SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 334 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 204 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 6 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'ENERG_LO' / Incident energy lower bin edge TFORM1 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT1 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TTYPE2 = 'ENERG_HI' / Incident energy upper bin edge TFORM2 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT2 = 'keV ' / physical unit of field TTYPE3 = 'N_GRP ' / Number of response groups TFORM3 = 'I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE4 = 'F_CHAN ' / Group first response channel TFORM4 = 'I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE5 = 'N_CHAN ' / Group number of channels TFORM5 = 'I ' / data format of field: 2-byte INTEGER TTYPE6 = 'MATRIX ' / Response matrix elements TFORM6 = '80E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL EXTNAME = 'SPECRESP MATRIX' / name of this binary table extension HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Conforms to OGIP/GSFC standards HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' / Dataset relates to spectral response GAINAPP = T / Gain correction has been applied TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 7.4287037E-4 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 563532286.1006 TSTOP = 563532363.024 DATE-OBS= '2018-11-10T08:39:49' DATE-END= '2018-11-10T08:59:51' CLOCKAPP= F / default TELAPSE = 76.9234000444412 / [s] Total elapsed time from start to stop ONTIME = 76.9234000444412 / [s] Accumulated on-time LIVETIME= 76.9234000444412 / [s] ONTIME multiplied by DEADC EXPOSURE= 76.9234000444412 / [s] Accumulated exposure DEADC = 1. / Dead time correction factor TIMEPIXR= 0. / Time bin alignment TIMEDEL = 100.0E-6 / [s] time resolution of data TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' / Instrument name DATAMODE= 'Event ' / Instrument operating mode OBS_ID = '00871316000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 871316 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number EQUINOX = 2000. / default RADECSYS= 'FK5' / default OBS_MODE= 'SLEW_POINTING' / default ORIGIN = 'GSFC' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'batdrmgen 3.6' / Program that created this FITS file TLM2FITS= 'V7.18' / Telemetry converter version number DATE = '2018-11-20T03:02:05' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) LDPEBINS= 0 / LDP Energy Bin count LDPTYPE = 11 / LDP Type Code LDPGAIN = 386. / LDP Gain Index LDPOFFST= 1717. / LDP Offset Index LDPNA1 = 'egpdk6pz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA2 = 'egpdk8lz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA3 = 'egpdkahz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA4 = 'egpdkccz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA5 = 'egpdkduz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA6 = 'egpdkf7z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA7 = 'egpdkg5z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA8 = 'egpdki1z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA9 = 'egpdkjtz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA10 = 'egpdklpz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA11 = 'egpdknlz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA12 = 'egpdkphz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA13 = 'egpdkrdz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA14 = 'egpdkt9z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA15 = 'egpdkv5z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA16 = 'egpdl11z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA17 = 'egpdl2tz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA18 = 'egpdl4pz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA19 = 'egpdl6lz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA20 = 'egpdl8hz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA21 = 'egpdladz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15510) Row 1 to 352736 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15511) Row 347130 to 704634 HISTORY ApID(528) LDP(8798) Row 698771 to 1047734 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44870) Row 1042067 to 1422460 HISTORY ApID(527) LDP(49610) Row 1416816 to 1742988 HISTORY ApID(527) LDP(49612) Row 1736656 to 1963081 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44872) Row 1954629 to 2327302 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44873) Row 2320341 to 2663060 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44874) Row 2657528 to 2990041 HISTORY ApID(528) LDP(8799) Row 2984457 to 3317120 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15513) Row 3311860 to 3646229 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15516) Row 3640624 to 3974950 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15520) Row 3969613 to 4304260 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15522) Row 4298712 to 4632477 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15523) Row 4627140 to 4961732 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15526) Row 4956201 to 5289937 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15528) Row 5284601 to 5617934 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15531) Row 5612515 to 5946193 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15533) Row 5940695 to 6272294 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15535) Row 6266926 to 6598564 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15538) Row 6593246 to 6924917 HISTORY No single packet ApIDs contributed. HISTORY LDP(567,15510) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15510.ccsds HISTORY Product(15510) BAT Pages(2454) Found Pages(2454) HISTORY Valid Pages(2454) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15511) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15511.ccsds HISTORY Product(15511) BAT Pages(2463) Found Pages(2463) HISTORY Valid Pages(2463) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(528,8798) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_528_8798.ccsds HISTORY Product(8798) BAT Pages(2393) Found Pages(2393) HISTORY Valid Pages(2393) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(526,44870) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_526_44870.ccsds HISTORY Product(44870) BAT Pages(2541) Found Pages(2541) HISTORY Valid Pages(2541) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(527,49610) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_527_49610.ccsds HISTORY Product(49610) BAT Pages(2027) Found Pages(2027) HISTORY Valid Pages(2027) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(527,49612) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_527_49612.ccsds HISTORY Product(49612) BAT Pages(1443) Found Pages(1443) HISTORY Valid Pages(1443) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(526,44872) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_526_44872.ccsds HISTORY Product(44872) BAT Pages(2541) Found Pages(2541) HISTORY Valid Pages(2541) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(526,44873) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_526_44873.ccsds HISTORY Product(44873) BAT Pages(2367) Found Pages(2367) HISTORY Valid Pages(2367) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(526,44874) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_526_44874.ccsds HISTORY Product(44874) BAT Pages(2323) Found Pages(2323) HISTORY Valid Pages(2323) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(528,8799) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_528_8799.ccsds HISTORY Product(8799) BAT Pages(2323) Found Pages(2323) HISTORY Valid Pages(2323) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15513) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15513.ccsds HISTORY Product(15513) BAT Pages(2332) Found Pages(2332) HISTORY Valid Pages(2332) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15516) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15516.ccsds HISTORY Product(15516) BAT Pages(2376) Found Pages(2376) HISTORY Valid Pages(2376) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15520) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15520.ccsds HISTORY Product(15520) BAT Pages(2332) Found Pages(2332) HISTORY Valid Pages(2332) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15522) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15522.ccsds HISTORY Product(15522) BAT Pages(2328) Found Pages(2328) HISTORY Valid Pages(2328) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15523) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15523.ccsds HISTORY Product(15523) BAT Pages(2332) Found Pages(2332) HISTORY Valid Pages(2332) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15526) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15526.ccsds HISTORY Product(15526) BAT Pages(2328) Found Pages(2328) HISTORY Valid Pages(2328) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15528) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15528.ccsds HISTORY Product(15528) BAT Pages(2371) Found Pages(2371) HISTORY Valid Pages(2371) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15531) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15531.ccsds HISTORY Product(15531) BAT Pages(2328) Found Pages(2328) HISTORY Valid Pages(2328) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15533) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15533.ccsds HISTORY Product(15533) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15535) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15535.ccsds HISTORY Product(15535) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15538) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15538.ccsds HISTORY Product(15538) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY TASK: FMEMSORT on FILENAME: sw00871316000bevshto_uf.evt[EVENTS] HISTORY fmemsort4.1 at 2018-11-20T03:02:28 BTOFFAPP= T / BAT time offset correction was applied BTOFFVAL= 5E-06 / [s] BAT time offset correction value GAINMETH= 'FIXEDDAC' / Cubic ground gain/offset correction using DAC-bBCALFILE= '' / BAT total linear gain/offset file name BRESFILE= 'swbquadres20030304v003.fits' / BAT Residual from linear gain file namBPULFILE= 'swbpulsecal20170701v001.fits' / BAT Ground Pulser DAC to keV file namBFLTFILE= 'swbpulseflt20040101v001.fits' / BAT Flight Pulser DAC to keV file namHISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 at 2018-11-20T03:15:41 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt HISTORY P2 calfile = sw03108756002bcbo06b5g0182.fits.gz HISTORY P3 residfile = CALDB HISTORY P4 pulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 fltpulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P6 outfile = NONE HISTORY P7 calmode = INDEF HISTORY P8 zeroit = no HISTORY P9 scaled_energy = yes HISTORY P10 clobber = yes HISTORY P11 chatter = 3 HISTORY P12 history = yes HISTORY P13 mode = hl HISTORY END PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 HISTORY TRIGTIME= 563532233.216 / [s] MET Trigger Time BATCREAT= 'batmaskwtevt 1.22' / BAT Program that modified this FITS file MASKBATX= 0. / [cm] Center of mask tile plane in BAT_X MASKBATY= 0. / [cm] Center of mask tile plane in BAT_Y MASKBATZ= 100.3 / [cm] Top of mask tile plane in BAT_Z MASKOFFX= -0.145 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_X MASKOFFY= 0.114 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_Y MASKOFFZ= 0.05 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_Z MASKX0 = -124.25 / [cm] Position of mask corner in BAT_X MASKY0 = -63.25 / [cm] Position of mask corner in BAT_Y MASKPSI0= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about X-axis MASKPSI1= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about Y-axis MASKPSI2= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about Z-axis MASKCELX= 0.5 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_X MASKCELY= 0.5 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_Y MASKCELZ= 0.1 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_Z DETBATX = 0. / [cm] Center of detector plane in BAT_X DETBATY = 0. / [cm] Center of detector plane in BAT_Y DETBATZ = 0.35 / [cm] Top of detector plane in BAT_Z DETOFFX = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_X DETOFFY = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_Y DETOFFZ = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_Z DETCELX = 0.42 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_X DETCELY = 0.42 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_Y DETCELZ = 0.2 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_Z DETSIZEX= 0.4 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_X DETSIZEY= 0.4 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_Y DETSIZEZ= 0.2 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_Z BAT_RA = 302.342535673998 / [deg] Right ascension of source BAT_DEC = -36.902699253889 / [deg] Declination of source BAT_XOBJ= -2250.35284998544 BAT_YOBJ= 526.172497737514 BAT_ZOBJ= 10000000 COORTYPE= 'sky ' / Type of coordinates specified for weighting FFAPP = T / Projection correction applied? NFAPP = F / Near-field correction applied? ~(COS+RSQ) PCODEAPP= T / Partial coding correction applied? PCODEFR = 1 NGPIXAPP= T / Normalized by number of detectors? NGOODPIX= 12750 MSKWTSQF= 0.999958380556417 MSKWTAPP= T / Correction for mask weight technique applied? BDISTAPP= F / BAT image corrected for distortions? APERTURE= 'swbaperflux20041120v001.fits' / BAT aperture file name BTELDEF = 'swb20070911v001.teldef' / BAT teldef file name PROCVER = '3.18.03 ' / Processing script version SOFTVER = 'Hea_27Jul2015_V6.17_Swift_Rel4.5(Bld34)_27Jul2015_SDCpatch_15' CALDBVER= 'b20171016_u20170922_x20180710_m20181114' / CALDB index versions used SEQPNUM = 6 / Number of times the dataset processed OBJECT = 'Burst (302.318, -36.897)' / Object name RA_OBJ = 302.3177917 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -36.8965833 / [deg] Dec Object RA_PNT = 302.345370417341 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -36.9002734397414 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 263.506539501693 / [deg] Position angle (roll) CATSRC = F ATTFLAG = '110 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat UTCFINIT= -21.8963600000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 at 2018-12-17T20:47:45 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt HISTORY P2 calfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000/bat/hk/ HISTORY P3 residfile = CALDB HISTORY P4 pulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 fltpulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P6 outfile = NONE HISTORY P7 calmode = FIXEDDAC HISTORY P8 zeroit = NO HISTORY P9 scaled_energy = YES HISTORY P10 clobber = NO HISTORY P11 chatter = 2 HISTORY P12 history = YES HISTORY P13 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 HISTORY HISTORY CFITSIO used the following filtering expression to create this table: HISTORY /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triggerHISTORY 871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt[EVENTS][gtifiltHISTORY er("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triHISTORY gger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt-totgti.gti"HISTORY ,TIME)] HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 at 2018-12-17T20:47:48 HISTORY HISTORY P1 (infile = @/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P1 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evHISTORY P1 vents.lis) HISTORY HISTORY START FILE listing: sw00871316000b_all.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY F1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigHISTORY F1 ger871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt[EVENTS][gHISTORY F1 ilter("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reprHISTORY F1 trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt-totgtHISTORY F1 ti",TIME)] HISTORY END FILE listing: sw00871316000b_all.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evtHISTORY P3 columns = * HISTORY P4 insertrow = 0 HISTORY P5 lastkey = HISTORY P6 copyall = YES HISTORY P7 skipbadfiles = NO HISTORY P8 clobber = YES HISTORY P9 chatter = 1 HISTORY P10 history = YES HISTORY P11 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 HISTORY HISTORY CFITSIO used the following filtering expression to create this table: HISTORY /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triggerHISTORY 871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt[EVENTS][gtifiltHISTORY er("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triHISTORY gger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-totgtiHISTORY .gti",TIME)] HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 at 2018-12-17T20:49:43 HISTORY HISTORY P1 (infile = @/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P1 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslHISTORY P1 evt-events.lis) HISTORY HISTORY START FILE listing: sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY F1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigHISTORY F1 ger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt[EVENTS][gHISTORY F1 ilter("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reprHISTORY F1 trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-HISTORY F1 gti.gti",TIME)] HISTORY END FILE listing: sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postsleHISTORY P2 vt HISTORY P3 columns = * HISTORY P4 insertrow = 0 HISTORY P5 lastkey = HISTORY P6 copyall = YES HISTORY P7 skipbadfiles = NO HISTORY P8 clobber = YES HISTORY P9 chatter = 1 HISTORY P10 history = YES HISTORY P11 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 HISTORY FILIN001= '/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/tri'BACKAPP = T / Was background correction applied? HDUCLAS2= 'RSP_MATRIX' / Dataset is a spectral response matrix HDUCLAS3= 'FULL ' / Convolved with det. effects and mask PHAVERSN= '1992a ' / Version of spectrum format HDUVERS = '1.3.0 ' / Format (OGIP memo CAL/GEN/92-002a) FLUXMETH= 'WEIGHTED' / Flux extraction method AREASCAL= 1. / Nominal effective area BACKSCAL= 1. / Background scale factor CORRSCAL= 0. / Correction scale factor BACKFILE= 'none ' / Background FITS file CORRFILE= 'none ' / Correction FITS file ANCRFILE= 'none ' / Effective Area file (ARF) XFLT0001= 'none ' / XSPEC selection filter description QUALITY = 0 / Data quality flag GROUPING= 0 / Spectra are not grouped POISSERR= F / Poisson errors do not apply DETCHANS= 80 / Total number of PHA channels available CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / Pulse height channel type TOTCOUNT= 21703568 / Total number of counts HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batbinevt_1.48 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslewHISTORY P1 t HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.pHISTORY P3 outtype = PHA HISTORY P4 timedel = 0 HISTORY P5 timebinalg = u HISTORY P6 energybins = CALDB:80 HISTORY P7 gtifile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P7 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/gti/sw00871316000b_dur.gti[GTHISTORY P7 OT] HISTORY P8 ecol = ENERGY HISTORY P9 weighted = YES HISTORY P10 outunits = RATE HISTORY P11 timepixr = -1.0 HISTORY P12 maskwt = NONE HISTORY P13 tstart = INDEF HISTORY P14 tstop = INDEF HISTORY P15 snrthresh = 6.0 HISTORY P16 detmask = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P16 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/auxil/sw00871316000b_qmap.fHISTORY P17 tcol = TIME HISTORY P18 countscol = DPH_COUNTS HISTORY P19 xcol = DETX HISTORY P20 ycol = DETY HISTORY P21 maskwtcol = MASK_WEIGHT HISTORY P22 ebinquant = 0.1 HISTORY P23 delzeroes = NO HISTORY P24 minfracexp = 0.1 HISTORY P25 min_dph_frac_overlap = .999 HISTORY P26 min_dph_time_overlap = 0 HISTORY P27 max_dph_time_nonoverlap = 0.5 HISTORY P28 buffersize = 16384 HISTORY P29 clobber = yes HISTORY P30 chatter = 2 HISTORY P31 history = YES HISTORY P32 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batbinevt_1.48 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batupdatephakw_1.4 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.phHISTORY P2 auxfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/auxil/sw00871316000b_all.evauHISTORY P3 chatter = 1 HISTORY P4 clobber = no HISTORY P5 history = yes HISTORY P6 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batupdatephakw_1.4 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batphasyserr_1.6 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.phHISTORY P2 syserrfile = CALDB HISTORY P3 chatter = 2 HISTORY P4 clobber = no HISTORY P5 history = yes HISTORY P6 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batphasyserr_1.6 HISTORY PARMFILE= 'swbparams20030101v009.fits[1]' / BAT calibration parameter file DPTHFILE= 'swbdepthdis20030101v003.fits' / BAT interaction depth profiles ENRGFILE= 'swbresponse20030101v007.rsp' / BAT incident energy bin file HDUVERS1= '1.2.0 ' / Format (OGIP memo CAL/GEN/92-002a) RMFVERSN= '1992a ' / Format (OGIP memo CAL/GEN/92-002a) TLMIN4 = 0 / Minimum legal value TLMAX4 = 79 / Maximum legal value NUMGRP = 204 / Number of channel subsets NUMELT = 16320 / Total number of stored response matrix elementsPHAFILE = 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name of this binary table extension HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Conforms to OGIP/GSFC standards HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' / Contains spectrum GAINAPP = T / Gain correction has been applied TIMESYS = 'TT ' / Time system MJDREFI = 51910. / Reference MJD Integer part MJDREFF = 7.4287037E-4 / Reference MJD fractional TIMEREF = 'LOCAL ' / Time reference (barycenter/local) TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE' / Time assigned by clock TIMEUNIT= 's ' / Time unit TIERRELA= 1.0E-8 / [s/s] relative errors expressed as rate TIERABSO= 1.0 / [s] timing precision in seconds TSTART = 563532286.1006 TSTOP = 563532363.024 DATE-OBS= '2018-11-10T08:39:49' DATE-END= '2018-11-10T08:59:51' CLOCKAPP= F / default TELAPSE = 76.9234000444412 / [s] Total elapsed time from start to stop ONTIME = 76.9234000444412 / [s] Accumulated on-time LIVETIME= 76.9234000444412 / [s] ONTIME multiplied by DEADC EXPOSURE= 76.9234000444412 / [s] Accumulated exposure DEADC = 1. / Dead time correction factor TIMEPIXR= 0. / Time bin alignment TIMEDEL = 100.0E-6 / [s] time resolution of data TELESCOP= 'SWIFT ' / Telescope (mission) name INSTRUME= 'BAT ' / Instrument name DATAMODE= 'Event ' / Instrument operating mode OBS_ID = '00871316000' / Observation ID TARG_ID = 871316 / Target ID SEG_NUM = 0 / Segment number EQUINOX = 2000. / default RADECSYS= 'FK5' / default OBS_MODE= 'SLEW_POINTING' / default ORIGIN = 'GSFC' / Source of FITS file CREATOR = 'batdrmgen 3.6' / Program that created this FITS file TLM2FITS= 'V7.18' / Telemetry converter version number DATE = '2018-11-20T03:02:05' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT) LDPEBINS= 0 / LDP Energy Bin count LDPTYPE = 11 / LDP Type Code LDPGAIN = 386. / LDP Gain Index LDPOFFST= 1717. / LDP Offset Index LDPNA1 = 'egpdk6pz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA2 = 'egpdk8lz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA3 = 'egpdkahz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA4 = 'egpdkccz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA5 = 'egpdkduz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA6 = 'egpdkf7z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA7 = 'egpdkg5z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA8 = 'egpdki1z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA9 = 'egpdkjtz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA10 = 'egpdklpz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA11 = 'egpdknlz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA12 = 'egpdkphz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA13 = 'egpdkrdz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA14 = 'egpdkt9z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA15 = 'egpdkv5z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA16 = 'egpdl11z.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA17 = 'egpdl2tz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA18 = 'egpdl4pz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA19 = 'egpdl6lz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA20 = 'egpdl8hz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP LDPNA21 = 'egpdladz.evl' / LDPNAME of nn'th processed LDP HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15510) Row 1 to 352736 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15511) Row 347130 to 704634 HISTORY ApID(528) LDP(8798) Row 698771 to 1047734 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44870) Row 1042067 to 1422460 HISTORY ApID(527) LDP(49610) Row 1416816 to 1742988 HISTORY ApID(527) LDP(49612) Row 1736656 to 1963081 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44872) Row 1954629 to 2327302 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44873) Row 2320341 to 2663060 HISTORY ApID(526) LDP(44874) Row 2657528 to 2990041 HISTORY ApID(528) LDP(8799) Row 2984457 to 3317120 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15513) Row 3311860 to 3646229 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15516) Row 3640624 to 3974950 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15520) Row 3969613 to 4304260 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15522) Row 4298712 to 4632477 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15523) Row 4627140 to 4961732 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15526) Row 4956201 to 5289937 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15528) Row 5284601 to 5617934 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15531) Row 5612515 to 5946193 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15533) Row 5940695 to 6272294 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15535) Row 6266926 to 6598564 HISTORY ApID(567) LDP(15538) Row 6593246 to 6924917 HISTORY No single packet ApIDs contributed. 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HISTORY Valid Pages(2328) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15528) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15528.ccsds HISTORY Product(15528) BAT Pages(2371) Found Pages(2371) HISTORY Valid Pages(2371) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15531) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15531.ccsds HISTORY Product(15531) BAT Pages(2328) Found Pages(2328) HISTORY Valid Pages(2328) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15533) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15533.ccsds HISTORY Product(15533) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15535) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15535.ccsds HISTORY Product(15535) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY LDP(567,15538) File: swift_ldp_0d4b9400_197a_567_15538.ccsds HISTORY Product(15538) BAT Pages(2319) Found Pages(2319) HISTORY Valid Pages(2319) Simulated Pages (0) Missing Pages(0) HISTORY TASK: FMEMSORT on FILENAME: sw00871316000bevshto_uf.evt[EVENTS] HISTORY fmemsort4.1 at 2018-11-20T03:02:28 BTOFFAPP= T / BAT time offset correction was applied BTOFFVAL= 5E-06 / [s] BAT time offset correction value GAINMETH= 'FIXEDDAC' / Cubic ground gain/offset correction using DAC-bBCALFILE= '' / BAT total linear gain/offset file name BRESFILE= 'swbquadres20030304v003.fits' / BAT Residual from linear gain file namBPULFILE= 'swbpulsecal20170701v001.fits' / BAT Ground Pulser DAC to keV file namBFLTFILE= 'swbpulseflt20040101v001.fits' / BAT Flight Pulser DAC to keV file namHISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 at 2018-11-20T03:15:41 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt HISTORY P2 calfile = sw03108756002bcbo06b5g0182.fits.gz HISTORY P3 residfile = CALDB HISTORY P4 pulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 fltpulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P6 outfile = NONE HISTORY P7 calmode = INDEF HISTORY P8 zeroit = no HISTORY P9 scaled_energy = yes HISTORY P10 clobber = yes HISTORY P11 chatter = 3 HISTORY P12 history = yes HISTORY P13 mode = hl HISTORY END PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 HISTORY TRIGTIME= 563532233.216 / [s] MET Trigger Time BATCREAT= 'batmaskwtevt 1.22' / BAT Program that modified this FITS file MASKBATX= 0. / [cm] Center of mask tile plane in BAT_X MASKBATY= 0. / [cm] Center of mask tile plane in BAT_Y MASKBATZ= 100.3 / [cm] Top of mask tile plane in BAT_Z MASKOFFX= -0.145 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_X MASKOFFY= 0.114 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_Y MASKOFFZ= 0.05 / [cm] Offset of mask in BAT_Z MASKX0 = -124.25 / [cm] Position of mask corner in BAT_X MASKY0 = -63.25 / [cm] Position of mask corner in BAT_Y MASKPSI0= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about X-axis MASKPSI1= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about Y-axis MASKPSI2= 0. / [deg] Mask Euler rotation about Z-axis MASKCELX= 0.5 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_X MASKCELY= 0.5 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_Y MASKCELZ= 0.1 / [cm] Size of mask cell in BAT_Z DETBATX = 0. / [cm] Center of detector plane in BAT_X DETBATY = 0. / [cm] Center of detector plane in BAT_Y DETBATZ = 0.35 / [cm] Top of detector plane in BAT_Z DETOFFX = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_X DETOFFY = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_Y DETOFFZ = 0. / [cm] Offset of detector plane in BAT_Z DETCELX = 0.42 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_X DETCELY = 0.42 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_Y DETCELZ = 0.2 / [cm] Size of detector pitch cell in BAT_Z DETSIZEX= 0.4 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_X DETSIZEY= 0.4 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_Y DETSIZEZ= 0.2 / [cm] Size of detector in BAT_Z BAT_RA = 302.342535673998 / [deg] Right ascension of source BAT_DEC = -36.902699253889 / [deg] Declination of source BAT_XOBJ= -2250.35284998544 BAT_YOBJ= 526.172497737514 BAT_ZOBJ= 10000000 COORTYPE= 'sky ' / Type of coordinates specified for weighting FFAPP = T / Projection correction applied? NFAPP = F / Near-field correction applied? ~(COS+RSQ) PCODEAPP= T / Partial coding correction applied? PCODEFR = 1 NGPIXAPP= T / Normalized by number of detectors? NGOODPIX= 12750 MSKWTSQF= 0.999958380556417 MSKWTAPP= T / Correction for mask weight technique applied? BDISTAPP= F / BAT image corrected for distortions? APERTURE= 'swbaperflux20041120v001.fits' / BAT aperture file name BTELDEF = 'swb20070911v001.teldef' / BAT teldef file name PROCVER = '3.18.03 ' / Processing script version SOFTVER = 'Hea_27Jul2015_V6.17_Swift_Rel4.5(Bld34)_27Jul2015_SDCpatch_15' CALDBVER= 'b20171016_u20170922_x20180710_m20181114' / CALDB index versions used SEQPNUM = 6 / Number of times the dataset processed OBJECT = 'Burst (302.318, -36.897)' / Object name RA_OBJ = 302.3177917 / [deg] R.A. Object DEC_OBJ = -36.8965833 / [deg] Dec Object RA_PNT = 302.345370417341 / [deg] RA pointing DEC_PNT = -36.9002734397414 / [deg] Dec pointing PA_PNT = 263.506539501693 / [deg] Position angle (roll) CATSRC = F ATTFLAG = '110 ' / Attitude file: 100=sat, x10=pat, xx1=uat UTCFINIT= -21.8963600000000 / [s] UTCF at TSTART HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 at 2018-12-17T20:47:45 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt HISTORY P2 calfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000/bat/hk/ HISTORY P3 residfile = CALDB HISTORY P4 pulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 fltpulserfile = CALDB HISTORY P6 outfile = NONE HISTORY P7 calmode = FIXEDDAC HISTORY P8 zeroit = NO HISTORY P9 scaled_energy = YES HISTORY P10 clobber = NO HISTORY P11 chatter = 2 HISTORY P12 history = YES HISTORY P13 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for bateconvert_6.3 HISTORY HISTORY CFITSIO used the following filtering expression to create this table: HISTORY /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triggerHISTORY 871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt[EVENTS][gtifiltHISTORY er("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triHISTORY gger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt-totgti.gti"HISTORY ,TIME)] HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 at 2018-12-17T20:47:48 HISTORY HISTORY P1 (infile = @/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P1 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evHISTORY P1 vents.lis) HISTORY HISTORY START FILE listing: sw00871316000b_all.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY F1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigHISTORY F1 ger871316/00871316000/bat/event/sw00871316000bevshsp_uf.evt[EVENTS][gHISTORY F1 ilter("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reprHISTORY F1 trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt-totgtHISTORY F1 ti",TIME)] HISTORY END FILE listing: sw00871316000b_all.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evtHISTORY P3 columns = * HISTORY P4 insertrow = 0 HISTORY P5 lastkey = HISTORY P6 copyall = YES HISTORY P7 skipbadfiles = NO HISTORY P8 clobber = YES HISTORY P9 chatter = 1 HISTORY P10 history = YES HISTORY P11 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 HISTORY HISTORY CFITSIO used the following filtering expression to create this table: HISTORY /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triggerHISTORY 871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt[EVENTS][gtifiltHISTORY er("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/triHISTORY gger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-totgtiHISTORY .gti",TIME)] HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 at 2018-12-17T20:49:43 HISTORY HISTORY P1 (infile = @/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P1 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslHISTORY P1 evt-events.lis) HISTORY HISTORY START FILE listing: sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY F1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigHISTORY F1 ger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_all.evt[EVENTS][gHISTORY F1 ilter("/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reprHISTORY F1 trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-HISTORY F1 gti.gti",TIME)] HISTORY END FILE listing: sw00871316000b_postslew.evt-events.lis HISTORY HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postsleHISTORY P2 vt HISTORY P3 columns = * HISTORY P4 insertrow = 0 HISTORY P5 lastkey = HISTORY P6 copyall = YES HISTORY P7 skipbadfiles = NO HISTORY P8 clobber = YES HISTORY P9 chatter = 1 HISTORY P10 history = YES HISTORY P11 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for ftmerge_2.20 HISTORY FILIN001= '/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/tri'BACKAPP = T / Was background correction applied? HDUCLAS2= 'EBOUNDS ' / Spectrum is background subtracted HDUCLAS3= 'RATE ' / Spectrum is count/s PHAVERSN= '1992a ' / Version of spectrum format HDUVERS = '1.2.0 ' / Version of EBOUNDS header FLUXMETH= 'WEIGHTED' / Flux extraction method AREASCAL= 1. / Nominal effective area BACKSCAL= 1. / Background scale factor CORRSCAL= 0. / Correction scale factor BACKFILE= 'none ' / Background FITS file CORRFILE= 'none ' / Correction FITS file RESPFILE= 'none ' / Redistribution Matrix file (RMF) ANCRFILE= 'none ' / Effective Area file (ARF) XFLT0001= 'none ' / XSPEC selection filter description QUALITY = 0 / Data quality flag GROUPING= 0 / Spectra are not grouped POISSERR= F / Poisson errors do not apply DETCHANS= 80 / Total number of detector channels available CHANTYPE= 'PI ' / Pulse height channel type TOTCOUNT= 21703568 / Total number of counts HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batbinevt_1.48 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/events/sw00871316000b_postslewHISTORY P1 t HISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.pHISTORY P3 outtype = PHA HISTORY P4 timedel = 0 HISTORY P5 timebinalg = u HISTORY P6 energybins = CALDB:80 HISTORY P7 gtifile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P7 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/gti/sw00871316000b_dur.gti[GTHISTORY P7 OT] HISTORY P8 ecol = ENERGY HISTORY P9 weighted = YES HISTORY P10 outunits = RATE HISTORY P11 timepixr = -1.0 HISTORY P12 maskwt = NONE HISTORY P13 tstart = INDEF HISTORY P14 tstop = INDEF HISTORY P15 snrthresh = 6.0 HISTORY P16 detmask = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_HISTORY P16 reproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/auxil/sw00871316000b_qmap.fHISTORY P17 tcol = TIME HISTORY P18 countscol = DPH_COUNTS HISTORY P19 xcol = DETX HISTORY P20 ycol = DETY HISTORY P21 maskwtcol = MASK_WEIGHT HISTORY P22 ebinquant = 0.1 HISTORY P23 delzeroes = NO HISTORY P24 minfracexp = 0.1 HISTORY P25 min_dph_frac_overlap = .999 HISTORY P26 min_dph_time_overlap = 0 HISTORY P27 max_dph_time_nonoverlap = 0.5 HISTORY P28 buffersize = 16384 HISTORY P29 clobber = yes HISTORY P30 chatter = 2 HISTORY P31 history = YES HISTORY P32 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batbinevt_1.48 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batupdatephakw_1.4 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.phHISTORY P2 auxfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/auxil/sw00871316000b_all.evauHISTORY P3 chatter = 1 HISTORY P4 clobber = no HISTORY P5 history = yes HISTORY P6 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batupdatephakw_1.4 HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batphasyserr_1.6 at 2018-12-17T20:50:54 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.phHISTORY P2 syserrfile = CALDB HISTORY P3 chatter = 2 HISTORY P4 clobber = no HISTORY P5 history = yes HISTORY P6 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batphasyserr_1.6 HISTORY PARMFILE= 'swbparams20030101v009.fits[1]' / BAT calibration parameter file DPTHFILE= 'swbdepthdis20030101v003.fits' / BAT interaction depth profiles ENRGFILE= 'swbresponse20030101v007.rsp' / BAT incident energy bin file RMFVERSN= '1992a ' / Version of EBOUNDS format (OBSOLETE) HDUVERS1= '1.0.0 ' / Version of EBOUNDS header HDUVERS2= '1.1.0 ' / Version of EBOUNDS header PHAFILE = '/local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/tri'HISTORY HISTORY START PARAMETER list for batdrmgen_3.6 at 2018-12-17T20:51:16 HISTORY HISTORY P1 infile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reHISTORY P1 proc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.phHISTORY P2 outfile = /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rHISTORY P2 eproc/trigger871316/00871316000-results/pha/sw00871316000b_postslew.rHISTORY P3 hkfile = NONE HISTORY P4 calfile = CALDB HISTORY P5 depthfile = CALDB HISTORY P6 escale = FILE HISTORY P7 detmask = NONE HISTORY P8 method = MEAN HISTORY P9 flight_data = YES HISTORY P10 nphoton_bins = 200 HISTORY P11 elimit_lo = 10.0 HISTORY P12 elimit_hi = 500.0 HISTORY P13 efile = CALDB HISTORY P14 hv_def = 200.0 HISTORY P15 vthr_def = 12.0 HISTORY P16 row = 1 HISTORY P17 fudge = INDEF HISTORY P18 clobber = yes HISTORY P19 chatter = 2 HISTORY P20 history = YES HISTORY P21 mode = ql HISTORY END PARAMETER list for batdrmgen_3.6 HISTORY END A A A@A@A`A`AAAAAAAAAAA AA AA ABff BffB BB33B33B33B33B!B!B*B*B2ffB2ffB;33B;33BCBCBLffBLffBTBTB]B]BfffBfffBo33Bo33BxBxBffBffBBBffBffBBBffBffB BBff!BffB"BB#BB33$B33B%BB&BBff'BffB(BB)BBř*BřBff+BffB33,B33B-BB.BB/BB♚0B♚B癚1B癚Bff2BffBff3BffBff4BffBff5BffCL6CLC7CCL8CLCf9CfC ff:C ffC ;C CCCff?CffC@CC3AC3CffBCffC"CC"C$3DC$3C'ffEC'ffC*FC*C,GC,C/HC/C233IC233C5JC5C73KC73C:LC:C=LMC=LC@NC@CBfOCBfE