Swift Key Projects

  1. What are the Swift Key Projects?

    "Key Projects" aim at addressing major, high-impact scientific questions by making use of the strengths of Swift. Proposals in this category are intended to greatly advance the Swift science program, enhance its breadth of impact, and represent an enduring legacy of Swift results. "Key Projects" may request support for new Swift projects, or theoretical investigations, and request observations of non-ToO targets, and observations of ToO targets. Proposals requesting fill-in targets or support for correlative observations cannot be submitted into this category.

  2. What is the average funding level of a Key Project?

    "Key Projects" may require funding in the range of $100,000 per year. Such budget requests will be considered, provided they are strongly justified.

  3. What is the maximum duration?

    The proposed research plans can be carried out in one or two years. Proposers requesting two-year projects that are selected at Phase 1 should not assume that they have been awarded two years of support; this determination will be made at Phase-2 of the review. PIs of approved multiyear "Key Projects" will be solicited for a progress report that will be reviewed by NASA to determine if appropriate progress is being made toward the proposed objectives. Because of the significant resources allocated to multiyear "Key Projects", those that do not make progress consistent with the proposed investigation could be reduced or terminated.

  4. What is the page limit for proposals in this category?

    6 pages for scientific justification, figures, tables, and references. If you are requesting funding, please include a budget narrative ("cost overview") that describes in sufficient detail how the funds would be used and the scale of the workforce needed to carry out the proposed work. The budget narrative has a 1-page limit that does NOT count toward the overall page limit.