠ¿Ž3ŽŠ€€ŽÙ‡íŽÝ2Žã€û€€€AÅc&3;¸ŒŠAŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÙ‡íŽÝ2Žã€û€€€AÅc+>h^ŒŠAŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÙ‡íŽÝ2Žã€û€€€AÅc04Ý/ŒŠAŠ¿Ž3Ž!Š€€ŽÙ‡íŽÛŽä €€€AÅc56ñVŒŠAŠÁŽ3Ž!Š€€ŽÌˆŽÛŽä €€€AÅc:4쌊CŠÁŽ3Ž$Š€€ŽÌˆŽÛŽä €€€XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 12 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 4 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iDPU0900MessID' / Message ID for all DPU Messages TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'iDPU0900Mode' / DPU Mode TFORM3 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE4 = 'iDPU0900SubMode' / DPU SubMode TFORM4 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE EXTNAME = 'hk384x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717633034.61548 TSTOP = 717633034.61548 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:30:29' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:30:29' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 0. TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 900 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'mGB1mDB0mDB0mDB0' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '3541576999' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iDPU0900Mode - Discrete value COMMENT 0-1 = Idle = no description COMMENT 2 = Event = no description COMMENT 3 = Image = no description COMMENT 4 = ImageEvent = no description COMMENT 6 = RawEventList = no description COMMENT 7 = ChannelBoundary = no description COMMENT 9 = IntensCharacter = no description COMMENT 10 = CentroidConfirm = Modes COMMENT Column 4 = iDPU0900SubMode - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = none = no description COMMENT 1 = GenFindChart = no description COMMENT 2 = SaveACSMsg = no description COMMENT 16 = PerformTracking = no description COMMENT 32 = GenTrackFrame = Submodes HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:11 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcNÈ ŒXTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 14 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 1 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 5 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iDPU0901MessID' / Message ID for all DPU Messages TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'iDPU0901Mode' / DPU Mode TFORM3 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE4 = 'iDPU0901SubMode' / DPU SubMode TFORM4 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE5 = 'iDPUModeStatus' / DPU Mode Completion Status TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk385x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632903.069 TSTOP = 717632903.069 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:28:18' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:28:18' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 0. TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 901 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= '6IRq6FRn6FRn6FRn' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '290732826' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iDPU0901Mode - Discrete value COMMENT 0-1 = Idle = no description COMMENT 2 = Event = no description COMMENT 3 = Image = no description COMMENT 4 = ImageEvent = no description COMMENT 6 = RawEventList = no description COMMENT 7 = ChannelBoundary = no description COMMENT 9 = IntensCharacter = no description COMMENT 10 = CentroidConfirm = Modes COMMENT Column 4 = iDPU0901SubMode - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = none = no description COMMENT 1 = GenFindChart = no description COMMENT 2 = SaveACSMsg = no description COMMENT 16 = PerformTracking = no description COMMENT 32 = GenTrackFrame = Submodes COMMENT Column 5 = iDPUModeStatus - Discrete value COMMENT 1 = Normal = no description COMMENT 2 = NOT USED = no description COMMENT 4 = Aborted = no description COMMENT 8 = Camera stopped OR Error = no description HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:11 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcÈÔþŒ€XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 14 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 3 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 4 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'iDPU0911MessID' / Message ID for all DPU Messages TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'iDPUAckNak' / Acknowledgement/No-acknowledgement TFORM3 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'iDPUCommandID' / Command ID TFORM4 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers EXTNAME = 'hk38fx001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 717632884.4274 TSTOP = 717633660.95034 DATE-OBS= '2023-09-28T22:27:59' DATE-END= '2023-09-28T22:40:55' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -32.0927200000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 776.522940039635 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 911 OBS_ID = '00083961005' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 83961 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 5 / Segment number RA_PNT = 257.209111215012 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -23.358568191038 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 275.035500646238 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'HEN3-1342' / Object name RA_OBJ = 257.229167 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -23.393056 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.19.02 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 5 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2023-10-08T06:34:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'VfWfWcVfVcVfVcVf' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:38:19 DATASUM = '3820516133' / data unit checksum updated 2023-10-08T06:34:10 COMMENT Column 3 = iDPUAckNak - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = NAK = Zero for NAK COMMENT 65535 = ACK = 0xFFFF for ACK COMMENT Column 4 = iDPUCommandID - Discrete value COMMENT 5 = Mode = no description COMMENT 6 = Stop Mode = no description COMMENT 64 = Purge Compression Queue = no description COMMENT 65 = Purge Science Queue = no description COMMENT 9 = XRT Position = no description COMMENT 10 = Abort Mode = no description COMMENT 66 = Reboot DPU = no description COMMENT 36 = NoOp = no description HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2023-10-08T06:34:11 ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat END AÅcº6µ Œÿ€AÅcKl7Œÿ€AÅc>y¤¾Œÿ€