package Subs::Filter; ############################################################################## # # DESCRIPTION: Apply filtering criteria - spacial, temporal, or # DESCRIPTION: event selection - to the event data. # DESCRIPTION: # # HISTORY: # HISTORY: $Log:,v $ # HISTORY: Revision 1.60 2016/11/23 15:05:07 apsop # HISTORY: Processing of unfiltered XRT event files continues even if a cleaned event # HISTORY: file is not produced by xrtscreen (provided xrtscreen does not exit with # HISTORY: an error). # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.59 2015/09/28 15:28:55 apsop # HISTORY: Updated to HEASoft 6.17 and applied XRT, UVOT, and clock CALDB patches. Modified XRT event file processing to avoid further processing after an error occurs. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.58 2009/06/05 18:27:41 apsop # HISTORY: Added column TLMPHAS to delete # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.57 2008/06/30 17:30:38 apsop # HISTORY: Guard against another posibble writing of GOOD_ATT keyword to nonexistent extension. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.56 2008/06/26 14:26:25 apsop # HISTORY: Guard against writing GOOD_ATT keyword to nonexistent extension. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.55 2008/06/23 14:09:12 apsop # HISTORY: When moving uvot images to damaged file, check if image has already been moved. Check of events in xrt files before running xrtscreen. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.54 2008/06/02 13:28:55 apsop # HISTORY: Change D_REASON keyword to DMG_STAT. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.53 2008/05/16 14:19:15 apsop # HISTORY: New method for screening uvot images and moving bad ones out of the way. Rework uvot event screening, but disabled for now. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.52 2007/11/08 17:13:35 apsop # HISTORY: Do not try and get calibration events from an empty xrt event list. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.51 2007/09/27 17:26:01 apsop # HISTORY: The column name PHAS0 should be PHASO, with an O rather than a zero. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.50 2007/09/25 20:10:43 apsop # HISTORY: Remove PHAS0 column from the xrt cleaned event lists. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.49 2007/09/11 18:15:27 apsop # HISTORY: Move production of filter file to a separate class. Clean up obsolete subroutines. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.48 2006/09/10 20:05:16 apsop # HISTORY: Remove explicit mode parameter setting from xrtscreen. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.47 2006/08/09 14:53:32 apsop # HISTORY: Sort the xrt header file before using in making the filter file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.46 2006/08/08 14:52:47 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bugs in sorting of the DAP files. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.45 2006/08/04 13:36:00 apsop # HISTORY: Check for duplicate time rows in dap files and remove. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.44 2006/05/10 15:20:13 apsop # HISTORY: Remove RAWXTL column from filtered event lists. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.43 2006/04/27 16:21:59 apsop # HISTORY: Comment out leapsec and tprec parameters from newmakefilter call. Allow for either INDEF or NULL values returned from FITSfile class. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.42 2006/01/31 16:44:48 apsop # HISTORY: Switch to using snapshot gti to filter mkf file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.41 2005/12/02 15:42:09 apsop # HISTORY: Going back to using newmakefilter. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.40 2005/12/01 20:54:20 apsop # HISTORY: Replace newmakefilter task with makefilter task. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.39 2005/11/20 20:31:18 apsop # HISTORY: Check for presence of ACS_DATA extension in attitude file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.38 2005/11/17 16:57:39 apsop # HISTORY: Fix another typo, and clean up temporary files. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.37 2005/11/17 14:14:56 apsop # HISTORY: Fix typo error. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.36 2005/11/08 17:38:57 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bugs in gett s/c hk and bat dap hk files. Obtain min/max/median values for proper dap hk columns. Make xrt event files of calibration only sources. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.35 2005/08/30 14:00:10 apsop # HISTORY: Switch to using newmakefilter. Add proper NULL values for unsigned integer columns. Append used GTI to mkf file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.34 2005/07/29 14:06:12 apsop # HISTORY: remove bias map entries from xrt hd before using to make a filter file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.33 2005/05/31 20:04:40 apsop # HISTORY: Perform GTI filtering on .mkf file. Derive min/max time using stats # HISTORY: instead of dumping entire file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.32 2005/05/04 15:19:14 apsop # HISTORY: Give up on old algorithm and test for columns in cleaned xrt event list before deleting. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.31 2005/05/03 15:43:04 apsop # HISTORY: Change globs for xrt modes that have b? instead of w?. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.30 2005/04/29 15:41:26 apsop # HISTORY: Large change in setting of xrtscreen parameters. uvotscreen disabled. Remove unneeded columns from screened xrt event lists. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.29 2005/04/06 15:45:03 apsop # HISTORY: Change to using CALDB for cal parameters. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.28 2005/03/25 19:55:03 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in merging of HK data into mkf file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.27 2005/03/15 19:57:56 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in call for getting eng hk file names. Write DATE-* keywords to mkf primary header. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.27 2005/03/15 19:03:26 apsop # HISTORY: Check for presence of xrt no position message when making tdrss cat file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.26 2005/02/08 18:18:38 apsop # HISTORY: Move calculation of attorb file to Filter class. Split making of attitude flag columns in to two parts. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.25 2005/01/24 18:58:11 apsop # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Add support for SAFEHOLD column to makefilter file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.24 2005/01/12 17:21:02 apsop # HISTORY: Incorporate removal of _PNT suffix from output columns of prefilter # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.23 2004/11/19 21:46:48 apsop # HISTORY: New version of xrt2fits. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.22 2004/10/12 16:19:49 apsop # HISTORY: Turn on data filtering to produce cleaned event lists # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.21 2004/08/30 13:21:51 apsop # HISTORY: Bobs new version of module, but comment out actual screening for now. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.20 2004/08/27 18:38:13 apsop # HISTORY: Modified to use Ed's code to determine the filtering expressions, but # HISTORY: the instrument tools for the actual filtering. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.19 2004/05/06 20:02:34 dah # HISTORY: Add version number back into the header comments. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.18 2004/04/16 20:21:18 dah # HISTORY: Begin using embedded history records # HISTORY: # # VERSION: 2.0 # # ############################################################################## use Subs::SwiftSub; use Util::GTIfile; @ISA = ("Subs::SwiftSub"); use strict; sub new { my $proto=shift; my $self=$proto->SUPER::new(); $self->{DESCRIPTION}="Cleaning and filtering the event files"; return $self; } ################## # METHODS: ################## sub body { my $self=shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); ################################################## # plot interesting quantities in the filter file ################################################## # $self->make_plots(); ################################################## # screen out bad event data ################################################## $self->filter_data(); } # end of body method ############################################################################## # Make a number of plots of interesting quantities in the filter file ############################################################################## sub make_plots { my $self = shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); ######################## # get the filter file ######################## my $filter = $filename->get("filter", "s"); unless( -f $filter) { return; } my $fits_filter = Util::FITSfile->new($filter, 1); $log->entry("Plotting interesting things in the filter file"); ###################################### # set up for plotting ###################################### my %yparm=(attd=>"RA DEC ROLL ANG_DIST", weel=>"FWHEEL" , bat1=>"BDIHKGRBFOLLOW BDIHKSLEWING BDIHKSAA BDIHKVALID", bat2=>"BDIHKNGOODDETS BCAHKDOINGBLK BBRHKTRIGNUM", saaa=>"ORBIT_SAA ACS_SAA BDIHKSAA" ); my $command_tmp=$self->temp_file("plot_commands"); my $fplot=Util::Ftool->new("fplot") ->params({infile=>$filter, xparm => "TIME", rows => "-", device => "/cps", pltcmd => "\@$command_tmp", offset => "yes"}); my $plot_output=""; my $mode; foreach $mode (keys %yparm) { ################################################# # make sure the filter file has all the columns # that we need for this plot ################################################# my $good=1; foreach my $col (split /\s+/, $yparm{$mode}) { unless( $fits_filter->find_column($col)) { $log->entry("$filter is missing $col"); $good=0; last; } } unless($good) { $log->entry("Skipping $mode plot"); next; } ####################################### # copy the plot command file and # insert the file name for "MKF" ####################################### my $template = $self->proctop()."/lists/filter_plot.$mode"; open IN, "<$template"; open OUT, ">$command_tmp"; while (<IN>) { s/MKF/$filter/; print OUT; } close(OUT); close(IN); ################################## # make the plot ################################## unlink $plot_output; $fplot->params({yparm=>$yparm{$mode}}) ->run(); ############################################ # save the plot with the correct file name ############################################ if( -s $plot_output ) { rename $plot_output, $filename->get("filterplot","s",$mode,0); } else { $log->error(2,"$plot_output not created"); } } # end of loop over plot types } # end of make_plots method ########################################################################### # apply standard filters to the event data ########################################################################### sub filter_data { my $self = shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); $self->xrtscreen(); $self->xrt_cal_events(); $self->uvot_event_screen; $self->uvot_image_screen; } # end of filter_data sub uvot_image_screen { my $self = shift; my $log = $self->log(); my $filename= $self->filename(); my $procpar = $self->procpar(); my $jobpar = $self->jobpar(); $log->entry("Screen uvot images."); my $cat_file = $filename->get('hk', 'uvot', 'ct', '*'); ##################################### # No cat file indicates no uvot data ##################################### return unless -f $cat_file; ##################################### # Put needed columns into arrays ##################################### my %columns; my $cat_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($cat_file, 1); foreach my $column_name (qw(IFILEREF IMENAME ESTART ESTOP Image Event)){ $cat_fits->cols($column_name); $columns{$column_name} = [$cat_fits->table()]; } ##################################### # Loop over catalog entries ##################################### my @cat_rows_to_delete; my %examined_extensions; my $cat_rows = $cat_fits->nrows(); for(my $cat_row_cnt=0; $cat_row_cnt<$cat_rows; $cat_row_cnt++){ ##################################### # Only process entries with images ##################################### next unless $columns{Image}->[$cat_row_cnt] != 0; my $extension_name = $columns{IMENAME}->[$cat_row_cnt]; $log->entry('Examining exposure '. $extension_name); my $good_attitude_fraction = $self->good_attitude_fraction($columns{ESTART}->[$cat_row_cnt], $columns{ESTOP}->[$cat_row_cnt]); my $exposure_image_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($columns{IFILEREF}->[$cat_row_cnt], $extension_name); unless( grep(/${extension_name}/, keys(%examined_extensions)) ){ $exposure_image_fits->keyword('GOOD_ATT', $good_attitude_fraction, 'Fraction of exposure interval with good attitude info'); } $log->entry("Good attitude fraction is $good_attitude_fraction ."); ####################################################################### # Check if we need to treat this image as damaged. ####################################################################### if( $good_attitude_fraction < $jobpar->read('uvot_att_damage_thresh') ){ unless( grep(/${extension_name}/, keys(%examined_extensions)) ){ $exposure_image_fits->keyword('DMG_STAT', 'Bad_Attitude', 'If or why the image tagged as damaged'); } ######################################################################## # Create damaged image file if necessary, with empty catalog extension. ######################################################################## my $damage_image_file = $filename->get('rawimage', 'uvot', 'di', '0'); unless( -f $damage_image_file ){ Util::HEAdas->new('ftcopy') ->params({infile => $cat_file . '[EXPCATALOG][#row==0]', outfile => $damage_image_file}) ->run(); } ################################################################################# # Move damaged image to the damaged image file. # If this extension has already been examined, then image has alreay been moved. ################################################################################# unless( grep(/${extension_name}/, keys(%examined_extensions)) ){ $log->entry('Move '. $exposure_image_fits->fullname() .' to damaged image file'); Util::HEAdas->new('ftappend') ->params({infile => $exposure_image_fits->fullname(), outfile => $damage_image_file}) ->run(); Util::HEAdas->new('ftdelhdu') ->params({infile => $exposure_image_fits->fullname(), outfile => 'none', confirm => 'yes'}) ->run(); } ############################################## # Copy exposure record to damaged image file. ############################################## my $temp_file = 'merged_file.tmp'; $cat_fits->specs('[#row == ' . ($cat_row_cnt+1) .']'); my $merge = Util::HEAdas->new('ftmerge') ->params({infile => "$damage_image_file\[EXPCATALOG\], " . $cat_fits->fullname(), copyall => 'yes', outfile => $temp_file}) ->run(); unless( $merge->had_error() ){ rename $temp_file, $damage_image_file; }else{ unlink $temp_file; } $cat_fits->specs(''); ################################################ # Check if this is an image and event exposure. ################################################ if( $columns{Event}->[$cat_row_cnt] == 1 ){ ############################################ # Set image flag to zero in catalog record. ############################################ Util::HEAdas->new('ftedit') ->params({infile => $cat_file, column => 'Image', row => $cat_row_cnt+1}) ->run(); }else{ ################################################# # Add this row to the list of rows to be deleted ################################################# push @cat_rows_to_delete, $cat_row_cnt+1; } } ############################################ # Keep track of extensions already examined ############################################ $examined_extensions{$extension_name} = 1; }# End loop over catalog entries. ########################################### # Delete tagged rows from the catalog file ########################################### if(@cat_rows_to_delete){ Util::HEAdas->new('ftdelrow') ->params({infile => $cat_fits->fullname(), rows => join(',', @cat_rows_to_delete), outfile => 'none', confirm => 'yes'}) ->run(); } } sub uvot_event_screen { my $self = shift; my $log = $self->log(); my $filename= $self->filename(); my $procpar = $self->procpar(); my $jobpar = $self->jobpar(); # my $option = $jobpar->read('opt_uvot_screen'); # if ($option =~ /^n/) { # $log->entry('UVOT event screening disabled'); # return; # } my $gti = $filename->get('gti', 's', 'at'); my $attorb = $filename->get('attorb', 's'); my $temp_list = 'events.tmp'; my $uscreen = Util::HEAdas->new('uvotscreen') ->params({ attorbfile => $attorb, aoexpr => '', evexpr => 'QUALITY==0', badpixfile => 'CALDB' }) ->is_script(1); my $copy = Util::HEAdas->new('ftcopy') ->params({ history => 'yes', copyall => 'yes' }); # iterate over UVOT unfiltered event files foreach my $unfFile ($filename->get('unfiltered', 'uvot', '*', '*')) { my $expression = "[col *; QUALITY = gtifilter(\'$gti\') ? QUALITY : QUALITY+256]"; $copy->params({infile => $unfFile . '[EVENTS]' . $expression, outfile => $temp_list}) ->run(); unless( $copy->had_error() ){ rename $temp_list, $unfFile; }else{ unlink $temp_list; } ## my $evtFile = $filename->corresponding('unfiltered', 'event', $unfFile); ## $log->entry("filtering $unfFile"); ## ## $uscreen->params({infile => $unfFile, ## outfile => $evtFile}) ## ->run(); } } # end of uvotscreen sub xrtscreen { my $self = shift; my $log = $self->log(); my $filename= $self->filename(); my $procpar = $self->procpar(); my $jobpar = $self->jobpar(); ####################################### # find the filter file ####################################### my $filter = $filename->get('filter', 'x'); if (not -f $filter) { $log->entry("No filter file, so can't do screening"); return } my $xrtscreen = Util::HEAdas->new('xrtscreen') ->params({ mkffile => $filter, gtiexpr => 'DEFAULT', exprgrade => 'DEFAULT', expr => 'DEFAULT', clobber => 'no', chatter => 3, history => 'yes', createattgti => 'yes', createinstrgti => 'yes', gtiscreen => 'yes', evtscreen => 'yes', obsmodescreen => 'yes', gtifile => 'xrtscreen_gti.tmp', usrgtifile => 'NONE', hkrangefile => 'CALDB', timecol => 'TIME', outfile => 'DEFAULT', gtiext => 'GTI', evtrangefile => 'CALDB', cleanup => 'yes' }) ->is_script(1); ################################################ # determine the modes which should be filtered ################################################ my @modes= qw(pcw?po wtw?po pub?po lrb?po pcw?s[lt] wtw?s[lt] pub?s[lt] lrb?s[lt]); my %failed; Subs::XrtEvents::loadFailedEventFiles($self, \%failed); my $inst = 'xrt'; ######################## # loop over modes ######################## foreach my $mode (@modes) { my $mo = substr($mode,0,2); ################################################# # determine what kid of files we should use as # input for filtering ################################################ my $unfiltered_type="unfiltered"; if ($mo ne "pc") { ######################################################## # for the XRT use the reconstructed event files unless # this is photon counting mode ######################################################## $unfiltered_type = "reconst"; } if($mode =~ /{ $xrtscreen->params({createattgti => 'no'}); }else{ $xrtscreen->params({createattgti => 'yes'}); } ######################################### # get the unfiltered files ######################################### my @unfs = $filename->get($unfiltered_type, $inst, $mode, '*'); ############################################# # check if there are any files in this mode ############################################# if (@unfs) { $log->entry("Mode $mode"); } else { $log->entry("No unfiltered files for mode $mode\n"); next; } ############################# # loop over unfiltered files ############################# foreach my $unf (@unfs) { ######################################### # Check if there is anything in the file ######################################### my $new_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($unf, 'EVENTS'); next if( $new_fits->keyword('NAXIS2') == 0 ); if ($failed{$unf}) { $log->entry("Skipping extraction from $unf"); next; } ################################################## # get the name of the corresponding filtered file ################################################## my $evt = $filename->corresponding($unfiltered_type, 'event', $unf); $log->entry("Extracting $evt from $unf"); ########################### # run xrtscreen ########################### $xrtscreen->params({ infile => $unf, outfile => $evt, }) ->run; unlink(qw(xselect.hty defaults.def xrtscreen_gti.tmp)); if ($xrtscreen->had_error) { $failed{$unf} = 1; $log->entry("Will avoid further processing of $unf"); next; } if (not -f $evt) { $log->entry("Missing $evt"); next; } #################################################### # make sure the screened file has some events in it #################################################### my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($evt,"EVENTS"); my $nevents = $fits->keyword("NAXIS2"); if($nevents) { $log->entry("$nevents filtered events"); ############################# # Delete unnecessary columns ############################# my @cols = qw(CCDFrame PHAS PHASO Amp PixsAbove ROTIME OFFSET RAWXTL TLMPHAS); my $specs='[col '; foreach my $cname (@cols){ $specs .= "-$cname; " if $fits->find_column($cname) } $specs .= ']'; $fits->specs($specs); $fits->copy('xrt_events.tmp'); unlink $evt; rename 'xrt_events.tmp', $evt; } else { $log->entry("Deleting $evt since it has $nevents events"); unlink $evt; next; } } # end foreach unfiltered } # end foreach mode Subs::XrtEvents::saveFailedEventFiles($self, \%failed); } # end of xrtscreen sub fixNulls { ############################################################ # Set TNULL values for columns with unsigned integer types. # Need this as makefilter uses an inappropriate default # TNULL = -max for these columns ############################################################ my ($self, $file, $ext) = @_[0,1,2]; my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, $ext); my %keywords = $fits->keywords(); my %max = ('B' => 256, 'I' => 32768, 'J' => 2147483648); $fits->begin_many_keywords(); my $n=0; foreach my $tform (grep /^TFORM/, keys %keywords){ next unless $keywords{$tform} =~ /([IJ])/; my $type = $1; my $num = $tform; $num =~ s/TFORM//; next unless $keywords{"TZERO$num"} = $max{$type}; unless( $keywords{"TNULL$num"} ){ $fits->keyword("TNULL$num", $max{$type}-1); $n++; } } $fits->end_many_keywords() if $n; } sub xrt_cal_events { my $self = shift; my $log = $self->log(); my $filename= $self->filename(); my $procpar = $self->procpar(); my $jobpar = $self->jobpar(); my %failed; Subs::XrtEvents::loadFailedEventFiles($self, \%failed); ##################################################### # Select out the events from the calibration sources ##################################################### my $spec = '[(STATUS & b1111000000000000) > b0]'; foreach my $win ('w2', 'w3'){ my @phot = $filename->get('unfiltered', 'x', "pc${win}*", '*'); my $xrtcal = $filename->get('xrtcal', 'x', "pc${win}", 0); my @more_files; my $i=0; foreach my $file (@phot) { if ($failed{$file}) { $log->entry("Skipping $file due to previous error"); next; } my $fits_file = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 'EVENTS', $spec); next unless $fits_file->nrows(); if( -f $xrtcal ){ my $tmp = 'xrt_cal_' . $i++ . '.tmp'; $fits_file->copy($tmp); push @more_files, $tmp .'[EVENTS]'; }else{ $fits_file->copy($xrtcal); } } ############################################################### # If there is more than one file per window type, then need to # merge them together and update timing keywords. ############################################################### if(@more_files){ my $merge_file = 'xrtcal_merge.tmp'; Util::HEAdas->new('ftmerge') ->params({infile => $xrtcal .','. join(',', @more_files), outfile => $merge_file}) ->run(); my $del = Util::HEAdas->new('ftdelhdu') ->params({outfile => 'none', confirm => 'yes', clobber => 'yes'}); $del->params({infile => $merge_file .'[GTI]'}) ->run(); $del->params({infile => $merge_file .'[BADPIX]'}) ->run(); my $stats=Util::HEAdas->new("ftstat") ->params({infile => $merge_file .'[EVENTS][col TIME]', centroid => 'no'}) ->verbose(0) ->run(); my $parfile = $stats->parfile(); my $tmin = $parfile->read('min'); my $tmax = $parfile->read('max'); my $merge_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($merge_file, 'EVENTS'); $merge_fits->keyword('TSTART', $tmin); $merge_fits->keyword('TSTOP', $tmax); $merge_fits->ext(0); $merge_fits->keyword('TSTART', $tmin); $merge_fits->keyword('TSTOP', $tmax); my $first = Util::Date->new($tmin); my $last = Util::Date->new($tmax); $merge_fits->keyword('DATE-OBS', $first->date().'T'.$first->time() ); $merge_fits->keyword('DATE-END', $last->date().'T'.$last->time() ); unlink $xrtcal; rename $merge_file, $xrtcal; } unlink (grep s/^(xrt_cal.*\.tmp).*$/$1/, @more_files); if( -f $xrtcal){ my $rows = Util::FITSfile->new($xrtcal, 'EVENTS')->nrows(); unlink $xrtcal unless $rows; } } } 1;