Mask shadow pattern

IMX = 8.226525908598192E-01, IMY = 9.408322069180867E-02

Spacecraft aspect plot

Bright source in the pre-burst/pre-slew/post-slew images

Pre-burst image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
-749.147400 -701.951500
-239.048000 0.040000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
270.3177 -25.0077   28.7  52.3  -22.9  -0.2000  -0.4    4.7	GX 5-1                        
270.3433 -25.7713    6.1  52.0  -23.8   0.9280   1.9    2.8	GRS 1758-258                  
273.9756 -14.0916    6.1  53.5   -8.6  -0.9896  -1.9    3.7	GX 17+2                       
275.9018 -30.3141    3.7  46.0  -27.7   1.1091   3.2    3.4	H1820-303                     
285.1834 -24.9763    5.4  39.5  -16.8   0.5618   2.1    8.7	HT1900.1-2455                 
  0.3101 -52.9875    2.3  31.8 -138.9   1.1531   5.1 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Pre-slew background subtracted image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
0.040000 1.128000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
270.3121 -25.2938    0.0  52.2  -23.3  -0.0543  -1.8   13.0	GX 5-1                        
270.4466 -25.7473    4.9  51.9  -23.7   0.0684   2.4    7.8	GRS 1758-258                  
273.9731 -14.0226   14.2  53.5   -8.6   0.0259   0.8    2.1	GX 17+2                       
275.9173 -30.2673   13.6  46.0  -27.6   0.0165   0.8    6.0	H1820-303                     
284.9193 -24.9871    5.4  39.8  -16.9   0.0325   2.1    7.5	HT1900.1-2455                 
 28.4955 -22.3963    2.6  52.7  173.1   0.1482   4.5 ------	UNKNOWN                       
287.6671 -18.8667    1.1  39.6   -6.5   0.1762  10.6 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Post-slew image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
94.452600 962.978400
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
244.9777 -15.6512    0.9  40.8  -87.5  24.9027  12.4    0.7	Sco X-1                       
255.9144 -37.7923    4.0  33.5 -126.3   1.9060   2.9    4.6	4U 1700-377                   
256.4657 -36.3822    1.4  32.5 -124.2   5.2754   8.1    2.9	GX 349+2                      
263.0138 -24.8204    5.1  23.6 -104.2   1.1876   2.3    4.5	GX 1+4                        
264.9163 -44.5856   11.8  32.0 -143.8   0.5275   1.0   11.0	4U 1735-44                    
268.3629  -1.4420    1.1  25.7  -44.8   4.9142  10.3    0.7	SW J1753.5-0127               
270.3110 -25.0896    1.2  17.3 -109.4   3.8270   9.8    1.6	GX 5-1                        
270.2558 -25.7373    2.8  17.5 -111.4   1.6676   4.2    2.5	GRS 1758-258                  
274.0613 -14.0838    2.7  13.9  -67.1   1.8255   4.3    4.3	GX 17+2                       
275.9486 -30.3227    2.4  15.6 -134.5   1.8855   4.8    2.9	H1820-303                     
285.0024 -24.8518    3.6   6.5 -153.1   1.2571   3.2    4.5	HT1900.1-2455                 
288.7996  10.9520    0.5  29.8    7.0  12.5672  25.0    0.4	GRS 1915+105                  
262.9681 -33.8361    1.6  26.6 -124.4   3.6752   7.1    1.0	GX 354-0                      
282.0408  15.8770    3.6  35.2   -4.6   1.7749   3.2 ------	UNKNOWN                       
277.3167 -23.7832    1.7  10.8 -114.0   2.8978   6.9 ------	UNKNOWN                       
272.4305  22.3529    2.7  43.8  -15.8   3.0446   4.3 ------	UNKNOWN                       
270.0787 -13.1252    3.6  17.9  -69.1   1.4339   3.3 ------	UNKNOWN                       
266.8384 -27.3566    1.5  20.9 -113.0   3.6434   7.7 ------	UNKNOWN                       
255.2011 -41.6439    2.3  35.8 -131.8   3.4721   5.1 ------	UNKNOWN                       
258.7210   2.8784    2.4  35.8  -50.9   3.0206   4.9 ------	UNKNOWN