XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Build Date/Time: Wed Jul 29 15:14:04 2015 XSPEC12>query no XSPEC12>lmod takagrb /local/data/bat1/prebascript/xspec_taka_lmodel Model package takagrb successfully loaded. XSPEC12>data 1:1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_repro c/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha 1 spectrum in use Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Spectrum 1 Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.468e-01 +/- 3.752e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-80 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi No response loaded. ***Warning! One or more spectra are missing responses, and are not suitable for fit. XSPEC12>response 1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rep roc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp Response successfully loaded. XSPEC12>ignore **-13.0 150.0-** 3 channels (1-3) ignored in spectrum # 1 18 channels (63-80) ignored in spectrum # 1 XSPEC12>model npow Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ... 1.5 0.01( 0.015) -3 -2 9 10 1:npow:PhoIndex> 1.5000 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 100 -0.01( 1) 0 0 1000 1000 2:npow:enorm> 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+20 1e+24 3:npow:norm> 1.0000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1 .00000E+24 ======================================================================== Model npow<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 2 1 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 234395.3 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 234395.3 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 4112.198 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>renorm Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 151.96 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 151.96 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 2.6660 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.422557e-10 Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:PhoIndex 3:norm 65.2886 54.3843 -3 0.605811 0.0527833 54.219 745.382 -4 0.703992 0.0478443 54.2027 23.8492 -5 0.710556 0.0476961 54.2027 0.072463 -6 0.710242 0.0476926 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 3 6.5072E-03| -1.0000 -0.0093 4.4252E-06| 0.0093 -1.0000 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.507e-03 6.023e-05 6.023e-05 4.983e-06 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model npow<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 npow PhoIndex 0.710242 +/- 8.06637E-02 2 1 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 npow norm 4.76926E-02 +/- 2.23230E-03 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:PhoIndex 3:norm 54.2027 0.00124709 -3 0.710258 0.0476927 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 3 6.5083E-03| -1.0000 -0.0093 4.4247E-06| 0.0093 -1.0000 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.508e-03 6.030e-05 6.030e-05 4.984e-06 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model npow<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06708E-02 2 1 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 npow norm 4.76927E-02 +/- 2.23244E-03 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 XSPEC12>fit 100 Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:PhoIndex 3:norm 54.2027 4.10037e-05 -3 0.710257 0.0476927 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 3 6.5083E-03| -1.0000 -0.0093 4.4247E-06| 0.0093 -1.0000 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.508e-03 6.029e-05 6.029e-05 4.984e-06 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model npow<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06704E-02 2 1 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 npow norm 4.76927E-02 +/- 2.23243E-03 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 XSPEC12>log bat_spec.log Logging to file:bat_spec.log XSPEC12>show XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:23 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Channels Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model npow<1> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06704E-02 2 1 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 npow norm 4.76927E-02 +/- 2.23243E-03 ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard XSPEC12>error 1 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 1 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131777,0.127783) XSPEC12>error 3 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 0.0440138 0.0513421 (-0.00367889,0.00364937) XSPEC12>log none Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>setplot energy XSPEC12>setplot command sc white 1 XSPEC12>setplot command cpd bat_spec.gif/gif 2 XSPEC12>plot ldata delchi XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_15_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_15_350kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_15_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:23 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 7.89481 9.4563 (-0.762109,0.799385) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131776,0.127784) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_15_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 222.13 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 222.13 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 3.8971 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.406584e-21 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2028 38.4348 -3 5.51173 0.710402 54.2027 0.0277987 -4 5.50843 0.710250 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 6.2200E-02| 0.9970 0.0769 6.1689E-03| -0.0769 0.9970 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.187e-02 4.294e-03 4.294e-03 6.500e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.50843 +/- 0.248735 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710250 +/- 8.06218E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000595188 2 5.50843 0.710250 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 6.2200E-02| 0.9970 0.0769 6.1762E-03| -0.0769 0.9970 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.187e-02 4.298e-03 4.298e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.50843 +/- 0.248734 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710250 +/- 8.06715E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000595187 4 5.50843 0.710250 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 6.2200E-02| 0.9970 0.0769 6.1762E-03| -0.0769 0.9970 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.187e-02 4.298e-03 4.298e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.50843 +/- 0.248734 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710250 +/- 8.06715E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_15_150kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_15_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:24 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 5.50843 +/- 0.248734 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710250 +/- 8.06715E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 5.09991 5.91731 (-0.408518,0.408874) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.13177,0.12779) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_15_25kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 35859.19 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 35859.19 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 629.1086 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 55.0276 22903.1 -3 0.967009 0.713616 54.2027 16.2114 -4 0.926103 0.710240 54.2027 0.061392 -5 0.926267 0.710259 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.4649E-02| -0.7650 -0.6440 7.4166E-04| 0.6440 -0.7650 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.881e-03 6.852e-03 6.852e-03 6.509e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 0.926267 +/- 9.42413E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710259 +/- 8.06812E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 8.19292e-05 -3 0.926266 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.4647E-02| -0.7651 -0.6439 7.4154E-04| 0.6439 -0.7651 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.882e-03 6.851e-03 6.851e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 0.926266 +/- 9.42422E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06681E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 2.07259e-05 -1 0.926266 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.4647E-02| -0.7651 -0.6439 7.4154E-04| 0.6439 -0.7651 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.882e-03 6.851e-03 6.851e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 0.926266 +/- 9.42421E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_15_25kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_15_25kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:24 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 0.926266 +/- 9.42421E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 0.779203 1.08243 (-0.147062,0.156162) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131778,0.127782) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_25_50kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 61.58 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 61.58 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.080 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.155292e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 11803.85 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 11803.85 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 207.0851 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2398 3848.06 -3 1.51130 0.711715 54.2027 1.78433 -4 1.49741 0.710198 54.2027 0.00417641 -5 1.49747 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.2728E-02| -0.7697 -0.6383 2.2305E-03| 0.6383 -0.7697 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.450e-03 5.158e-03 5.158e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.49747 +/- 9.19245E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06716E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000243513 -2 1.49747 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.2727E-02| -0.7698 -0.6383 2.2307E-03| 0.6383 -0.7698 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.450e-03 5.158e-03 5.158e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.49747 +/- 9.19238E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 1.11487e-05 0 1.49747 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.2727E-02| 0.7698 0.6383 2.2307E-03| -0.6383 0.7698 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.450e-03 5.158e-03 5.158e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.49747 +/- 9.19238E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_25_50kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_25_50kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:25 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.49747 +/- 9.19238E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 1.34725 1.64606 (-0.150215,0.148596) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131777,0.127783) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_50_100kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 131.92 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 131.92 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 2.3144 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 7.115168e-08 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 7202.28 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 7202.28 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 126.356 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2109 908.776 -3 1.83799 0.709825 54.2027 0.575591 -4 1.83056 0.710277 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 8.7495E-03| 0.7630 -0.6464 4.8120E-03| 0.6464 0.7630 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 7.104e-03 -1.942e-03 -1.942e-03 6.457e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.83056 +/- 8.42857E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710277 +/- 8.03579E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00163557 -3 1.83056 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 8.7814E-03| 0.7587 -0.6515 4.8311E-03| 0.6515 0.7587 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 7.105e-03 -1.952e-03 -1.952e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.83056 +/- 8.42903E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06697E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 8.93787e-05 1 1.83056 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 8.7813E-03| 0.7587 -0.6515 4.8312E-03| 0.6515 0.7587 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 7.105e-03 -1.952e-03 -1.952e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.83056 +/- 8.42901E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_50_100kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_50_100kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:26 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.83056 +/- 8.42901E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 1.69188 1.96869 (-0.138681,0.138126) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131775,0.127784) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_100_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.3714 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.066507e-78 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 17963.36 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 17963.36 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 315.1466 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.3074 7487.05 -3 1.27379 0.708249 54.2027 3.80411 -4 1.25406 0.710326 54.2027 0.00454247 -5 1.25415 0.710252 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.3149E-02| -0.7555 0.6551 1.5143E-03| -0.6551 -0.7555 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.155e-03 -5.759e-03 -5.759e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.25415 +/- 9.03077E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710252 +/- 8.06693E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00028797 -3 1.25414 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.3149E-02| -0.7555 0.6551 1.5144E-03| -0.6551 -0.7555 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.156e-03 -5.759e-03 -5.759e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.25414 +/- 9.03095E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06692E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 1.08165e-05 0 1.25414 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 1.3149E-02| -0.7555 0.6551 1.5144E-03| -0.6551 -0.7555 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 8.156e-03 -5.759e-03 -5.759e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.25414 +/- 9.03095E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06692E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_100_150kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_100_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:26 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.25414 +/- 9.03095E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06692E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 1.11023 1.40255 (-0.143908,0.148407) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131776,0.127784) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cpflux_100_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cpflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 1.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.8251 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.154998e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 438.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 7.6878 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 3.253779e-60 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 357.526 29.4705 -3 7.49785 -1.11628 93.8465 27.5451 0 9.88634 0.178845 55.6587 36.1031 -1 8.24920 0.696114 54.2033 6.58151 -2 8.64821 0.712260 54.2027 0.143068 -3 8.65725 0.710158 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3081E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1018E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.284e-01 -2.321e-02 -2.321e-02 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65725 +/- 0.477917 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710158 +/- 8.06483E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0081986 -3 8.65690 0.710261 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3141E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1007E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65690 +/- 0.478547 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710261 +/- 8.06737E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000396149 -3 8.65692 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.3138E-01| -0.9947 0.1029 4.1006E-03| -0.1029 -0.9947 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.290e-01 -2.327e-02 -2.327e-02 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 8.65692 +/- 0.478516 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06714E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.3714 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.066507e-78 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 350.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 534.17 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.3714 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.066507e-78 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2081 570.761 -3 4.42590 0.708365 54.2027 0.789918 -4 4.40214 0.710344 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.1444E-01| -0.9874 0.1581 1.1433E-03| -0.1581 -0.9874 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.091e-01 -3.329e-02 -3.329e-02 6.473e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.40214 +/- 0.457289 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710344 +/- 8.04555E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00452941 -3 4.40265 0.710252 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.1365E-01| -0.9873 0.1588 1.1482E-03| -0.1588 -0.9873 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.083e-01 -3.332e-02 -3.332e-02 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.40265 +/- 0.456393 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710252 +/- 8.06663E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000315981 -1 4.40264 0.710254 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.1369E-01| -0.9873 0.1588 1.1483E-03| -0.1588 -0.9873 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.083e-01 -3.332e-02 -3.332e-02 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.40264 +/- 0.456434 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710254 +/- 8.06674E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cpflux_100_350kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cpflux_100_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:27 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cpflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cpflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cpflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cpflux Flux 4.40264 +/- 0.456434 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710254 +/- 8.06674E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 3.70772 5.1829 (-0.694922,0.780263) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131773,0.127786) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_15_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_15_350kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_15_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:27 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -5.81415 -5.68197 (-0.0671702,0.065011) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131775,0.127785) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_15_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 2299.25 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 2299.25 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 40.3377 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 224.299 3855.67 -3 -6.03951 0.709684 58.8087 541.204 -4 -6.19762 0.710035 54.212 61.8976 -5 -6.23507 0.710247 54.2027 2.56319 -6 -6.23691 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.5678E-04| -0.9933 -0.1154 6.5348E-03| 0.1154 -0.9933 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.390e-04 -7.081e-04 -7.081e-04 6.453e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23691 +/- 2.09530E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.03278E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0141387 -3 -6.23692 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.5982E-04| -0.9933 -0.1154 6.5904E-03| 0.1154 -0.9933 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.428e-04 -7.141e-04 -7.141e-04 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23692 +/- 2.10421E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06687E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 5.91507e-05 -3 -6.23692 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.5984E-04| -0.9933 -0.1154 6.5907E-03| 0.1154 -0.9933 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.428e-04 -7.141e-04 -7.141e-04 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23692 +/- 2.10426E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06706E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_15_150kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_15_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:28 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.23692 +/- 2.10426E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06706E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -6.27285 -6.2036 (-0.035927,0.0333198) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131776,0.127783) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_15_25kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 15.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 1.866161e+06 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 1.866161e+06 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 32739.67 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 248672 2.43245e+06 -3 -6.17076 0.713887 31840.4 333263 -4 -6.58464 0.714077 3698.47 45953.5 -5 -6.96866 0.713657 363.687 6432.01 -6 -7.28350 0.712684 65.715 909.146 -7 -7.47306 0.711248 54.2539 113.529 -8 -7.52975 0.710343 54.2027 6.65331 -9 -7.53406 0.710255 54.2027 0.0655037 -10 -7.53410 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.9218E-04| -0.8928 0.4504 8.0876E-03| -0.4504 -0.8928 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.874e-03 3.135e-03 3.135e-03 6.506e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.53410 +/- 4.32863E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06605E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000290125 -3 -7.53410 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.9224E-04| -0.8928 0.4504 8.0892E-03| -0.4504 -0.8928 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.874e-03 3.135e-03 3.135e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.53410 +/- 4.32905E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 1.6472e-05 0 -7.53410 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.9224E-04| -0.8928 0.4504 8.0892E-03| -0.4504 -0.8928 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.874e-03 3.135e-03 3.135e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.53410 +/- 4.32905E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06685E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_15_25kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_15_25kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:28 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 25.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.53410 +/- 4.32905E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06685E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -7.60821 -7.46747 (-0.0741088,0.0666325) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131778,0.127782) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_25_50kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 25.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.34 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.34 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9534 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.753335e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 194664.6 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 194664.6 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 3415.169 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 24757.3 241514 -3 -6.15810 0.711809 2821.4 33375.1 -4 -6.53635 0.711746 274.792 4677.37 -5 -6.83880 0.711286 61.1106 658.53 -6 -7.01012 0.710633 54.2229 78.5875 -7 -7.05512 0.710279 54.2027 3.83397 -8 -7.05782 0.710257 54.2027 0.0285043 -9 -7.05784 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.4723E-04| -0.9759 0.2184 6.8155E-03| -0.2184 -0.9759 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.556e-04 1.378e-03 1.378e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.05784 +/- 2.56054E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06666E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000124758 -3 -7.05784 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.4726E-04| -0.9759 0.2184 6.8161E-03| -0.2184 -0.9759 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.557e-04 1.378e-03 1.378e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.05784 +/- 2.56066E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 4.86642e-06 -3 -7.05784 0.710258 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.4726E-04| -0.9759 0.2184 6.8161E-03| -0.2184 -0.9759 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 6.557e-04 1.378e-03 1.378e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.05784 +/- 2.56066E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_25_50kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_25_50kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:29 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 25.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 50.0000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -7.05784 +/- 2.56066E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710258 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -7.10214 -7.01813 (-0.0443,0.0397068) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131777,0.127783) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_50_100kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 50.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 56.70 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 56.70 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9948 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 4.861487e-01 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 27956.28 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 27956.28 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 490.4611 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 3218.19 36731.6 -3 -6.12782 0.709659 313.984 5147.6 -4 -6.43631 0.709791 63.0129 725.205 -5 -6.61613 0.710074 54.2335 88.2965 -6 -6.66623 0.710244 54.2027 4.65418 -7 -6.66955 0.710257 54.2027 0.035658 -8 -6.66958 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.6106E-04| -0.9957 -0.0927 6.5602E-03| 0.0927 -0.9957 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.143e-04 -5.722e-04 -5.722e-04 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.66958 +/- 2.03551E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06654E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00013845 0 -6.66958 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.6111E-04| -0.9957 -0.0927 6.5609E-03| 0.0927 -0.9957 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.144e-04 -5.722e-04 -5.722e-04 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.66958 +/- 2.03563E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 7.75349e-05 0 -6.66958 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.6111E-04| -0.9957 -0.0927 6.5609E-03| 0.0927 -0.9957 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 4.144e-04 -5.722e-04 -5.722e-04 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.66958 +/- 2.03563E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_50_100kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_50_100kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:30 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 50.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 100.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.66958 +/- 2.03563E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.06701E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -6.70451 -6.63737 (-0.034931,0.0322092) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131776,0.127783) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_100_150kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.414 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.156385e-02 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 150.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 19802.38 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 19802.38 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 347.4101 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 0.000000e+00 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 2220.73 27735.7 -3 -6.11884 0.708196 216.549 3896.94 -4 -6.41006 0.708744 58.4987 545.922 -5 -6.56606 0.709753 54.2111 62.06 -6 -6.60245 0.710237 54.2027 2.52639 -7 -6.60420 0.710257 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.2776E-04| -0.9503 -0.3115 7.1136E-03| 0.3115 -0.9503 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 9.862e-04 -2.009e-03 -2.009e-03 6.455e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.60420 +/- 3.14031E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710257 +/- 8.03441E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.0147789 -2 -6.60421 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.3040E-04| -0.9502 -0.3115 7.1709E-03| 0.3115 -0.9502 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 9.941e-04 -2.025e-03 -2.025e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.60421 +/- 3.15295E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06669E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000163088 -1 -6.60421 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.3042E-04| -0.9502 -0.3115 7.1712E-03| 0.3115 -0.9502 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 9.942e-04 -2.025e-03 -2.025e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.60421 +/- 3.15303E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06691E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_100_150kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_100_150kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:30 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 150.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -6.60421 +/- 3.15303E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06691E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -6.65769 -6.55505 (-0.0534851,0.0491561) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131775,0.127784) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>@/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/scripts/test_cflux/bat _npow_cflux_100_350kev_fit.xcm !XSPEC12>log none; No log file open !XSPEC12>query no; !XSPEC12>model cflux*npow ; 15.000 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; 350.00 -1.00000E-02 -100.00 -100.00 1.00000E+10 1.00000E+10 ; -8.0 1.00000E+02 -30.000 -30.000 1.0000 1.0000 ; 1.500 1.00000E-02 -3.0000 -2.0000 9.0000 10.000 ; 50.000 -1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0 1000.0 ; 1.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24; ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -8.00000 +/- 0.0 4 2 npow PhoIndex 1.50000 +/- 0.0 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.9298 for 56 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 1.775799e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>freeze 6; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 556.07 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 9.7556 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.632016e-83 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 537.73 7.43443 1 -7.71531 1.86299 397.274 17.9399 0 -6.94829 2.70842 354.102 40.253 0 -6.82095 2.28872 205.323 65.9185 -1 -6.01619 0.557490 184.264 161.795 -2 -5.67476 0.924648 57.3135 484.957 -3 -5.74803 0.775722 54.2049 50.2775 -4 -5.74683 0.711762 54.2027 1.29499 -5 -5.74694 0.710181 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0051E-04| -0.9055 -0.4243 7.8342E-03| 0.4243 -0.9055 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.657e-03 -2.894e-03 -2.894e-03 6.478e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74694 +/- 4.07009E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710181 +/- 8.04868E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806897e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.00553349 -2 -5.74698 0.710253 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8689E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.907e-03 -2.907e-03 6.508e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710253 +/- 8.06699E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000601871 -3 -5.74698 0.710256 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 3.0169E-04| -0.9056 -0.4241 7.8686E-03| 0.4241 -0.9056 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 1.663e-03 -2.906e-03 -2.906e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 15.0000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.74698 +/- 4.07792E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710256 +/- 8.06684E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>newpar 1 100.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.414 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.156385e-02 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>newpar 2 350.0; Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 80.59 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 1.414 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 2.156385e-02 Current data and model not fit yet. !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.4172 188.822 -3 -5.82645 0.709470 54.2027 14.1312 -4 -5.83556 0.710270 54.2027 0.182905 -5 -5.83567 0.710255 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.7527E-04| -0.8643 -0.5030 8.6126E-03| 0.5030 -0.8643 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.384e-03 -3.624e-03 -3.624e-03 6.504e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.83567 +/- 4.88292E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710255 +/- 8.06447E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 0.000540104 -3 -5.83567 0.710255 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.7542E-04| -0.8643 -0.5030 8.6172E-03| 0.5030 -0.8643 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.386e-03 -3.626e-03 -3.626e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.83567 +/- 4.88421E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710255 +/- 8.06666E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>fit 100; Warning: renorm - no variable model to allow renormalization Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 3:lg10Flux 4:PhoIndex 54.2027 1.57639e-05 0 -5.83567 0.710255 ============================== Variances and Principal Axes 3 4 2.7542E-04| -0.8643 -0.5029 8.6173E-03| 0.5029 -0.8643 ------------------------------ ======================== Covariance Matrix 1 2 2.386e-03 -3.626e-03 -3.626e-03 6.507e-03 ------------------------ ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.83567 +/- 4.88422E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710255 +/- 8.06667E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 !XSPEC12>log npow_cflux_100_350kev.log; Logging to file:npow_cflux_100_350kev.log !XSPEC12>show; XSPEC version: 12.9.0c Sat Dec 26 03:15:31 2015 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Always calculate parameter derivatives using full (slower) numerical differentiation: No Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Energy Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 7.096e-01 +/- 3.167e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 0.336 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using test statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger375409/remake_spec_cflux/spec_T100/sw00375409000b_avg.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.238442 Model predicted rate: 0.698611 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model cflux<1>*npow<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 cflux Emin keV 100.000 frozen 2 1 cflux Emax keV 350.000 frozen 3 1 cflux lg10Flux cgs -5.83567 +/- 4.88422E-02 4 2 npow PhoIndex 0.710255 +/- 8.06667E-02 5 2 npow enorm keV 50.0000 frozen 6 2 npow norm 1.00000 frozen ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Weighting method: standard !XSPEC12>error 3; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 3 -5.91654 -5.75845 (-0.0808745,0.0772228) !XSPEC12>error 4; Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 4 0.57848 0.83804 (-0.131775,0.127785) !XSPEC12>log none; Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>/* XSPEC12>exit XSPEC: quit Spectral model in power-law: ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value lower 90% higher 90% Photon index: 0.710257 ( -0.131777 0.127783 ) Norm@50keV : 4.76927E-02 ( -0.00367889 0.00364937 ) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared = 54.20 using 59 PHA bins. # Reduced chi-squared = 0.9509 for 57 degrees of freedom # Null hypothesis probability = 5.806898e-01 Photon flux (15-150 keV) in 0.336 sec: 5.50843 ( -0.40852 0.40888 ) ph/cm2/s Energy fluence (15-150 keV) : 1.94724e-07 ( -1.54613e-08 1.55278e-08 ) ergs/cm2