Analysis Summary


    Process Script Ver: batgrbproduct v2.48
    Process Start Time: Tue Dec 26 15:42:56 EST 2023
             Host Name: batproc1
   Current Working Dir: /local/data/bat1/alien/Swift_3rdBATcatalog/event/batevent_reproc/trigger1194500

  Trigger: 01194500      Segment: 000

  BAT Trigger Time: 720755292.224   [s; MET]
      Trigger Stop: 720755293.248   [s; MET]
               UTC: 2023-11-04T01:47:39.917340    [includes UTCF correction] 
       Where From?: TDRSS position message

    RA: 23.7891451771579   Dec: 83.790808701288  [deg; J2000]

     Catalogged Source?: NO
     Point Source?:      YES
     GRB Indicated?:     YES    [ by BAT flight software ]
     Image S/N Ratio:    23.7
     Image Trigger?:     NO
     Rate S/N Ratio:     255.998046867549  [ if not an image trigger ]
     Image S/N Ratio:    23.7

  Analysis Position:   [ source = BAT ]
    RA: 23.7891451771579   Dec: 83.790808701288  [deg; J2000]

  Refined Position:   [ source = BAT pre-slew burst ]
    RA: 23.8232899443077   Dec: 83.7942183482602  [deg; J2000]  
        { 01h 35m 17.6s , +83d 47' 39.2" }
         +/- 0.512563844230318 [arcmin] (estimated 90% radius based on SNR)
         +/- 0.0916436390894789 [arcmin] (formal 1-sigma fit error)
    SNR: 79.0249336168939
  Angular difference between the analysis and refined position is 0.301538 arcmin
  Partial Coding Fraction: 0.890625    [ including projection effects ]

     T90: 46.7119998931885 +/- 1.56841836679801
        Measured from: -5.75599992275238
                   to: 40.9559999704361     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
     T50: 22.0039999485016 +/- 0.227437965134723
        Measured from: -0.875999927520752
                   to: 21.1280000209808     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]

     Peak Flux  (peak 1 second)
        Measured from: 0.240000009536743     
                   to: 1.24000000953674     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
     Total Fluence        
        Measured from: -13.3919999599457     
                   to: 55.8320000171661     [s; relative to TRIGTIME]
             Band 1     Band 2     Band 3     Band 4
              15-25      25-50     50-100    100-350     keV
 Total     4.516816   6.865695   6.077785   1.898170
           0.065540   0.072108   0.066821   0.051915 [error]
 Peak      0.529279   1.032874   1.215987   0.481761
           0.015480   0.020577   0.023136   0.018449 [error]

     [ fluence units of on-axis counts / fully illuminated detector ] 

====== Table of the duration information =============================
        Value   tstart    tstop
T100   69.224  -13.392   55.832
T90    46.712   -5.756   40.956
T50    22.004   -0.876   21.128
Peak    1.000    0.240    1.240
====== Spectral Analysis Summary =====================================
Model      : spectral model: simple power-law (PL) and cutoff power-law (CPL)
Ph_index   : photon index: E^{Ph_index}
Ph_90err   : 90% error of the photon index
Epeak      : Epeak in keV
Epeak_90err: 90% error of Epeak
Norm       : normalization at 50 keV in both the PL model and CPL model
Nomr_90err : 90% error of the normalization
chi2       : Chi-Squared
dof        : degree of freedo
=== Time-averaged spectral analysis ===
(Best model with acceptable fit: PL)
Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi  Epeak  Epeak_90err_low  Epeak_90err_hi  Norm       Nomr_90err_low    Norm_90err_hi    chi2    dof
PL      -1.239    -0.031      0.031       -           -               -         1.88e-02     -3.09e-04          3.08e-04      47.260   57
CPL     -1.189    -0.077     -0.015      999.817    -999.817      -999.817      1.97e-02     -1.12e-03          9.02e-04      48.220   56
=== 1-s peak spectral analysis ===
(Best model with acceptable fit: PL)
Model Ph_index Ph_90err_low Ph_90err_hi  Epeak  Epeak_90err_low  Epeak_90err_hi  Norm       Nomr_90err_low    Norm_90err_hi    chi2    dof
PL      -0.824     -0.043     0.043       -           -               -         2.18e-01     -5.19e-03          5.18e-03      52.030   57
CPL     -0.747     -0.091     0.167      999.584    -999.584      -999.584      2.35e-01     -5.35e-03          3.91e-02      51.420   56
=== Fluence/Peak Flux Summary ===
              Model    Band1     Band2     Band3     Band4     Band5     Total
                       15-25     25-50    50-100    100-350    15-150    15-350    keV
Fluence         PL   1.30e-06  2.80e-06  4.75e-06  1.85e-05  1.30e-05  2.73e-05   erg/cm2
      90%_error_low -4.81e-08 -6.05e-08 -8.01e-08 -7.55e-07 -2.07e-07 -7.72e-07   erg/cm2
      90%_error_hi   4.89e-08  6.04e-08  7.99e-08  7.78e-07  2.07e-07  7.90e-07   erg/cm2
Peak flux       PL   4.71e+00  7.11e+00  8.03e+00  1.73e+01  2.50e+01  3.71e+01   ph/cm2/s
      90%_error_low -2.45e-01 -2.22e-01 -1.95e-01 -9.38e-01 -5.88e-01 -1.01e+00   ph/cm2/s
      90%_error_hi   2.50e-01  2.22e-01  1.94e-01  9.74e-01  5.88e-01  1.02e+00   ph/cm2/s
Fluence        CPL   1.13e-06  1.51e-06  1.56e-06  3.65e-06  5.18e-06  7.83e-06   erg/cm2
      90%_error_low -6.63e-08 -9.48e-08 -5.30e-08 -1.82e-07 -2.32e-07 -1.88e-07   erg/cm2
      90%_error_hi   4.82e-08  4.14e-08  3.68e-08  1.60e-07  8.84e-08  4.29e-07   erg/cm2
Peak flux      CPL   4.60e+00  7.14e+00  8.11e+00  1.68e+01  2.50e+01  3.58e+01   ph/cm2/s
      90%_error_low -3.32e-01 -2.37e-01 -2.24e-01 -3.40e+00 -6.10e-01 -2.49e+00   ph/cm2/s
      90%_error_hi   3.05e-01  2.14e-01  2.52e-01  9.34e-01  5.85e-01  1.80e+00   ph/cm2/s