package Subs::SortTdrss; ############################################################################## # # DESCRIPTION: # # HISTORY: # HISTORY: $Log:,v $ # HISTORY: Revision 1.36 2016/08/02 17:11:45 apsop # HISTORY: Fix calculation of BAT GTIs for low significance triggers using scaled map # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.35 2015/10/22 18:16:52 apsop # HISTORY: Do not use TRIGTIME when determining TSTART/DATE-OBS for mssdi.fits. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.34 2007/03/16 17:53:30 apsop # HISTORY: Test trigtime to see if it is in the future, and reject if true. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.33 2007/03/15 21:30:50 apsop # HISTORY: Only write the database file once. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.32 2006/12/07 14:34:08 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in previous change when trigger time in seconds is not defined. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.31 2006/12/06 19:05:16 apsop # HISTORY: Donnot use trigger time with values before the launch when determining date-obs of mspob files. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.30 2006/09/10 19:54:26 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in handling of bursts observations with nonzero segment number. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.29 2006/06/15 22:18:53 apsop # HISTORY: When setting obs date for diag file, consider times before launch as bad. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.28 2006/05/11 17:23:53 apsop # HISTORY: Test for 99? using sequence number, not obs seg number # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.27 2006/04/27 15:59:19 apsop # HISTORY: Handle the unusual case where the higher-level tdrss products are produced in non-AT observations. More code to try and get a decent observation dates into the tdrss products. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.26 2006/04/14 18:41:43 apsop # HISTORY: More heroics for determining DATE-OBS in tdrss data. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.25 2005/12/19 16:21:46 apsop # HISTORY: Use sequence param instead of target and obs when testing for current sequence in tdrss data. Add OBJECT and DATE-OBS keywords to primary headers of tdrss files. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.24 2005/11/17 16:56:49 apsop # HISTORY: Use PKT1TIME from xrt images if PKTTIME not available. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.23 2005/11/08 19:02:34 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug which was causing xrt positions not to be used in db. Change for new xrt tdrss image file names. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.22 2005/10/04 15:38:24 apsop # HISTORY: Deal with case where diagnostic file has a tstart of zero, based on extension trigger times. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.21 2005/09/28 17:32:57 apsop # HISTORY: Add log entry when deleting tdrss messages. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.20 2005/08/02 22:05:23 apsop # HISTORY: Special handling of tdrss messages for 990+ segments. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.19 2005/07/15 15:42:23 apsop # HISTORY: Change to using target+obs to determine if tdrss messages go with this sequence. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.18 2005/06/01 15:57:07 apsop # HISTORY: Remove false trigger messages if not final processing. Put all tdrss messages in diag file for non-bat-trigger targets. Fix bug in setting start time in diag files. Use info from all trdrss messages to determine trigger time. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.17 2005/04/19 15:30:46 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug which was causing lightcurve files to be sucked into diag file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.16 2005/03/28 20:12:47 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in selecting out only files with a particular obsid. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.15 2005/03/25 19:52:49 apsop # HISTORY: Fix up circumstances for when reference file is created. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.14 2005/03/17 13:39:17 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in reading of jobpar for tstart value # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.13 2005/03/15 19:26:28 apsop # HISTORY: Check for presence of xrt no position message when making tdrss cat file. # HISTORY: Fix bug in checking for empty diag file. Write DATE-OBS to primary hdu of diag file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.13 2005/03/15 19:03:26 apsop # HISTORY: Check for presence of xrt no position message when making tdrss cat file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.12 2004/12/03 13:37:12 apsop # HISTORY: Make compatible with test pipeline: st versus sw # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.11 2004/11/12 14:21:09 apsop # HISTORY: Change to using PKTIME as alternate source for DATE-OBS in the tdref file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.10 2004/11/11 23:59:47 apsop # HISTORY: Add some log entries # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.9 2004/11/09 23:51:13 apsop # HISTORY: Combine non-science tdrss messages into one trend data file. New alogorithm for writing # HISTORY: DATE-OBS keyword into mspob.fits file which guarantees a value is always written. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.8 2004/11/02 21:23:02 apsop # HISTORY: Write DATE* keywords into tdref files. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.7 2004/10/29 20:31:55 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bugs in source of info # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.6 2004/10/27 12:44:33 apsop # HISTORY: Fix bug in extracting pointing RA from FOM message. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.5 2004/10/25 14:53:17 apsop # HISTORY: Use Bobs new FITStable utility to write db table file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.4 2004/10/17 21:19:16 apsop # HISTORY: Get date and proc version from sources that are actually availabe. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.3 2004/10/15 14:59:29 apsop # HISTORY: Add bat_trigger_stop column and fix format of xrt_time column. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.2 2004/10/13 02:13:49 apsop # HISTORY: Remove redundant tdrss messages, and create tdrss database fits file. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: Revision 1.1 2004/09/14 18:55:08 apsop # HISTORY: First version of module. # HISTORY: # HISTORY: # # VERSION: 0.0 # # ############################################################################## use Subs::SwiftSub; @ISA = ("Subs::SwiftSub"); use strict; use Util::HEAdas; use Util::Date; use Util::FITStable; sub new { my $proto=shift; my $self=$proto->SUPER::new(); $self->{DESCRIPTION}="Sort and organize TDRSS messages"; return $self; } ################## # METHODS: ################## sub dbTimeString { my ($s) = @_; my $date = Util::Date->new($s); my $s1 = $date->date; my $s2 = $date->time; my $str = qq('$s1 $s2'); return $str; } sub body { my $self=shift; my $log =$self->log(); my $filename=$self->filename(); my $procpar =$self->procpar(); my $jobpar =$self->jobpar(); my $EXCLUDE = 'PKTTIME,PKTSEC,PKTSUBS,APID'; my @burst_modes = ('al', 'ce', 'no', 'ap', 'di', 'ni', 'fc', 'sm', 'atlc'); my $burst_grep = '('. join('|', @burst_modes) .')'; my (@utcf_times, @utcf); my $tdrss = $filename->{INFO}->{tdrss}; my @tdrss_types = sort keys %{$tdrss}; my $launch = Util::Date->new('2004-11-20T17:16:00'); #################################################### # Get a list of obsids that have tdrss messages ################################################### my %obsids; foreach my $type (@tdrss_types){ foreach my $file ($filename->any($type)){ if( $file =~ /^s[wt](\d{11})ms/ ){ $obsids{$1} = 1; }else{ $log->error(1, "Is file $file really tdrss?"); } } } $log->entry('Tdrss obs ids for this run: '. join(' ', sort keys %obsids) ); ############################################################ # Step thru all the messages, and delete any with index > 1 # which contain identical info to the index=0 message ########################################################### my $diff = Util::Ftool->new('fdiff') ->params({exclude => $EXCLUDE, verbose => 'yes'}); foreach my $type (@tdrss_types){ foreach my $file ($filename->get($type, '*', '*', 0)){ $diff ->params({file1 => "$file\[0]"}); my ($inst, $mode, $index) = $filename->parse($file, $type); my $id = ($file =~ /s[wt](\d{11})ms/)[0]; my @files = grep /${id}.*_\d+\./, $filename->get($type, $inst, $mode, '*'); foreach my $index_file (@files){ $diff->params({file2 => "$index_file\[0]"}) ->run(); if( $diff->stdout() =~ /No differences/s ){ $log->entry("Deleting redundant tdrss file $index_file"); unlink $index_file; } } } } # set up the database columns my @dbAlert = ( # alert keys { name => 'ufcf_corr', type => '1D', unit => 's', key => 'UTCCTIME', }, { name => 'trigger_satisfied', type => '1I', null => -1, key => 'TRIGSATF', }, { name => 'rate_score', type => '1E', key => 'RATESCOR', }, { name => 'rate_score_snr', type => '1E', key => 'RATESNR', }, { name => 'bat_ra', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', disp => 'F10.5', key => 'BRA_OBJ', }, { name => 'bat_dec', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', disp => 'F10.5', key => 'BDEC_OBJ', }, ); my @dbAckNack = ( { name => 'trigger_satisfied1', type => '1I', key => 'TRIGSATF', null => -1, }, { name => 'rate_score1', type => '1E', key => 'RATESCOR', }, { name => 'rate_score_snr1', type => '1E', key => 'RATESNR', }, { name => 'image_trigger', type => '1A', key => 'IMAGETRG', }, { name => 'catalog_source', type => '1A', key => 'CATSRC', }, { name => 'source_interested', type => '1A', key => 'INTEREST', }, { name => 'point_source', type => '1A', key => 'POINTSRC', }, { name => 'source_is_grb', type => '1A', key => 'GRBDETEC', }, { name => 'bat_theta', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', key => 'BATTHETA', disp => 'F10.5', }, { name => 'bat_phi', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', key => 'BATPHI', disp => 'F10.5', }, { name => 'bat_peak_rate', type => '1D', key => 'PEAKRATE', }, { name => 'bat_tot_counts', type => '1J', key => 'TOTCOUNT', null => -1, }, { name => 'bat_back_counts', type => '1J', key => 'BACKCONT', null => -1, }, { name => 'bat_net_counts', type => '1J', key => 'NETCOUNT', null => -1, }, { name => 'bat_trigger_stop', type => '1D', key => 'TRIGSTOP', }, { name => 'image_significance', type => '1E', key => 'IMGSNR', }, { name => 'source_exposure', type => '1E', key => 'FOREXPO', unit => 's', }, { name => 'back_exposure', type => '1E', key => 'BACKEXPO', unit => 's', }, ); my @dbFOM = ( { name => 'new_at', type => '1A', key => 'NEWFOMAT', }, { name => 'fom_observe', type => '1A', key => 'FOM2OBS', }, { name => 'merit', type => '1A', key => 'FOMMERIT', }, ); my @dbFOSC = ( { name => 'pnt_ra', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', key => 'RA_PNT', disp => 'F10.5', }, { name => 'pnt_dec', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', key => 'DEC_PNT', disp => 'F10.5', }, { name => 'pnt_roll', type => '1D', unit => 'degree', key => 'PA_PNT', disp => 'F10.5', }, { name => 'sc_observe', type => '1A', key => 'SCREPLY', }, { name => 'wait_time', type => '1D', unit => 's', key => 'WAITSEC', }, { name => 'wait_constraint', type => '1D', unit => 's', key => 'PREDSEC', }, ); my @dbXRTPosition = ( { name => 'xrt_ra', type => '1D', disp => 'F10.5', unit => 'degree', key => 'XRA_OBJ', }, { name => 'xrt_dec', type => '1D', disp => 'F10.5', unit => 'degree', key => 'XDEC_OBJ', }, { name => 'rate_dn', type => '1E', key => 'RATEDN', }, ); my @dbXRTImage = ( # XRT image { name => 'xrt_flux', type => '1D', key => 'SRCFLUX', }, { name => 'rate_dn1', type => '1E', key => 'RATEDN', }, { name => 'xrt_exposure', type => '1D', unit => 's', key => 'EXPOSURE', }, { name => 'xrt_pos_err', type => '1D', key => 'ERRCTRD', }, { name => 'xrt_dn', type => '1D', key => 'TOTALDN', }, ); # this collects all the groups together my @db = ( { name => 'target_id', type => '1J', disp => 'I8', null => -1, }, { name => 'obs_segment', type => '1J', disp => 'I3', null => -1, }, { name => 'obs_number', type => '11A', }, { name => 'ra', type => '1D', disp => 'F10.5', unit => 'degree', }, { name => 'dec', type => '1D', disp => 'F10.5', unit => 'degree', }, { name => 'pos_flag', type => '1I', null => -1, }, { name => 'time', type => '24A', }, { name => 'time_seconds', type => '1D', unit => 's', }, @dbAlert, { name => 'time1', type => '24A', }, { name => 'time_seconds1', type => '1D', unit => 's', }, @dbAckNack, @dbFOM, @dbFOSC, @dbXRTPosition, { name => 'xrt_time', type => '24A', }, @dbXRTImage, # pipeline { name => 'processing_date', type => '24A', }, { name => 'processing_version', type => '40A', }, { name => 'num_processed', type => '1I', null => -1, }, ); my $db = Util::FITStable->new(\@db, log => $log, which => 'tdrss', ); my $headfile = 'tdrss_head.tmp'; my $create = Util::Ftool->new('fimgcreate') ->params({bitpix => 8, naxes => '0', datafile => 'none', headfile => $headfile, clobber => 'yes'}); my $append = Util::Ftool->new('fappend') ->params({pkeywds => 'yes'}); my $now = Util::Date->new(); my $this_obs = $jobpar->read('sequence'); my $final = $jobpar->{TIMELIST}->{final} || 0; my $entries = 0; # files to prevent from delivery to HEASARC my @toast_files; my @tdql_files; foreach my $id (sort keys %obsids) { $log->entry("Processing obs $id"); # if skipdb is true, $id will not be included in the database my $skipdb = 0; if (("$this_obs" ne "$id") and ((not $final) or ($this_obs =~ /99[0-9]$/)) ) { $log->entry("Not final processing, so delete tdrss messages for $id."); $skipdb = 1; # this glob looks under-constrained: # what if there are non-tdrss files with ${id}? my @toast = sort glob("*${id}*"); push(@toast_files, @toast); $log->entry("Will remove @toast"); } ################################################ # Make an index file for each tdrss observation ################################################ open HEAD, ">$headfile"; print HEAD "OBS_ID=$id / Observation ID\n"; print HEAD "DATE = ", $now->date(), 'T', $now->time(), "\n"; print HEAD "XOBS_ID=$this_obs / Generating sequence\n"; close HEAD; my $other_file = $jobpar->read('mission').$id.'mssdi.fits'; $create->params({outfile => $other_file}) ->run(); $append->params({outfile => $other_file}); my @all_files; foreach my $type (@tdrss_types){ next if $type eq 'tdnosc'; next if $type eq 'tdmess'; my @tfiles = grep /${id}/, $filename->any($type); push @all_files, @tfiles; } ################################################################ # Take all 'non-science' trdss messages and append them to the # tdnosc file. ################################################################ { ########################################################################### # If this is not a bat AT trigger target and there is no other tdrss data, # put all the tdrss messages into this file, and then get out of Dodge. ########################################################################### my $type = 'tdmess'; my @tfiles = grep /${id}/, $filename->any($type); if (isSequenceBATTrigger($id) || @all_files) { my %files; @files{@tfiles} = (1) x @tfiles; @tfiles = grep !/ms.${burst_grep}.*\.fits$/, @tfiles; delete @files{@tfiles}; push @all_files, keys %files; } my @append_files = @tfiles; foreach my $file (@append_files){ $log->entry("Appending file $file to $other_file."); $append->params({infile => $file .'[0]'}) ->run(); unlink $file; } } my $other_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($other_file); my $nhdus = $other_fits->nhdus(); if( $nhdus > 1 ){ my $tstart = 1.E10; for(my $i=1; $i<$nhdus; $i++){ $other_fits->ext($i); $other_fits->keyword('EXTNAME', $other_fits->keyword('MESGNAME')); my $start = $other_fits->keyword('TSTART'); # do not use TRIGTIME as TSTART since this could be a follow-up to a # trigger from long ago. Issue noted 2015-10-22 / 00147478010. # $start = $other_fits->keyword('TRIGTIME') # unless $start; $tstart = $start if ( $start && $start < $tstart && $start > $launch->seconds()); } $tstart = $jobpar->read('tstart') unless ($tstart < 1.E10 && $tstart > $launch->seconds()); my $first = Util::Date->new($tstart); $other_fits->ext(0); $other_fits->keyword('TSTART', $tstart); $other_fits->keyword('DATE-OBS', $first->date().'T'.$first->time() ); }else{ unlink $other_file; } next unless @all_files; my $ref_file = $jobpar->read('mission').$id.''; $log->entry("Make trdss ref file $ref_file."); $create->params({outfile => $ref_file}) ->run(); my $tdref = Util::FITSfile->new($ref_file, 0); push(@tdql_files, $ref_file, @all_files); if ($skipdb) { push(@toast_files, $ref_file); } my $first = Util::Date->new($jobpar->read('tstart')); $tdref->keyword('TSTART', $jobpar->read('tstart')); $tdref->keyword('DATE-OBS', $first->date().'T'.$first->time() ); ##################################################### # Get the keyword lists needed for the tdrss db file ##################################################### my %alert_keys; my $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'bat', 'al', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %alert_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %ack_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'bat', 'ce', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %ack_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %nack_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'bat', 'no', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %nack_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %xce_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'xrt', 'ce', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %xce_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %xno_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'xrt', 'no', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %xno_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %xim_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdskyimage', 'xrt', 'im', '*') )[0]; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdrawimage', 'xrt', 'im', '*') )[0] unless ($file && -f $file); if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); $fits->ext(1) if $fits->nhdus() > 1; %xim_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %fom_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'fom', 'ap', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %fom_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %fosc_keys; $file = ( grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdmess', 'swift', 'ap', 0) )[0]; if( $file && -f $file ){ my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file, 0); %fosc_keys = $fits->keywords(); } my %all_keys = (%fosc_keys, %fom_keys, %xim_keys, %xno_keys, %xce_keys, %nack_keys, %ack_keys, %alert_keys); ############################# # No keywords, no tdrss. ############################# if (not %all_keys) { # 2019-10 add check for BAT failed trigger results # tdhk includes,, my @bfiles = grep /${id}/, $filename->get('tdhk', 'bat', '*', 0); foreach my $bfile (@bfiles) { if( $bfile && -f $bfile ){ my $bfits = Util::FITSfile->new($bfile, 0); if (my $btime = $bfits->keyword('TSTART')) { $all_keys{FAKETIME} = $btime; $log->entry("using $bfile TSTART as time of record");; last; } } } } if (not %all_keys) { $log->error(1, "no tdrss keywords available"); next; } ###################################################################### # Determine best available time for DATE-OBS and tigger time. # Truly heroic efforts are taken to try and extract a reasonable # trigger time for the data. Nominally we should have TRIGTIME and # UTCTIME. If there is no UTCTIME then use UTCF info in timing file. # If there is no TRIGTIME then use PKTTIME or PKTTIME1 to get the # DATE-OBS, but give up on the trigger time. ###################################################################### my ($time, $timeSeconds, $Ttime) = ('INDEF') x 3; { my $packet_time = 1E10; if( $all_keys{'PKTTIME'} ){ $packet_time = $all_keys{'PKTTIME'}; }elsif( $all_keys{'PKT1TIME'} ){ $packet_time = $all_keys{'PKT1TIME'}; } elsif (my $faketime = $all_keys{FAKETIME}) { $timeSeconds = $packet_time = $faketime; $time = dbTimeString( $packet_time ); } unless( $all_keys{TRIGTIME} && $all_keys{TRIGTIME} > $launch->seconds() && $all_keys{TRIGTIME} < $packet_time ){ $Ttime = dbTimeString( $packet_time ); } else { $timeSeconds = $all_keys{TRIGTIME}; if( $all_keys{UTCCTIME} ){ $timeSeconds += $all_keys{UTCCTIME}; $time = $Ttime = dbTimeString($timeSeconds); }else{ unless( @utcf ){ my $time_file = $filename->get('timedata', 'swift', '', 0); if( -f $time_file ){ my $time_fits = Util::FITSfile->new($time_file, 'UTCF'); @utcf_times = $time_fits->cols('TIME')->table(); @utcf = $time_fits->cols('UTCF')->table(); } } if( @utcf ){ my $itime = 0; while( $timeSeconds > $utcf_times[$itime] && $itime < $#utcf_times){ $itime++ } $timeSeconds += $utcf[$itime]; $time = $Ttime = dbTimeString($timeSeconds); }else{ $Ttime = dbTimeString($timeSeconds); } } } } ################################################ # Compile the data needed for the tdrss db file ################################################ if (not $skipdb) { $entries++; # observation { $db->set(target_id => "'" . substr($id, 0, 8) . "'"); $db->set(obs_segment => "'" . substr($id, 8, 3) . "'"); $db->set(obs_number => "'$id'"); } { my ($ra, $dec, $posFlag); # TODO: should this really be defined instead of boolean context? if ($xce_keys{XRA_OBJ} && $xce_keys{XDEC_OBJ} ){ $ra = $xce_keys{XRA_OBJ}; $dec = $xce_keys{XDEC_OBJ}; $posFlag = 2; } else { $ra = $ack_keys{BRA_OBJ} || 'INDEF'; $dec = $ack_keys{BDEC_OBJ} || 'INDEF'; $posFlag = ($ack_keys{BRA_OBJ} && $ack_keys{BDEC_OBJ}) ? 1 : 0; } $db->set(ra => $ra); $db->set(dec => $dec); $db->set(pos_flag => $posFlag); } $db->set(time => $time); $db->set(time_seconds => $timeSeconds); foreach my $e (@dbAlert) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%ack_keys); } ############################################################### # Use ack or nack keywords, depending on which message we have ############################################################### my %ack_nack_keys = $ack_keys{DATE} ? %ack_keys : %nack_keys; { my ($time1, $timeSeconds1); unless ($ack_nack_keys{TRIGTIME} && $ack_nack_keys{UTCCTIME}) { $time1 = 'INDEF'; $timeSeconds1 = 'INDEF'; } else { $timeSeconds1 = $ack_nack_keys{TRIGTIME} + $ack_nack_keys{UTCCTIME}; $time1 = dbTimeString($timeSeconds1); } $db->set(time1 => $time1); $db->set(time_seconds1 => $timeSeconds1); } foreach my $e (@dbAckNack) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%ack_nack_keys); } ######################################################################## # FOM ######################################################################## foreach my $e (@dbFOM) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%fom_keys); } foreach my $e (@dbFOSC) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%fosc_keys); } ######################################################################## # XRT position ######################################################################## foreach my $e (@dbXRTPosition) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%xce_keys); } { my $time; unless($xce_keys{FRAMTIME} && $xce_keys{UTCCTIME}) { $time = 'INDEF'; } else { $time = dbTimeString($xce_keys{FRAMTIME} + $xce_keys{UTCCTIME}); } $db->set(xrt_time => $time); } ############ # XRT image ############ foreach my $e (@dbXRTImage) { $db->set($e->{name} => \%xim_keys); } $db->set(processing_date => Util::Date->new->date); $db->set(processing_version => $procpar->read('version')); $db->set(num_processed => int($jobpar->read('seqprocnum'))); } # not $skipdb $Ttime =~ s/ /T/; $tdref->keyword('DATE-OBS', $Ttime); $tdref->keyword('TSTART', $timeSeconds) unless $timeSeconds eq 'INDEF'; ############################################################### # Write appropriate OBJECT and DATE-OBS keywords into products ############################################################### my $object = 'NON-BURST'; $object = $jobpar->read('object') if $this_obs==$id; foreach my $tfile (@all_files) { my $tfits = Util::FITSfile->new($tfile, 0); $tfits->begin_many_keywords(); if( $Ttime!~/INDEF/ || ! $tfits->keyword('DATE-OBS') ){ $tfits->keyword('DATE-OBS', $Ttime); } $tfits->keyword('OBJECT', $object); $tfits->keyword('XOBS_ID', $this_obs, 'Generating sequence'); $tfits->end_many_keywords(); } } unlink($headfile); if ($entries) { my $outfile = $filename->get('tddb', 'proc', '', 0); $db->write($outfile); } # create QL tdrss archive and clean up @toast_files if (@tdql_files) { my $tdql = $filename->get('tdql', 'proc', '', 0); $log->entry("create $tdql with @tdql_files"); my $tdql_list = 'tdql.list'; if ($self->splat($tdql_list, @tdql_files)) { my $tar = qq(tar cvf $tdql --files-from=$tdql_list); my $result = qx($tar); if ($?) { $log->error(1, "unable to create $tdql: $! [code=$?]"); } } $log->entry("removing @toast_files"); foreach my $toast (@toast_files) { unlink($toast) or $log->error(1, "unable to unlink $toast: $!"); } } } # end of body method sub isSequenceBATTrigger { my ($seq) = @_; my $isTrigger = 0; if ($seq =~ /^(\d{8})(\d{3})$/) { my $target = $1; my $segment = $2; if (($target > 100000 and $target < 3000000) and ($segment == 0)) { $isTrigger = 1; } } return $isTrigger; } sub splat { my ($self, $path, @lines) = @_; if (open(SPLAT, '>', $path)) { print SPLAT join("\n", @lines, ''); close(SPLAT); return 1; } else { $self->log->error(1, "unable to open $path: $!"); } return undef; } 1;