SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 1 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 0 / length of data axis 1 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HISTORY fimgcreate 1.0b at 2012-01-03T11:04:04 DATE = '2012-01-03T11:04:04' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) INSTRUME= 'XRT ' TSTART = 346780036.400192 TSTOP = 346780036.500192 DATE-OBS= '2011-12-28T15:44:30' DATE-END= '2011-12-28T15:47:15' OBJECT = 'GRB111228a' PROCVER = '3.14.1 ' / Processing script version SOFTVER = 'Hea_28Sep2010_V6.10_Swift_Rel3.7(Bld26)_06Jul2010' / HEASOFT and SwifCALDBVER= 'b20090130_u20110131_x20100802_m20111130' / CALDB index versions used TIMESYS = 'TT ' / time system MJDREFI = 51910 / MJD reference day 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / MJD reference (fraction of day) 01 Jan 2001 00:CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for timing header keywords ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Orgin of attitude information UTCFINIT= -7.72386000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART CHECKSUM= '4aAK5S8H4YAH4Y5H' / HDU checksum updated 2012-01-03T13:09:44 DATASUM = ' 0' / data unit checksum updated 2012-01-03T13:09:44 END XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / IMAGE extension BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 51 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 51 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / number of random group parameters GCOUNT = 1 / number of random groups MESGNAME= 'XRT_IMAGE' / Name of the message TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'XRT ' / Instrument name OBS_ID = '00510649000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = '510649 ' / Target ID SEG_NUM = '0 ' / Segment number CREATOR = 'TDRSS2FITS V3.22' / Program that created this FITS file ORIGIN = 'GSFC ' / Source of FITS file TLM2FITS= 'V3.22 ' / Telemetry converter version number EQUINOX = 2000 / Equinox RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinates system TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 0.00074287037 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit for the time header keywords TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds CLOCKAPP= F / If clock correction are applied (F/T) TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock DATE = '2012-01-03T10:10:16' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) TSTART = 346780036.400192 / Start time DATE-OBS= '2011-12-28T15:47:15' TSTOP = 346780036.500192 / Stop time DATE-END= '2011-12-28T15:47:15' UTCFINIT= -7.72386000000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART TRIGGER = 510649 / Trigger Number FRAMENUM= 13499148 / CCD Frame Number HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP standards HDUCLAS1= 'IMAGE ' / Image data HDUCLAS2= 'TOTAL ' / Total data values DATAMODE= 'SHORTIMA' / XRT Mode for this data CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / WCS axis type CRPIX1 = 25 / WCS Reference point CDELT1 = -6.548089087209E-04 / WCS coordinate increment CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / WCS axis unit CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / WCS axis type CRPIX2 = 25 / WCS Reference point CDELT2 = 6.548089087209E-04 / WCS coordinate increment CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / WCS axis unit APID = 1250 / Application Process Identifier PACKET1 = T / Data from packet #1 present PACKET2 = T / Data from packet #2 present PACKET3 = T / Data from packet #3 present BLANK = -1 / Null data TELAPSE = 0.100000023841858 / TSTOP - TSTART ONTIME = 0.100000023841858 / Time on target LIVETIME= 0.100000023841858 / ONTIME multipled by DEADC EXPOSURE= 0.100000023841858 / Total exposure, with all known corrections DEADC = 1. / Dead time correction INVGAIN = 1 / Inverse gain (data were divided by this value) RAWXCTRD= 249.685882568359 / [pixel] GRB RAWX coordinates CenTRoiD RAWYCTRD= 314.530822753906 / [pixel] GRB RAWY coordinates CenTRoiD XRA_OBJ = 150.064346313477 / [deg] XRT RA location of GRB or Object XDEC_OBJ= 18.299633026123 / [deg] XRT DEC location of GRB or Object PA_PNT = 105.315742492676 / [deg] Roll angle from North towards East RAWXCEN = 250 / RAWX CENter image CRVAL1 = 150.064346313477 / WCS reference value RAWYCEN = 315 / RAWY CENter image CRVAL2 = 18.299633026123 / WCS reference value STDVCTRD= 7.07597017288208 / STandard DeViation of CenTRoiD MAXSTDV = 12. / MAX STandard DeViation of centroid EVTCTRD = 20 / no. of EVenTs in the CenTRoiD window MINEVENT= 20 / MInimum No. of EVenTs required for centroid P2ITER = 1 / Number of iterations for phase2 algorithm MAXITER = 4 / MAX ITERation for phase2 algorithm CONVDIST= 0. / actual CONVergence DISTance MAXCONV = 0.0625 / MAX CONVergence distance XRTMODE = 2 / XRT MODE for image WAVEFORM= 134 / XRT waveform P1UTCC = -7.72386 / [s] Packet #1 UTC Correction time P1UTCCS = -8 / Packet #1 UTC Correction Seconds P1UTCCSS= 13807 / [2*10**(-5) s] Packet #1 UTC Correction SubSecoPKT1TIME= 346780039.14458 / [s] ccsds PacKeT #1 TIME=PKT1SEC+PKT1SUBS*2e-5 PKT1SEC = 346780039 / ccsds PacKeT #1 SEConds PKT1SUBS= 7229 / [2*10**(-5) s] ccsds PacKeT #1 SUBSeconds CHECKSUM= 'I9dRK7dQI7dQI7dQ' / HDU checksum updated 2012-01-03T13:09:44 DATASUM = '394663861' / data unit checksum updated 2012-01-03T10:10:16 FLUXFACT= 570000015360. / Flux conversion factor P2UTCC = -7.72386 / [s] Packet #2 UTC Correction time P2UTCCS = -8 / Packet #2 UTC Correction Seconds P2UTCCSS= 13807 / [2*10**(-5) s] Packet #2 UTC Correction SubSecoPKT2TIME= 346780039.26242 / [s] ccsds PacKeT #2 TIME=PKT2SEC+PKT2SUBS*2e-5 PKT2SEC = 346780039 / ccsds PacKeT #2 SEConds PKT2SUBS= 13121 / [2*10**(-5) s] ccsds PacKeT #2 SUBSeconds BOREROW = 298. / BOREsight ROW in RAWY BORECOL = 295.299987792969 / BOREsight COLumn in RAWX BOREPA = 0. / [deg] BOREsight roll (Position Angle) PLATESCA= 2.3573100566864 / [arcsec/pixel] PLATE SCAle SCYCORR = 0. / [arcsec] Spacecraft to XRT Y boresight corr SCZCORR = 0. / [arcsec] Spacecraft to XRT Z boresight corr SCPACORR= 0. / [deg] Spacecraft to XRT roll boresight corr TAMREFX1= 327.640014648438 / TAM Ref Window 1 X pos TAMREFY1= 237.199996948242 / TAM Ref Window 1 Y pos TAMREFX2= 261.324005126953 / TAM Ref Window 2 X pos TAMREFY2= 242. / TAM Ref Window 2 Y pos TAMTHETA= 17. / TAM THETA-t angle XRT-PSU-037 TAMOPTGN= 1.00999999046326 / TAM OPTical GaiN XRT-LUX-TN-095 TAMPRIPS= 9.49600028991699 / TAM PRImary window Plate Scale TAMSECPS= 5.65999984741211 / TAM SECondary window Plate Scale TAMSEQCN= 107946 / TAM image SEQuence CouNt TAMCTRDC= T / TAM CenTRoiD Calculated? TAMCORR = F / TAM CORRection enabled? NOMEXPO = 0.100000001490116 / [s] NOMinal EXPOsure for flux calculation RA_PNT = 150.025405883789 / [deg] Spacecraft RA DEC_PNT = 18.2985401153564 / [deg] Spacecraft Dec GRBYXRT = 38.9682579040527 / GRB Y in XRT Coords GRBZXRT = -127.328048706055 / GRB Z in XRT Coords XHIGHRA = 150.064343034962 / [deg] XRT HIGH precision GRB RA (double) XHIGHDEC= 18.2996334049343 / [deg] XRT HIGH precision GRB DEC (double) WINHALFW= 25 / WINdow HALF Width MINSTDV = 5 / MIN STandard DeViation of centroid TLMVER = 3 / Telemetry version from packet #3 P3UTCC = -7.72386 / [s] Packet #3 UTC Correction time P3UTCCS = -8 / Packet #3 UTC Correction Seconds P3UTCCSS= 13807 / [2*10**(-5) s] Packet #3 UTC Correction SubSecoPKT3TIME= 346780039.34228 / [s] ccsds PacKeT #3 TIME=PKT3SEC+PKT3SUBS*2e-5 PKT3SEC = 346780039 / ccsds PacKeT #3 SEConds PKT3SUBS= 17114 / [2*10**(-5) s] ccsds PacKeT #3 SUBSeconds HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:03:59 HISTORY HISTORY P1 imagefile = sw00510649000msxps_rw.img HISTORY P2 spec1file = NONE HISTORY P3 spec2file = NONE HISTORY P4 posfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 imbias = -1 HISTORY P6 pdbias = -1 HISTORY P7 imbiasfile = CALDB HISTORY P8 pdbiasfile = CALDB HISTORY P9 outimagefile = sw00510649000msxps_sk.img HISTORY P10 outspec1file = xrt_proc_spec1.fits HISTORY P11 outspec2file = xrt_proc_spec2.fits HISTORY P12 tmpspec1file = xrt_raw_spec1temp.fits HISTORY P13 clobber = no HISTORY P14 chatter = 3 HISTORY P15 history = yes HISTORY P16 dnthr = 9 HISTORY P17 convfact = 0 HISTORY P18 cleanup = yes HISTORY P19 mode = hl HISTORY HISTORY END PARAMETER list for xrttdrss_0.3.9 DNTHR = 9 / DN threshold to calculate flux HISTORY Keyword DNTHR write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:03:59 HISTORY CALDB Bias file: HISTORY Used Bias value: 0 XRTBIAS = 0 / Bias calculated on ground [always applied] AMP = 2 / Amplifier node used for readout XRTTDRSS= T / TDRSS message processed by xrttdrss_0.3.9 task CROTA2 = -15.315742492676 ERRCTRD = 6.73240886220574 / error on the XRT centroid position HISTORY Keyword ERRCTRD write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:04:02 SRCFLUX = 1.12105260136953E-08 / [erg/cm**2/s] source flux (0.3-10 keV) TOTALDN = 639. / Total DN value after bias subtraction HISTORY Keyword DN write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:04:02 RATEDN = 6390. / DN rate value (DN/EXPOSURE) HISTORY Keyword RATEDN write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:04:02 HISTORY Keyword FLUX write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:04:02 CONVFACT= 1.7543859176362E-12 / Conversion factor DN/s to 0.3-10keV flux HISTORY Keyword CONVFACT write by xrttdrss_0.3.9 at 2012-01-03T06:04:02 EXTNAME = 'SHT346780036I20' PROCVER = '3.14.1 ' / Processing script version SOFTVER = 'Hea_28Sep2010_V6.10_Swift_Rel3.7(Bld26)_06Jul2010' / HEASOFT and SwifCALDBVER= 'b20090130_u20110131_x20100802_m20111130' / CALDB index versions used ATTFLAG = '111 ' / Orgin of attitude information END     1"C#