package Subs::BATSurvey; ############################################################################## # # DESCRIPTION: This subroutine does calibration of BAT event data. # DESCRIPTION: It runs bateconvert to do energy scale calibrations, # DESCRIPTION: and then runs batmaskwtevt to calculate mask weights for # DESCRIPTION: each event which correspond to the burst position. # # HISTORY: # HISTORY: $Log:,v $ # HISTORY: Revision 1.12 2013/08/19 20:29:24 apsop # HISTORY: Only log fetch_from_repository result if fetch succeeded, to # HISTORY: avoid a Perl message about using an undefined variable. (If # HISTORY: unsuccessful, fetch_from_repository already logs an error.) # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.11 2013/05/30 07:54:54 apsop # HISTORY: Log fetches from BAT repository # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.10 2004/08/16 15:23:09 apsop # HISTORY: Turn on writing of HISTORY keywords. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.9 2004/05/06 20:02:34 dah # HISTORY: Add version number back into the header comments. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.8 2004/04/28 13:48:37 dah # HISTORY: Fix attitude file instrument type. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.7 2004/04/16 20:21:18 dah # HISTORY: Begin using embedded history records # HISTORY: # # VERSION: 0.0 # # ############################################################################## use Subs::Sub; @ISA = ("Subs::Sub"); use strict; sub new { my $proto=shift; my $self=$proto->SUPER::new(); $self->{DESCRIPTION}="BAT Survey Processing"; return $self; } ################## # METHODS: ################## sub body { my $self=shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); ################################################## # calibrate the raw DPH files ################################################# foreach my $raw ($filename->get("rawdph", "b", "sv*", "*") ) { ##################################################### # the calibrated files are given the same name with # a different mode. These are temporary files which # we will remove later. ##################################################### my ($inst, $mode, $index) = $filename->parse($raw, "rawdph"); my $calib = $filename->get("rawdph", $inst, "calb".$mode, $index); $log->entry("Skipping calibration of $raw since we have no tool for it"); system("cp $raw $calib"); } ##################################################### # now merge the calibrated DPHs # this makes a bunch of .dph files ##################################################### $self->merge_dph(); ################################################ # now I can delete the calibrated unmerged DPHs ################################################ foreach my $calib ($filename->get("rawdph", "b", "calb*", "*") ) { $log->entry("Deleting $calib"); unlink $calib; } ############################################################## # Make sure we have some DPHs - otherwise, what's the point? ############################################################## my @dphs = $filename->get("dph", "b", "sv*", "*"); unless(@dphs) { $log->entry("No DPH survey data"); return; } ###################################################### # create a summed DPH for each DPH # first we set up the summing FTOOL # for now we use fsumrows. This will be replaced # by something better later ##################################################### my $summer = Util::HEAdas->new("batsumdph") ->params({rows => "-", clobber => "yes", chatter => 5, history => "yes"}); ################################ # loop over each dph and sum it ################################ foreach my $dph ($filename->get("dph", "b", "sv*", "*")) { my ($inst, $mode, $index) = $filename->parse($dph, "dph"); my $summed = $filename->get("dph", $inst, "totl", $index); unlink $summed; $log->entry("Summing $dph to make $summed"); ############################### # run the summing tool ############################### $summer->params({infile=>$dph, outfile=>$summed}) ->run(); } # end of loop to sum DPHs ##################################################### # now create a summed DPI from the summed DPH # we create a temporary DPI for each summed DPH # and then sum the DPIs. Usually there will only be # one DPH ##################################################### my $dph2dpi = Util::HEAdas->new("batdph2dpi") ->params({rows => 1, levels => "-", clobber => "yes", chatter => 5, history => "yes"}); foreach my $summed ($filename->get("dph", "b", "totl", "*")) { ####################################################### # make a partial DPI file which will get deleted later ####################################################### my ($inst, $mode, $index) = $filename->parse($summed, "dph"); my $dpi = $filename->get("dpi", $inst, "part", $index); unlink $dpi; $log->entry("Converting $summed to $dpi"); $dph2dpi->params({infile=>$summed, outfile=>$dpi}) ->run(); } # end of loop extracting DPIs ###################################################### # now we merge the DPIS ###################################################### my @dpis = $filename->get("dpi", "b", "part", "*"); if(@dpis==1) { ########################################## # only one DPI, so rename just rename it # this is the normal case ########################################## my $dpi = $dpis[0]; my ($inst, $mode, $index) = $filename->parse($dpi, "dpi"); my $summed = $filename->get("dpi", $inst, "totl", "001"); $log->entry("One DPI $dpi - renaming it to $summed"); rename $dpis[0], $summed; } elsif(@dpis>1) { ################################################# # multiple DPIs - we need to add them # I'm tired and this isn't sposed happen, so I'm # not going to implement it quite yet ################################################## $log->error(1, "Multiple DPI merge not implemented"); } ################################################# # now do all that we need to do to the DPI file ################################################# $self->process_dpi(); } # end of body method ################################################################################ # merge the dphraw files to form a single dph file ################################################################################ sub merge_dph { my $self=shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); ##################################### # get a list of all the raw DPH files ##################################### my @raws = $filename->get("rawdph", "b", "calb*", "*"); unless(@raws) { $log->entry("No Raw DPH files to merge"); return; } ##################################################################### # although it will rarely happen we need to guard against the case # where different files have different EBOUNDS extensions # So we make a hash key out of the E_MIN column of all the ebounds # exztensions and collect files according to that key ##################################################################### my %groups=(); foreach my $raw (@raws) { my @e_min = Util::FITSfile->new($raw, "EBOUNDS") ->cols("E_MIN") ->table; my $key = join "|", @e_min; $key =~ s/\s*//g; my $group = $groups{$key}; unless($group) { $group = []; $groups{$key} = $group; } push @{$group}, ($raw); } # end of loop collecting groups #################################################### # now loop over all the groups we collected above #################################################### my $index=1; foreach my $group (values %groups) { my $dph = $filename->get("dph", "b", "surv", $index++); $log->entry("Merging @{$group} into $dph"); my $list = Util::FITSlist->new(@{$group}); $list->extension("BAT_DPH"); if($list->count() == 1) { ############################## # just one file, so copy it ############################## my $file =$list->file(0); $log->entry("Copying $file to $dph"); open IN, "<".$list->file(0); open OUT, ">$dph"; while(<IN>) { print OUT $_; } close IN; close OUT; } else { ################################ # multiple files, so merge them ################################ $list->merge($dph); Util::FITSfile->new($list->file(0), "EBOUNDS") ->append_to($dph); Util::GTIlist->new(@{$group}) ->extension("GTI") ->merge_and_append_to($dph); } } # end of loop over groups } # end of merge_dph method ################################################################################ # process the single DPI file. So far we extract hot pixels, make a sky # image and plot the image. ################################################################################ sub process_dpi { my $self=shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); #################################################### # get the DPI file name. At this point there should # be only one. #################################################### my $dpi = $filename->get("dpi", "b", "totl", "001"); unless( -f $dpi) { $log->entry("No DPI file"); return; } ########################################################### # get the detector enable/disable map from the repository ########################################################### my $time = Util::FITSfile->new($dpi, 0)->keyword("TSTART"); $log->entry(" requesting from repository " . "enabcal: $time"); my $enabled = $filename->fetch_from_repository('enabcal', 'b', '*', $time); if ($enabled) { $log->entry("fetched from repository " . "enabcal: \$enabled=$enabled"); } ################################################## # now make the hot pixel "master" map ################################################## my $quality = $filename->get('qualcal', 'b'); $log->entry("Making master quality map $quality"); unlink $quality; Util::HEAdas->new("bathotpix") ->params({infile=>$dpi, outfile=>$quality, detmask=>"$enabled\[1; FLAG(1)\]", keepfract=>0.98, guardfract=>0.25, guardval=>5.0, applygaps=>"yes", mergemask=>"yes", zerothresh=> 20.0, clobber=>"yes", chatter=>5, history=>"yes"}) ->run(); ############################################### # now make an image from the DPI ############################################### my $image = $filename->get("skyimage", "b", "none", "001"); $log->entry("Creating sky image $image from $dpi"); unlink $image; Util::HEAdas->new("batfftimage") ->params({infile => $dpi, outfile => $image, attitude => $filename->get('attitude', 's'), aperture => $filename->fetch_cal("aperture", "b"), detmask => $quality, maskoffx => 0.0, maskoffy => 0.00, maskoffz => 0.00, bat_z => 0.00, rebalance => "yes", oversampx => 2, oversampy => 2, pcodemap => "NO", pcodethresh => 0.01, corrections => "autocollim", teldef => $filename->fetch_cal("teldef", "b"), clobber => "yes", append => "no", chatter => 5, history => "yes"}) ->run(); ############################################ # now use ximage to plot the image ############################################ my $plot = $filename->corresponding("skyimage", "skyplot", $image); $log->entry("Plotting $image in $plot"); Util::Xanadu->new("ximage") ->script("read/fits $image", "smooth", "cpd /vcps", "cey 2000", "disp", "grid", "scale", "exit" ) ->run(); rename "", $plot; } # end of process_dpi method