====================================================================== BAT GRB EVENT DATA PROCESSING REPORT Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.47 Process Start Time (local time): Mon Jun 29 14:49:44 EDT 2020 Host Name: bat1 Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger974942 ====================================================================== Trigger: 00974942 Segment: 000 BAT Trigger Time: 612406620.8 [s; MET] Trigger Stop: 612406632.96 [s; MET] UTC: 2020-05-29T00:56:35.779500 [includes UTCF correction] Where From?: TDRSS position message BAT RA: 238.751484339386 Dec: -11.0573217127229 [deg; J2000] Catalogged Source?: NO Point Source?: YES GRB Indicated?: YES [ by BAT flight software ] Image S/N Ratio: 16.33 Image Trigger?: NO Rate S/N Ratio: 19.2613602842582 [ if not an image trigger ] Image S/N Ratio: 16.33 Analysis Position: [ source = BAT ] RA: 238.751484339386 Dec: -11.0573217127229 [deg; J2000] Refined Position: [ source = BAT pre-slew burst ] RA: 238.751991759704 Dec: -11.0799161937531 [deg; J2000] { 15h 55m 00.5s , -11d 04' 47.7" } +/- 1.12117824661886 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR) +/- 0.422392703980751 [arcmin] (formal 1-sigma fit error) SNR: 25.8317944285249 Angular difference between Flight and Ground position is 1.355998 arcmin Partial Coding Fraction: 0.5 [ including projection effects ] Duration T90: 79.9159998893738 +/- 7.19582355717513 Measured from: 1.09600007534027 to: 81.0119999647141 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] T50: 36.5799999237061 +/- 5.16854633688639 Measured from: 9.12400007247925 to: 45.7039999961853 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Fluence Peak Flux (peak 1 second) Measured from: 1.49600005149841 to: 2.49600005149841 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Total Fluence Measured from: -0.687999963760376 to: 93.4280000925064 [s; relative to TRIGTIME] Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 15-25 25-50 50-100 100-350 keV Total 1.856158 2.056342 1.290997 0.242431 0.100746 0.089365 0.074186 0.061842 [error] Peak 0.069692 0.078686 0.054535 0.015281 0.011379 0.010275 0.008820 0.006968 [error] [ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ] ======================================================================