XSPEC version: 12.13.0c Build Date/Time: Mon Dec 19 16:03:51 2022 XSPEC12>query no XSPEC12>data 1:1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_repro c/trigger1150429/01150429000-results/pha/sw01150429000b_peak.pha 1 spectrum in use Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/01150429000-results/pha/sw01150429000b_peak.pha Spectrum 1 Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 1.641e-01 +/- 2.239e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 1-80 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 1 sec Using fit statistic: chi No response loaded. ***Warning! One or more spectra are missing responses, and are not suitable for fit. XSPEC12>response 1 /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_rep roc/trigger1150429/remake_spec_cflux/spec_1speak/sw01150429000b_1speak.rsp Response successfully loaded. XSPEC12>ignore **-13.0 150.0-** 3 channels (1-3) ignored in spectrum # 1 18 channels (63-80) ignored in spectrum # 1 XSPEC12>model bbodyrad + bbodyrad Input parameter value, delta, min, bot, top, and max values for ... 3 0.01( 0.03) 0.0001 0.001 100 200 1:bbodyrad:kT>4.0000 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-04 1.00000E-03 100.00 2 00.00 1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+20 1e+24 2:bbodyrad:norm>20.000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 3 0.01( 0.03) 0.0001 0.001 100 200 3:bbodyrad:kT>10.000 1.00000E-02 1.00000E-04 1.00000E-03 100.00 2 00.00 1 0.01( 0.01) 0 0 1e+20 1e+24 4:bbodyrad:norm>0.50000 1.00000E-02 0.0000 0.0000 1.00000E+24 1.00000E+24 ======================================================================== Model bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 bbodyrad kT keV 4.00000 +/- 0.0 2 1 bbodyrad norm 20.0000 +/- 0.0 3 2 bbodyrad kT keV 10.0000 +/- 0.0 4 2 bbodyrad norm 0.500000 +/- 0.0 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 79.40 using 59 bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared 79.40 using 59 bins. Null hypothesis probability of 1.73e-02 with 55 degrees of freedom Current data and model not fit yet. XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:kT 2:norm 3:kT 4:norm 50.8433 3.2485 -1 3.81102 9.22006 11.2888 0.312983 50.322 2.66278 -1 3.79559 8.65094 11.5763 0.271659 50.0808 0.105523 -1 3.85888 8.51543 11.9010 0.242506 49.8778 0.088963 -1 3.92582 8.32275 12.2092 0.218368 49.706 0.0958378 -1 3.99269 8.08611 12.5018 0.198085 49.559 0.11091 -1 4.05889 7.82722 12.7805 0.180862 49.4318 0.128779 -1 4.12401 7.56031 13.0466 0.166086 49.3208 0.146512 -1 4.18778 7.29453 13.3015 0.153291 49.2229 0.163221 -1 4.25005 7.03549 13.5464 0.142115 49.1358 0.178542 -1 4.31073 6.78647 13.7826 0.132274 ================================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 4 5.3462E-04| 0.0466 0.0049 0.0374 0.9982 1.2217E-01| 0.9828 0.1286 -0.1258 -0.0418 9.1384E+00| 0.1047 0.1472 0.9826 -0.0425 2.7937E+02| -0.1448 0.9807 -0.1311 0.0068 -------------------------------------------------- ================================================ Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 6.075e+00 -3.951e+01 6.230e+00 -3.219e-01 -3.951e+01 2.689e+02 -3.461e+01 1.813e+00 6.230e+00 -3.461e+01 1.363e+01 -6.307e-01 -3.219e-01 1.813e+00 -6.307e-01 3.024e-02 ------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 bbodyrad kT keV 4.31073 +/- 2.46475 2 1 bbodyrad norm 6.78647 +/- 16.3980 3 2 bbodyrad kT keV 13.7826 +/- 3.69190 4 2 bbodyrad norm 0.132274 +/- 0.173908 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 49.14 using 59 bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared 49.14 using 59 bins. Null hypothesis probability of 6.97e-01 with 55 degrees of freedom XSPEC12>fit Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:kT 2:norm 3:kT 4:norm 49.0571 0.0808393 -1 4.37071 6.54489 14.0131 0.123454 48.9868 0.202858 -1 4.42811 6.32069 14.2345 0.115672 48.923 0.217001 -1 4.48395 6.10894 14.4497 0.108679 48.8647 0.22791 -1 4.53828 5.90938 14.6593 0.102363 48.8112 0.237976 -1 4.59117 5.72146 14.8642 0.0966279 48.7618 0.247378 -1 4.64268 5.54455 15.0648 0.0913968 48.7159 0.25629 -1 4.69289 5.37791 15.2616 0.0866045 48.7092 0.264794 -2 5.07522 3.95204 16.3034 0.0609669 ================================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 4 2.3031E-04| 0.0311 0.0049 0.0199 0.9993 1.0700E-01| 0.9765 0.1930 -0.0914 -0.0295 1.3157E+01| 0.0289 0.3017 0.9527 -0.0213 1.0258E+02| -0.2113 0.9337 -0.2891 0.0078 -------------------------------------------------- ================================================ Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 4.693e+00 -2.010e+01 6.619e+00 -1.795e-01 -2.010e+01 9.062e+01 -2.391e+01 6.585e-01 6.619e+00 -2.391e+01 2.052e+01 -4.972e-01 -1.795e-01 6.585e-01 -4.972e-01 1.249e-02 ------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 bbodyrad kT keV 5.07522 +/- 2.16643 2 1 bbodyrad norm 3.95204 +/- 9.51968 3 2 bbodyrad kT keV 16.3034 +/- 4.52961 4 2 bbodyrad norm 6.09669E-02 +/- 0.111754 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 48.71 using 59 bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared 48.71 using 59 bins. Null hypothesis probability of 7.12e-01 with 55 degrees of freedom XSPEC12>fit 100 Parameters Chi-Squared |beta|/N Lvl 1:kT 2:norm 3:kT 4:norm 48.4189 0.199047 -2 5.32978 3.58205 17.4009 0.0469538 48.2247 7.90482 -2 5.56684 3.18384 18.6191 0.0363046 48.0954 6.96252 -2 5.78363 2.85787 19.8160 0.0284745 47.9888 7.28881 -2 5.98814 2.58605 21.0311 0.0226275 47.8993 7.68605 -2 6.18178 2.35736 22.2719 0.0181808 47.8237 8.12379 -2 6.36401 2.16479 23.5354 0.0147765 47.7608 8.44622 -2 6.53338 2.00324 24.8080 0.0121676 47.7101 8.51454 -2 6.68825 1.86860 26.0678 0.0101713 47.6704 8.23645 -2 6.82725 1.75730 27.2885 0.00864674 47.6407 7.58816 -2 6.94966 1.66605 28.4433 0.00748403 47.6371 6.63333 -3 7.16138 1.51442 30.5502 0.00561742 ================================================== Variances and Principal Axes 1 2 3 4 3.9587E-06| 0.0034 0.0027 0.0008 1.0000 5.0792E-02| -0.6762 -0.7366 0.0136 0.0043 3.0472E+00| 0.7332 -0.6746 -0.0850 -0.0006 2.5625E+02| -0.0718 0.0475 -0.9963 0.0009 -------------------------------------------------- ================================================ Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 2.981e+00 -2.356e+00 1.813e+01 -1.816e-02 -2.356e+00 1.993e+00 -1.196e+01 1.214e-02 1.813e+01 -1.196e+01 2.544e+02 -2.297e-01 -1.816e-02 1.214e-02 -2.297e-01 2.139e-04 ------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Model bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 bbodyrad kT keV 7.16138 +/- 1.72658 2 1 bbodyrad norm 1.51442 +/- 1.41185 3 2 bbodyrad kT keV 30.5502 +/- 15.9489 4 2 bbodyrad norm 5.61742E-03 +/- 1.46264E-02 ________________________________________________________________________ Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 47.64 using 59 bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared 47.64 using 59 bins. Null hypothesis probability of 7.49e-01 with 55 degrees of freedom XSPEC12>log bat_spec_2bb.log Logging to file:bat_spec_2bb.log XSPEC12>show XSPEC version: 12.13.0c Fri Jun 16 09:15:39 2023 Auto-saving is done after every command. Fit statistic in use: Chi-Squared Minimization technique: Levenberg-Marquardt Convergence criterion = 0.01 Parameter fit deltas: 0.01 * parValue Using chain rule to calculate statistic derivatives (faster method). Querying disabled - will not continue fitting. Prefit-renorming enabled. Solar abundance table: angr Photoionization Cross-Section Table: bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 Cosmology in use: H0 = 70 q0 = 0 Lambda0 = 0.73 Model data directory: /software/lheasoft/release/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.12/../spectral/manager/../modelData/ Plot settings: Showing of individual additive components is OFF. Showing of background spectra is OFF. Effective area normalization is OFF. Current unit settings: Energy = keV Wavelength = angstrom, with Y-Axis displayed per Hz X-Axis data display mode: Channels Spectra plots will be shifted to source frame by redshift value z: 0 Device: /null Plotting of line IDs is OFF. Splashpage is ON. xlog for data plots is ON. ylog for data plots is OFF. Default plot rebin settings for all plot groups: Min. Signif. Max. # Bins Error Type 0.00000 1 quad Responses read: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/remake_spec_cflux/spec_1speak/sw01150429000b_1speak.rsp associated with spectrum 1 source 1 energies: 204 channels: 80 Distinct RMF files: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/remake_spec_cflux/spec_1speak//local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/remake_spec_cflux/spec_1speak/sw01150429000b_1speak.rsp 1 file 1 spectrum Spectrum 1 Spectral Data File: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/01150429000-results/pha/sw01150429000b_peak.pha Net count rate (cts/s) for Spectrum:1 1.435e-01 +/- 1.785e-02 Assigned to Data Group 1 and Plot Group 1 Noticed Channels: 4-62 Telescope: SWIFT Instrument: BAT Channel Type: PI Exposure Time: 1 sec Using fit statistic: chi Using Response (RMF) File /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1150429/remake_spec_cflux/spec_1speak/sw01150429000b_1speak.rsp for Source 1 Spectral data counts: 0.143457 Model predicted rate: 0.138755 Current model list: ======================================================================== Model bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> Source No.: 1 Active/On Model Model Component Parameter Unit Value par comp 1 1 bbodyrad kT keV 7.16138 +/- 1.72658 2 1 bbodyrad norm 1.51442 +/- 1.41185 3 2 bbodyrad kT keV 30.5502 +/- 15.9489 4 2 bbodyrad norm 5.61742E-03 +/- 1.46264E-02 ________________________________________________________________________ Using energies from responses. Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 47.64 using 59 bins. Test statistic : Chi-Squared 47.64 using 59 bins. Null hypothesis probability of 7.49e-01 with 55 degrees of freedom Bayes is off XSPEC12>flux 15.0 25.0 err 500 90 Parameter distribution is derived from fit covariance matrix. Model Flux 0.43143 photons (1.3579e-08 ergs/cm^2/s) range (15.000 - 25.000 keV) Error range 0.000 - 0.5122 (0.000 - 1.610e-08) (90.00% confidence) XSPEC12>flux 25.0 50.0 err 500 90 Parameter distribution is derived from fit covariance matrix. Model Flux 0.42403 photons (2.3308e-08 ergs/cm^2/s) range (25.000 - 50.000 keV) Error range 0.000 - 0.4673 (0.000 - 2.542e-08) (90.00% confidence) XSPEC12>flux 50.0 150.0 err 500 90 Parameter distribution is derived from fit covariance matrix. Model Flux 0.26403 photons (3.6272e-08 ergs/cm^2/s) range (50.000 - 150.00 keV) Error range 0.000 - 0.3267 (0.000 - 4.614e-08) (90.00% confidence) XSPEC12>flux 15.0 150.0 err 500 90 Parameter distribution is derived from fit covariance matrix. Model Flux 1.1195 photons (7.3159e-08 ergs/cm^2/s) range (15.000 - 150.00 keV) Error range 0.000 - 1.222 (0.000 - 8.012e-08) (90.00% confidence) XSPEC12>error 1 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) 1 3.06418 11.0192 (-4.40511,3.54988) XSPEC12>error 2 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 2 0.353753 30.9782 (-0.96739,29.6571) XSPEC12>error 3 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. ***Warning: Zero alpha-matrix diagonal element for parameter 4 Parameter 4 is pegged at 0.0045145 due to zero or negative pivot element, likely caused by the fit being insensitive to the parameter. Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 23.8817, -17.6143 and delta stat 0.210631, 5.55671 but latest trial 7.88312 gives 0.102171 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. ***Warning: Number of trials exceeded before bracketing of delta fit-stat. Last attempt: 200, with delta statistic: 0.668334 *** Parameter upper bound is INVALID. 3 3.13366 0 (-31.9433,-35.077) XSPEC12>error 4 Parameter Confidence Range (2.706) Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:3 Apparent non-monotonicity in statistic space detected. Current bracket values 0.000254026, 0 and delta stat 1.80982, 5.55776 but latest trial 0.000145277 gives 0.659394 Suggest that you check this result using the steppar command. Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 Due to zero model norms, the following fit parameters are temporarily frozen:1 4 0.000127013 0.269264 (-0.00355634,0.26558) XSPEC12>log none Log file closed logging switched off XSPEC12>setplot energy XSPEC12>setplot command sc white 1 XSPEC12>setplot command cpd bat_spec_2bb.gif/gif 2 XSPEC12>plot ldata delchi XSPEC12>/* XSPEC12>exit XSPEC: quit Spectral model: bbodyrad<1> + bbodyrad<2> ------------------------------------------------------------ Parameters : value Lower 90% Upper 90% kT1 [keV] : 7.16138 (-4.40511 3.54988) R1^2/D10^2 : 1.51442 (-0.96739 29.6571) kT2 [keV] : 30.5502 (-31.9433 -35.077) R2^2/D10^2 : 5.61742E-03 (-0.00355634 0.26558) ------------------------------------------------------------ #Fit statistic : Chi-Squared 47.64 using 59 bins. Reduced chi-squared = # Null hypothesis probability of 7.49e-01 with 55 degrees of freedom Energy Fluence 90% Error [keV] [erg/cm2] [erg/cm2] 15- 25 1.358e-08 8.050e-09 25- 50 2.331e-08 1.271e-08 50-150 3.627e-08 2.307e-08 15-150 7.316e-08 4.006e-08