SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HISTORY TASK: FEXTRACT on FILENAME:[0] TSTART = 316019423.16664 TSTOP = 316041083.22972 DATE-OBS= '2011-01-06T15:10:22' DATE-END= '2011-01-06T21:11:22' PROCVER = '3.13.17 ' / Processing script version TIMESYS = 'TT ' / time system MJDREFI = 51910 / MJD reference day 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / MJD reference (fraction of day) 01 Jan 2001 00:CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timing header keywords OBS_ID = '00441664000' / Observation ID SEQPNUM = 12 / Number of times the dataset processed TARG_ID = 441664 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number OBJECT = 'GRB110106a' / Object name RA_OBJ = 79.3075000 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = 64.1738889 / [deg] Dec Object RA_PNT = 79.2198686435807 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = 64.1704878578702 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 322.565767868155 / [deg] Position angle (roll) TRIGTIME= 316020322.752 / [s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target ATTFLAG = '100 ' / Orgin of attitude information UTCFINIT= -6.53760000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART CHECKSUM= 'hIiikHhhhHhhhHhh' / HDU checksum updated 2011-01-12T19:38:01 DATASUM = ' 0' / data unit checksum updated 2011-01-12T19:38:01 END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 72 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 52 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 10 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'BHKEVENTSSYS' / Real Time Software Event Subsystem TFORM2 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'BHKEVENTSEV' / Real Time Software Event Severity TFORM3 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE4 = 'BHKEVENTHUB' / Real Time Software Event Hub Id TFORM4 = '1B ' / data format of field: BYTE TTYPE5 = 'BHKEVENTCODE' / Real Time Software Event Code TFORM5 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'BHKEVENTDAT1' / Real Time Software Event Data Parameter number TFORM6 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE7 = 'BHKEVENTDAT2' / Real Time Software Event Data Parameter number TFORM7 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'BHKEVENTDAT3' / Real Time Software Event Data Parameter number TFORM8 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO8 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE9 = 'BHKEVENTDAT4' / Real Time Software Event Data Parameter number TFORM9 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO9 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE10 = 'BHKEVENTSTR' / Real Time Software Event String Data Parameter TFORM10 = '40A ' / data format of field: ASCII Character EXTNAME = 'hk123x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 316019702.4536 TSTOP = 316041072.4593 DATE-OBS= '2011-01-06T15:15:01' DATE-END= '2011-01-06T21:11:11' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -6.53760000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 21370.0056999922 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 291 OBS_ID = '00441664000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 441664 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number RA_PNT = 79.2198686435807 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = 64.1704878578702 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 322.565767868155 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'GRB110106a' / Object name RA_OBJ = 79.3075000 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = 64.1738889 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.13.17 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 12 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2011-01-12T17:51:54' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'lWaeoTVZlTZdlTZZ' / HDU checksum updated 2011-01-12T19:38:01 DATASUM = '3758700934' / data unit checksum updated 2011-01-12T17:51:54 COMMENT Column 2 = BHKEVENTSSYS - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = EX = no description COMMENT 1 = CI = no description COMMENT 2 = HK = no description COMMENT 3 = TO = no description COMMENT 4 = SM = no description COMMENT 5 = FM = no description COMMENT 6 = RI = no description COMMENT 7 = SH = no description COMMENT 8 = SB = no description COMMENT 9 = MS = no description COMMENT 10 = TM = no description COMMENT 11 = ST = no description COMMENT 12 = CS = no description COMMENT 13 = SC = no description COMMENT 14 = FT = no description COMMENT 15 = SE = no description COMMENT 16 = FO = no description COMMENT 17 = PW = no description COMMENT 18 = ?? = no description COMMENT 19 = ?? = no description COMMENT 20 = IH = no description COMMENT 21 = DM = no description COMMENT 22 = PD = no description COMMENT 23 = ?? = no description COMMENT 24 = ?? = no description COMMENT 25 = DI = no description COMMENT 26 = TG = no description COMMENT 27 = BR = no description COMMENT 28 = SP = no description COMMENT 29 = CA = no description COMMENT 30 = ?? = no description COMMENT 31 = ?? = no description COMMENT 32 = BG = no description COMMENT 33 = RO = no description COMMENT 34 = ID = no description COMMENT Column 3 = BHKEVENTSEV - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = UNDEFINED = no description COMMENT 1 = INFO = no description COMMENT 2 = OPERROR = no description COMMENT 3 = SWWARN = no description COMMENT 4 = HWWARN = no description COMMENT 5 = SWERROR = no description COMMENT 6 = HWERROR = no description COMMENT 7-255 = UNDEFINED = no description COMMENT Column 4 = BHKEVENTHUB - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = ???? = no description COMMENT 1 = COMP = no description COMMENT 2 = EPIC = no description COMMENT 3-255 = ???? = no description COMMENT Column 5 = BHKEVENTCODE - Discrete value COMMENT 250 = Ground Command Lockout Mode Entered = no description COMMENT 251 = Command Frame Rejected (reason,frame data) = no description COMMENT 252 = Command Codeblock Hardware Sync Error = no description COMMENT 253 = Codeblock Continuity Loss Detected (HW status) = no descriptioCOMMENT 254 = SIU Hardware Command Detected (command #) = no description COMMENT 949 = Invalid BR Source Catalog entry = no description COMMENT 1041 = BCDH Parity error (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no descriptioCOMMENT 1042 = BCDH DM Command Exception (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no deCOMMENT 1043 = BCDH Command Exception (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no descrCOMMENT 1044 = BCDH Alarm (latchup ? 0x167 : 0x67, block#, met,t10ms) = no dCOMMENT 1045 = DM Alarm (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no description COMMENT 1046 = MIC error (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no description COMMENT 1047 = ADC latchup ((block# << 4) + hdm#,met,100usTime,latchcount) =COMMENT 1048 = Bad DMA (packet, block#, met,t10ms) = no description COMMENT 1049 = XA1 Last latchup ((block# << 4) + hdm#,met,100usTime,latchcouCOMMENT 1150 = File Manager Operation Successful = no description COMMENT 1151 = Open Source File Error = no description COMMENT 1152 = Open Destination File Error = no description COMMENT 1153 = Create Directory Error = no description COMMENT 1154 = Delete Directory Error = no description COMMENT 1155 = Delete File Error = no description COMMENT 1156 = List Directory Error = no description COMMENT 1157 = Device Already Exists = no description COMMENT 1158 = Device Doesn't Exist = no description COMMENT 1159 = Invalid File Open Mode = no description COMMENT 1160 = Open File Error = no description COMMENT 1161 = Close File Error = no description COMMENT 1162 = Link Count Not Zero = no description COMMENT 1163 = Attach Monitor Error = no description COMMENT 1164 = Detach Monitor Error = no description COMMENT 1165 = Wipe Link Device Error = no description COMMENT 1166 = Disk Device Invalid = no description COMMENT 1167 = Get File Attributes Error = no description COMMENT 1168 = Set File Attributes Error = no description COMMENT 1169 = Device List Full = no description COMMENT 1170 = Read File Error = no description COMMENT 1171 = Write File Error = no description COMMENT 1172 = Rename File Error = no description COMMENT 1173 = Net Disk Not Found = no description COMMENT 1174 = Wipe Net Disk Error = no description COMMENT 1175 = Net Disk Data Unavailable = no description COMMENT 1176 = Ram Disk Open Error = no description COMMENT 1177 = Ram Disk Get Free Space Error = no description COMMENT 1178 = Ram Device Create Error = no description COMMENT 1179 = DOS File System Device Init Error = no description COMMENT 1180 = Make DOS File System Error = no description COMMENT 1181 = Ram Disk Device Find Error = no description COMMENT 1182 = Ram Disk Malloc Error = no description COMMENT 1183 = DOS File System Doesn't Exist = no description COMMENT 1184 = DOS File System Didn't Exist = no description COMMENT 1185 = Invalid Ram Disk Create Mode = no description COMMENT 1186 = Directory List Full = no description COMMENT 1187 = Source and Destination Reference Same File = no description COMMENT 1188 = Specified Size for RAM Disk Too Small = no description COMMENT 1189 = Invalid FileName Parameter Specified = no description COMMENT 1190 = Invalid Directory Parameter Specified = no description COMMENT 1191 = Invalid Hub Parameter Specified = no description COMMENT 1192 = Invalid Device Parameter Specified = no description COMMENT 1193 = Invalid File Queue Specified = no description COMMENT 1194 = Invalid File Priority Specified = no description COMMENT 1195 = File Already Opened by Another User = no description COMMENT 1196 = Missing File Uplink Packet (Expected offset,Offset received) COMMENT 1500 = Bad Request SI Reply Code (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1501 = Out of Range SI Reply Code (Obs#, ReplyCode) = no descriptioCOMMENT 1502 = SI Reply Time Out (ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1503 = Bad SI Reply ObsNum (ReqObs#, ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1504 = Unrequested slew info reply (ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1505 = Not Expecting slew info reply (ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1506 = TOO Req REJECTED - Max Obs Time Limit Exceeded (Obs#, TotObsSCOMMENT 1507 = GRB Req REJECTED - Max Obs Time Limit Exceeded (Obs#, TotObsSCOMMENT 1508 = Bad Request Slew Req Reply Code (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1509 = Out of Range SR Reply Code (Obs#, ReplyCode) = no descriptionCOMMENT 1510 = SR Reply Time Out (ReqObs#) = no description COMMENT 1511 = SR Slew Start Time Out (ReqObs#) = no description COMMENT 1512 = SR Slew Settled Time Out (ReqObs#) = no description COMMENT 1514 = Bad SR Reply ObsNum (ReqObs#, ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1515 = Unrequested slew request reply (ReplyObs#) = no descriptionCOMMENT 1516 = Not Expecting slew req reply (ReplyObs#) = no description COMMENT 1518 = Bad GRB Merit Upd ObsNum (ReqObs#, FomAT) = no description COMMENT 1519 = Bad GRB Merit Upd TargType (ObsNum, TargType 0GRB 1TOO 2PPT) COMMENT 1520 = Bad Xrt Pos Upd ObsNum (ReqObs#, FomAT) = no description COMMENT 1521 = Bad XRT Pos Upd TargetType (ObsNum, TargType 0GRB 1TOO 2PPT) COMMENT 1522 = Bad Set Slew Mode Value (0Disa, 1Ena) = no description COMMENT 1523 = Bad Set AT Mode Value (0Disa, 1Ena) = no description COMMENT 1524 = Bad Set PPT Mode Value (0Disa, 1Ena) = no description COMMENT 1525 = Out of View PPT SI Reply (Obs#, ReplyCode, WaitSecs) = no dCOMMENT 1526 = Out of View PPT SR Reply (Obs#, ReplyCode, WaitSecs) = no dCOMMENT 1527 = PPT Target View Constraint (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1528 = Slew Abort (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1529 = Updated SI Reply Roll (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1530 = Updated SR Reply Roll (Obs#) = no description COMMENT 1531 = Unexpected Merit Update - no FomAT (ReqObs#) = no descriptioCOMMENT 1532 = Unexpected XRT Position Upd - no FomAT (ReqObs#) = no descriCOMMENT 1533 = Bad Merit Update Inst (ReqObs#, Inst 0bat 1xrt 2uvot) = no dCOMMENT 1534 = Unexpected ACS settled msg - no FomCurrTarget (AcsMsgObs#) = COMMENT 1535 = Bad ACS Settled msg target (ExpectedObs#, ACSyObs#) = no dCOMMENT 1536 = Warning - SC is pting to SC initiated target (AcsMsgObs#) = COMMENT 1537 = SC is pting to SafePoint target (AcsMsgObs#) = no descriptiCOMMENT 1538 = GRB Max Obs Time Limit Exceeded - will abort (Obs#, TotObsSecCOMMENT 1539 = TOO Max Obs Time Limit Exceeded - will abort (Obs#, TotObsSecCOMMENT 1540 = Unexpected ACS Slewing msg target - no FomCurrTarget (AcsMsgOCOMMENT 1541 = Bad ACS Slewing msg target (ExpectedObs#, ACSyObs#) = no dCOMMENT 1542 = Bad PPT Request Position value - REJECTED (Obs#) = no descrCOMMENT 1543 = Bad TOO Request Position value - REJECTED (Obs#) = no descriCOMMENT 1544 = Bad GRB Request Position value - REJECTED (Obs#) = no descriCOMMENT 1545 = Bad XRT Position Update Request Position value - REJECTED (OCOMMENT 1546 = Unexpected Slew Req Reply Timeout - no Slews Requested = no COMMENT 1547 = Unexpected Slew Start Timeout - no Slews Requested = no descCOMMENT 1548 = Unexpected Slew End Timeout - no Slews Requested = no descriCOMMENT 1549 = Unexpected Slew Inq Reply Timeout - no Inquiries Requested =COMMENT 350 = Too Much HK Data Received from Software Task (SID, Actual, ExpCOMMENT 351 = Critical Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 352 = Required Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 353 = Nothing Happens = no description COMMENT 354 = Bad Output ApId received from scheduler (ApId) = no descriptiCOMMENT 355 = Bad Criticality level in HK pkt defn table (level) = no descriCOMMENT 358 = Number of slots exceeded in packet table (apid) = no descriptiCOMMENT 359 = Number of slots exceeded in memory table (apid) = no descriptiCOMMENT 360 = Linked list is full for packet table (apid) = no description COMMENT 361 = Linked list is full for memory table (apid) = no description COMMENT 362 = Commanded packet output packet has invalid apid (apid) = no deCOMMENT 363 = Commanded memory output packet has invalid apid (apid) = no deCOMMENT 364 = Output apid failed validation for packet table (apid) = no desCOMMENT 365 = Output apid failed validation for memory table (apid) = no desCOMMENT 366 = Invalid packet output packet found during init (apid) = no desCOMMENT 367 = Invalid memory output packet found during init (apid) = no desCOMMENT 368 = Received packet with invalid apid (apid) = no description COMMENT 369 = Invalid apid for adding section found for packet output (apid)COMMENT 370 = Input apid failed validation for packet table (apid) = no descCOMMENT 375 = BR Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 376 = CA Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 377 = CI Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 378 = CS Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 379 = DI Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 380 = DM Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 381 = FM Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 382 = FO Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 383 = FT Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 384 = HK Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 385 = IH Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 386 = MS Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 387 = PD Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 388 = PW Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 389 = SB Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 390 = SC Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 391 = SH Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 392 = SM Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 393 = SP Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 394 = ST Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 395 = TG Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 396 = TO Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 397 = TM Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 398 = XR Task Not Responding (ApId, Slot#) = no description COMMENT 1600 = Bad APID in table (ApId) = no description COMMENT 1601 = Check Failure = no description COMMENT 1602 = To many checks in a single input packet (ApId) = no descriptiCOMMENT 1625 = Failure of Block Converter Input Current (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HCOMMENT 1626 = Failure of Block Converter Temperature (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLiCOMMENT 1627 = Failure of Block Converter +5.0V Digital (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HCOMMENT 1628 = Failure of Block Converter +3.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yeCOMMENT 1629 = Failure of Block Converter +7.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yeCOMMENT 1630 = Failure of Block Converter -7.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yeCOMMENT 1631 = Failure of Block Temperature (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yellowCOMMENT 1632 = Failure of +2.5V from BCDH (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yellow lCOMMENT 1633 = Failure of -2.5V from BCDH (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), yellow lCOMMENT 1634 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 0, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1635 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 0, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1636 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 1, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1637 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 1, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1638 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 2, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1639 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 2, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1640 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 3, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1641 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 3, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1642 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 4, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1643 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 4, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1644 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 5, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1645 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 5, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1646 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 6, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1647 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 6, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1648 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 7, Side A (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1649 = Leakage Current Failure, DM 7, Side B (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLimCOMMENT 1650 = Failure of Block Converter Input Current (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HCOMMENT 1651 = Failure of Block Converter Temperature (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLiCOMMENT 1652 = Failure of Block Converter +5.0V Digital (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HCOMMENT 1653 = Failure of Block Converter +3.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), ReCOMMENT 1654 = Failure of Block Converter +7.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), ReCOMMENT 1655 = Failure of Block Converter -7.5V (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), ReCOMMENT 1656 = Failure of Block Temperature (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), Red liCOMMENT 1657 = Failure of +2.5V from BCDH (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), Red limiCOMMENT 1658 = Failure of -2.5V from BCDH (BCDH,FailVal,LLim,HLim), Red limiCOMMENT 1659 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 34 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1660 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 35 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1661 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 36 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1662 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 37 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1663 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 38 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1664 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 39 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1665 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 40 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1666 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 41 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1667 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 42 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1668 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 43 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1669 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 44 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1670 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 45 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1671 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 46 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1672 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 47 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1673 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 48 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1674 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 49 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1675 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 50 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1676 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 51 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1677 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 52 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1678 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 53 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1679 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 54 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1680 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 55 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1681 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 56 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1682 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 57 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1683 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 58 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1684 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 59 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1685 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 60 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1686 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 61 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1687 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 62 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1688 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 63 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1689 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 64 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1690 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 65 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1691 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 66 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1692 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 67 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1693 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 68 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1694 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 69 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1695 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 70 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1696 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 71 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1697 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 72 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1698 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 73 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1699 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 74 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1700 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 75 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1701 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 76 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1702 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 77 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1703 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 78 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1704 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 79 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1705 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 80 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1706 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 81 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1707 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 82 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1708 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 83 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1709 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 84 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1710 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 85 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1711 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 86 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1712 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 87 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1713 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 88 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1714 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 89 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1715 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 90 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1716 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 91 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1717 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 92 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1718 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 93 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1719 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 94 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1720 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 95 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1721 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 96 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1722 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 97 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1723 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 98 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 1724 = Check Failure for Tlm Row 99 (BCDH) = no description COMMENT 776 = Memory Scrub: Multi bit errors in bulk memory (numErr, lastAddCOMMENT 777 = Memory Scrub: Disabled, Multi bit error message count exceededCOMMENT 778 = Memory Scrub Table: Has been updated successfully = no descripCOMMENT 779 = Memory Scrub Table: Update failed. Reverting to system table. COMMENT 780 = Memory Scrub Table: One complete pass thru memory before EDAC COMMENT 850 = MIC packet length (micWord, bcdhWord, maxLength) = Invalid BCDCOMMENT 851 = MIC command buffer error (lengthReg, statusReg) = BCDH h/w comCOMMENT 852 = MIC enum list (fc, value, subList) = BCDH enum arg not in enumCOMMENT 853 = MIC invalid index (fc, value, subList) = Invalid BCDH command COMMENT 854 = MIC out of range (fc, value, loLimit, hiLimit) = BCDH numeric COMMENT 855 = MIC all targets disabled (word0, word1, word2) = All BCDH or DCOMMENT 856 = MIC internal error (id, value) = Internal software error COMMENT 857 = DMA error: direction (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Invalid DMA dCOMMENT 858 = DMA error: semaphore (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Unable to acqCOMMENT 859 = DMA error: interrupt (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Unable to cleCOMMENT 860 = DMA error: aborted (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Hardware aborteCOMMENT 861 = DMA error: timeout (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = DMA transfer toCOMMENT 862 = BCB write index invalid (rLap, wLap, rIdx, wIdx) = Write indexCOMMENT 863 = BCB read index invalid (rLap, wLap, rIdx, wIdx) = Read index lCOMMENT 864 = BCB buffer overflow (rLap, wLap, rIdx, wIdx) = Read task is fuCOMMENT 865 = BCB read lap invalid (rLap, wLap, rIdx, wIdx) = Read lap is otCOMMENT 867 = MIC configuration error (micCfgFlag, bcdhCfgFlag) = Invalid coCOMMENT 868 = DMA error: length (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Invalid DMA lengCOMMENT 869 = DMA error: pointer (dev:dir, length, p1, p2) = Invalid DMA poiCOMMENT 875 = DSP Test = Verify DSP PCI interface COMMENT 876 = DSP Checksum error (index, expect, actual, errs) = DSP checksuCOMMENT 877 = DSP Algorithm was halted (function code) = Processing algorithCOMMENT 878 = DSP Algorithm taking longer than expected (fc) = Processing alCOMMENT 879 = DSP packet length invalid (minLen, maxLen, pktLen) = CCSDS pacCOMMENT 1102 = PCB Resp. Pkt has Bit Errors (Test#,Exp/Rcv,Tests,Pkt/Code/DaCOMMENT 1103 = Too Many Resp Timeouts. Uart Switched (UARTw/Errs,UARTswitcheCOMMENT 1104 = Too Many TimeOut Flips. PW Cmd Failed (UARTw/Errs,UARTflipedTCOMMENT 1105 = PCB UARTs are not present in the current configuration (none)COMMENT 200 = SBLIB: No Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 201 = SBLIB: Illegal ApID (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 202 = SBLIB: Invalid Stream (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 203 = SBLIB: Stream Not Inited (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 204 = SBLIB: Invalid Packet (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 205 = SBLIB: Invalid Packet Length (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descriptioCOMMENT 206 = SBLIB: Packet Too Big (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 207 = SBLIB: Memory Partition Create Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no deCOMMENT 208 = SBLIB: Memory Allocation Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descriptCOMMENT 209 = SBLIB: Memory Free Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 210 = SBLIB: Buffer Overrun Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descriptionCOMMENT 211 = SBLIB: Time Out (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 212 = SBLIB: No Message (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 213 = SBLIB: Queue ID Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 214 = SBLIB: Queue Create Error (Memory) (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descCOMMENT 215 = SBLIB: Queue Create Error (ISR) (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descripCOMMENT 216 = SBLIB: Queue Create Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 217 = SBLIB: Queue Delete Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 218 = SBLIB: Queue Full Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 219 = SBLIB: Buffer Underrun Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no descriptioCOMMENT 220 = SBLIB: Invalid Pipe ID (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 221 = SBLIB: Post to Stream w/ No Destinations (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = nCOMMENT 223 = SBLIB: All Posts from this Stream were Refused (TaskID,ApID,PiCOMMENT 224 = SBLIB: Too Many PIDs specified (ApID,NumPids) = no descriptionCOMMENT 225 = SBLIB: Unknown Error (TaskID,ApID,Pid) = no description COMMENT 450 = SC: Script Exists, but it is no longer running (slot) = no desCOMMENT 451 = SC: Can't find the specified script (slotNum) = no descriptionCOMMENT 452 = SC: Bad Checksum in Command Sent from Script (Slot,Line,SpecifCOMMENT 453 = SC: No more SC HK Slots are Available...all have been used () COMMENT 454 = SC: Can't Load new Script into slot where script already existCOMMENT 455 = SC: Can't start Script with identical name to already running COMMENT 456 = SC: A Previously run script has been successfully unloaded (slCOMMENT 457 = SC: An Error occurred during the UNLOAD of a script () = no deCOMMENT 458 = SC: Successfully LOADed and STARTed a new script (slotnum,prioCOMMENT 459 = SC: An Error occurred during the START of a script () = no desCOMMENT 460 = SC: An Error occurred during the LOAD of a script () = no descCOMMENT 461 = SC: Successfully STOPPED a running script (slotnum) = no descrCOMMENT 462 = SC: Script has finished executing (slotnum) = no description COMMENT 463 = SC: An Error occurred during the STOP of a script (slotnum) = COMMENT 464 = SC: Successfully SUSPENDed a running script (slotnum) = no desCOMMENT 465 = SC: Successfully RESUMEd a running script (slotnum) = no descrCOMMENT 466 = SC: Changed the Active/Passive flag for a running script (slotCOMMENT 467 = SC: Reference made to UnRegistered SC Variable (VarNum,ApID,byCOMMENT 468 = SC: Received an illegal Boolean Flag number (BoolFlag#, byteOfCOMMENT 469 = SC: Received an illegal FC for Adjusting Integer Vars (FC, IntCOMMENT 470 = SC: Received an illegal Integer Variable number (IntVar#, byteCOMMENT 471 = SC: ABSTIME WaitTime already expired, No Cmds sent till Time RCOMMENT 472 = SC: User must provide either SLOT number or SCRIPT name () = nCOMMENT 473 = SC: Both SLOT and SCRIPT specified, but reference different taCOMMENT 474 = SC: Illegal Slot Specified (slotnum) = no description COMMENT 475 = SC: Script started, but maybe not at specified priority (slotnCOMMENT 476 = SC: Script started and completed almost immediately (slotnum,pCOMMENT 477 = SC: Script Already in the desired Enabled/Disabled State () = COMMENT 551 = SE: CVT UnRegister failed () = no description COMMENT 552 = SE: CVT Reference to UnRegistered Mnemonic (AppId, NumItems, MCOMMENT 553 = SE: CVT LinkedList Too Full (AppId, arrayIndex, NumItems, MaxICOMMENT 554 = SE: CVT Rcvd Packet for Empty AppID (AppId) = no description COMMENT 555 = SE: CVT Jam into Empty AppID (AppId) = no description COMMENT 50 = Spacecraft Time Updated (seconds,subseconds) = Time jam event COMMENT 51 = Spacecraft Time Adjusted Forward (seconds,subseconds) = Time foCOMMENT 52 = Spacecraft Time Adjusted Backward (seconds,subseconds) = Time BCOMMENT 53 = 1 PPS Clock Pulse Failed Short = 1PPS Failed short event COMMENT 54 = 1 PPS Clock Pulse Failed Long = 1PPS Failed long event COMMENT 55 = S/C Time Message Too Late = Time Msg too late event COMMENT 56 = Switch to S/C Time Message Clock (pulse) = Switch Back to Time COMMENT 57 = 1 PPS Pulse Invalid For Current System Clock = Current system COMMENT 150 = Invalid Slot# in Command (slot#) = Bad slot value in ground coCOMMENT 151 = Invalid Entry# in Command (entry#) = Bad entry value in groundCOMMENT 152 = Schedule Table Entry Has Too Much Data (slot,entry,length) = TCOMMENT 400 = Memory Loaded from Packet Data (address, numBytes) = no descriCOMMENT 401 = Memory Loaded from File (address, numBytes) fileName: = no desCOMMENT 402 = File Open Failed ( ) fileName: = no description COMMENT 403 = File Read Failed (totBytes, exp, rcvd) fileName: = no descriptCOMMENT 404 = File Write Failed (totBytes, exp, sent) fileName: = no descripCOMMENT 405 = Memory Type/Address Alignment Error (address, memType) = no deCOMMENT 406 = Memory Peek/Poke Size Too Big (size) = no description COMMENT 407 = Mismatch between memory size and memory type (size, memType) =COMMENT 408 = Invalid Memory Type in Ground Command (memType) = no descriptiCOMMENT 409 = Bad Table ID in Ground Command (tableID) = no description COMMENT 410 = Table Data Failed Validation (tableID, item#) = no descriptionCOMMENT 411 = Shell Debug Interface is Disabled = no description COMMENT 412 = Symbol Not Found in Symbol Table ( ) symbol name: = no descripCOMMENT 413 = Symbol Table Parsing Error = no description COMMENT 414 = Start dwell commanded while dwell is active = no description COMMENT 415 = Spawn of memory dwell task failed = no description COMMENT 416 = Delete of memory dwell task failed = no description COMMENT 417 = Dwell defn tbl defines too large output pkt (#bytes) = no descCOMMENT 418 = Dwell defn tbl defines too short delay between pkts (#ticks) =COMMENT 419 = Error in dwell defn tbl entry (entry#, errType, errData) = no COMMENT 420 = New Table Data Loaded (tableID, item#) fileName: = no descriptCOMMENT 421 = Bad Table Item Number (tableID, item#) = no description COMMENT 422 = Table Data File Open Failed (tableID) fileName: = no descriptiCOMMENT 423 = Table Data File Read Failed (tableID) fileName: = no descriptiCOMMENT 424 = Table Data File Write Failed (tableID) fileName: = no descriptCOMMENT 425 = Can't Write to Read-only Table (tableID) = no description COMMENT 1 = Invalid Function Code Received for this Application ID (APID,FC)COMMENT 2 = Invalid Application ID for this Software Bus Pipe (APID,PID) = nCOMMENT 1550 = FileQueue Create Failed (priority,DC,DC,DC,filename) = no desCOMMENT 1551 = FileQueue Max Priority Exceeded (priority) = no description COMMENT 1552 = FileQueue Open Failed (DC,DC,DC,DC,filename) = no descriptionCOMMENT 1553 = FileQueue File Space Overflow (priority) = no description COMMENT 1554 = FileQueue File Deleted Before Send (DC,DC,DC,DC,filename) = nCOMMENT 700 = Diagnostic failed during startup (test #) = no description COMMENT 701 = Memory test passed (startAddress, dataSize) = no description COMMENT 702 = Memory test failed (expValue, rcvValue, errorAddress, totalFaiCOMMENT 703 = Floating Point test passed = no description COMMENT 704 = Floating Point test Failed (test, error) = no description COMMENT 705 = EDAC test passed (startAddress, dataSize, checkPattern, errorTCOMMENT 706 = EDAC test failed (expValue, rcvValue, errorAddress, totalFailsCOMMENT 707 = Invalid Memory Type (memory type) = no description COMMENT 708 = Invalid Alignment Type (align type) = no description COMMENT 709 = Invalid EDAC Expected Error Type (errorType) = no description COMMENT 710 = Addr-Alignment Type Mismatch (startAddress, align_type) = no dCOMMENT 711 = Num Bytes Alignment Mismatch (startAddress, dataSize, alignTypCOMMENT 712 = Addr Num Bytes Mismatch (startAddress, dataSize) = no descriptCOMMENT 713 = DMA Test Failed (device, reason) = no description COMMENT 714 = DMA Test Passed = no description COMMENT 715 = EDAC test invalid addr-num bytes Mismatch (startAddress, dataSCOMMENT 716 = Summit Built-In-Test Passed = no description COMMENT 717 = Summit Built-In-Test Failed (failure) = no description COMMENT 718 = Invalid DMA Device (device) = no description COMMENT 719 = Invalid DMA Size (dataSize) = no description COMMENT 720 = Invalid EEPROM TYPE (eeMemType) = no description COMMENT 721 = DSP Test Passed = no description COMMENT 722 = DSP Test Failed (expValue, rcvValue) = no description COMMENT 723 = Invalid DSP Function Code(funCode) = no description COMMENT 724 = Invalid DSP Priority (priority) = no description COMMENT 725 = Invalid DSP Wait Time(time) = no description COMMENT 726 = Invalid DSP Test Size(testSize) = no description COMMENT 727 = Invalid DSP Test Iteration(iter) = no description COMMENT 728 = Insufficient memory allocation = no description COMMENT 100 = TM Spare Event #00 - Unexpected = no description COMMENT 101 = Reset Due to Processor Watchdog Timeout = no description COMMENT 102 = Reset Due to Comm Card Watchdog Timeout = no description COMMENT 103 = Task Level Warm Resets are no longer supported = no descriptioCOMMENT 104 = Task Level Cold Reset = no description COMMENT 105 = Spurious Processor Reset - Cause Unknown = no description COMMENT 106 = Processor Exception Detected (Exception #, TaskID) = no descriCOMMENT 107 = Floating Point Exception Detected (FPSCR,mask,result,MSR) = noCOMMENT 108 = Task Started = no description COMMENT 109 = Task Stopped = no description COMMENT 110 = Task Reloaded = no description COMMENT 111 = Board Level Reset was Commanded = no description COMMENT 112 = Transition to BOOT Mode was Commanded = no description COMMENT 113 = Transition to NORM Mode was Commanded = no description COMMENT 114 = Cold Reset of Current Mode was Commanded = no description COMMENT 115 = Warm Reset of Current Mode are no longer supported = no descriCOMMENT 116 = Cold Reset of Current Mode Due to Too Many Warm Resets (Task,SCOMMENT 117 = Reset Due to Power Cycle = no description COMMENT 118 = Event Response Reset (Event#) = no description COMMENT 119 = Task Command Failed, Task not Found = no description COMMENT 120 = Illegal Task Specified. You can't do that to this Task = no dCOMMENT 121 = Panic occurred in ISR. See Panic Log = no description COMMENT 600 = Cant disable both 1553 Channels at the same time (thisChan,othCOMMENT 630 = VRTX Event Flag Pend Error (err#) = no description COMMENT 631 = RO Received a packet that was too large for 1553 bus (appId,thCOMMENT 300 = file create failed on (priority) = TO System Event COMMENT 301 = queue (id): max priority exceeded: (priority) = TO System EvenCOMMENT 302 = Invalid parameter size (APID), actual (size) = TO System EventCOMMENT 303 = Invalid telemetry source in cmd (APID), actual (data) = TO SysCOMMENT 304 = file open failed = TO System Event COMMENT 305 = (priority): file space overflow = TO System Event COMMENT 306 = file deleted before send = TO System Event COMMENT 307 = file aborted = TO System Event COMMENT 308 = Telemetry source (id) disabled = TO System Event COMMENT 309 = Telemetry source (id) enabled = TO System Event COMMENT 1000 = Science faultASSERT : Unspecified assertion failure. (#_thisCOMMENT 1001 = Science faultCONTPACKET: The next packet to process is a contCOMMENT 1002 = Science faultSHORTPACKET: Packet length too short. (#_this_faCOMMENT 1003 = Science faultBADPACKET: Packet has other trouble. (#_this_fauCOMMENT 1004 = Science faultMS1010 : The 10 ms counter went to 101 or more.COMMENT 1005 = Science faultTIME : Time is non-consecutive. (#_this_faultCOMMENT 1006 = Science faultMETINFO : Something wrong with MET info. (#_thisCOMMENT 1007 = Science faultOCTSEC : Something is wrong with the 8-second sCOMMENT 1008 = Science faultSURVEYCYCLE: Something is wrong with the SurveyCCOMMENT 1009 = Science faultNOSURVEYFREE: There is no Survey data structure COMMENT 1010 = Science faultUNCLEARABLE: A data type could not be cleared. (COMMENT 1011 = Science faultBADBLOCKNUM: Block number not in expected range.COMMENT 1012 = Science faultAM241SPECTNOTCLEARED: Spectrum is not cleared. (COMMENT 1013 = Science faultRATEHANDLER: The Rate Handler wasn't called ofteCOMMENT 1014 = Science faultDUMP : Something unexpected happened in the dCOMMENT 1015 = Science faultFILEWRITE: Fault during file write. (#_this_faulCOMMENT 1016 = Science faultFILEREAD: Fault during file read. (#_this_faulttCOMMENT 1017 = Science faultREACTIVATEDANGER: Object being reactivated durinCOMMENT 1018 = Science faultPUNTMAX : Maximum calculation overflowed, puntinCOMMENT 1019 = Science faultCALIBTIMEOUT: Timeout error during calibration. COMMENT 1020 = Science faultCALIBBADSTATE: Calibration found bad state. (#_tCOMMENT 1021 = Science faultCALIBABANDON: Calibration abandoned. (#_this_fauCOMMENT 1022 = Science faultGAINOFFNOTFREE: No free gain/offset object availCOMMENT 1023 = Science faultPACKINGFAILURE: Fault packing detector map. (#_tCOMMENT 1024 = Science faultIMAGELOSS: Image result returned is not for mostCOMMENT 1025 = Science faultNOIMPROVEDTRIGGER: Improved trigger expected, buCOMMENT 1026 = Science faultKILLWRONGTRIGGER: Trigger ended is not the curreCOMMENT 1027 = Science faultOBSOLETERATES: Trying to look at di_ratehandler COMMENT 1028 = Science faultBADTRIGGERCRIT: Bad trigger criterion. (#_this_fCOMMENT 1029 = Science faultNOACS : No ACS data for relevant time. (#_thisCOMMENT 1030 = Science faultSOURCETABLE: Something wrong with source table. COMMENT 1031 = Science faultDSP : DSP found something wrong. (#_this_fauCOMMENT 1032 = Science faultINACTIVEBLOCKERROR: Inactive block incompatible COMMENT 1033 = Science faultCOMMANDABLE: Invalid access to commandable valueHISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2011-01-12T17:52:16 TRIGTIME= 316020322.752 / [s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target ATTFLAG = '100 ' / Orgin of attitude information END At!
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\\\ONSLEWMC XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 152 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 32 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 11 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'BSMTABLEID' / Info Packet Table ID TFORM2 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO2 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE3 = 'BSMTBLFLAGS' / Table flag word TFORM3 = '1I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TZERO3 = 32768 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE4 = 'BSMTBLCXSUM' / Checksum of currently loaded table data TFORM4 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO4 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE5 = 'BSMTBLIXSUM' / Checksum of initial default table data TFORM5 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO5 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE6 = 'BSMTLOADTIME' / System time of last table load TFORM6 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO6 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TSCAL6 = 1 / data are not scaled TTYPE7 = 'BSMTABLESIZE' / Total size of table in bytes TFORM7 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TZERO7 = 2147483648 / offset for unsigned integers TTYPE8 = 'BSMTNEWITEM' / Item Number to be loaded at next update TFORM8 = '1J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE9 = 'BSMTCURRNAME' / Name of currently loaded table data file TFORM9 = '40A ' / data format of field: ASCII Character TTYPE10 = 'BSMTNEWNAME' / Name of load file to be loaded at next update TFORM10 = '40A ' / data format of field: ASCII Character TTYPE11 = 'BSMTINITNAME' / Name of initial default table data file TFORM11 = '40A ' / data format of field: ASCII Character EXTNAME = 'hk125x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 316019705.16978 TSTOP = 316041054.71444 DATE-OBS= '2011-01-06T15:15:04' DATE-END= '2011-01-06T21:10:53' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -6.53760000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 21349.5446599722 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 293 OBS_ID = '00441664000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 441664 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number RA_PNT = 79.2198686435807 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = 64.1704878578702 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 322.565767868155 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'GRB110106a' / Object name RA_OBJ = 79.3075000 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = 64.1738889 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.13.17 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 12 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2011-01-12T17:51:55' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'H4kGI2jFH2jFH2jF' / HDU checksum updated 2011-01-12T19:38:01 DATASUM = '4062679151' / data unit checksum updated 2011-01-12T17:51:55 COMMENT Column 2 = BSMTABLEID - Discrete value COMMENT 0 = SM_TOT = Software Manager Table of Tables COMMENT 1 = TM_EVENTS = Task Manager Event/Response Table COMMENT 2 = HK_PKT_DEFN = Housekeeping Packet Definition Table COMMENT 3 = TO_FILTER = Telemetry Output Packet Filter Table COMMENT 4 = SS_TABLE04 = Spare Table COMMENT 5 = SY_MEM_CFG = Bulk Memory Configuration Table COMMENT 6 = HK_MEM_DEFN = HK Memory-Mapped Packet Defn Table COMMENT 7 = SS_TABLE07 = Spare Table COMMENT 8 = SS_TABLE08 = Spare Table COMMENT 9 = SH_SCHEDULE = System Schedule Table COMMENT 10 = SH_COMMAND = Scheduler Command Table COMMENT 11 = SS_TABLE11 = Spare Table COMMENT 12 = SM_DWELL = Memory Dwell Definition Table COMMENT 13 = SS_TABLE13 = Spare Table COMMENT 14 = TM_MODE_LOG = Mode Transition Log Table COMMENT 15 = MS_MEM_SCRUB = Memory Scrub Map Table COMMENT 16 = SB_PIPES = Software Bus Pipe Definition Table COMMENT 17 = SB_CMD_ROUTE = SB Command Packet Routing Table COMMENT 18 = SB_TLM_ROUTE = SB Telemetry Packet Routing Table COMMENT 19 = SS_TABLE19 = Spare Table COMMENT 20 = PD_MIC_CFG = MIC Configuration Settings Table COMMENT 21 = PD_BCDH_CFG = BCDH Configuration Settings Table COMMENT 22 = PD_DM_CFG = Detector Module Configuration Settings Table COMMENT 23 = PD_DMS_CFG = DM Side Configuration Settings Table COMMENT 24 = IH_PKT_DEFN = Instrument Health Limits Table COMMENT 25 = FO_MERIT_WT = Target Merit Weights Table COMMENT 26 = FO_OBS_HIST = Observation History Table COMMENT 27 = SS_TABLE27 = Spare Table COMMENT 28 = SS_TABLE28 = Spare Table COMMENT 29 = SS_TABLE29 = Spare Table COMMENT 30 = BR_SOURCE_CAT = Source Catalog Table COMMENT 31 = TG_LONG_CRIT = Long Trigger Criteria Table COMMENT 32 = TG_SHORT_CRIT = Short Trigger Criteria Table COMMENT 33 = TG_TRIG_VETO = Trigger Veto Table COMMENT 34-49 = SS_SPARE_TBL = Spare Tables COMMENT 50-65535 = ERROR = Illegal Table IDs HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2011-01-12T17:52:17 TRIGTIME= 316020322.752 / [s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target ATTFLAG = '100 ' / Orgin of attitude information END A+v
` q d targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/mode/tables/brsrctbl.gzo AS] d t Ԁtarg/nram/preboot.lng targ/nram/preboot.lng targ/mode/tables/tglngtbl.gzo AO ~ ptarg/nram/preboot.sht targ/nram/preboot.sht targ/mode/tables/tgshttbl.gzo A6! targ/nram/ targ/nram/ targ/mode/tables/tgvettbl.gzo Ax9
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` q d targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/mode/tables/brsrctbl.gzo A3 d t Ԁtarg/nram/preboot.lng targ/nram/preboot.lng targ/mode/tables/tglngtbl.gzo A4) ~ ptarg/nram/preboot.sht targ/nram/preboot.sht targ/mode/tables/tgshttbl.gzo A6`! targ/nram/ targ/nram/ targ/mode/tables/tgvettbl.gzo A#
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` q d targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/nram/preboot.sou targ/mode/tables/brsrctbl.gzo AgY~ d t Ԁtarg/nram/preboot.lng targ/nram/preboot.lng targ/mode/tables/tglngtbl.gzo Ag[Y ~ ptarg/nram/preboot.sht targ/nram/preboot.sht targ/mode/tables/tgshttbl.gzo Ag^劀! targ/nram/ targ/nram/ targ/mode/tables/tgvettbl.gzo XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 8 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 15292 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 1 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'TIME ' / Secondary header time TFORM1 = '1D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT1 = 's ' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'hk129x001' HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'ARRAY ' / Time order data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Housekeeping TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timimg header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 316019423.16664 TSTOP = 316041083.22972 DATE-OBS= '2011-01-06T15:10:22' DATE-END= '2011-01-06T21:11:22' CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) UTCFINIT= -6.53760000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TELAPSE = 21660.0630800128 TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= ' ' / Instrument name APID = 297 OBS_ID = '00441664000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 441664 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number RA_PNT = 79.2198686435807 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = 64.1704878578702 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 322.565767868155 / [deg] Position angle (roll) EQUINOX = 2000. / Equinox for pointing RA/Dec RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates System OBJECT = 'GRB110106a' / Object name RA_OBJ = 79.3075000 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = 64.1738889 / [deg] Dec Object ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file PROCVER = '3.13.17 ' / Processing script version SEQPNUM = 12 / Number of times the dataset processed CREATOR = 'unpacket' / Program that created this FITS file DATE = '2011-01-12T17:51:56' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) CHECKSUM= 'fCHKi9FIfAFIf9FI' / HDU checksum updated 2011-01-12T19:38:01 DATASUM = '81683962' / data unit checksum updated 2011-01-12T17:51:56 HISTORY TASK: FAPPND on FILENAME:[1] HISTORY fappend3.0a at 2011-01-12T17:52:17 TRIGTIME= 316020322.752 / [s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target ATTFLAG = '100 ' / Orgin of attitude information END A*A,A-A.mA/agA0jA1A3|A4cIA5A}A6AwQA8B1A?iDAjA?wA IA@,A'AKJA6zAKAALA
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