XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Build Date/Time: Wed Jul 29 15:14:04 2015 XSPEC12>query no XSPEC12>lmod takagrb /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel Model package takagrb successfully loaded. XSPEC12>data 1:1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_repro c/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha 1 spectrum in use Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Spectrum 1 Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi No response loaded. ***Warning! One or more spectra are missing responses, and are not suitable for fit. XSPEC12>response 1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rep roc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp Response successfully loaded. XSPEC12>ignore **-13.0 150.0-** No channels ignored (no channels in specified range) No channels ignored (no channels in specified range) XSPEC12>mdefine cutep50 (E/50.0)**(-a)*exp(-E*(2.0-a)/b) XSPEC12>model cutep50 Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ... 1 0.1( 0.01) 1e-22 1e-22 1e+22 1e+22 1:cutep50:a> 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -10.0000 10.0000 10.000 1 0.1( 0.01) 1e-22 1e-22 1e+22 1e+22 2:cutep50:b> 80.000 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. 1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+20 1e+24 3:cutep50:norm> 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ======================================================================== Model cutep50<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 2 1 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 3 1 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 290.40 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 290.40 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 41.486 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 6.773957e-59 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>renorm Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 7.00 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 7.00 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.00 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.284344e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:a 2:b 3:norm 6.24019 0.448884 -3 0.913474 120.220 0.222329 5.94538 4.47463 -4 0.977742 149.042 0.209882 5.91778 1.41091 -5 1.00419 166.535 0.203452 5.91588 0.344874 -6 1.01751 174.939 0.200137 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 1.0303E-03| -0.0986 -0.0004 -0.9951 1.5847E-01| 0.9951 -0.0024 -0.0986 1.6858E+05| 0.0024 1.0000 -0.0006 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.127e+00 4.044e+02 -2.590e-01 4.044e+02 1.686e+05 -1.015e+02 -2.590e-01 -1.015e+02 6.373e-02 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cutep50<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cutep50 a 1.01751 +/- 1.06164 2 1 cutep50 b 174.939 +/- 410.586 3 1 cutep50 norm 0.200137 +/- 0.252445 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496054e-01 XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:a 2:b 3:norm 5.91577 0.00363219 -3 1.02175 177.719 0.199048 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 9.8944E-04| -0.0938 -0.0003 -0.9956 1.4995E-01| 0.9956 -0.0022 -0.0938 2.1318E+05| 0.0021 1.0000 -0.0005 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.106e+00 4.516e+02 -2.498e-01 4.516e+02 2.132e+05 -1.113e+02 -2.498e-01 -1.113e+02 6.044e-02 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cutep50<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cutep50 a 1.02175 +/- 1.05144 2 1 cutep50 b 177.719 +/- 461.710 3 1 cutep50 norm 0.199048 +/- 0.245854 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496188e-01 XSPEC12>fit 100 Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:a 2:b 3:norm 5.91576 0.000549924 -3 1.02356 178.734 0.198587 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 9.7717E-04| -0.0923 -0.0003 -0.9957 1.4790E-01| 0.9957 -0.0021 -0.0923 2.3057E+05| 0.0020 1.0000 -0.0005 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.103e+00 4.695e+02 -2.474e-01 4.695e+02 2.306e+05 -1.149e+02 -2.474e-01 -1.149e+02 5.947e-02 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cutep50<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cutep50 a 1.02356 +/- 1.05003 2 1 cutep50 b 178.734 +/- 480.177 3 1 cutep50 norm 0.198587 +/- 0.243865 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496197e-01 XSPEC12>log bat_spec_cutplep.log Logging to file:bat_spec_cutplep.log XSPEC12>show XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:43 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Channels Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03119 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cutep50<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cutep50 a 1.02356 +/- 1.05003 2 1 cutep50 b 178.734 +/- 480.177 3 1 cutep50 norm 0.198587 +/- 0.243865 ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496197e-01 Weighting method: standard XSPEC12>error 1 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 1 -1.50053 2.68529 (-2.52467,1.66115) XSPEC12>error 2 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 1 ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 3 Parameter 1 is pegged at 1.02414 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. Parameter 3 is pegged at 0.198437 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. Fit error occurred during lower bound error calculation. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 4.14128e+08, with delta statistic: 0.0601524 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 2 0 0 (-179.161,-179.161) XSPEC12>error 3 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 0.104805 4.41784 (-0.0935704,4.21946) XSPEC12>log none Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>setplot energy XSPEC12>setplot command sc white 1 XSPEC12>setplot command cpd bat_spec_cutplep.gif/gif 2 XSPEC12>plot ldata delchi XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_15_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_15_350kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_15_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:44 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03122 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 12.8853 27.1139 (-6.46522,7.7634) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.14367, 3.22367 and delta stat 1.88943, 6.08994 but latest trial 3.18367 gives 6.09151 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.49978 3.18367 (-2.52411,2.15934) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_15_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.68 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.68 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.955 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.627674e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.111047 -3 17.0025 1.02412 179.032 5.91576 0.000152976 -4 17.0002 1.02433 179.163 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4560E-01| -0.0037 1.0000 -0.0020 7.1919E+00| 1.0000 0.0037 -0.0007 2.3933E+05| 0.0007 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.314e+00 3.672e-01 1.706e+02 3.672e-01 1.101e+00 4.782e+02 1.706e+02 4.782e+02 2.393e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 17.0002 +/- 2.70435 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02433 +/- 1.04927 5 2 cutep50 b 179.163 +/- 489.216 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 1.81288e-05 -3 17.0002 1.02439 179.197 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4555E-01| -0.0037 1.0000 -0.0020 7.1920E+00| 1.0000 0.0037 -0.0007 2.4028E+05| 0.0007 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.313e+00 3.671e-01 1.709e+02 3.671e-01 1.101e+00 4.791e+02 1.709e+02 4.791e+02 2.403e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 17.0002 +/- 2.70435 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02439 +/- 1.04936 5 2 cutep50 b 179.197 +/- 490.180 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 5.24803e-06 -3 17.0002 1.02440 179.206 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4553E-01| -0.0037 1.0000 -0.0020 7.1920E+00| 1.0000 0.0037 -0.0007 2.4051E+05| 0.0007 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.313e+00 3.671e-01 1.710e+02 3.671e-01 1.101e+00 4.794e+02 1.710e+02 4.794e+02 2.405e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 17.0002 +/- 2.70434 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02440 +/- 1.04934 5 2 cutep50 b 179.206 +/- 490.422 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_15_150kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_15_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:44 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03126 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 17.0002 +/- 2.70434 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02440 +/- 1.04934 5 2 cutep50 b 179.206 +/- 490.422 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 12.5262 21.4349 (-4.47396,4.43473) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.18173, 3.18273 and delta stat 1.92991, 6.08987 but latest trial 3.18223 gives 6.08987 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50043 3.18223 (-2.52483,2.15782) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_15_25kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 404.95 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 404.95 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 57.851 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.066301e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91952 105.5 -3 4.71604 1.02965 180.442 5.91576 0.0761135 -4 4.66119 1.02408 179.121 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.3261E-02| -0.2383 0.9712 -0.0016 1.7807E+00| 0.9712 0.2383 -0.0016 2.4640E+05| 0.0012 0.0019 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.028e+00 9.718e-01 2.921e+02 9.718e-01 1.079e+00 4.804e+02 2.921e+02 4.804e+02 2.464e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.66119 +/- 1.42420 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02408 +/- 1.03859 5 2 cutep50 b 179.121 +/- 496.384 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.000136827 -3 4.66193 1.02442 179.210 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4146E-02| -0.2416 0.9704 -0.0016 1.7832E+00| 0.9704 0.2416 -0.0016 2.3993E+05| 0.0012 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.028e+00 9.832e-01 2.883e+02 9.832e-01 1.101e+00 4.788e+02 2.883e+02 4.788e+02 2.399e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.66193 +/- 1.42414 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02442 +/- 1.04942 5 2 cutep50 b 179.210 +/- 489.823 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 3.17387e-05 -3 4.66190 1.02442 179.213 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4135E-02| -0.2416 0.9704 -0.0016 1.7832E+00| 0.9704 0.2416 -0.0016 2.4063E+05| 0.0012 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.028e+00 9.830e-01 2.888e+02 9.830e-01 1.101e+00 4.795e+02 2.888e+02 4.795e+02 2.406e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.66190 +/- 1.42415 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02442 +/- 1.04933 5 2 cutep50 b 179.213 +/- 490.542 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_15_25kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_15_25kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:45 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03126 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.66190 +/- 1.42415 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02442 +/- 1.04933 5 2 cutep50 b 179.213 +/- 490.542 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 2.40579 6.79257 (-2.25612,2.13067) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.16456, 3.16931 and delta stat 1.91167, 6.08987 but latest trial 3.16694 gives 6.08987 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50054 3.16694 (-2.52496,2.14251) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_25_50kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 9.97 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 9.97 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.42 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.903867e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 235.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 235.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 33.712 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.659124e-47 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91625 11.7251 -3 5.72558 1.02045 176.990 5.91576 0.00877025 -4 5.70331 1.02345 178.635 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.3755E-01| -0.1092 0.9940 -0.0022 8.6042E-01| 0.9940 0.1092 0.0013 2.2425E+05| -0.0015 0.0021 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.369e+00 -6.222e-01 -3.405e+02 -6.222e-01 1.096e+00 4.615e+02 -3.405e+02 4.615e+02 2.242e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.70331 +/- 1.16994 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02345 +/- 1.04686 5 2 cutep50 b 178.635 +/- 473.546 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496197e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00037241 -3 5.70266 1.02414 179.055 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.3732E-01| -0.1097 0.9940 -0.0022 8.6017E-01| 0.9940 0.1097 0.0012 2.3674E+05| -0.0015 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.368e+00 -6.236e-01 -3.496e+02 -6.236e-01 1.102e+00 4.757e+02 -3.496e+02 4.757e+02 2.367e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.70266 +/- 1.16951 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02414 +/- 1.04962 5 2 cutep50 b 179.055 +/- 486.559 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 6.37555e-05 -3 5.70248 1.02434 179.170 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.3702E-01| -0.1097 0.9940 -0.0021 8.6011E-01| 0.9940 0.1097 0.0012 2.3955E+05| -0.0015 0.0020 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.367e+00 -6.234e-01 -3.516e+02 -6.234e-01 1.101e+00 4.784e+02 -3.516e+02 4.784e+02 2.396e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.70248 +/- 1.16939 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02434 +/- 1.04940 5 2 cutep50 b 179.170 +/- 489.439 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_25_50kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_25_50kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:45 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03125 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.70248 +/- 1.16939 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02434 +/- 1.04940 5 2 cutep50 b 179.170 +/- 489.439 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 4.0061 7.9068 (-1.69633,2.20437) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.14287, 3.22278 and delta stat 1.88857, 6.08994 but latest trial 3.18282 gives 6.09422 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50051 3.18282 (-2.52492,2.15842) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_50_100kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 59.48 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 59.48 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 8.497 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.918608e-10 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 414.69 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 414.69 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 59.241 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.689091e-85 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.9172 71.0617 -3 4.65035 1.01939 177.529 5.91576 0.0321929 -4 4.61845 1.02426 179.016 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.0837E-02| -0.2701 -0.9628 0.0018 1.0887E+00| 0.9628 -0.2701 0.0013 2.2543E+05| 0.0008 -0.0020 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.148e+00 -6.201e-01 -1.736e+02 -6.201e-01 1.090e+00 4.615e+02 -1.736e+02 4.615e+02 2.254e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.61845 +/- 1.07150 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02426 +/- 1.04406 5 2 cutep50 b 179.016 +/- 474.795 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.000567557 -3 4.61875 1.02426 179.133 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.1078E-02| -0.2710 -0.9626 0.0017 1.0876E+00| 0.9626 -0.2710 0.0013 2.3937E+05| 0.0007 -0.0020 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.147e+00 -6.234e-01 -1.793e+02 -6.234e-01 1.101e+00 4.782e+02 -1.793e+02 4.782e+02 2.394e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.61875 +/- 1.07111 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02426 +/- 1.04937 5 2 cutep50 b 179.133 +/- 489.256 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 2.51055e-06 -3 4.61871 1.02437 179.188 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.1064E-02| -0.2709 -0.9626 0.0017 1.0874E+00| 0.9626 -0.2709 0.0013 2.4005E+05| 0.0007 -0.0020 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.147e+00 -6.235e-01 -1.797e+02 -6.235e-01 1.101e+00 4.789e+02 -1.797e+02 4.789e+02 2.400e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.61871 +/- 1.07114 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02437 +/- 1.04933 5 2 cutep50 b 179.188 +/- 489.947 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_50_100kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_50_100kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:46 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03125 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.61871 +/- 1.07114 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02437 +/- 1.04933 5 2 cutep50 b 179.188 +/- 489.947 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 2.98449 6.41476 (-1.63422,1.79606) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.22421, 3.22427 and delta stat 1.97479, 6.08988 but latest trial 3.22422 gives 1.97479 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50031 3.22424 (-2.52471,2.19984) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_100_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 68.636 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.276284e-99 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 2977.67 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 2977.67 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 425.381 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 6.16862 735.59 -3 2.19208 1.03347 185.385 5.91577 0.931257 -4 2.02063 1.02789 181.144 5.91576 0.00184073 -5 2.01813 1.02515 179.636 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0609E-02| -0.5037 -0.8639 0.0025 4.7891E-01| 0.8639 -0.5037 -0.0005 2.5421E+05| -0.0017 -0.0019 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.077e+00 6.294e-01 4.254e+02 6.294e-01 1.099e+00 4.927e+02 4.254e+02 4.927e+02 2.542e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 2.01813 +/- 1.03779 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02515 +/- 1.04845 5 2 cutep50 b 179.636 +/- 504.187 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496197e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.000272309 -3 2.01744 1.02462 179.331 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0791E-02| -0.5061 -0.8625 0.0026 4.7794E-01| 0.8625 -0.5061 -0.0005 2.4346E+05| -0.0017 -0.0020 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.077e+00 6.305e-01 4.169e+02 6.305e-01 1.100e+00 4.822e+02 4.169e+02 4.822e+02 2.435e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 2.01744 +/- 1.03787 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02462 +/- 1.04902 5 2 cutep50 b 179.331 +/- 493.413 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 2.92668e-05 -3 2.01725 1.02446 179.239 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0830E-02| -0.5066 -0.8622 0.0026 4.7775E-01| 0.8622 -0.5066 -0.0005 2.4138E+05| -0.0017 -0.0020 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.077e+00 6.308e-01 4.152e+02 6.308e-01 1.101e+00 4.802e+02 4.152e+02 4.802e+02 2.414e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 2.01725 +/- 1.03788 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02446 +/- 1.04921 5 2 cutep50 b 179.239 +/- 491.302 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_100_150kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_100_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:46 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03126 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 2.01725 +/- 1.03788 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02446 +/- 1.04921 5 2 cutep50 b 179.239 +/- 491.302 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 0.351914 3.46918 (-1.66528,1.45198) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.11375, 3.33077 and delta stat 1.85744, 6.08996 but latest trial 3.22226 gives 20.9135 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50025 3.22226 (-2.52467,2.19785) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cpflux_100_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.954 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.086417e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 41.72 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 5.960 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.881769e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 24.4807 0.712717 -3 18.4007 -0.353525 782.843 16.8112 1.88516 -1 11.0382 2.26162 9979.39 5.98877 1.44588 -2 19.8527 1.21670 559.467 5.98446 0.100219 -1 20.1610 1.18250 255.484 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 7.8505E-02| -0.0329 -0.9995 0.0002 1.2206E+01| 0.9995 -0.0329 -0.0009 5.1586E+07| -0.0009 -0.0001 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 5.323e+01 5.927e+00 4.601e+04 5.927e+00 1.067e+00 7.092e+03 4.601e+04 7.092e+03 5.159e+07 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 20.1610 +/- 7.29618 4 2 cutep50 a 1.18250 +/- 1.03284 5 2 cutep50 b 255.484 +/- 7182.33 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.98 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.855 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.415651e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.94945 0.246431 -2 19.5016 1.05272 166.977 5.91601 0.142205 -3 19.2696 1.00653 171.061 5.91578 0.00301787 -4 19.3334 1.02157 177.134 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4774E-01| -0.0207 -0.9998 0.0025 9.4859E+00| 0.9997 -0.0208 -0.0104 1.8836E+05| -0.0105 -0.0023 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.021e+01 4.265e+00 1.976e+03 4.265e+00 1.111e+00 4.250e+02 1.976e+03 4.250e+02 1.883e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3334 +/- 5.49668 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02157 +/- 1.05394 5 2 cutep50 b 177.134 +/- 433.975 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496168e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00301762 -3 19.3458 1.02322 178.551 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.4252E-01| -0.0218 -0.9998 0.0023 9.5836E+00| 0.9997 -0.0218 -0.0097 2.2716E+05| -0.0097 -0.0021 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 3.112e+01 4.332e+00 2.212e+03 4.332e+00 1.103e+00 4.659e+02 2.212e+03 4.659e+02 2.271e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 19.3458 +/- 5.57893 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02322 +/- 1.05017 5 2 cutep50 b 178.551 +/- 476.589 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496196e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 68.636 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.276284e-99 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 350.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 480.45 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 68.636 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.276284e-99 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 6.6333 138.076 -3 5.10747 1.04974 193.240 5.91582 1.52993 -4 4.40507 1.03220 183.047 5.91576 0.0042764 -5 4.37781 1.02559 179.887 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.6077E-02| -0.2386 -0.9711 0.0042 1.9174E+00| 0.9711 -0.2386 -0.0093 2.6904E+05| -0.0101 -0.0019 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.910e+01 4.669e+00 2.710e+03 4.669e+00 1.098e+00 5.069e+02 2.710e+03 5.069e+02 2.690e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.37781 +/- 5.39455 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02559 +/- 1.04795 5 2 cutep50 b 179.887 +/- 518.666 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496194e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.00205696 -3 4.37201 1.02487 179.465 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.7022E-02| -0.2430 -0.9700 0.0045 1.8665E+00| 0.9700 -0.2430 -0.0097 2.4509E+05| -0.0105 -0.0020 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.859e+01 4.630e+00 2.564e+03 4.630e+00 1.100e+00 4.837e+02 2.564e+03 4.837e+02 2.451e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.37201 +/- 5.34678 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02487 +/- 1.04868 5 2 cutep50 b 179.465 +/- 495.040 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 2.44331e-05 -3 4.37016 1.02457 179.299 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.7171E-02| -0.2437 -0.9698 0.0045 1.8596E+00| 0.9698 -0.2438 -0.0097 2.4231E+05| -0.0105 -0.0020 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.852e+01 4.626e+00 2.546e+03 4.626e+00 1.101e+00 4.811e+02 2.546e+03 4.811e+02 2.423e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.37016 +/- 5.34002 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02457 +/- 1.04914 5 2 cutep50 b 179.299 +/- 492.218 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cpflux_100_350kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cpflux_100_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:47 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.03126 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.37016 +/- 5.34002 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02457 +/- 1.04914 5 2 cutep50 b 179.299 +/- 492.218 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 5 Parameter 4 is pegged at 1.02457 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. Parameter 5 is pegged at 179.299 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. Fit error occurred during lower bound error calculation. 3 0 7.08073 (-4.36947,2.71126) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 3.11399, 3.33086 and delta stat 1.85771, 6.08996 but latest trial 3.22243 gives 20.951 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 4 -1.50049 3.22243 (-2.52491,2.19802) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496198e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_15_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_15_350kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_15_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:47 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.02291 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -6.5431 -5.91753 (-0.486033,0.139536) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60669 27606.4 -1 -6.04601 2.02583 10.1597 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4666E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 2.5027E-16| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.0823E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.406e+01 -5.824e-04 -6.535e+03 -5.824e-04 4.037e-09 4.530e-02 -6.535e+03 4.530e-02 5.083e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.04601 +/- 9.16851 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02583 +/- 6.35392E-05 5 2 cutep50 b 10.1597 +/- 712.951 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.709453e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.59351 4.02594e+10 -1 -6.03626 2.01245 4.92282 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4195E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 9.1452E-29| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.4166E+02| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.920e+01 -3.244e-10 -2.966e+03 -3.244e-10 1.329e-21 1.215e-08 -2.966e+03 1.215e-08 1.111e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.03626 +/- 8.89929 4 2 cutep50 a 2.01245 +/- 3.64542E-11 5 2 cutep50 b 4.92282 +/- 333.379 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.723926e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01242, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01248, with delta statistic: 2.98054e-05 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.01245,-2.01245) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.723927e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_15_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 18.67 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 18.67 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 2.668 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 9.273026e-03 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 7.06075 842809 -3 -6.20892 2.04089 15.9658 6.65185 119288 -3 -6.24444 2.04089 15.9515 6.62853 31106.5 -2 -6.24661 2.04089 15.9677 6.62427 14466.9 -2 -6.24666 2.04089 15.9761 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.6983E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4822E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0036 1.3569E+06| 0.0036 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.809e+01 -3.572e-02 -4.949e+03 -3.572e-02 7.065e-05 9.791e+00 -4.949e+03 9.791e+00 1.357e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.24666 +/- 4.25305 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.40554E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9761 +/- 1164.87 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.690192e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62294 8867.96 -2 -6.24662 2.04089 15.9804 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.8044E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4826E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0036 1.3604E+06| 0.0036 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.809e+01 -3.590e-02 -4.957e+03 -3.590e-02 7.135e-05 9.852e+00 -4.957e+03 9.852e+00 1.360e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.24662 +/- 4.25369 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.44695E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9804 +/- 1166.36 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.691655e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62243 6234.47 -2 -6.24659 2.04089 15.9827 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.8590E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4816E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0036 1.3617E+06| 0.0036 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.809e+01 -3.598e-02 -4.958e+03 -3.598e-02 7.169e-05 9.880e+00 -4.958e+03 9.880e+00 1.362e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.24659 +/- 4.25326 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.46688E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9827 +/- 1166.93 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692206e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_15_150kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_15_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:48 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.02465 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.24659 +/- 4.25326 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.46688E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9827 +/- 1166.93 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692206e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values -6.76617, -7.34264 and delta stat 2.68498, 4.57939 but latest trial -6.77103 gives 2.67614 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. 3 -7.0544 -6.06598 (-0.807831,0.180594) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60782 3130.5 0 -6.23938 2.02696 10.6023 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4704E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 5.9738E-16| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.5744E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.707e+01 -4.073e-04 -3.081e+03 -4.073e-04 9.738e-09 7.367e-02 -3.081e+03 7.367e-02 5.574e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23938 +/- 4.13176 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02696 +/- 9.86819E-05 5 2 cutep50 b 10.6023 +/- 746.560 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.708222e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.59757 1.80564e+07 0 -6.23413 2.01658 6.54401 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4654E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 5.4101E-23| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.5294E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.633e+01 -1.152e-07 -1.810e+03 -1.152e-07 8.146e-16 1.280e-05 -1.810e+03 1.280e-05 2.011e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23413 +/- 4.04044 4 2 cutep50 a 2.01658 +/- 2.85408E-08 5 2 cutep50 b 6.54401 +/- 448.459 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.943 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.719466e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.58547 1.02901e+34 -1 -6.22758 2.00427 1.69323 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 2.5292E-39| -1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 1.1656E-75| 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000E+00| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 1.540e+01 -4.935e-34 -4.393e+02 -4.935e-34 1.585e-68 1.411e-32 -4.393e+02 1.411e-32 1.256e+04 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.22758 +/- 3.92392 4 2 cutep50 a 2.00427 +/- 1.25912E-34 5 2 cutep50 b 1.69323 +/- 112.074 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.941 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.732759e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00427, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00427, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.00427,-2.00427) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 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iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 5.91576 0.000181809 -3 -5.85610 1.02707 180.594 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5939E-03| -0.9924 -0.1230 0.0003 1.4325E-01| 0.1230 -0.9924 0.0018 2.9167E+05| -0.0001 -0.0018 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.911e-03 1.716e-02 1.886e+01 1.716e-02 1.094e+00 5.272e+02 1.886e+01 5.272e+02 2.917e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.85610 +/- 8.89447E-02 4 2 cutep50 a 1.02707 +/- 1.04600 5 2 cutep50 b 180.594 +/- 540.066 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496190e-01 Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.496190e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_15_25kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 1661.70 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 1661.70 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 237.386 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 193.296 4.918e+07 -3 -6.42908 2.04089 15.9841 25.4271 7.0208e+06 -4 -6.72465 2.04089 15.8939 9.12222 1.33682e+06 -4 -6.88674 2.04089 15.7784 8.24918 426568 -4 -6.92660 2.04089 15.7050 7.15732 360197 -3 -6.92914 2.04089 15.8084 6.83606 171865 -3 -6.92909 2.04089 15.8701 6.72826 97889.7 -3 -6.92904 2.04089 15.9033 6.68884 65257.9 -3 -6.92902 2.04089 15.9201 6.67303 50362.4 -3 -6.92901 2.04089 15.9283 6.66621 43439 -3 -6.92900 2.04089 15.9322 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0339E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4752E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0008 1.3410E+06| 0.0008 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.063e-01 -6.968e-03 -1.017e+03 -6.968e-03 6.291e-05 9.185e+00 -1.017e+03 9.185e+00 1.341e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92900 +/- 0.897943 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 7.93161E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9322 +/- 1158.00 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.644408e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66314 40191.4 -3 -6.92900 2.04089 15.9340 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0748E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4751E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0008 1.3425E+06| 0.0008 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.063e-01 -6.983e-03 -1.018e+03 -6.983e-03 6.320e-05 9.211e+00 -1.018e+03 9.211e+00 1.342e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92900 +/- 0.897927 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 7.94955E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9340 +/- 1158.65 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.647756e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66172 38661.6 -3 -6.92900 2.04089 15.9348 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0943E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4750E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0008 1.3432E+06| 0.0008 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.063e-01 -6.991e-03 -1.018e+03 -6.991e-03 6.333e-05 9.223e+00 -1.018e+03 9.223e+00 1.343e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92900 +/- 0.897919 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 7.95782E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9348 +/- 1158.95 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649303e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_15_25kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_15_25kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:48 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.07783 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92900 +/- 0.897919 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 7.95782E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9348 +/- 1158.95 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649303e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -7.44864 -6.79116 (-0.51964,0.137843) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60864 2062.28 0 -6.92741 2.02779 10.9253 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4657E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 1.1462E-15| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.9437E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.873e-01 -1.190e-04 -6.688e+02 -1.190e-04 1.881e-08 1.057e-01 -6.688e+02 1.057e-01 5.944e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92741 +/- 0.887291 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02779 +/- 1.37144E-04 5 2 cutep50 b 10.9253 +/- 770.960 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.707322e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.5944 1.86306e+09 0 -6.92565 2.01336 5.28013 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4617E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 1.5757E-27| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 1.4864E+05| -0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.642e-01 -1.299e-10 -3.063e+02 -1.299e-10 2.311e-20 5.452e-08 -3.063e+02 5.452e-08 1.286e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.92565 +/- 0.874179 4 2 cutep50 a 2.01336 +/- 1.52018E-10 5 2 cutep50 b 5.28013 +/- 358.625 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.722946e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01323, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01349, with delta statistic: 0.000129649 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.01336,-2.01336) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.722946e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_25_50kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 7.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 7.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.09 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.671663e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 775.39 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 775.39 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 110.77 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.781718e-163 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 86.6923 2.40597e+07 -3 -6.40710 2.04089 15.9794 14.5756 3.50173e+06 -4 -6.65973 2.04089 15.8611 8.38168 775202 -4 -6.77048 2.04089 15.7462 8.34463 357532 -4 -6.78781 2.04089 15.6923 7.2039 373811 -3 -6.78881 2.04089 15.8012 6.8505 179703 -3 -6.78879 2.04089 15.8662 6.73294 100862 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9013 6.69049 66285.9 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9191 6.67366 50599.2 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9277 6.66646 43347.2 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9318 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.0840E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4764E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0019 1.3409E+06| 0.0019 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.937e+00 -1.771e-02 -2.564e+03 -1.771e-02 6.400e-05 9.263e+00 -2.564e+03 9.263e+00 1.341e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.78878 +/- 2.22193 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 7.99980E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9318 +/- 1157.96 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.644135e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66324 39962.4 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9337 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.1277E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4762E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0019 1.3425E+06| 0.0019 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.937e+00 -1.776e-02 -2.565e+03 -1.776e-02 6.430e-05 9.291e+00 -2.565e+03 9.291e+00 1.342e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.78878 +/- 2.22199 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.01878E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9337 +/- 1158.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.647644e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66176 38375.6 -3 -6.78878 2.04089 15.9345 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.1484E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4762E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0019 1.3432E+06| 0.0019 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.937e+00 -1.778e-02 -2.566e+03 -1.778e-02 6.444e-05 9.304e+00 -2.566e+03 9.304e+00 1.343e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.78878 +/- 2.22202 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.02750E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9345 +/- 1158.96 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649257e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_25_50kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_25_50kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:49 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.07786 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.78878 +/- 2.22202 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.02750E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9345 +/- 1158.96 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649257e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before convergence. Current trial values -7.32112, -7.32114 and delta statistic 2.66118, 2.72035 3 -7.32113 -6.5834 (-0.532355,0.205377) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60852 2246.9 0 -6.78386 2.02768 10.8805 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4667E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 1.0711E-15| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.8916E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.676e+00 -2.855e-04 -1.654e+03 -2.855e-04 1.756e-08 1.017e-01 -1.654e+03 1.017e-01 5.892e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.78386 +/- 2.16231 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02768 +/- 1.32511E-04 5 2 cutep50 b 10.8805 +/- 767.568 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.707447e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.59477 7.05119e+09 0 -6.77876 2.01373 5.42630 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4580E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 7.2142E-27| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 7.6091E+03| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.401e+00 -6.815e-10 -7.711e+02 -6.815e-10 1.063e-19 1.203e-07 -7.711e+02 1.203e-07 1.362e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.77876 +/- 2.09791 4 2 cutep50 a 2.01373 +/- 3.26102E-10 5 2 cutep50 b 5.42630 +/- 369.016 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.722542e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01345, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01401, with delta statistic: 0.000275509 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.01373,-2.01373) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.722542e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_50_100kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 15.54 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 15.54 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 2.219 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.971705e-02 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 662.39 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 662.39 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 94.627 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 8.836530e-139 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 74.3761 2.01735e+07 -3 -6.40177 2.04089 15.9721 13.5662 2.99983e+06 -4 -6.64446 2.04089 15.8455 8.3789 701623 -4 -6.74514 2.04089 15.7356 7.06072 349631 -3 -6.76000 2.04089 15.8257 6.79936 145079 -3 -6.76058 2.04089 15.8804 6.71429 84032.8 -3 -6.76065 2.04089 15.9092 6.68302 57806.8 -3 -6.76069 2.04089 15.9234 6.67041 45943 -3 -6.76071 2.04089 15.9302 6.66498 40491.3 -3 -6.76072 2.04089 15.9333 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.3141E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4763E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0044 1.3420E+06| 0.0044 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.654e+01 -4.261e-02 -5.964e+03 -4.261e-02 6.849e-05 9.587e+00 -5.964e+03 9.587e+00 1.342e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.76072 +/- 5.15158 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.27572E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9333 +/- 1158.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.645753e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66254 37967.7 -3 -6.76072 2.04089 15.9347 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.3502E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4763E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0044 1.3432E+06| 0.0044 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.654e+01 -4.268e-02 -5.967e+03 -4.268e-02 6.874e-05 9.609e+00 -5.967e+03 9.609e+00 1.343e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.76072 +/- 5.15176 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.29070E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9347 +/- 1158.97 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.648405e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66143 36795.9 -3 -6.76072 2.04089 15.9353 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.3670E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4762E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0044 1.3438E+06| 0.0044 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.654e+01 -4.272e-02 -5.968e+03 -4.272e-02 6.885e-05 9.618e+00 -5.968e+03 9.618e+00 1.344e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.76072 +/- 5.15185 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.29741E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9353 +/- 1159.21 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649618e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_50_100kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_50_100kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:49 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.07760 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.76072 +/- 5.15185 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.29741E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9353 +/- 1159.21 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649618e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -7.2978 -6.58836 (-0.537076,0.172365) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60809 3875.85 0 -6.75183 2.02724 10.7085 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4661E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 7.9291E-16| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.6924E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.479e+01 -5.663e-04 -3.754e+03 -5.663e-04 1.295e-08 8.586e-02 -3.754e+03 8.586e-02 5.693e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.75183 +/- 4.97934 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02724 +/- 1.13798E-04 5 2 cutep50 b 10.7085 +/- 754.532 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.707926e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.59627 2.1101e+08 -1 -6.74385 2.01526 6.02676 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4562E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 1.4947E-24| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 2.1313E+04| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.326e+01 -2.272e-08 -1.982e+03 -2.272e-08 2.223e-17 1.939e-06 -1.982e+03 1.939e-06 1.692e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.74385 +/- 4.82271 4 2 cutep50 a 2.01526 +/- 4.71496E-09 5 2 cutep50 b 6.02676 +/- 411.350 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.720891e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01119, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.01932, with delta statistic: 0.00400435 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.01526,-2.01526) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.60 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.942 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.720891e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_100_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.522 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.332802e-09 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 1823.82 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 1823.82 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 260.546 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 220.45 4.87796e+07 -3 -6.43124 2.04089 15.9623 29.5894 7.35462e+06 -4 -6.73082 2.04089 15.8637 9.72404 1.45242e+06 -4 -6.89862 2.04089 15.7578 8.38417 450832 -4 -6.94170 2.04089 15.6961 7.17803 345353 -3 -6.94546 2.04089 15.8051 6.83665 159824 -3 -6.94589 2.04089 15.8696 6.72624 89047.9 -3 -6.94609 2.04089 15.9038 6.68719 58644 -3 -6.94620 2.04089 15.9206 6.67198 45134.7 -3 -6.94625 2.04089 15.9286 6.66559 39028.3 -3 -6.94627 2.04089 15.9322 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.6818E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4744E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0080 1.3421E+06| 0.0080 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.604e+01 -8.098e-02 -1.074e+04 -8.098e-02 7.624e-05 1.012e+01 -1.074e+04 1.012e+01 1.342e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.94627 +/- 9.27554 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.73164E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9322 +/- 1158.46 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.67 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.645084e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66279 36245 -3 -6.94628 2.04089 15.9338 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.7284E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4743E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0080 1.3435E+06| 0.0080 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.604e+01 -8.115e-02 -1.075e+04 -8.115e-02 7.656e-05 1.014e+01 -1.075e+04 1.014e+01 1.343e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.94628 +/- 9.27598 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 8.74994E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9338 +/- 1159.07 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.648138e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66153 34971.8 -3 -6.94629 2.04088 15.9345 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.7499E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4743E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0080 1.3442E+06| 0.0080 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.605e+01 -8.123e-02 -1.075e+04 -8.123e-02 7.670e-05 1.015e+01 -1.075e+04 1.015e+01 1.344e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.94629 +/- 9.27618 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04088 +/- 8.75805E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9345 +/- 1159.34 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649511e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_100_150kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_100_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:50 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.07768 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.94629 +/- 9.27618 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04088 +/- 8.75805E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9345 +/- 1159.34 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649511e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -7.44467 -6.80546 (-0.498382,0.140827) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60734 22900.6 -1 -6.93389 2.02648 10.4131 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4597E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 4.5515E-16| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 5.3581E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.961e+01 -7.663e-04 -6.529e+03 -7.663e-04 7.378e-09 6.287e-02 -6.529e+03 6.287e-02 5.357e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.93389 +/- 8.92252 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02648 +/- 8.58973E-05 5 2 cutep50 b 10.4131 +/- 731.925 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.708748e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.58952 5.53165e+15 1 -6.91817 2.00839 3.32373 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 9.3091E-22| -1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 1.5811E-40| 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000E+00| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 7.186e+01 -4.001e-16 -1.887e+03 -4.001e-16 2.228e-33 1.051e-14 -1.887e+03 1.051e-14 4.960e+04 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.91817 +/- 8.47719 4 2 cutep50 a 2.00839 +/- 4.72025E-17 5 2 cutep50 b 3.32373 +/- 222.703 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.941 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.728310e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00839, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00839, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.00839,-2.00839) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 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iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 5.93389 0.000126444 -1 -6.37559 1.16969 339.763 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.0472E-03| -0.9293 -0.3692 0.0002 1.1142E-01| 0.3692 -0.9293 0.0003 7.7888E+06| -0.0001 -0.0003 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4.568e-02 1.210e-01 4.585e+02 1.210e-01 1.020e+00 2.682e+03 4.585e+02 2.682e+03 7.789e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.37559 +/- 0.213730 4 2 cutep50 a 1.16969 +/- 1.01006 5 2 cutep50 b 339.763 +/- 2790.84 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.848 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.474897e-01 Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.848 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.474897e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _cutpow_cflux_100_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*cutep50 ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 -10.0000 -9.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 80.0 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-02 1.0000 1000.0 10000. ; 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 cutep50 a 1.00000 +/- 0.0 5 2 cutep50 b 80.0000 +/- 0.0 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.596 for 6 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.593810e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 45.58 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 6.511 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.056530e-07 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 42.198 0.211566 1 -7.40286 1.56221 11.9735 36.6669 1.46777 0 -6.99552 1.09360 4.76305 33.4165 1.64377 0 -6.83859 1.38592 5.78308 27.9442 2.64752 0 -6.63217 1.69199 7.74178 21.5503 4.28851 0 -6.39736 1.82417 10.4516 17.456 5.17223 0 -6.24456 1.85120 12.5989 14.0856 4.06536 -1 -5.79157 2.02928 30.9913 12.3641 10.4984 0 -5.79797 2.04067 22.3617 10.5524 122.833 0 -5.80285 2.04088 17.8601 9.06928 2329.6 0 -5.84792 2.04088 17.4370 7.04891 9197.5 -1 -5.96567 2.04089 16.5162 6.88993 26202.3 -2 -6.04350 2.04089 16.2103 6.64529 57055.7 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 16.0368 6.62338 22031.9 -3 -6.05694 2.04089 15.9798 6.62253 6678.24 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9826 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.4826E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4801E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3612E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.956e+01 -8.644e-02 -1.104e+04 -8.644e-02 8.346e-05 1.066e+01 -1.104e+04 1.066e+01 1.361e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46353 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.13540E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9826 +/- 1166.68 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692095e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62226 4815.64 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9839 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5264E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4819E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3630E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.961e+01 -8.662e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.662e-02 8.376e-05 1.068e+01 -1.105e+04 1.068e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46606 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15210E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9839 +/- 1167.44 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692397e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.62214 4036.87 -2 -6.05707 2.04089 15.9846 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5470E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4817E-02| 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0081 1.3635E+06| 0.0081 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 8.960e+01 -8.668e-02 -1.105e+04 -8.668e-02 8.389e-05 1.069e+01 -1.105e+04 1.069e+01 1.363e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.05707 +/- 9.46583 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.15899E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9846 +/- 1167.64 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.62 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.946 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.692526e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.522 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.332802e-09 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 350.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 52.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.522 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.332802e-09 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 9.51459 1.8661e+06 -3 -6.27896 2.04089 15.9491 8.16847 301743 -4 -6.36014 2.04089 15.7359 7.03648 275515 -3 -6.37129 2.04089 15.8292 6.78679 119082 -3 -6.37220 2.04089 15.8841 6.7077 68473.3 -3 -6.37255 2.04089 15.9119 6.6796 47183.4 -3 -6.37272 2.04089 15.9251 6.66862 37882.6 -3 -6.37279 2.04089 15.9311 6.66404 33765.7 -3 -6.37283 2.04089 15.9338 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.5916E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4781E-02| 0.9999 -0.0000 0.0141 1.3442E+06| 0.0141 -0.0000 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.685e+02 -1.595e-01 -1.900e+04 -1.595e-01 9.469e-05 1.128e+01 -1.900e+04 1.128e+01 1.344e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.37283 +/- 16.3872 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.73078E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9338 +/- 1159.29 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.646774e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66205 31932.9 -3 -6.37284 2.04089 15.9349 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.6339E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4780E-02| -0.9999 0.0000 -0.0141 1.3453E+06| -0.0141 0.0000 0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.686e+02 -1.597e-01 -1.900e+04 -1.597e-01 9.497e-05 1.130e+01 -1.900e+04 1.130e+01 1.345e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.37284 +/- 16.3877 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.74532E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9349 +/- 1159.74 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.648936e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.66118 31115.3 -3 -6.37285 2.04089 15.9353 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 4.6527E-12| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 3.4780E-02| 0.9999 -0.0000 0.0141 1.3457E+06| 0.0141 -0.0000 -0.9999 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.686e+02 -1.598e-01 -1.901e+04 -1.598e-01 9.509e-05 1.131e+01 -1.901e+04 1.131e+01 1.345e+06 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.37285 +/- 16.3878 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.75140E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9353 +/- 1159.94 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649890e-01 !XSPEC12>log cutpow_cflux_100_350kev.log; Logging to file:cutpow_cflux_100_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 07:22:50 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 10 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 2.185e+00 +/- 3.316e-01 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-10 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.02 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger359884/remake_spec_cflux/spec_20ms_peak/sw00359884000b_20ms_peak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.04369 Model predicted rate: 2.07741 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.37285 +/- 16.3878 4 2 cutep50 a 2.04089 +/- 9.75140E-03 5 2 cutep50 b 15.9353 +/- 1159.94 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.66 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.952 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.649890e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -6.62723 -6.26524 (-0.254376,0.10761) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.60572 6192.64 0 -6.35679 2.02484 9.77694 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 3.4686E-02| -1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 1.1780E-16| -0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 4.6850E+05| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.467e+02 -6.827e-04 -1.076e+04 -6.827e-04 1.890e-09 2.977e-02 -1.076e+04 2.977e-02 4.690e+05 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.35679 +/- 15.7070 4 2 cutep50 a 2.02484 +/- 4.34688E-05 5 2 cutep50 b 9.77694 +/- 684.846 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.61 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.944 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.710518e-01 Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:a 5:b 6.5877 2.09742e+21 -1 -6.33738 2.00654 2.59226 ======================================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 5 1.8240E-26| -1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 6.0650E-50| 0.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.0000E+00| 0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000 ---------------------------------------- ==================================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 2.215e+02 -1.364e-20 -2.570e+03 -1.364e-20 8.396e-43 1.582e-19 -2.570e+03 1.582e-19 2.981e+04 ------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*cutep50<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.33738 +/- 14.8842 4 2 cutep50 a 2.00654 +/- 9.16286E-22 5 2 cutep50 b 2.59226 +/- 172.670 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 6.59 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.941 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.730307e-01 ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00654, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter lower bound is INVALID. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 2.00654, with delta statistic: 0 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 4 0 0 (-2.00654,-2.00654) !XSPEC12>error 5; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 iterations SVDCMP: No convergence in 30 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lg10Flux cgs -5.84259 +/- 0.695068 4 2 cutep50 a 1.12191 +/- 1.01932 5 2 cutep50 b 256.991 +/- 1553.26 6 2 cutep50 norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.847 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.484517e-01 Error occurred during lower bound error calculation. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.93 using 10 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.847 for 7 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.484517e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>/* XSPEC12>exit XSPEC: quit Spectral model in the cutoff power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: 1.02356 ( -2.52467 1.66115 ) Epeak [keV] : 178.734 ( -179.161 -179.161 ) Norm@50keV : 0.198587 ( -0.0935704 4.21946 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 5.92 using 10 PHA bins. # Reduced chi-squared = 0.845 for 7 degrees of freedom # Null hypothesis probability = 5.496197e-01 Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 0.02 sec: 17.0002 ( -4.474 4.4347 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 1.13355e-08 ( -9.57094e-09 5.84558e-09 ) ergs/cm2