========================================================================== BAT GROUND-DETECTED GRB DATA PROCESSING REPORT (This burst occurred during telescope slew) Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.46 Process Start Time: Mon Nov 10 18:58:39 EST 2014 Host Name: bat1 Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/GRB110319B ====================================================================== Trigger: 00449578 Segment: 001 BAT Trigger Time: 322256046.368 UTC: 2011-03-19T19:33:59.597 [includes UTCF correction] Where From?: Ground analysis (best_duration.txt) NOTE: BAT trigger time for ground-detected burst during slew is the T100 start time. Refined Position: [ source = BAT mosaic image ] RA: 326.062086708502 Dec: -56.7770923384219 [deg; J2000] { 21h 44m 14.9s , -56d -46' -37.5" } +/- 0.932570421717 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR) SNR: 33.6114420031 Angular difference between the GCN position and this refined position is 1.125 arcmin Partial Coding Fraction: Unavailable because the burst occurred during slew. Duration T90: 28.4719999432564 +/- 4.81483040573427 Measured from: 1.08 to: 29.552 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] T50: 10.3959999084473 +/- 1.26780442450257 Measured from: 3.644 to: 14.04 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]