This is an interface to the extractor FTOOL which is the standard
program for screening event files and extracting images,
spectra and lightcurves.
This class does a little more than just run the extractor.
It can also handle GTI files and knows mission specific
information by reading the xselect.mdb file.
This class should be able to replace calls to xselect and
do so more efficiently and with better error checking.
Parent Class:
- has_good_time()
Returns false if all the time has been filtered out.
returns true if at least some good time made it through the filter.
- very_verbose()
If the Util::Tool verbosity is greater than one and the log is defined,
returns the log object. Otherwise returns false.
- mission(chosen_mission)
Set the mission parameters in the extractor class data.
This method reads and parses the xselect.mdb mission database file.
Note you have to also set the instrument before you can apply
any of these values.
- instrument(instrument, mode, submode ...)
Set the instrument-specific parameters for this extractor object.
It actually populates the instrument database by extracting values
from the mission database.
- mdb(key)
Get a value out of the mission database. Actually this method gets a value
from the instument databse which is a subset of the mission database.
The mission and instrument must be set before this method may be used.
- alias(value)
Get an alias for a mission or instrument name.
This translates from the terms we will commonly use to the terms
used in the xselect.mdb file.
- region(region1, region2 ...)
Set the region filters to be used in the extractor run.
Concatenates multiple files.
- gti(gti1, gti2, logic ...)
Set the GTI time screening files.
Multiple GTIs are combined with the specified logic ("and" or "or").
specify "NONE" to indicate that no time filtering should be done.
specify no arguments to indicate that there is no good time
and that the filtering should produce no output.
- criteria(criteria)
Set the GTIs by way of a set of screening criteria
and a filter file by running the maketime FTOOL.
- row_selection(criteria)
This method sets a row selection criterion to apply to all the input
files. It should be in the form of a CFITSIO extended filename
row selection statement, except without enclosing brackets.
The expression may contain newline characters.
If the argument is blank or omitted, then any previously set criteria
will be removed.
This method must be called before setting the input files.
- infiles(file1, file2 ...)
Input event file(s).
- bin_size(bin_size, lcthresh )
Set the lightcurve bin size and optionally the fraction of a bin
which has to be within a GTI for it to be included. This defaults
to "1".
- coord_type(type)
Set the coordinates "det" or "sky" to be used for filtering and
image extraction. The default is "det".
- wmap_coord_type(type)
Set the coordinates "det" or "sky" to be used for WMAPs in spectra
The default is "det".
- outfile(file, type)
Specify the output file name and type.
Note that the mission and instrument must be specified before this
method is called, since it needs to reference the MDB.
- setup_error(level, message)
Simple error handler to report setup errors.
It uses the log if available, but has a backup plan in case it isn't.
- run()
We override the Ftool run method because sometimes we will not want
to run the tool at all - for example if time screening has excluded
all times.
Special Methods
Destructor - delete temporary files.