****************************************** # batcelldetect v1.85 ------------------------------------------ Input Image: sw00598819000b_preslew_1chan.img Output Catalog: preslew_bright_src.list Input Catalog: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/on_board_cat/bat_bright_src_catalog_sort.fits Part. Coding Map: NONE Back. Window: CIRCLE Radius: 30 Source Window: CIRCLE Radius: 6 SNR Threshold: 4.000000 Number of Iter.: 2 Min. Num. Pixels: 20 Fit background?: YES PSF Shape: GAUSSIAN ------------------------------------------ Found 1 Images (and selected 1 images) Analyzing Image: 1 Detection Iteration 1 Found 1407 cumulative pixels Detection Iteration 2 Found 1408 cumulative pixels Detected 18 sources NOTE: Existing columns listed below were copied unchanged from the input SCRIPT DSPCLEAN SRC_TYPE MERIT THRESHOLD ORIG_RA ORIG_DEC # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name 170.4619 -60.6758 0.1388 50.0 3.2 0.2385 1.4 Cen X-3 186.6552 -62.7708 1.0219 42.8 7.7 0.0235 0.2 GX 301-2 255.9938 -37.8527 3.3601 22.6 98.7 -0.0059 -0.1 4U 1700-377 256.4351 -36.4239 0.6488 23.6 101.3 0.0307 0.3 GX 349+2 262.7779 -33.8635 0.1347 23.8 115.7 0.1398 1.4 GX 354-0 262.8435 -24.7948 0.0860 32.5 121.5 -0.3225 -2.2 GX 1+4 264.9812 -44.4096 0.0601 13.5 106.9 -0.2658 -3.2 4U 1735-44 270.1545 -25.1675 0.0638 30.9 133.7 0.3719 3.0 GX 5-1 270.2801 -25.5591 0.0000 30.5 133.9 -0.2480 -2.0 GRS 1758-258 274.1547 -14.0722 0.1434 41.6 141.6 0.2781 1.3 GX 17+2 275.8653 -30.2044 0.0854 25.5 143.7 0.2194 2.3 H1820-303 284.9841 -24.8000 0.6260 31.4 159.9 -0.0319 -0.3 HT1900.1-2455 233.0933 -30.2884 0.0323 39.7 76.6 1.9005 6.0 UNKNOWN 289.3678 -15.0878 0.0071 41.7 163.9 4.0754 27.2 UNKNOWN 314.9997 -50.8321 0.0468 23.1 -120.5 0.3678 4.1 UNKNOWN 319.1089 -13.4402 0.0414 53.3 -159.8 1.0543 4.6 UNKNOWN ------------------------------------------