infile, fr, a, "../../00770958000/auxil/sw00770958000sat.fits.gz[ACS_DATA]", , , "Input file name " option, s, a, "T", , , "Print options: H C K I T " outfile, s, h, "-", , , "Optional output file " clobber, b, h, "No",,, "Overwrite existing output file? " include, s, h, "*", , , "Include keywords list " exclude, s, h, "", , , "Exclude keywords list " section, s, h, "*", , , "Image section to print, eg, '2:8,1:10' " columns, s, h, "*", , , "Table columns to print " rows, s, h, "-", , , "Table rows or ranges to print, eg, '2,6-8' " vector, s, h, "-", , , "Vector range to print, eg, '1-5' " separator, s, h, " ", , , "Column separator string " rownum, b, h, "Yes",,, "Print row number? " colheader, b, h, "Yes",,, "Print column header? " mode, s, h, "ql", , , "Mode "