- GRB found by the ground process (slew event data). - Refined positions found by mosaic image (DETECTION mask with pcodethresh = 0.01, time bin = 0.10 s, and energy band = 15-350 keV). - T100, T90, and T50 might be lower limits. The burst wend out of FOV before it ends (and before slew ends). The 16ms lightcurve T100 seems to enclose all of the burst before it went out of FOV, so use this one as the burst duration. - The heasarc attitude file (*sat*) is missing the part around T0, so use Hans' attitude file (use the script "/local/data/raid6/alien/cp_attitude_2012to2013_obsid.sh on gcn5"). - The quad rate data that cover T0 is in data from "00041179012", hence merge this data with the quad rate data from 00032867001 and 00091683010