Subs::MakeFilter (version 1.0)

package Subs::MakeFilter;
# DESCRIPTION: Create the filter file by collating various
# DESCRIPTION: sources of HK with the prefilter output.
# HISTORY: $Log:,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.4  2016/05/18 14:57:16  apsop
# HISTORY: Added CCDFrame to makefilter parameters for 3.17.02
# HISTORY: Revision 1.3  2008/05/16 14:26:40  apsop
# HISTORY: Make good attitude GTI.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.2  2007/11/08 17:16:03  apsop
# HISTORY: Add STLOCKFL and STLOCKST columns to the filter file.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.1  2007/09/11 18:24:35  apsop
# HISTORY: New class for creating the filter file.  Split off from because needed sooner.
# VERSION: 1.0

use Subs::Sub;

@ISA = ("Subs::Sub");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $self=$proto->SUPER::new();

    $self->{DESCRIPTION}="Create filter file";

    return $self;


sub body {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log     =$self->log();
    my $filename=$self->filename();
    my $procpar =$self->procpar();
    my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

    # create the filter file


} # end of body method

# assemble everything together into a single filter file
sub make_filter_file {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log     =$self->log();
    my $filename=$self->filename();
    my $procpar =$self->procpar();
    my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

    # get the name of the filter file
    my $filter = $filename->get("filter", "s");
    unlink $filter;
    $log->entry("Creating filter file $filter");

    # create the configuration file
    my $config = $self->temp_file("makefilter_config");
    unlink $config;
    open CONFIG, ">$config";

    # collect attitude/orbit derived information
    my $attorb = $filename->get("attorb", "s");
    if( -f $attorb) {
      $self->fixNulls($attorb, 'PREFILTER');

      print CONFIG "ELV $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
	           "angle between Z axis and earth limb\n";

      print CONFIG "BR_EARTH $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Angular distance from the sunlit earth\n";
      print CONFIG "FOV_FLAG $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "0=sky; 1=dark earth; 2=bright earth\n";

      print CONFIG "SUNSHINE $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "is the sun shining on the satelite?\n";

      print CONFIG "ANG_DIST $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "degrees from nominal pointing\n";

      print CONFIG "RA $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Right Ascension of satelite pointing\n";

      print CONFIG "DEC $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Declination of satelite pointing\n";

      print CONFIG "ROLL $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Roll angle of satelite pointing\n";

      print CONFIG "SAA $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "SAA derived from the orbit data\n";
      print CONFIG "SAA_TIME $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "SAA time derived from the orbit data\n";
      print CONFIG "COR_SAX $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "cutoff rigidity calculated as for the SAX\n";
      print CONFIG "MCILWAIN_L $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "McIlwain L parameter for Earth's magnetic field\n";
      print CONFIG "SUN_ANGLE $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Angle between sun and pointing direction\n";

      print CONFIG "MOON_ANGLE $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Angle between moon and pointing direction\n";

      print CONFIG "RAM_ANGLE $attorb PREFILTER D D % ".
                   "Angle between satelite motion and pointing\n";

    # collect information from the engineering HK
    my $proto_config = $self->proctop()."/lists/engineering_hk_filters";
    open PROTO, "< $proto_config";
    my $last_inst="";
    my $hk;
    my @extnames;
    while(<PROTO>) {
        # skip comments and blank lines
        if(/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/ ) { next }

        # parse the current line
        my ($inst, $mnemonic, $column, $apids, $comment ) = split /\s*\|\s*/, $_;

        if( $inst ne $last_inst) {
            # new instrument
            $last_inst = $inst;
            # get the HK file for this instrument and
            # extract a list of the extensions it contains
	    if($inst eq 'swift'){
	      $hk = $filename->get('scenhk', $inst, '', 0);
	      $hk = $filename->get('enhk', $inst, '', 0);
	    $log->entry("Extracting filter quantites from $hk");

            if(-f $hk ) {
                @extnames = Util::FITSfile->new($hk)
        } # end if this is a new instrument
        # a mnemonic can be in multiple APIDS,
        # we need to determine which APIDS are present and
        # merge them if neccessary
        $log->entry("Extracting $mnemonic, a.k.a. $column from APIDS $apids");
        my @apids = split /\s+/, $apids;
        my $list = Util::FITSlist->new();

        foreach my $apid (@apids) {
            my $ext = sprintf("hk%03xx001", $apid);

            if(grep {$_ eq $ext} @extnames ) {
                # we have data for this APID
                $list->add($hk, $ext);
        # if we don't have any data, then we will leave
        # this mnemonic out of the filter file.
        if($list->count() == 0 ) {
            $log->entry("No data for $mnemonic, a.k.a. $column");
        # if we get here, then merge the data
        # don't worry, if we only have one APID, then
        # we just use that one extension
        my $tmp = $self->temp_file($mnemonic);
        my $merged=$list->merge($tmp, ' ', 'TIME', $mnemonic);

        # sort the merged file if there was more
        # than one HK file
        my $ext = $list->get_extension();
        if($merged eq $tmp) {
            # mulitple sources
            my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($merged);
            $ext = 1; # merged data written to the first extension

	$self->fixNulls($merged, $ext);
        # write a row to the makefilter config file
        print CONFIG "$mnemonic $merged $ext D D $column $comment\n";
    } # end of loop over mnemonics

    # add XRT frame HK
    my $framehead = $filename->get("hk", "xrt", "hd", 0);
    my $tmphead = 'framehead.tmp';
    if ( -f $framehead ) {
      $self->fixNulls($framehead, 1);
	          ->params({infile => $framehead . '[1][XRTMode!=9]',
			    outfile => $tmphead,
			    columns => 'TIME'})

      my %xrt_cols=(CCDTemp => "CCD Temperature",
                    CCDFrame => "CCD Frame counter",
                    Vod1 => "output drain voltage for left amp 1",
                    Vod2 => "output drain voltage for left amp 2",
                    Vrd1 => "reference voltage for amp 1",
                    Vrd2 => "reference voltage for amp 2",
                    Vsub => "substrate bias voltage",
                    Vbackjun => "back junction bias voltage",
                    Baselin1 => "Baseline voltage for Signal Chain A",
                    Baselin2 => "Baseline voltage for Signal Chain B",
		    ENDTIME => "",
		    PixGtULD => "");

      # loop over all the columns
      foreach my $column (keys %xrt_cols) {
	print CONFIG "$column $tmphead FRAME D D % $xrt_cols{$column}\n";
    } # end if we have a frame header file
    # BAT DAP HK
    my $dap = $filename->get("bdaphk", "b", "", 0);
    if( -f $dap) {
        my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($dap, "DAP_HK");

        # here are all the columns we are interested in 
        my %cols=(DM_HK_Temp     => "BAT DM Side temperatures",
                  DM_HK_HVLkCurr => "BAT High Voltage Leakage Current",
		  DM_HK_Vthr     => "BAT XA1 Discriminator Threshold Voltage",
		  DM_Cnts_LLD    => "BAT LLD Count",
		  DM_Cnts_Evt    => "BAT Event Count",
		  DM_Cnts_MLD    => "BAT Multi channel hit Count",
		  BHVCtrl_Level  => "BAT High Voltage Control Levels",
                  BHVMon_Level   => "BAT High Voltage Monitor Levels");

	# Remove duplicate TIME columns. ftsort seems to allow sorting on a max of
	# 5 columns
	my $old_rows = $fits->nrows();

	            ->params({infile => $dap,
			      outfile => 'sorted.tmp',
			      columns => 'TIME,' . join(',', (keys %cols)[0,1,2,3])})

	unlink $dap;
	            ->params({infile => 'sorted.tmp',
			      outfile => $dap,
			      columns => 'TIME',
			      unique => 'yes'})

	my $new_rows = $fits->nrows();
	if($old_rows != $new_rows){
	  $log->error(1, "Duplicate time rows in DAP file $dap: " . ($old_rows-$new_rows) .
		      " rows removed.");
	unlink 'sorted.tmp';
        # These are vector columns and we are just interested in 
        # the min and max values, so generate a CFITSIO extended
        # filename syntax statement which will calculate these.
        # At the same time we put entries into the makefilter config file
        # for these.
        # Some day we might add a mean or median
        my $minmax = $self->temp_file("dap_hk_min_max_values");
        my $spec="[col TIME;";
	my $n=0;
        foreach my $col (keys %cols) {
            foreach my $type ('MIN', 'MAX', 'MEDIAN') {
                my $newcol="${col}_${type}";

                my $colspec .= " $newcol(1J)=$type($col);";
		if( length($spec)+length($colspec) > 255 ){
		  $spec .= "]";
		  $log->entry("Extracting min/max values from $dap to $minmax");

		  $spec="[col TIME;";
		  $minmax = $self->temp_file("dap_hk_min_max_values$n");

		$spec .= $colspec;
                print CONFIG "$newcol $minmax DAP_HK D D % $cols{$col}\n";

        $spec .= "]";
	$log->entry("Extracting min/max values from $dap to $minmax");

    } # end if there is a BAT DAP HK file

    # ACS bit flags
    my $attitude = $filename->get("attitude", "s");
    if(-f $attitude) {
        my $acs_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($attitude);
	if( (grep /ACS_DATA/, $acs_fits->list_hdus()) ){

	  # Split the bit flags into separate columns in a
	  # temporary file
	  my $flags1 = $self->temp_file("acs_flags1");
	  my $flags2 = $self->temp_file("acs_flags2");

	  $acs_fits->specs("[col TIME; ".
			   "TEN_ARCMIN(1B)=FLAGS .eq. b1xxxxxxx ; ".
			   "SETTLED(1B)=FLAGS .eq. bx1xxxxxx]");

	  $acs_fits->specs("[col TIME; ".
			   "ACS_SAA(1B)=FLAGS .eq. bxx1xxxxx ; ".
			   "SAFEHOLD(1B)=FLAGS .eq. bxxx1xxxx]");

	  # now list the extracted columns to the config file
	  $self->fixNulls($flags1, 'ACS_DATA');
	  $self->fixNulls($flags2, 'ACS_DATA');

	  print CONFIG "TEN_ARCMIN $flags1 ACS_DATA D D % ACS reports within 10 arcmin of target\n";
	  print CONFIG    "SETTLED $flags1 ACS_DATA D D % ACS reports settled on target\n";
	  print CONFIG    "ACS_SAA $flags2 ACS_DATA D D % ACS reports in SAA\n";
	  print CONFIG   "SAFEHOLD $flags2 ACS_DATA D D % ACS reports in SAFE\n";
    } # end if there is an attitude file

    # that's it for the config file, so close it up
    close CONFIG;

    # check if there is anything in the config file
    unless( -s $config ) {
        $log->entry("Nothing to put in the filter file");
        unlink $config;

    # create the filter file
    my $makefilter = Util::HEAdas->new("newmakefilter");
    $log->entry("Creating filter file $filter");
    $makefilter->params({configure  => $config,
                         infileroot => "",
                         outfile    => $filter,
##                         leapsec    => 'CALDB',
##                         tprec      => 0.001,
                         mission    => "SWIFT",
                         clobber    => "yes"   });

    unlink $tmphead if -f $tmphead;

      my $makefits = Util::FITSfile->new($filter, 'FILTER');
      # Calculate additional star tracker info
      $makefits->specs('[col STLOCKFL(1B)=(SAC_MODESTAT/32)%2==1; '.
      rename $tmphead, $filter;

      $makefits->column_comment('Star Tracker locked flag');
      $makefits->column_comment('Number of currently valid Star Tracker stars');

      my ($sum,$mean,$sigma,$min,$max) = $makefits->cols('TIME')->stats;
      $makefits->keyword('TSTART', $min);
      $makefits->keyword('TSTOP', $max);

      my $first = Util::Date->new($min);
      my $last  = Util::Date->new($max);

      $makefits->keyword('DATE-OBS', $first->date().'T'.$first->time() );
      $makefits->keyword('DATE-END', $last->date().'T'.$last->time() );

       my $gtis = $filename->get('gti', 's', 'ss');
       if ($gtis) {
           my $tmpfile = 'constrained.mkf';
                      infile => $filter . qq([1][gtifilter(\\"$gtis\\")]),
                      outfile => $tmpfile,
           if (-f $tmpfile) {
               rename($tmpfile, $filter)
                 or $log->error(1, "unable to rename $tmpfile to $filter [$!]");
		   ->params({infile => "$gtis\[GTI\]",
			     outfile => $filter})
           else {
              $log->error(1, "error applying GTIs $gtis to $filter");


    # Make good attitude gti
    my $gti = $filename->get('gti', 's', 'at');
    my $expr = 'SAFEHOLD==0 && SAC_ADERR<0.2 && STLOCKFL==1 && STAST_LOSSFCN<' . 

    my $maketime = Util::Ftool->new('maketime')
      ->params({infile => $filter.'[FILTER]',
		outfile => $gti,
		expr => $expr,
		prefr => 0,
		postfr => 0,
		compact => 'no'})

    my $gtifits = Util::FITSfile->new($gti);
    for(my $ext=0; $ext < 2; $ext++){
      $gtifits->keyword('MJDREFI', 51910, 'MJD reference day');
      $gtifits->keyword('MJDREFF', 7.428703700000000E-04, 'MJD reference (fraction of day)');
} # end of make_filter_file method

sub fixNulls {
  # Set TNULL values for columns with unsigned integer types.
  # Need this as makefilter uses an inappropriate default 
  # TNULL = -max for these columns
  my ($self, $file, $ext) = @_[0,1,2];

  my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, $ext);
  my %keywords = $fits->keywords();
  my %max = ('B' => 256,
	     'I' => 32768,
	     'J' => 2147483648);

  my $n=0;
  foreach my $tform (grep /^TFORM/, keys %keywords){
    next unless $keywords{$tform} =~ /([IJ])/;
    my $type = $1;
    my $num = $tform;
    $num =~ s/TFORM//;

    next unless $keywords{"TZERO$num"} = $max{$type};

    unless( $keywords{"TNULL$num"} ){
      $fits->keyword("TNULL$num", $max{$type}-1);
  $fits->end_many_keywords() if $n;

sub make_xrt_filter_file
    my $self=shift;

    my $log     =$self->log();
    my $filename=$self->filename();
    my $procpar =$self->procpar();
    my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

    # get the name of the filter file
    my $filter = $filename->get('filter', 's', 0);
    if (not -f $filter) {
        $log->error(1, "missing filter file for extrapolation");

    my $hkfile = $filename->get('scenhk', 'swift', '', 0);
    if (not -f $hkfile) {
        $log->error(1, "missing spacecraft engineering [$hkfile] for extrapolation");

    my $xrtfilter = $filename->get('filter', 'x', 0);
    $log->entry("Extrapolating $filter to make $xrtfilter for XRT");


    my @info = (
        { EXTNAME => 'hk014x001', COLNAME => 'STAST_LOSSFCN' },
        { EXTNAME => 'hk013x001', COLNAME => 'SAC_MODESTAT' },

    my $finterp = Util::Ftool->new('finterp');
    $finterp->params({infile1  => "$xrtfilter+1",
                      outfile  => $xrtfilter,
                      sortkey1 => 'TIME',
                      sortkey2 => 'TIME',
                      extrap   => 'REPEAT',
                      tcheck   => 'NO',
                      order    => 0,
                      strnull  => 'INDEF',
                      intnull  => -1,

    foreach my $info (@info) {
        $log->entry("extrapolating $info->{COLNAME} in $xrtfilter");

                      infile2  => $hkfile . "[$info->{EXTNAME}]",
                      incol    => $info->{COLNAME},


        if ($finterp->had_error) {
            $log->error(2, "error extrapolating $info->{COLNAME} in $xrtfilter");

    my $genfilter = Util::FITSfile->new($filter);
    my @stcol;

    if ($genfilter->find_column('SAC_MODESTAT')) {
        push(@stcol, { COLNAME => 'STLOCKFL', EXTNAME => 'FILTER', TFORM => '1B',
                 EXPR => '(SAC_MODESTAT/32)%2' });
    else {
        $log->error(1, "unable to update STLOCKFL since missing SAC_MODESTAT");

    my $stlockst_expr = '';
    my $stlockst_ok = 1;
    my $op = '';
    foreach my $colname (map { "STA${_}VALID" } (0 .. 5)) {
        if (not $genfilter->find_column($colname)) {
            $stlockst_ok = 0;
            $log->error(1, "unable to update STLOCKST since missing $colname");
        else {
            $stlockst_expr .= "$op(isnull($colname)?0:$colname)";
        $op = '+';
    if ($stlockst_ok) {
        push(@stcol, { COLNAME => 'STLOCKST', EXTNAME => 'FILTER', TFORM => '1B',
                 EXPR => $stlockst_expr });

    my $ftcalc = Util::Ftool->new('ftcalc');
    my $tmpfile = 'mkfile.tmp';

    foreach my $col (@stcol) {
        $ftcalc->params({infile  => $xrtfilter . "[$col->{EXTNAME}]",
                         outfile => $tmpfile,
                         column  => $col->{COLNAME},
                         expression => $col->{EXPR},
                         tform   => $col->{TFORM},
                         clobber => 'yes',

        if ($ftcalc->had_error) {
            $log->error(2, "error calculating $col->{COLNAME} using $col->{EXPR}");

        if (!rename($tmpfile, $xrtfilter)) {
            $log->error(2, "unable to rename $tmpfile to $xrtfilter: $!");

} # end of run_extrapolation method
