Click here for the BAT GCN circular template
Pre-slew 15-350 keV image (Event data; bkg subtracted)
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name
311.1383 +40.2017 0.0576 7.2 158.7 0.0599 3.3 TRIG_00422437
Foreground time interval of the image:
0.000 1.024 (delta_t = 1.024 [sec])
Background time interval of the image:
-60.560 -10.560 (delta_t = 50.000 [sec])
- 1) All plots contain as much data as has been downloaded to date.
- 2) Multiple plots of different time binning/intervals are shown to cover all scenarios of short/long GRBs, rate/image triggers, and real/false positives.
- 3) For all the mask-weighted lightcurves, the y-axis units are counts/sec/det where a det is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 sq cm.
- 4) The verticle lines correspond to following: green dotted lines are T50 interval, black dotted lines are T90 interval, blue solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew start time, and orange solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew end time.
- 5) Time of each bin is in the middle of the bin.
1 s binning
From T0-310 s to T0+310 s
From T100_start - 20 s to T100_end + 30 s
Full time interval
64 ms binning
Full time interval
From T100_start to T100_end
From T0-5 sec to T0+5 sec
16 ms binning
From T100_start-5 s to T100_start+5 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
8 ms binning
From T100_start-3 s to T100_start+3 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
2 ms binning
From T100_start-1 s to T100_start+1 s
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (whichever binning is satisfied first)
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (T < 200 sec)
- 1) The fitting includes the systematic errors.
- 2) For long bursts, a spectral fit of the pre-slew DRM will introduce some errors in both a spectral shape and a normalization if the PHA file contains a lot of the slew/post-slew time interval.
- 3) For fits to more complicated models (e.g. a power-law over a cutoff power-law), the BAT team has decided to require a chi-square improvement of more than 6 for each extra dof.
- 4) For short bursts (T90<1sec), the specrtum is also fit with Blackbody, OTTB, and Double Blackbody.
Time averaged spectrum fit using the pre-slew DRM
Power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -0.362515 ( 0.362515 1.25757 )
Norm@50keV : 1.80403E-03 ( -0.00180403 0.00190423 )
# Chi-Squared = 42.63 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7478 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.215889e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.282938 ( -0.282938 0.173602 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.17916e-08 ( -2.23579e-08 2.23755e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -3.37596 ( )
Epeak [keV] : 154.972 ( -134.728 -134.728 )
Norm@50keV : 8.74885E-03 ( )
# Chi-Squared = 42.26 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7546 for 56 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.129003e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.274956 ( -0.144787 0.169039 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.22089e-08 ( -2.30923e-08 2.33413e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
alpha : -0.332684 ( 0.332706 0.332706 )
beta : 0.362548 ( -1.25886 -0.362513 )
Epeak [keV] : 11.9972 ( -11.9972 -11.9972 )
Norm@50keV : 3.57035E-03 ( 3368.94 -0.00357032 )
# Chi-Squared = 42.63 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7750 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.882506e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: ( ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 0 ( 0 0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 65.3507 ( )
R^2/D10^2 : 9.05012E-04 ( )
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
# Chi-Squared = 42.47 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7450 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.242011e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.600e-09 9.313e-10
25- 50 1.172e-10 8.397e-11
50-150 3.673e-14 1.614e-14
15-150 1.717e-09 9.667e-10
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 199.363 ( )
Norm : 0.952718 (-0.915465 0.783036)
# Chi-Squared = 48.43 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8497 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 7.832220e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.481e-09 5.975e-10
25- 50 1.341e-10 5.806e-11
50-150 3.274e-13 1.992e-13
15-150 1.615e-09 7.286e-10
Double BB
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT1 [keV] : 1.71937 (-1.63204 -1.63204)
R1^2/D10^2 : 408.695 ( )
kT2 [keV] : 66.9219 (-61.1028 -68.1887)
R2^2/D10^2 : 7.97721E-04 (-0.00057254 0.00687694)
# Chi-Squared = 41.92 using 59 PHA bins.
# Chi-Squared = 41.84 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7621 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7607 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.028400e-01
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.043161e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.210e-09 3.870e-10
25- 50 2.717e-09 2.037e-09
50-150 3.791e-08 2.688e-08
15-150 4.184e-08 2.751e-08
Peak spectrum fit
Power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -0.347003 ( 0.347003 1.25597 )
Norm@50keV : 1.82989E-03 ( -0.00182989 0.00190713 )
# Chi-Squared = 43.00 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7545 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.151028e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.284922 ( -0.284922 0.173944 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.19431e-08 ( -2.23407e-08 2.23597e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -3.30978 ( )
Epeak [keV] : 155.753 ( -134.351 -134.351 )
Norm@50keV : 8.61866E-03 ( )
# Chi-Squared = 42.65 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7616 for 56 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.056031e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.275988 ( -0.144573 0.169595 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.24186e-08 ( -2.31776e-08 2.32497e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 1.024 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
alpha : 0.161874 ( -0.163449 -0.163449 )
beta : 0.346653 ( -1.25556 -0.346986 )
Epeak [keV] : 25.1850 ( -25.1861 -25.1861 )
Norm@50keV : 2.79067E-03 ( -0.00279031 78056.7 )
# Chi-Squared = 43.00 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7819 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.799187e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: ( ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 0 ( 0 0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 71.5948 ( )
R^2/D10^2 : 7.34143E-04 ( )
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
# Chi-Squared = 42.82 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7513 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.182460e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.691e-09 8.991e-10
25- 50 1.231e-10 3.532e-11
50-150 3.798e-14 9.339e-15
15-150 1.814e-09 8.397e-10
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 199.363 ( )
Norm : 0.950630 (-0.930619 0.779736)
# Chi-Squared = 48.75 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8553 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 7.733058e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.566e-09 4.354e-10
25- 50 1.419e-10 7.885e-11
50-150 3.465e-13 4.439e-13
15-150 1.708e-09 8.540e-10
Double BB
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT1 [keV] : 1.74802 (-1.71314 -1.71314)
R1^2/D10^2 : 375.075 ( )
kT2 [keV] : 67.1579 (-61.3271 -68.359)
R2^2/D10^2 : 7.95408E-04 (-0.000572813 0.00687867)
# Chi-Squared = 42.17 using 59 PHA bins.
# Chi-Squared = 42.13 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7667 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7660 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.978132e-01
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.985542e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.263e-09 3.474e-10
25- 50 2.467e-09 1.850e-09
50-150 3.714e-08 2.418e-08
15-150 4.087e-08 2.514e-08
Pre-slew spectrum (Pre-slew PHA with pre-slew DRM)
Power-law model
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -0.362515 ( 0.362515 1.25757 )
Norm@50keV : 1.80403E-03 ( -0.00180403 0.00190423 )
# Chi-Squared = 42.63 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7478 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.215889e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.282938 ( -0.282938 0.173602 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.17916e-08 ( -2.23579e-08 2.23755e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: -3.37596 ( )
Epeak [keV] : 154.972 ( -134.728 -134.728 )
Norm@50keV : 8.74885E-03 ( )
# Chi-Squared = 42.26 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7546 for 56 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.129003e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: 0.274956 ( -0.144787 0.169039 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 4.22089e-08 ( -2.30923e-08 2.33413e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
alpha : -0.332684 ( 0.332706 0.332706 )
beta : 0.362548 ( -1.25886 -0.362513 )
Epeak [keV] : 11.9972 ( -11.9972 -11.9972 )
Norm@50keV : 3.57035E-03 ( 3368.94 -0.00357032 )
# Chi-Squared = 42.63 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7750 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.882506e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1.024 sec: ( ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 0 ( 0 0 ) ergs/cm2
S(25-50 keV) vs. S(50-100 keV) plot
S(25-50 keV) = 2.52262e-09
S(50-100 keV) = 1.29733e-08
T90 vs. Hardness ratio plot
T90 = 1.02399998903275 sec.
Hardness ratio (energy fluence ratio) = 5.14279
Color vs. Color plot
Count Ratio (25-50 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 2.20179
Count Ratio (50-100 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 96.9731
Mask shadow pattern
IMX = -1.176206406431809E-01, IMY = -4.577623060555249E-02
TIME vs. PHA plot around the trigger time
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
TIME vs. DetID plot around the trigger time
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
100 us light curve (15-350 keV)
Blue+Cyan dotted lines: Time interval of the scaled map
From 0.000000 to 1.024000
Spacecraft aspect plot
Bright source in the pre-burst/pre-slew/post-slew images
Pre-burst image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
-60.560000 -10.560000
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name
# [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] [']
288.8881 10.8521 5.6 35.4 74.5 1.2760 2.1 7.7 GRS 1915+105
299.5577 35.2340 2.0 14.6 116.6 1.7831 5.8 2.5 Cyg X-1
307.9257 40.9001 5.7 9.5 151.6 0.5713 2.0 8.9 Cyg X-3
325.9369 38.4257 0.0 7.7 -98.7 0.3415 1.4 12.7 Cyg X-2
237.6588 71.0896 3.8 53.9 177.2 3.8521 3.1 ------ UNKNOWN
236.9172 71.1103 4.6 54.1 177.2 3.3533 2.6 ------ UNKNOWN
Pre-slew background subtracted image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
0.000000 1.024000
# RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi PeakCts SNR AngSep Name
# [deg] [deg] ['] [deg] [deg] [']
288.7380 10.7712 0.0 35.6 74.6 0.0326 0.7 11.0 GRS 1915+105
299.4207 35.2356 5.0 14.7 116.6 0.0475 2.3 8.6 Cyg X-1
307.9023 41.0413 7.6 9.6 152.3 0.0282 1.5 10.8 Cyg X-3
326.0622 38.4305 30.4 7.7 -98.5 0.0070 0.4 8.3 Cyg X-2
311.3602 29.8170 2.3 7.3 66.7 0.0935 5.0 ------ UNKNOWN
320.4138 10.4890 2.8 24.7 13.3 0.0846 4.2 ------ UNKNOWN
55.8473 81.4082 2.6 56.7 -149.4 0.5206 4.4 ------ UNKNOWN
Post-slew image of 15-350 keV band
Time interval of the image:
Plot creation:
Tue May 18 22:02:57 EDT 2010