proc3.0.7/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.41 2005/12/02 15:42:09 apsop HISTORY: Going back to using newmakefilter. HISTORY: HISTORY: Revision 1.40 2005/12/01 20:54:20 apsop HISTORY: Replace newmakefilter task with makefilter task. HISTORY: proc3.0.7/Subs/ HISTORY: Revision 1.9 2005/12/01 20:56:29 apsop HISTORY: Fix mapping of extension names which was deleting values. Is this a perl bug? HISTORY: proc3.0.7/sw0 proc3.0.7/sw0.par proc3.0.7/Util/ HISTORY: Revision 1.5 2005/12/01 20:52:08 apsop HISTORY: Put a T between the date and the time in timeString output. HISTORY: uvot2fits xrt2fits bat2fits