Transient Analysis Summary
Summary of the Input Information
- T0: 604275778.957999945 [MET] (2020-02-24T22:22:34.378 UTC)
- Search time window: T0 +/- 100.0 s
- Input source: RA=0.0, DEC=0.0 (source location is randomly seleected, since the true location is unknown.)
- Input image: /local/data/bat2/batusers/batgroup/BAT_GW/results/S200224ca/bayestar.fits.gz
FOV Check
- The input source is out of the BAT FOV
- The integrated LIGO localization probability that are in BAT FOV (with pcode > 10%): 0.8838064765547488
- The integrated probability of Phil's convolved map that are in BAT FOV (with pcode > 10%): 0.8701939898468429
- The integrated LIGO localization probability that are outside of the BAT FOV (with pcode > 10%) but above the Earth's limb: 0.11619164460599606
RED: BAT FOV (the brighter/whiter color refers to higher partial coding fraction).
BLUE: LIGO probability map
GREEN STAR: Input source (location is randomly seleected unless the true source location is available.)
Raw Light Curves
Quad-rate light curves (with 1.6 s time bin)
Bokeh Plot
64-ms light curves
Bokeh Plot