Estimated redshift from machine learning (Ukwatta et al. 2016) - may take a few minutes to calcaulte
Pre-slew 15-350 keV image (Event data; bkg subtracted)
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name
261.7801 -17.0324 0.0062 32.1 3.0 6.7522 30.9 TRIG_01192251
Foreground time interval of the image:
0.000 64.000 (delta_t = 64.000 [sec])
Background time interval of the image:
- 1) All plots contain as much data as has been downloaded to date.
- 2) The mask-weighted light curves are using the flight position.
- 3) Multiple plots of different time binning/intervals are shown to cover all scenarios of short/long GRBs, rate/image triggers, and real/false positives.
- 4) For all the mask-weighted lightcurves, the y-axis units are counts/sec/det where a det is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 sq cm.
- 5) The verticle lines correspond to following: green dotted lines are T50 interval, black dotted lines are T90 interval, blue solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew start time, and orange solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew end time.
- 6) Time of each bin is in the middle of the bin.
1 s binning
From T0-310 s to T0+310 s
From T100_start - 20 s to T100_end + 30 s
Full time interval
64 ms binning
Full time interval
From T100_start to T100_end
From T0-5 sec to T0+5 sec
16 ms binning
From T100_start-5 s to T100_start+5 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
8 ms binning
From T100_start-3 s to T100_start+3 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
2 ms binning
From T100_start-1 s to T100_start+1 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (whichever binning is satisfied first)
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (T < 200 sec)
- 1) The fitting includes the systematic errors.
- 2) For long bursts, a spectral fit of the pre-slew DRM will introduce some errors in both a spectral shape and a normalization if the PHA file contains a lot of the slew/post-slew time interval.
- 3) For fits to more complicated models (e.g. a power-law over a cutoff power-law), the BAT team has decided to require a chi-square improvement of more than 6 for each extra dof.
- 4) For short bursts (T90<1sec), the specrtum is also fit with Blackbody, OTTB, and Double Blackbody.
Time averaged spectrum fit using the pre-slew DRM
Power-law model
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
77.680000 77.790000
92.000000 100.368000
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Cutoff power-law model
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
77.680000 77.790000
92.000000 100.368000
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/bat2/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Band function
Multiple GTIs in the spectrum
tstart tstop
77.680000 77.790000
92.000000 100.368000
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/bat2/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Single BB
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Double BB
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Peak spectrum fit
Power-law model
Time interval is from 95.712 sec. to 96.712 sec.
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from 95.712 sec. to 96.712 sec.
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/bat2/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Band function
Time interval is from 95.712 sec. to 96.712 sec.
Usage: (pha file) (response file) (script folder) (folder of taka's xspec lmodel)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
script folder: /local/data/bat2/BATtools/battools/bin/GRB_spec_fit_v2
folder of taka's xspec lmodel: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel
Single BB
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Double BB
Usage: (pha file) (response file)
This script tries to add the systematic column to the PHA
file before doing the fitting
Pre-slew spectrum (Pre-slew PHA with pre-slew DRM)
Power-law model
Cutoff power-law model
Band function
S(25-50 keV) vs. S(50-100 keV) plot
S(25-50 keV) = 1.01e-06
S(50-100 keV) = 5.44e-07
T90 vs. Hardness ratio plot
T90 = 7.19599997997284 sec.
Hardness ratio (energy fluence ratio) = 0.538614
Color vs. Color plot
Count Ratio (25-50 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 0.797728
Count Ratio (50-100 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 0.20621
Mask shadow pattern
IMX = 6.271668818938829E-01, IMY = -3.327289031420664E-02
TIME vs. PHA plot around the trigger time
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
TIME vs. DetID plot around the trigger time
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
100 us light curve (15-350 keV)
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 64.000000
Spacecraft aspect plot
Bright source in the pre-burst/pre-slew/post-slew images
Pre-burst image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
-12.799400 71.300600
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name
# [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] [']
170.1784 -60.5198 7.8 47.1 -145.9 0.7682 1.5 7.4 Cen X-3
186.4168 -62.6849 13.2 39.2 -145.1 -0.3079 -0.9 8.4 GX 301-2
244.8356 -15.6455 27.6 34.3 -26.7 0.1159 0.4 8.3 Sco X-1
256.1544 -37.9625 8.0 10.8 -6.0 -0.3221 -1.4 10.7 4U 1700-377
256.5700 -36.3727 7.2 12.4 -4.7 0.3709 1.6 7.2 GX 349+2
262.8640 -24.6436 8.6 24.8 7.7 0.3490 1.3 10.0 GX 1+4
264.5333 -44.4575 3.1 7.4 49.9 0.7832 3.8 9.0 4U 1735-44
268.3296 -1.5025 3.5 48.5 9.0 -1.5173 -3.3 3.8 SW J1753.5-0127
270.4458 -25.2296 0.0 26.2 23.5 0.2315 0.8 12.6 GX 5-1
270.1586 -25.8885 0.0 25.5 23.5 -0.3227 -1.2 11.7 GRS 1758-258
273.8731 -13.9990 12.0 37.9 21.6 0.3793 1.0 8.0 GX 17+2
275.9300 -30.3575 116.0 24.0 39.3 0.0262 0.1 0.6 H1820-303
284.9358 -24.8079 11.8 33.1 46.3 -0.3679 -1.0 8.7 HT1900.1-2455
263.1117 -33.9670 6.5 15.8 15.2 0.3789 1.8 10.0 GX 354-0
279.1225 -28.5140 3.0 27.1 42.2 1.0715 3.8 ------ UNKNOWN
81.2126 -74.6478 2.4 56.5 173.8 5.2117 4.7 ------ UNKNOWN
261.7810 -17.0339 0.4 32.1 3.0 8.8799 32.1 ------ UNKNOWN
247.0340 -26.9932 3.2 22.8 -28.2 0.7779 3.6 ------ UNKNOWN
244.7523 -16.5797 0.6 33.4 -27.2 4.6759 17.9 ------ UNKNOWN
218.5472 -29.0357 2.4 34.5 -76.8 1.9653 4.7 ------ UNKNOWN
Pre-slew background subtracted image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
0.000000 64.000000
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name
# [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] [']
170.5675 -60.7074 29.1 46.9 -146.1 -0.1526 -0.4 9.0 Cen X-3
186.3040 -62.7138 0.0 39.2 -145.2 -0.2946 -1.1 10.3 GX 301-2
244.9166 -15.7506 102.2 34.2 -26.6 -0.0242 -0.1 7.6 Sco X-1
256.1736 -37.8514 8.7 10.9 -6.0 -0.2369 -1.3 8.9 4U 1700-377
256.6265 -36.3771 8.5 12.4 -4.5 0.2445 1.3 9.6 GX 349+2
262.8634 -24.6544 6.8 24.8 7.8 0.3461 1.7 9.6 GX 1+4
264.5326 -44.4785 2.8 7.4 50.0 0.6754 4.1 9.2 4U 1735-44
268.3066 -1.5006 3.9 48.5 9.0 -1.1075 -3.0 4.7 SW J1753.5-0127
270.4341 -25.0573 8.8 26.4 23.3 0.2923 1.3 8.3 GX 5-1
270.2994 -25.8639 7.6 25.6 23.7 -0.3270 -1.5 7.3 GRS 1758-258
273.8719 -13.9893 22.7 37.9 21.6 0.1601 0.5 8.3 GX 17+2
276.0206 -30.2228 4.5 24.1 39.3 0.5081 2.6 10.0 H1820-303
284.8723 -24.9043 19.9 33.0 46.3 -0.1724 -0.6 9.0 HT1900.1-2455
263.1152 -33.9600 4.5 15.8 15.2 0.4336 2.6 9.8 GX 354-0
261.7801 -17.0324 0.4 32.1 3.0 6.7522 30.9 ------ UNKNOWN
244.7595 -16.5785 0.6 33.4 -27.2 3.6383 17.8 ------ UNKNOWN
249.2810 -0.6001 2.2 48.5 -16.5 2.0155 5.2 ------ UNKNOWN
146.8368 -63.6838 3.5 54.6 -157.0 1.6562 3.3 ------ UNKNOWN
Post-slew image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
142.800610 243.040500
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name
# [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] [']
244.8341 -15.5562 16.7 16.3 -90.3 -0.2167 -0.7 9.8 Sco X-1
254.3909 35.3551 8.0 52.8 -10.6 1.0795 1.4 3.4 Her X-1
256.0365 -37.9992 9.5 21.6 -170.6 -0.3364 -1.2 9.6 4U 1700-377
256.4530 -36.3839 12.3 19.9 -170.3 -0.2614 -0.9 2.5 GX 349+2
262.8951 -24.8912 12.5 7.9 169.7 0.2566 0.9 10.7 GX 1+4
264.9212 -44.6009 0.0 27.7 172.2 0.2962 1.0 11.8 4U 1735-44
268.2308 -1.2997 60.0 17.0 19.7 -0.0544 -0.2 12.3 SW J1753.5-0127
270.2746 -25.2277 24.4 11.4 134.5 -0.1320 -0.5 8.9 GX 5-1
270.2636 -25.8098 5.6 11.8 136.5 0.5973 2.2 4.5 GRS 1758-258
273.8529 -14.1766 18.1 12.0 75.0 -0.1980 -0.6 12.2 GX 17+2
275.9244 -30.3679 50.5 18.6 135.5 -0.0701 -0.2 0.1 H1820-303
284.8646 -24.8236 17.7 22.9 110.8 0.2395 0.7 11.0 HT1900.1-2455
288.7736 10.9170 8.5 38.6 42.6 0.8201 1.3 2.2 GRS 1915+105
262.8251 -33.6793 0.0 16.7 174.0 -0.5592 -2.2 12.4 GX 354-0
261.7534 -17.0313 0.3 0.0 -118.6 12.2277 41.3 ------ UNKNOWN
241.6552 -52.0448 2.3 38.5 -163.1 1.8002 5.0 ------ UNKNOWN
244.7370 -16.5752 0.6 16.3 -93.9 5.5592 18.7 ------ UNKNOWN
241.0780 11.6320 2.4 35.2 -39.9 1.8144 4.9 ------ UNKNOWN
Plot creation:
Sun Sep 17 01:45:14 EDT 2023