
Time averaged spectrum fit using the average DRM

Power-law model
Time interval is from   -0.044 sec. to   61.800 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.67437     ( -0.156142   0.152868 )
Norm@50keV  : 1.37033E-03    ( -0.000129148   0.000127463 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          42.47 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.7451 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   9.241716e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 61.84 sec: 0.180404 ( -0.015306  0.015313 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 7.86413e-07 ( -7.824e-08  7.94904e-08 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from   -0.044 sec. to   61.800 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.35593     ( -0.501658   0.353242 )
Epeak [keV] : 92.2193      ( -36.6254 -92.2194 )
Norm@50keV  : 2.04137E-03    ( -0.000775164   0.00254658 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          41.59 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.7427 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   9.244095e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 61.84 sec: 0.177757 ( -0.016054  0.016022 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 7.60416e-07 ( -9.0655e-08  9.16432e-08 ) ergs/cm2

1-s peak spectrum fit

Power-law model
Time interval is from   48.140 sec. to   49.140 sec.
Spectral model in power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -1.86537     ( -0.25023   0.234082 )
Norm@50keV  : 6.03364E-03    ( -0.00105962   0.00103747 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          50.72 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.8899 for     57 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   7.081593e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 0.853491 ( -0.121295  0.121295 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 5.54766e-08 ( -9.53353e-09  9.80638e-09 ) ergs/cm2
Cutoff power-law model
Time interval is from   48.140 sec. to   49.140 sec.
Spectral model in the cutoff power-law:
Parameters  : value       lower 90%   higher 90%
Photon index: -0.10112     ( -1.21342   1.68738 )
Epeak [keV] : 43.8269      ( -8.13608 15.562 )
Norm@50keV  : 6.52538E-02    ( -0.0654319   0.605975 )
#Fit statistic : Chi-Squared =          43.79 using 59 PHA bins.
# Reduced chi-squared =         0.7819 for     56 degrees of freedom 
# Null hypothesis probability =   8.821913e-01
Photon flux (15-150 keV)    in 1 sec: 0.819115 ( -0.121621  0.122296 ) ph/cm2/s
Energy fluence (15-150 keV)             : 4.80784e-08 ( -9.0213e-09  1.02675e-08 ) ergs/cm2

Time-resolved spectra