****************************************** # batcelldetect v1.85 ------------------------------------------ Input Image: sw00702252000b_preburst_1chan.img Output Catalog: preburst_bright_src.list Input Catalog: /local/data/bat1/prebascript/on_board_cat/bat_bright_src_catalog_sort.fits Part. Coding Map: NONE Back. Window: CIRCLE Radius: 30 Source Window: CIRCLE Radius: 6 SNR Threshold: 4.000000 Number of Iter.: 2 Min. Num. Pixels: 20 Fit background?: YES PSF Shape: GAUSSIAN ------------------------------------------ Found 1 Images (and selected 1 images) Analyzing Image: 1 Detection Iteration 1 Found 1369 cumulative pixels Detection Iteration 2 Found 1369 cumulative pixels Detected 17 sources NOTE: Existing columns listed below were copied unchanged from the input SCRIPT DSPCLEAN SRC_TYPE MERIT THRESHOLD ORIG_RA ORIG_DEC # RAcent DECcent POSerr Theta Phi Peak Cts SNR Name 169.9541 -60.6704 0.0796 40.5 -89.1 0.8479 2.4 Cen X-3 186.5718 -62.7457 0.0475 32.3 -89.3 0.4854 4.1 GX 301-2 244.9943 -15.6357 0.0089 35.4 45.4 2.7577 21.6 Sco X-1 255.9913 -37.8856 0.0964 15.5 81.0 -0.1443 -2.0 4U 1700-377 256.3672 -36.4243 0.0339 17.0 79.5 0.4351 5.7 GX 349+2 262.9810 -24.5561 0.1510 30.1 79.8 -0.1511 -1.3 GX 1+4 263.0113 -33.8290 0.3055 21.9 89.8 -0.0525 -0.6 GX 354-0 264.7055 -44.3752 0.1978 15.2 116.3 -0.0728 -1.0 4U 1735-44 270.1865 -24.9785 40.9676 32.7 91.3 0.0005 0.0 GX 5-1 270.4503 -25.7297 0.0883 32.2 92.4 0.2842 2.2 GRS 1758-258 275.9784 -30.4272 0.1048 31.2 105.2 0.2286 1.8 H1820-303 285.1325 -25.0631 0.0673 40.5 110.1 0.8237 2.8 HT1900.1-2455 92.4434 -79.9372 0.0596 48.0 -129.3 1.0185 3.2 UNKNOWN 217.4777 -36.7487 0.0564 23.8 -19.3 0.2249 3.4 UNKNOWN 225.4841 -6.0795 0.0384 47.6 18.5 0.8916 5.0 UNKNOWN ------------------------------------------