Special notes of this burst
Note1: The mosaic image is made with timebin = 0.1 s; energybin = 15-350 keV
Note2: The mosaic image uses Galactic coordinate.
#RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak_Cts SNR Name
133.079 4.996 0.003 40.302 -39.248 0.054 24.541 UNKNOWN
Image time interval: -1.376 to 18.624 [sec]
- 1) The mask-weighted lightcurves have units of either count/det or counts/sec/det, where a det is 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 sq cm.
- 2) The verticle lines correspond to following: green dotted lines are T50 interval, black dotted lines are T90 interval, blue solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew start time, and orange solid line(s) is a spacecraft slew end time (for the best duration plot, slew times are marked by green arrows).
- 3) For lightcurves in unit of count rate, time of each bin is in the middle of the bin.
Best duration plot
1 s binning
From T0-310 s to T0+310 s
From T100_start - 20 s to T100_end + 30 s
Full time interval
64 ms binning
Full time interval
From T100_start to T100_end
From T0-5 sec to T0+5 sec
16 ms binning
From T100_start-5 s to T100_start+5 s
8 ms binning
From T100_start-3 s to T100_start+3 s
2 ms binning
From T100_start-1 s to T100_start+1 s
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (whichever binning is satisfied first)
SN=5 or 10 sec. binning (T < 200 sec)
Quad-rate summed light curves (from T0-300s to T0+1000s)
Spectral Evolution
- 1) The fitting includes the systematic errors.
- 2) For long bursts, a spectral fit of the pre-slew DRM will introduce some errors in both a spectral shape and a normalization if the PHA file contains a lot of the slew/post-slew time interval.
- 3) For fits to more complicated models (e.g. a power-law over a cutoff power-law), the BAT team has decided to require a chi-square improvement of more than 6 for each extra dof.
- 4) For short bursts (T90<1sec), the specrtum is also fit with Blackbody, OTTB, and Double Blackbody.
Time averaged spectrum fit using the pre-slew DRM
Power-law model
Time interval is from -0.000 sec. to 22.052 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: 1.95436 ( -0.127478 0.131518 )
Norm@50keV : 3.38070E-03 ( -0.000281334 0.000277328 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.02 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7899 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.744701e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 22.05 sec: 0.496788 ( -0.033502 0.033519 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 6.86211e-07 ( -5.45729e-08 5.54207e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from -0.000 sec. to 22.052 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: 1.42773 ( -0.590938 0.512311 )
Epeak [keV] : 45.9004 ( -15.3937 73.6906 )
Norm@50keV : 6.74348E-03 ( -0.0032373 0.00785628 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.93 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7488 for 56 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.186729e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 22.05 sec: 0.484359 ( -0.0355 0.035513 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 6.4711e-07 ( -6.42444e-08 6.62003e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from -0.000 sec. to 22.052 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
alpha : ( )
beta : ( )
Epeak [keV] : ( )
Norm@50keV : ( )
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in sec: ( ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 0 ( 0 0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 10.0348 (-0.800118 0.884683)
R^2/D10^2 : 0.223842 (-0.0620322 0.0846058)
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 81.03 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 1.422 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 1.990796e-02
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.013e-07 1.165e-08
25- 50 2.532e-07 1.962e-08
50-150 1.335e-07 2.527e-08
15-150 4.880e-07 4.057e-08
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 71.5482 (-14.3544 20.5402)
Norm : 2.40798 (-0.257854 0.29879)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 42.01 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7370 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.314461e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.365e-07 1.299e-08
25- 50 2.185e-07 1.486e-08
50-150 2.852e-07 5.402e-08
15-150 6.402e-07 5.424e-08
Double BB
Spectral model: bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2>
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT1 [keV] : 6.39423 (-1.20348 1.1944)
R1^2/D10^2 : 0.904821 (-0.396998 0.556793)
kT2 [keV] : 21.3144 (-4.92052 8.65692)
R2^2/D10^2 : 8.53477E-03 (-0.00617614 0.0166144)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 40.94 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.7444 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 9.207648e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.342e-07 2.943e-08
25- 50 2.181e-07 5.072e-08
50-150 2.981e-07 1.506e-07
15-150 6.504e-07 1.799e-07
Peak spectrum fit
Power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: 1.86494 ( -0.250394 0.26887 )
Norm@50keV : 8.04000E-03 ( -0.00140397 0.00135459 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.64 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8006 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.601656e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1 sec: 1.13710 ( -0.154913 0.15491 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 7.39265e-08 ( -1.25489e-08 1.28895e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
Photon index: 1.81801 ( -0.988402 0.796882 )
Epeak [keV] : 167.711 ( )
Norm@50keV : 8.55296E-03 ( )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.63 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8148 for 56 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.374653e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 1 sec: 1.12072 ( -0.249937 0.16911 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 7.35631e-08 ( -1.41134e-08 1.27685e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Band function
Time interval is from 0.000 sec. to 0.000 sec.
Spectral model in the Band function:
Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90%
alpha : ( )
beta : ( )
Epeak [keV] : ( )
Norm@50keV : ( )
Photon flux (15-150 keV) in sec: ( ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 0 ( 0 0 ) ergs/cm2
Single BB
Spectral model blackbody:
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 10.3620 (-1.89345 2.34936)
R^2/D10^2 : 0.457982 (-0.45616 0.514438)
(R is the radius in km and D10 is the distance to the source in units of 10 kpc)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 63.21 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 1.109 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 2.664826e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.013e-08 2.427e-09
25- 50 2.645e-08 5.310e-09
50-150 1.529e-08 5.769e-09
15-150 5.187e-08 1.132e-08
Thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB)
Spectral model: thermal bremsstrahlung
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT [keV] : 87.7946 (-34.4333 81.9154)
Norm : 5.19174 (-0.949953 1.27366)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 46.47 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8153 for 57 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.390223e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.354e-08 2.735e-09
25- 50 2.277e-08 3.870e-09
50-150 3.414e-08 1.864e-08
15-150 7.044e-08 2.240e-08
Double BB
Spectral model: bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2>
Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90%
kT1 [keV] : 4.84600 (-1.41759 2.06514)
R1^2/D10^2 : 5.94469 (-4.39187 12.1986)
kT2 [keV] : 20.0884 (-5.68304 12.2672)
R2^2/D10^2 : 3.13056E-02 (-0.0256824 0.044568)
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 44.90 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared = 0.8163 for 55 degrees of freedom
# Null hypothesis probability = 8.327169e-01
Energy Fluence 90% Error
[keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2]
15- 25 1.517e-08 7.945e-09
25- 50 1.984e-08 9.704e-09
50-150 3.662e-08 2.153e-08
15-150 7.163e-08 3.455e-08
S(25-50 keV) vs. S(50-100 keV) plot
S(25-50 keV) = 2.04e-07
S(50-100 keV) = 2.10e-07
T90 vs. Hardness ratio plot
T90 = 17.5599999427795 sec.
Hardness ratio (energy fluence ratio) = 1.02941
Color vs. Color plot
Count Ratio (25-50 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 1.08471
Count Ratio (50-100 keV) / (15-25 keV) = 0.555785
Mask shadow pattern
TIME vs. PHA plot around the beginning of event data (event_start to event_start+0.64s)
TIME vs. DetID plot around the beginning of event data (event_start to event_start+0.64s)
100 us light curve (15-350 keV; (event_start to event_start+0.64s)
Spacecraft aspect plot
Webpage updated on:
Mon Dec 2 19:58:12 EST 2019