32768 pieces of
mm CdZnTe (CZT) form a
m sensitive area in the detector plane. Groups of 128
detector elements are assembled into
arrays, each
connected to 128-channel readout Application Specific Integrated
Circuits (ASICs). Detector modules, each containing two such arrays,
are further grouped by eights into blocks. This hierarchical
structure, along with the forgiving nature of the coded aperture
technique, means that the
can tolerate the loss of individual pixels, individual detector
modules, and even whole blocks without losing the ability to detect
bursts and determine locations. The CZT array will have a nominal
operating temperature of 293 K, and its thermal gradients (temporal
and spatial) will be kept to within one K. The typical bias voltage
V, with a maximum of
has a D-shaped coded aperture mask, made of approximately 54000 lead
tiles (
mm) mounted on a 5 cm thick composite
honeycomb panel, which is mounted by composite fiber struts 1 meter
above the detector plane. The
coded-aperture mask uses a completely random, 50% open-50% closed
pattern, rather than the commonly used Uniformly Redundant Array
pattern. The large FoV requires the aperture to be much larger than
the detector plane. The detector plane is not uniform due to gaps
between the detector modules. The mask has an area of 2.7 m
yielding a half-coded FoV of
degrees, or 1.4
A graded-Z fringe shield, located both under the detector plane and surrounding the mask and and detector plane, will reduce background from the isotropic cosmic diffuse flux and the anisotropic Earth albedo flux by approximately 95%. The shield is composed of layers of Pb, Ta, Sn, and Cu, which are thicker toward the bottom nearest the detector plane and thinner near the mask.
A figure-of-merit algorithm resides within the BAT flight software and decides if a burst detected by the BAT is worth requesting a slew maneuver by the spacecraft. This is described in detail in the Figure of Merit section of this Technical Handbook of the Swift Technical Handbook.