Mask shadow pattern

IMX = 6.342461359351292E-02, IMY = 7.582216673749773E-01

Spacecraft aspect plot

Bright source in the pre-burst/pre-slew/post-slew images

Pre-burst image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
-239.000000 -17.800000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
135.5116 -40.5820    2.9  39.9  120.2   2.6803   4.0    1.8	Vela X-1                      
106.2971 -53.3262    2.5  49.0  151.4   3.7221   4.7 ------	UNKNOWN                       
 76.1788 -50.0803    2.3  55.9  173.6   5.9887   4.9 ------	UNKNOWN                       
129.3093  52.6510    2.7  58.8  -26.0   5.7659   4.3 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Pre-slew background subtracted image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
-17.800000 85.656000
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
135.5006 -40.6800    4.4  40.0  120.3  -1.1724  -2.6    7.6	Vela X-1                      
124.7505 -31.8752    2.7  28.3  127.3   0.7470   4.2 ------	UNKNOWN                       
 86.3756  18.9070    0.9  37.3  -85.2   4.1414  12.7 ------	UNKNOWN                       

Post-slew image of 15-350 keV band

Time interval of the image:
341.700600 917.600590
# RAcent  DECcent POSerr Theta    Phi  PeakCts   SNR AngSep     Name
#  [deg]    [deg]    ['] [deg]  [deg]                   [']
254.5469  35.2390    7.9  35.8   14.4  -0.7912  -1.5    7.6	Her X-1                       
197.5679 -18.1973    2.4  46.4  152.8   5.6705   4.9 ------	UNKNOWN                       
277.4616  45.7238    3.2  53.8    0.8   4.6113   3.5 ------	UNKNOWN                       
280.0361  51.0117    3.4  55.5   -5.6   4.3165   3.4 ------	UNKNOWN                       
286.5975  60.8534    3.9  59.6  -17.1   8.1023   3.0 ------	UNKNOWN                       
160.7685  -2.1915    5.2  58.7 -159.2   7.4794   2.2 ------	UNKNOWN                       
166.9836  13.5446    3.2  46.0 -145.0   3.5261   3.7 ------	UNKNOWN                       
165.7098  19.1814    3.7  45.3 -137.0   3.3366   3.1 ------	UNKNOWN