Non-ToO Pointed Observations

  1. How much time will be allocated to non-GRB non-ToO observations?

    2 Ms. A total of 2 million seconds of observing time will be made available to the non-ToO GI program during Cycle 20. Note that the Fill-in Target program is separate, and has its own time allocation (1 Ms).

  2. Will Swift slew to my non-GRB, non-ToO source autonomously?

    No. Swift GI observations will be performed only as the result of an uploaded ground command through the normal planning process and will not be slewed to autonomously.

  3. What priority will non-GRB, non-ToO observations have in Swift's observing schedule?

    Low. GI observations will have a lower scheduling priority than GRBs or ToOs and will be observed on a best-effort basis when time is available in the observing schedule.

  4. Am I assured of obtaining all awarded observing time on my non-GRB, non-ToO target?

    No. Because of Swift's observing restrictions, successful GIs should be aware that they are not assured 100 percent of the time awarded. Every effort will be made to observe 80% or more of an accepted program within schedule limitations of the mission.

  5. What rules and limitations should I be aware of for non-GRB, non-ToO Swift observations?