Analysis Summary
- 1) No attempt has been made to eliminate the non-significant decimal places.
- 2) This batgrbproduct analysis is done using the HEASARC data.
- 3) This batgrbproduct analysis is using the flight position for the mask-weighting calculation.
Special note: Due to the low partial coding fraction, the refined position is found using the DETECTION mask. Therefore, the refined position and the mask shadow pattern shown here are from analyses with DETECTION mask, everything else uses the FLUX mask.
Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.46
Process Start Time: Sun May 10 03:57:53 EDT 2015
Host Name: bat1
Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger548760
Trigger: 00548760 Segment: 000
BAT Trigger Time: 382584700.416 [s; MET]
Trigger Stop: 382584716.8 [s; MET]
UTC: 2013-02-15T01:31:30.197800 [includes UTCF correction]
Where From?: TDRSS position message
RA: 43.4794556448911 Dec: 13.3706926231607 [deg; J2000]
Catalogged Source?: NO
Point Source?: YES
GRB Indicated?: YES [ by BAT flight software ]
Image S/N Ratio: 8.16
Image Trigger?: NO
Rate S/N Ratio: 19.6468827043885 [ if not an image trigger ]
Image S/N Ratio: 8.16
Analysis Position: [ source = BAT ]
RA: 43.4794556448911 Dec: 13.3706926231607 [deg; J2000]
Refined Position: [ source = BAT pre-slew burst ]
RA: 43.486816900885 Dec: 13.3875384675329 [deg; J2000]
{ 02h 53m 56.8s , +13d 23' 15.1" }
+/- 1.47862085532387 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR)
+/- 0.622661696834093 [arcmin] (formal 1-sigma fit error)
SNR: 17.396655739627
Angular difference between the analysis and refined position is 1.098294 arcmin
Partial Coding Fraction: 0.08398438 [ including projection effects ]
T90: 66.2240000367165 +/- 10.6648491081526
Measured from: -3.0799999833107
to: 63.1440000534058 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
T50: 28.0640000104904 +/- 7.6662042961526
Measured from: 6.68000000715256
to: 34.744000017643 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
Peak Flux (peak 1 second)
Measured from: 11.1639999747276
to: 12.1639999747276 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
Total Fluence
Measured from: -6.16799998283386
to: 73.3840000033379 [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 keV
Total 1.741688 2.736699 2.383794 0.598929
0.187482 0.200999 0.184906 0.165851 [error]
Peak 0.053623 0.123665 0.084582 0.028675
0.022442 0.023873 0.022467 0.020077 [error]
[ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ]
====== Table of the duration information =============================
Value tstart tstop
T100 79.552 -6.168 73.384
T90 66.224 -3.080 63.144
T50 28.064 6.680 34.744
Peak 1.000 11.164 12.164
====== Spectral Analysis Summary =====================================
Model : spectral model: simple power-law (PL) and cutoff power-law (CPL)
Ph_index : photon index: E^{Ph_index}
Ph_90err : 90% error of the photon index
Epeak : Epeak in keV
Epeak_90err: 90% error of Epeak
Norm : normalization at 50 keV in both the PL model and CPL model
Nomr_90err : 90% error of the normalization
chi2 : Chi-Squared
dof : degree of freedo
=== Time-averaged spectral analysis ===
(Best model with acceptable fit: PL)
Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi Epeak Epeak_90err_low Epeak_90err_hi Norm Nomr_90err_low Norm_90err_hi chi2 dof
PL -1.605 -0.136 0.135 - - - 7.26e-03 -5.79e-04 5.78e-04 66.540 57
CPL -1.179 -0.482 0.578 101.572 -33.866 -101.572 1.17e-02 -4.71e-03 1.02e-02 64.570 56
=== 1-s peak spectral analysis ===
(Best model with acceptable fit: PL)
Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi Epeak Epeak_90err_low Epeak_90err_hi Norm Nomr_90err_low Norm_90err_hi chi2 dof
PL -1.627 -0.455 0.432 - - - 1.99e-02 -5.22e-03 5.18e-03 58.950 57
CPL -0.994 -1.651 3.410 84.021 N/A N/A 4.04e-02 N/A N/A 58.660 56
=== Fluence/Peak Flux Summary ===
Model Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Total
15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 15-150 15-350 keV
Fluence PL 8.15e-07 1.40e-06 1.85e-06 4.93e-06 5.40e-06 8.99e-06 erg/cm2
90%_error_low -1.10e-07 -1.19e-07 -1.86e-07 -9.83e-07 -4.52e-07 -1.14e-06 erg/cm2
90%_error_hi 1.14e-07 1.18e-07 1.85e-07 1.13e-06 4.54e-07 1.25e-06 erg/cm2
Peak flux PL 9.24e-01 8.63e-01 5.59e-01 5.58e-01 2.58e+00 2.90e+00 ph/cm2/s
90%_error_low -3.81e-01 -2.45e-01 -1.80e-01 -2.94e-01 -6.98e-01 -7.47e-01 ph/cm2/s
90%_error_hi 4.38e-01 2.40e-01 1.74e-01 4.18e-01 7.05e-01 7.47e-01 ph/cm2/s
Fluence CPL 7.49e-07 1.46e-06 1.92e-06 2.85e-06 5.29e-06 6.98e-06 erg/cm2
90%_error_low -1.33e-07 -1.37e-07 -2.08e-07 -1.31e-06 -4.77e-07 -1.39e-06 erg/cm2
90%_error_hi 1.37e-07 1.41e-07 2.13e-07 2.45e-06 4.76e-07 2.51e-06 erg/cm2
Peak flux CPL 8.11e-01 9.09e-01 5.99e-01 3.17e-01 2.51e+00 2.64e+00 ph/cm2/s
90%_error_low -8.11e-01 -2.78e-01 N/A -3.17e-01 -7.40e-01 -8.53e-01 ph/cm2/s
90%_error_hi 5.25e-01 3.11e-01 N/A 3.43e-01 7.33e-01 9.56e-01 ph/cm2/s
Special notes of this burst