Mask shadow pattern

IMX = -6.241397423938010E-01, IMY = -1.381387024942553E-01

Spacecraft aspect plot

Bright source in the pre-burst/pre-slew/post-slew images

Pre-burst image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
-299.144000 -57.068000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
244.9751 -15.6350    0.2  16.5  -36.8  13.9818  61.4    0.4	Sco X-1                       
254.5137  35.4047    3.4  38.4 -176.4   1.0940   3.4    4.6	Her X-1                       
255.8446 -37.9752    5.8  40.8  -37.0   0.7825   2.0   10.3	4U 1700-377                   
256.3724 -36.4235    4.4  39.6  -38.7   1.0194   2.6    3.0	GX 349+2                      
262.8904 -24.6000    0.0  33.5  -58.2   0.7455   2.1   10.9	GX 1+4                        
264.5043 -44.5969    9.3  49.8  -40.3   1.0481   1.2   13.5	4U 1735-44                    
268.3672  -1.4161    6.2  29.2 -104.1   0.6665   1.8    2.2	SW J1753.5-0127               
270.3189 -25.2046    7.8  39.1  -64.6   0.8042   1.5    7.8	GX 5-1                        
270.4300 -25.8724    0.0  39.6  -63.8  -0.5090  -0.9   10.4	GRS 1758-258                  
273.9190 -14.1428   11.2  37.1  -83.1   0.5519   1.0    8.1	GX 17+2                       
263.1412 -33.8839    5.9  40.5  -48.0   0.8392   1.9    8.1	GX 354-0                      
208.2455   8.1595    2.2  31.9   89.2   2.3956   5.4 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Pre-slew background subtracted image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
-57.068000 8.240000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
244.7966 -15.7159    6.7  16.5  -36.2  -0.1452  -1.7   11.5	Sco X-1                       
254.4102  35.1962    7.4  38.1 -176.3   0.1805   1.6    9.1	Her X-1                       
255.8769 -37.7005    0.0  40.6  -37.2  -0.1634  -1.2   10.1	4U 1700-377                   
256.2913 -36.3596   35.6  39.5  -38.6  -0.0421  -0.3    7.9	GX 349+2                      
263.0592 -24.8822   77.3  33.8  -58.0   0.0197   0.1    8.6	GX 1+4                        
264.8687 -44.3945    4.9  49.8  -40.7  -0.8388  -2.3    6.3	4U 1735-44                    
268.2145  -1.5412    3.9  29.1 -103.9  -0.3650  -3.0   10.6	SW J1753.5-0127               
270.2534 -24.9539    6.5  39.0  -64.9   0.3713   1.8    7.7	GX 5-1                        
270.4120 -25.8715   63.6  39.6  -63.8   0.0409   0.2    9.7	GRS 1758-258                  
273.9853 -14.1449    7.3  37.2  -83.1   0.3324   1.6    6.6	GX 17+2                       
262.8946 -33.7630    3.9  40.3  -47.9  -0.5029  -3.0    6.4	GX 354-0                      
255.1045  55.0886    1.8  56.8  174.1   2.8705   6.2 ------	UNKNOWN                       
241.8563  32.3078    1.2  32.6  167.5   1.0166   9.9 ------	UNKNOWN                       
233.8601  -7.8402    2.2   9.3   17.7   0.4048   5.3 ------	UNKNOWN                       
236.0320 -44.0093    2.0  43.9  -13.5   0.7527   5.8 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Post-slew image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
104.156600 302.928500
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
244.9747 -15.6360    0.5  48.0  -12.7   8.5310  21.8    0.4	Sco X-1                       
254.5513  35.4743    4.6  11.0 -118.8   0.4162   2.5    9.1	Her X-1                       
268.4534  -1.5935    0.0  42.2  -50.4   0.8154   2.1    9.9	SW J1753.5-0127               
329.4647  68.2534    2.6  59.4 -163.1   4.9009   4.4 ------	UNKNOWN