****************************************** # batcelldetect v1.85 ------------------------------------------ Input Image: sw00228006000b_preburst_1chan.img Output Catalog: preburst_bright_src.list Input Catalog: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/on_board_cat/bat_bright_src_catalog_sort.fits Part. Coding Map: NONE Back. Window: CIRCLE Radius: 30 Source Window: CIRCLE Radius: 6 SNR Threshold: 4.000000 Number of Iter.: 2 Min. Num. Pixels: 20 Fit background?: YES PSF Shape: GAUSSIAN ------------------------------------------ Found 1 Images (and selected 1 images) Analyzing Image: 1 Detection Iteration 1 Found 188 cumulative pixels Detection Iteration 2 Found 188 cumulative pixels Detected 6 sources NOTE: Existing columns listed below were copied unchanged from the input SCRIPT DSPCLEAN SRC_TYPE MERIT THRESHOLD ORIG_RA ORIG_DEC # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name 83.6343 +22.0144 0.0031 8.5 -145.7 10.7271 61.9 Crab 41.9862 +1.2142 0.0455 39.7 85.0 2.9622 4.2 UNKNOWN 54.5608 -1.6978 0.0389 29.8 70.4 1.4175 5.0 UNKNOWN 84.2354 +64.8199 0.0465 50.7 -166.9 1.7204 4.1 UNKNOWN 86.1498 -34.2258 0.0453 48.8 3.9 1.7378 4.3 UNKNOWN 108.7337 -4.3360 0.0373 34.0 -48.3 1.3231 5.2 UNKNOWN ------------------------------------------