Util::Email (version $)

package Util::Email;

# DESCRIPTION: Utility to send an email message
# HISTORY: $Log: Email.pm,v $
# HISTORY: Revision 1.2  2013/04/11 07:12:35  apsop
# HISTORY: Strip apostrophes from $subject, so they don't break the
# HISTORY: constructed command line.
# HISTORY: Revision 1.1  2012/08/15 08:16:53  apsop
# HISTORY: Utility to send an email message, by Bob W.
# VERSION: $Revision: 1.2 $

use strict;

use Carp;

# function sendEmail accepts a hash containing
#	SUB [Subs::Sub, required]
#		=> a blessed reference supporting the Subs::Sub interface
#		(presumably an instance of a sub-type of Subs::Sub)
#	TEXT [string, required]
#		=> the body of the email to send
#	SUBJECT	[string, optional]
#		=> the subject of the email to send
#		defaults to 'message from pipeline'
#               apostrophes will be removed
#	TO [string, optional]
#		=> space delimited list of addresses to send the email
#		defaults to the value of watchers from the procpar file

sub sendEmail
	my %args = @_;

	my $sub = $args{SUB};
	if (not $sub) {
		carp("sendEmail: missing SUB");

	my $text = $args{TEXT};
	if (not $sub) {
		carp("sendEmail: missing TEXT");

	my $jobpar = $sub->jobpar();
	my $procpar = $sub->procpar();

	my $subject = $args{SUBJECT} || 'message from pipeline';
	my $to = $args{TO} || $procpar->read('watchers');

	# Remove any apostrophes from $subject, because
	# they will break the constructed command line.
	$subject =~ s/\'//g ;

	my $sequence = $jobpar->read('sequence');

	my $tm = time();
	my $name = join('_', 'msg', $tm, $sequence);

	my $dir = '/tmp';
	my $path = "$dir/$name";

	if (open OUTF, ">$path") {
		print OUTF $text;
		close OUTF;

		my $hostname = `hostname`;
		chomp $hostname;

		if ($hostname =~ /^sdc/ ) {
			my $cmd = "mail -s \'$subject\' $to < $path";
		else {
			sendRemote($subject, $to, $dir, $name);


sub sendRemote
	my ($subject, $to, $dir, $name) = @_;

	my $path = "$dir/$name";

	my $rv = system("scp -q $path apsop\@sdc:$dir >& /dev/null");

	if ($rv == 0) {

		my $cmd1 = "ssh -nq apsop\@sdc \"mail -s \'$subject\' $to < $path\"";
		my $rval = system($cmd1);

		system("ssh -nq apsop\@sdc rm -f $path");
