Subs::UvotProduct (version $)

package Subs::UvotProduct;
# DESCRIPTION: Produce UVOT products: 2 gif lightcurve files
# NOTE: By this point in the processing, the job.par "target" parameter
#   has been adjusted so that it agrees with the sequence id, if it
#   didn't initially (eg. for remapped sequences).
# NOTE: The get*coord* methods are also called (illegally!) by
#   XrtGrbLc::make_xrt_grb_lc and XrtProducts::GetRaDec, and the getTrig*
#   methods by XrtGrbLc::make_xrt_grb_lc and BATImages::plotimages.
#   Therefore calls to other methods in this package by get*coord* and
#   getTrig* (currently only convertRA/DecStringToDegrees and convertTG)
#   need to be "fully qualified" with Subs::UvotProduct::methodname.
#   These methods ought to be split out into their own packages and either
#   instantiated as objects or inheritted by UvotProduct, XrtGrbLc, and
#   XrtProducts.
#    $Log:,v $
#    Revision 1.26  2017/01/17 18:49:07  apsop
#    Retrieve trigger/GRB positions from JD's catalog over https
#    Revision 1.25  2016/11/03 13:48:31  apsop
#    Fixed test for hash key value (defined, not exists)
#    Revision 1.24  2015/09/28 15:28:55  apsop
#    Updated to HEASoft 6.17 and applied XRT, UVOT, and clock CALDB patches. Modified XRT event file processing to avoid further processing after an error occurs.
#    Revision 1.23  2014/08/14 10:20:40  apsop
#    make_uvot_gif_files: More informative email messages if can't find trigger
#    time or GRB in catalogs. Log a different message if it was too soon to send
#    the email.
#    convertRAStringToDegrees, convertDecStringToDegrees: Handle
#    leading/trailing whitespace in RA, Dec strings.
#    get_grb_coord, getTrigFromJDCatalog: More informative email messages if
#    errors are found in the catalog.
#    Revision 1.22  2014/02/28 11:14:14  apsop
#    Include trigger ID in subject of "GRB not found in catalogs" email.
#    Revision 1.21  2013/07/16 05:35:23  apsop
#    Get URLs for querying JD's GRB catalog from parameters JDCatCoords
#    and JDCatTrigs, in get_grb_coord and getTrigFromJDCatalog.
#    Revision 1.20  2013/06/11 20:55:52  apsop
#    sub getTrigFromJDCatalog now reads the GRB name
#    from the catalog to get the burst date, fixing an
#    issue trying to get the trigger time when we don't yet
#    have a standard GRB name.  It uses the new lookup
#    program grb_lookupLC3.php.  Also expanded some comments.
#    Revision 1.19  2013/04/29 22:05:56  apsop
#    getTrigFromJDCatalog: Check that $GRB has the YYMMDDL format
#    before trying to convert trigger_time to MET.
#    Revision 1.18  2013/04/03 21:50:51  apsop
#    Bug fixes, sub getTrigFromJDCatalog: 1 don't strip "GRB" from
#    $GRB until see whether need to use trigid; 2.fixed sense of
#    test for $catErrors.
#    Revision 1.17  2013/01/30 04:51:38  apsop
#    Bug fix: $procpar wasn't defined in get_grb_coord and getTRrigFromJDCatalog
#    Revision 1.16  2012/10/17 08:12:02  apsop
#    Bug fix: watchers_JDcat is in $procpar not $jobpar.
#    Revision 1.15  2012/10/05 07:30:34  apsop
#    - Remove all leading 0s from target/trigger id's not just first 2
#    (eg. GRBs Discovered Elsewhere may be in 0002xxxx range).
#    - Compare target/trigids vs. database numerically, in case database
#    entry had leading 0s.  Check that field we parsed from database
#    is a number, to handle missing data.
#    - In sub convertTG, allow trigtime to have optional fractional
#    seconds and separate the date/time parts with either T or spaces.
#    - Tweaked up the log entries so can tell if matched on GRB name or
#    trigger/target id.
#    Revision 1.14  2012/08/31 08:34:03  apsop
#    JRG:
#    - Lots of extra log entries to tell which GRB coordinates are
#    used, why, and from which catalog.
#    - Read name of Lorella's/Davide's catalog from sw0.par param GrbCat
#    instead of being hardcoded. (get_swiftgrb_coord,getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog)
#    - Only copy the catalogs in if don't already have them.
#    (get_swiftgrb_coord, get_grb_coord_local, getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog,
#    getTrigFromLocalCatalog)
#    - Bug fix: Keep trailing null fields when split catalog lines, to
#    prevent crash when catalog has the entry but it hasn't been filled
#    in yet. (get_swiftgrb_coord, get_grb_coord_local,
#    getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog, getTrigFromLocalCatalog)
#    - Sanity checks that values read from catalogs are numbers.
#    (get_swiftgrb_coord, get_grb_coord_local)
#    - (No change here, but queries of JD's catalog by trig_id are fixed.)
#    - Report source of trigger time. (AddTrigtime)
#    - Lots of formatting and comment improvements.
#    Revision 1.13  2012/02/15 01:36:01  apsop
#    Call convertRA/DecStringToDegrees as self->Subs::UvotProduct::..., so they
#    work when get_grb_coord is called by XrtGrbLc and XrtProducts (which it
#    shouldn't be, but is).  I think all the other method calls that need to do
#    this already do.
#    Revision 1.12  2012/01/12 06:52:03  apsop
#    Changes going to proc3.15.03
#    2011-12-13 JRG: Checking if is a number with eval($value * 1.0) didn't
#        work (just gave a warning, not trappable errors); replaced with
#        Scalar::Util::looks_like_number(). Also added some diagnostic outputs.
#    2011-12-11 JRG: convertRA/DecSTringToDegrees always returns string,
#        null if success; check as boolean.  Improved regex for determining
#        if should call convertRA/Dec routines.
#    2011-11-03 JRG: Made convertRAStringToDegrees, convertDecStringToDegrees
#        into methods (needed to use $log), called with $self->.
#        Changed warnings that GRBs not found in individual catalogs into
#        informational entries.  Added warning if not found in any catalog
#        to AddTrigtime.
#    2011-10-12 JRG: Email watchers_JDcat if find trigger_time problem in
#        JD's catalog.  convertTG now returns undef if error.
#    2011-10-07 JRG: Email watchers_JDcat if problem in JD's catalog.
#    2011-09-30 JRG: In getTrigFromJDCatalog, search for trigger_time only.
#    2011-09-26 JRG: Add checks on results in convertRA/DecStringToDegrees
#    2011-09-23 JRG: Make get_grb_coord and getTrigFromJDCatalog generally
#        more robust, in particular check for decimal numbers.
#    2011-09-21 JRG: In get_grb_coord and getTrigFromJDCatalog, check for
#        retrieved values = "TBD".
#        - In convertRAStringToDegrees and convertDecStringToDegrees, replace
#        regex for decimal numbers with "Frank's standard".
#    2011-08-17 by JRG: - Read sw0.par targetsSkipFC (Skip Finder Charts)
#        to set fcprefix=NONE so uvotproduct skips ds9 calls
#      - When reading catalogs, upcase GRB because object par may have lower
#      - Added some info msgs when reading catalogs
#      - Fixed bugs pattern matching GRB vs tgrb from catalogs
# VERSION: $Revision: 1.26 $

use Subs::Sub;
use Util::Log;
use Scalar::Util "looks_like_number";
#@ISA = ("Subs::Sub","Util::Log");
@ISA = ("Subs::Sub");

use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $self=$proto->SUPER::new();

    $self->{DESCRIPTION}="Make UVOT products: 2 gif lightcurves";

    return $self;


sub body {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();

    # make uvot 2 lightcurve gif files

} # end of body method

sub getTargetFromSequence
	my ($sub, $sequence) = @_;

	my $target = $sequence;
	$target =~ s/\d{3}$//;
	$target = $target * 1;    # converts to number
	return $target;

sub isTargetGRB
	my ($sub, $target) = @_;
	my $grb = undef;
	# check for GRB Discovered Elsewhere range
	if (20000 <= $target and $target < 30000) {
		$grb = 1;
	elsif ($target >= 100000) {
		# check for BAT trigger
		if ($target < 3000000) {
			$grb = 1;
		# check for new Non-BAT GRB range
		elsif ($target >= 3500000 and $target < 3600000) {
			$grb = 1;
	return $grb;

# produce 2 uvot grb light curve gif files

sub make_uvot_gif_files {
    my $self=shift;

    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    my $watchers = $procpar->read("watchers");

    my $trigtime = $jobpar->read('burst_time');

###########FIND GRB only

    my $trigid = getTargetFromSequence($self, $jobpar->read('sequence'));
    my $grb = isTargetGRB($self, $trigid);

    if (not $grb) {
      $log->error(1, "This is not GRB, not making UVOT GIF files");

########CHECK IF WE HAVE ALL FILES NEEDED##############

    my @imglist1=$filename->get('filterimg', 'uvot', '*', '*');

    if (! @imglist1) {
      $log->error(1, "No Uvot image files exist");
      return ;

    my @imglist2=();
    foreach my $f (@imglist1) {
      if ($f =~m/\S+ugu*/) {
      }                         #exclude grism files
      push(@imglist2, $f);

    if (! @imglist2) {
      $log->error(1, "No Uvot image files exist other than grism");
      return ;

#################################ADD KEYWORDS


#################################ADD KEYWORDS

    my $rv = $self->AddTrigtime(\@imglist2, $trigtime, $trigid);

    my $trigstr = 'TRIGTIME';
    if($rv == 0){
      $log->error(1, "TRIGTIME not defined, Unable to proceed");

      my $enddate = $jobpar->read("enddate");
      my $endtime = $jobpar->read("endtime");

      my $dateobj = Util::Date->new($enddate, $endtime);
      my $emjd = $dateobj->mjd();

      my $ndateobj = Util::Date->new();
      my $nmjd = $ndateobj->mjd();

      my $alerT    = $procpar->read("alerTime");

      if (!defined $alerT ) {
        $alerT = 2.0;

      my $dt = $nmjd - $emjd;

      if ($dt > $alerT) {
	  my $object = $jobpar->read('object');
	  my $trigid = $jobpar->read('sequence');
	  my $target = $jobpar->read('target');
	  my $seqprocnum = $jobpar->read('seqprocnum');
	  my $job_title  = $jobpar->read('job_title');
	  my $obsdate    = $jobpar->read('obsdate');

	  my $subject=
	      "Unable to obtain TRIGTIME from database or GRB catalog: $trigid" ;

	  my $msg = "Unable to find info about TRIGTIME (burst_time) in either database\n" .
	      "or GRB catalogs for the following GRB:\n\n" .
	      "object= $object\n" .
	      "sequence= $trigid\n" .
	      "target= $target\n" .
	      "processing number= $seqprocnum\n" .
	      "observation date= $obsdate\n" .
	      "job title= $job_title\n\n" .
	      "\tPlease, make sure that such info is actually available.\n\n" .
	      "\tYou can add the required info to the local GRB catalog\n" .
	      "by using\n\n" .
	      "(Email generated in UvotProducts::make_uvot_gif_files)\n";

	  $self->Subs::XrtGrbLc::sendEmail($subject, $msg, $watchers);
	  $log->error(1, "Unable to find TRIGTIME in database or catalogs. Email notice sent");

      } else {
	  $log->error(1, "Unable to find TRIGTIME in database or catalogs. Email notice not sent, too soon");


    my $imglist = join(',', @imglist2);

    my ($batpos,$xrtpos,$uvotpos,$groundpos)=0;

    my ($batra,$batdec,$baterr,$xrtra,$xrtdec,$xrterr,$uvotra,$uvotdec,$uvoterr)=0;

##########GET GRB COORD
# First try local catalog, if it fails try Lorella's catalog,
# then try JD's catalog, and finally send an email.

    # Read local catalog.  Returns refPL=-1 if not a GRB.
    my $refPL = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::get_grb_coord_local();

    if (defined $refPL and $refPL == -1){

    # Lorella's catalog
    my $refP = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::get_swiftgrb_coord();
    my $catRead = "Lorella";

    # JD's catalog
    if (!defined $refP){
	$refP = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::get_grb_coord();
	$catRead = "JD";

    if (!defined $refP and !defined $refPL) {

      my $enddate = $jobpar->read("enddate");
      my $endtime = $jobpar->read("endtime");

      my $dateobj = Util::Date->new($enddate, $endtime);
      my $emjd = $dateobj->mjd();

      my $ndateobj = Util::Date->new();
      my $nmjd = $ndateobj->mjd();

      my $alerT    = $procpar->read("alerTime");

      if (!defined $alerT ) {
        $alerT = 2.0;

      my $dt = $nmjd - $emjd;

      if ($dt > $alerT) {
	  my $object = $jobpar->read('object');
	  my $trigid = $jobpar->read('sequence');
	  my $target = $jobpar->read('target');
	  my $seqprocnum = $jobpar->read('seqprocnum');
	  my $job_title  = $jobpar->read('job_title');
	  my $obsdate    = $jobpar->read('obsdate');

	  my $subject = "GRB not found in catalogs: $trigid";

	  my $msg = "Unable to find GRB info in all catalogs for:\n\n" .
	      "object= $object\n" .
	      "sequence= $trigid\n" .
	      "target= $target\n" .
	      "processing number= $seqprocnum\n" .
	      "observation date= $obsdate\n" .
	      "job title= $job_title\n\n" .
	      "\tPlease, make sure that such info is actually available.\n\n" .
	      "\tYou can add the required info to the local GRB catalog\n" .
	      "by using\n\n" .
	      "(Email generated in UvotProducts::make_uvot_gif_files)\n";

	  $self->Subs::XrtGrbLc::sendEmail($subject, $msg, $watchers);
	  $log->error(1, "Unable to find GRB in catalogs. Email notice sent to $watchers");

      } else {
	  $log->error(1, "Unable to find GRB in catalogs. Email notice not sent, too soon");


    my @rItems = qw/bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err
	uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/;

    if (defined $refPL){

	if (!defined $refP){
	    foreach my $it (@rItems){
		$refP->{$it} = $refPL->{$it};
	    $log->entry("Using all coordinates from Local Catalog");
	} else {
	    if ((defined $refPL->{bat_over} and $refPL->{bat_over} == 1) or
		(!defined $refP->{bat_ra} or !defined $refP->{bat_dec})) {
		$refP->{bat_ra}      = $refPL->{bat_ra};
		$refP->{bat_dec}     = $refPL->{bat_dec};
		$refP->{bat_pos_err} = $refPL->{bat_pos_err};
		$log->entry("BAT invalid in $catRead cat, or Local override");
		$log->entry("Using BAT coordinates from Local Catalog");
	    } else {
		$log->entry("Using BAT coordinates from $catRead Catalog");

	    if ((defined $refPL->{xrt_over} and $refPL->{xrt_over} == 1) or
	       (!defined $refP->{xrt_ra} or !defined $refP->{xrt_dec})) {
		$refP->{xrt_ra}      = $refPL->{xrt_ra};
		$refP->{xrt_dec}     = $refPL->{xrt_dec};
		$refP->{xrt_pos_err} = $refPL->{xrt_pos_err};
		$log->entry("XRT invalid in $catRead cat, or Local override");
		$log->entry("Using XRT coordinates from Local Catalog");
	    } else {
		$log->entry("Using XRT coordinates from $catRead Catalog");

	    if ((defined $refPL->{ot_over} and $refPL->{ot_over} == 1) or
		(!defined $refP->{ot_ra} or !defined $refP->{ot_dec})) {
		$refP->{ot_ra}      = $refPL->{ot_ra};
		$refP->{ot_dec}     = $refPL->{ot_dec};
		$refP->{ot_pos_err} = $refPL->{ot_pos_err};
		$log->entry("OPT invalid in $catRead cat, or Local override");
		$log->entry("Using OPT coordinates from Local Catalog");
	    } else {
		$log->entry("Using OPT coordinates from $catRead Catalog");

	    if ((defined $refPL->{uvot_over} and $refPL->{uvot_over} == 1) or
		(!defined $refP->{uvot_ra} or !defined $refP->{uvot_dec})) {
		$refP->{uvot_ra}      = $refPL->{uvot_ra};
		$refP->{uvot_dec}     = $refPL->{uvot_dec};
		$refP->{uvot_pos_err} = $refPL->{uvot_pos_err};
		$log->entry("UVOT invalid in $catRead cat, or Local override");
		$log->entry("Using UVOT coordinates from Local Catalog");
	    } else {
		$log->entry("Using UVOT coordinates from $catRead Catalog");
    } else {
	$log->entry("Using all coordinates from $catRead Catalog");

    if ( defined($refP->{bat_ra}) and defined($refP->{bat_dec}) and
	 defined($refP->{bat_pos_err}) ) {
	$log->entry("BAT RA, Dec, Err used = " . $refP->{bat_ra} . ", " .
		    $refP->{bat_dec} . ", " . $refP->{bat_pos_err});
    } else {
	$log->entry("No BAT coordinates.");

    if ( defined($refP->{xrt_ra}) and defined($refP->{xrt_dec}) and
	 defined($refP->{xrt_pos_err}) ) {
	$log->entry("XRT RA, Dec, Err used = " . $refP->{xrt_ra} . ", " .
		    $refP->{xrt_dec} . ", " . $refP->{xrt_pos_err});
    } else {
	$log->entry("No XRT coordinates.");

    if ( defined($refP->{ot_ra}) and defined($refP->{ot_dec}) and
	 defined($refP->{ot_pos_err}) ) {
	$log->entry("OPT RA, Dec, Err used = " . $refP->{ot_ra} . ", " .
		    $refP->{ot_dec} . ", " . $refP->{ot_pos_err});
    } else {
	$log->entry("No OPT coordinates.");

    if ( defined($refP->{uvot_ra}) and defined($refP->{uvot_dec}) and
	 defined($refP->{uvot_pos_err}) ) {
	$log->entry("UVOT RA, Dec, Err used = " . $refP->{uvot_ra} . ", " .
		    $refP->{uvot_dec} . ", " . $refP->{uvot_pos_err});
    } else {
	$log->entry("No UVOT coordinates.");

#       0      1        2      3       4       5      6       7       8

############INIT :

    $batpos=$xrtpos=$uvotpos=""; $groundpos='NONE';


    if ((!defined $refP->{xrt_ra} or !defined $refP->{xrt_dec} or
	 !defined $refP->{xrt_pos_err}) or
        (defined $refPL->{xrt_bad_data} and $refPL->{xrt_bad_data} == 1)){
	$log->entry("make_uvot_gif_files: No good XRT coordinates found, bailing!");
	$log->error(1, "BAT coordinates only not enough: bailing");
      return ;

#########DEC>90 <-90

    if ((defined $refP->{bat_dec} and abs($refP->{bat_dec}) > 90) ||
	(defined $refP->{xrt_dec} and abs($refP->{xrt_dec}) > 90) ||
	(defined $refP->{uvot_dec} and abs($refP->{uvot_dec}) > 90)){
	$log->error(2, "DEC coordinates >90, <-90 need fix: bailing");
	return ;

###########ERR TOO BIG

    if ((defined $refP->{xrt_pos_err} and $refP->{xrt_pos_err} > 15) or
	(defined $refP->{uvot_pos_err} and $refP->{uvot_pos_err} > 5)) {
	$log->error(2, "XRT err>15, UVOT err>5 need fix: bailing");
	return ;


    if ((!defined $refP->{uvot_ra} or !defined $refP->{uvot_dec} or !defined $refP->{uvot_pos_err}) or
        (defined $refPL->{uvot_bad_data} and $refPL->{uvot_bad_data} == 1)){
    } else {

    if ((!defined $refP->{ot_ra} or !defined $refP->{ot_dec} or !defined $refP->{ot_pos_err}) or
        (defined $refPL->{ot_bad_data} and $refPL->{ot_bad_data} == 1)){
    } else {


#       0      1        2      3       4       5      6       7       8
    my $srcra = undef;
    my $srcdec = undef;
    my $srcerr = undef;

    if($uvotpos ne 'NONE'){

	$uvotpos=($refP->{uvot_dec}>0 ?
		  $refP->{uvot_ra}.'+'.$refP->{uvot_dec}.'~'.$refP->{uvot_pos_err} :
	if (not defined($srcra)) {
            $srcra = $refP->{uvot_ra};
            $srcdec = $refP->{uvot_dec};
            $srcerr = $refP->{uvot_pos_err};

    if ($groundpos ne 'NONE') {
	$groundpos=($refP->{ot_dec}>0 ?
		    $refP->{ot_ra}.'+'.$refP->{ot_dec}.'~'.$refP->{ot_pos_err} :
		    $refP->{ot_ra}.$refP->{ot_dec}.'~'.$refP->{ot_pos_err} );
	if (not defined($srcra)) {
            $srcra = $refP->{ot_ra};
            $srcdec = $refP->{ot_dec};
            $srcerr = $refP->{ot_pos_err};

    if (defined $refP->{xrt_dec} and
        defined $refP->{xrt_ra} and
        defined $refP->{xrt_pos_err}) {
	$xrtpos =($refP->{xrt_dec}>0 ?
		  $refP->{xrt_ra}.'+'.$refP->{xrt_dec}.'~'.$refP->{xrt_pos_err} :
	if (not defined($srcra)) {
            $srcra = $refP->{xrt_ra};
            $srcdec = $refP->{xrt_dec};
            $srcerr = $refP->{xrt_pos_err};

    if (defined $refP->{bat_ra} and
        defined $refP->{bat_dec} and
        defined $refP->{bat_pos_err}) {
	$refP->{bat_pos_err} = $refP->{bat_pos_err} * 60.0;
	$batpos =($refP->{bat_dec}>0 ?
		  $refP->{bat_ra}.'+'.$refP->{bat_dec}.'~'.$refP->{bat_pos_err} :
    } else {
	$batpos = 'NONE';

    # default radius is 3", but if position error is >3", then use 5"
    my $srcrad = ($srcerr > 3) ? 5 : 3;
    my $srcreg = "fk5; circle($srcra, $srcdec, $srcrad\")";

    print F "$srcreg\n";

########MAKE UVOT GRB LIGHT CURVE 2 GIF FILES##############


#my $cmd="uvotproduct infile=$imglist outfile=maghist.fits plotfile=maghist.gif batpos=$batpos xrtpos=$xrtpos uvotpos=$uvotpos reportfile=summary.txt chatter=5 groundpos=$groundpos, srcreg=src.reg bkgreg=DEFAULT ";

#       system("source /software/lheasoft/develop/;$cmd");

#################RELEASE UVOTPRODUCT :

    my $plotfile = $filename->get("lcplot", "uvot", "sr", 0);
    my $maghist = $filename->get("lightcurve","uvot","sr",0);

    # Set finder-chart prefix; to NONE if target is in sw0.par parameter
    # targetsSkipFC, which will prevent the uvotproduct ftool from trying
    # to call ds9.
    my $targetsSkipFC = $procpar->read('targetsSkipFC');
    $targetsSkipFC    =~ s/^ *//;       # remove leading WS
    $targetsSkipFC    =~ s/[\s,]*$//;   # remove trailing , or WS
    my @skipFcList    = split( /[\s,]+/, $targetsSkipFC );  #split on , or WS

    my $fcprefix = $jobpar->read('mission'). $jobpar->read('sequence');
    # look for $trigid in @skipFcList, AS NUMBERS (==)
    if ( grep($_ == $trigid, @skipFcList) ) {
        $fcprefix = "NONE";
        $log->entry( " trigid $trigid found in targetsSkipFC: uvotproduct fcprefix=NONE, finder charts not created");

    my $uvotproduct=Util::HEAdas->new("uvotproduct")->is_script(1);

                          infile   => $imglist,
                          outfile  => $maghist,
                          plotfile => $plotfile,
                          srcreg   => 'src.reg',
                          bkreg    => 'DEFAULT',
                          batpos   => $batpos,
                          xrtpos   => $xrtpos,
                          uvotpos  => $uvotpos,
                          groundpos=> $groundpos,
                          reportfile => 'report.txt',
                          timezero => $trigstr,
                          plotmag => 'yes',
                          fcprefix => $fcprefix,
                          zerofile => 'CALDB',
                          coinfile => 'CALDB',
                          psffile => 'CALDB',
                          lssfile => 'CALDB',
                          apercorr => 'CURVEOFGROWTH',
                          nsigma => 3.0,
                          exclude => 'DEFAULT',
                          frametime => 'DEFAULT',
                          centroid => 'no',
                          fwhmsig => -1,
                          rebin => 'DEFAULT',
                          clobber => 'yes',
                          cleanup => 'yes',
                          chatter => 5,
                          qdpfile => 'NONE',
                          mode => 'ql'

    $uvotproduct->verbose( 2 );
    $uvotproduct->seriousness( 1 );

    my $plotfile1 = $filename->get("lcplot", 'uvot', 'sr', 1);
    my $plotfile2 = $filename->get("lcplot", 'uvot', 'sr', 2);
    my $prefix = (split/\./, $plotfile)[0];
    my $p1 = $prefix.'1.gif';
    my $p2 = $prefix.'2.gif';

    my $p3 = $prefix.'3.gif';
    my $plotfile3 = $filename->get("lcplot", 'uvot', 'sr', 3);

    if(-e $p1){
      rename $p1, $plotfile1;

    if(-e $p2){
      rename $p2, $plotfile2;

    if(-e $p3){
      rename $p3, $plotfile3;

    if(-e $fcprefix.'_dss.jpg'){
      my $infile = $fcprefix.'_dss.jpg';
      my $ofile = $fcprefix.'udss_skim.gif';
      system("/usr/bin/convert $infile $ofile");
      if(-e $ofile){
        unlink $infile;

    if(-e $fcprefix.'_uvot.jpg'){
      my $infile = $fcprefix.'_uvot.jpg';
      my $ofile = $fcprefix.'ufc_skim.gif';
      system("/usr/bin/convert $infile $ofile");
      if(-e $ofile){
        unlink $infile;

}# end of make_uvot_gif_files method

# convertRAStringToDegrees -
#       converts RA in HH:MM:SS.SSSS, HH MM SS.SSSS, HHhMMmSS.SSSSs
#       or DDD.DDDD to degrees
#       Inputs:
#               - input RA string
#       Outputs:  ($status, $ra)
#               - status variable ""=success, string message otherwise
#                     (NB: True $status means an error occured.)
#               - output scalar RA in degrees
sub convertRAStringToDegrees {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $inRa   = shift;
    my $ra     = undef;
    my $status = "";
    my $log    = $self->log();

    if ( $inRa =~ /^\s*(\d{1,2})([: h]|h\s+)(\d{1,2})([: m]|m\s+)(\d{1,2}(\.\d*)?)s?\s*$/ ) {
        # matches sexigesimal regexes
        my $h = $1 * 3600.;
        my $m = $3 * 60.;
        my $s = $5 * 1.;
        $ra   = ( $h + $m + $s ) / (60. * 4.);
#        debug( "converted $inRa to $ra degrees\n" );
#   } elsif ( $inRa =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+|\d+\.)$/ ) {
    } elsif ( $inRa =~ /^[\+\-]?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d*)?)([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?$/ ) {
        # decimal
        $ra = $inRa * 1.0;
    } else {
        $status ="\"$inRa\" is invalid RA string in convertRAStringToDegrees\n".
                 "Use HH:MM:SS.SS, HHhMMmSS.SSs, HH MM SS.SS or [+-]DDD.DD\n";

    # check that got a valid number.  looks_like_number is from std package
    # Scalar::Util.
    if (not looks_like_number( $ra )) {
	$status = "\"$inRa\" could not be converted to RA degrees in convertRAStringToDegrees:\n" .
	    "Use HH:MM:SS.SS, HHhMMmSS.SSs, HH MM SS.SS or [+-]DDD.DD\n";

    if ($status) {
	$log->error(1, $status);

    return ( $status, $ra );

# convertDecStringToDegrees -
#       converts Dec in [+-]DD:MM:SS.SSSS, [+-]DD MM SS.SSSS, [+-]DDdMMmSS.SSSSs
#       or DDD.DDDD to degrees
#       Inputs:
#               - input Dec string
#       Outputs:  ($status, $dec)
#               - status variable ""=success, string message otherwise
#                     (NB: True $status means an error occured.)
#               - output scalar Dec in degrees
sub convertDecStringToDegrees {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $inDec  = shift;
    my $dec    = undef;
    my $status = "";
    my $log    = $self->log();

    if ( $inDec =~ /^\s*([\+-]?\d{1,2})([: d]|d\s+)(\d{1,2})([: m]|m\s+)(\d{1,2}(\.\d*)?)s?\s*$/ ) {
        # matches sexigesimal regexes
        my $d    = $1;
        my $m    = $3 / 60.;
        my $s    = $5 / 3600.;
        my $sign = ( $d < 0 || $d =~ /-00/ ) ? -1. : 1.;
        $dec     = $sign * ( $d * $sign + $m + $s );
#        debug( "converted $inDec to $dec degrees\n" );
#   } elsif ( $inDec =~ /^[\+-]?(\d+\.?\d*)|(\.\d+)|(\d+\.)$/ ) {
    } elsif ( $inDec =~ /^[\+\-]?(\.\d+|\d+(\.\d*)?)([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?$/ ) {
        # decimal
        $dec = $inDec * 1.0;
    } else {
        $status ="\"$inDec\" is invalid Dec string in convertDecStringToDegrees\n".
                 "Use [+-]DD:MM:SS.SS, [+-]DDdMMmSS.SSs, [+-]DD MM SS.SS or [+-]DDD.DD\n";

    # check that got a valid number.  looks_like_number is from std package
    # Scalar::Util.
    if (not looks_like_number( $dec )) {
	$status = "\"$inDec\" could not be converted to Dec degrees in convertDecStringToDegrees:\n" .
	    "Use [+-]DD:MM:SS.SS, [+-]DDdMMmSS.SSs, [+-]DD MM SS.SS or [+-]DDD.DD\n";

    if ($status) {
	$log->error(1, $status);

    return ( $status, $dec );

#sdc:apsop$ crontab -l|grep grb -A6 -B 1
###### get GRB coordinates from heasarc web site every night 1AM ######
#0 1 * * * /aps/scripts/ >/aps/db/grb_coord/grb.txt

#0 1 * * * /aps/tools/headas/current/i686-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.2.5/bin/ url=/docs/swift/archive/grbsummary/grb_pages/swiftgrb.tdat >/aps/db/grb_coord/swiftgrb.tdat
#sdc:apsop$ uname -n

#-sh-3.00$ crontab -l
#11 1 * * * cp -pf /Heasarc_dev/dba_dbase/work/swiftgrb/hdb/swiftgrb.tdat /
#-sh-3.00$ uname -n

#######################GET LORELLA GRB COORD##########################
# Read GRB coords from Lorella's/Davide's catalog, retrieved from
# HEASARCDEV each morning.  Name read from sw0.par parameter GrbCat is
# copied to the working directory always as "swiftgrb.tdat".  Returns undef
# if not found or not a GRB.  For each line in the file, first sees if its
# "name" field matches the GRB name taken from job.par's "object"
# parameter, if not compares the target_id field against the job.par "target"
# parameter.

sub get_swiftgrb_coord{

    my $self     = shift;
    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    my $GRB   =  $jobpar->read('object');
    $GRB = uc( $GRB );

    my $target = undef;

    if ($GRB !~ /^(GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*)/) {
      $target = $jobpar->read('target');
      $target =~ s/^0*//;
    } else {
      $GRB = $1;

    my $trigid = getTargetFromSequence($self, $jobpar->read('sequence'));

    $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

    $log->entry("get_swiftgrb_coord: GRB id= $GRB, trigger=$trigid");

    my $refP = undef;

###########FIND GRB only
    my $grb = isTargetGRB($self, $trigid);

    if (not $grb) {
       my $prog = (split/\./,(split/\//,(caller())[1])[-1])[0];
       if ($prog ne 'XrtEvents' and $prog ne 'XrtProducts') {
          $log->error(1, "This is not GRB, $prog not ran");
       return $refP;

############### COPY swiftgrb.tdat file from /aps/db/grb_coord to here
# Only copy if we don't already have it, since this sub gets called twice,
# and the catalog is also read by getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog.  We'll always copy
# to "swiftgrb.tdat" for compatibility with the later steps, no matter
# what the name in sw0.par.

    if (! -e "swiftgrb.tdat"){

	my $swiftcat = $procpar->read('GrbCat');
	if (! -e $swiftcat) {
	    $log->error(1, "get_swiftgrb_coord: Could not locate Lorella's catalog $swiftcat");

	system("\$LOCKIT $swiftcat;cp $swiftcat swiftgrb.tdat;\$UNLOCKIT $swiftcat");
	if (! -e "swiftgrb.tdat") {
	    # If we still don't have it, there was a problem copying.
	    $log->error(1, "get_swiftgrb_coord: Could not copy Lorella's catalog $swiftcat");

    my $refItems = undef;
    my @Items = qw/name target_id bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/;
    my @rItems = qw/bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/;
    foreach my $it (@Items){
      $refItems->{$it} = -1;

    my $strer = '';
    my $flgR = 0;

    if (open INF, "swiftgrb.tdat"){
      while (my $line = <INF>){
        chomp $line;
        next if ($line =~ /^\#/);

	# Look for the catalog line that begins with "line[1] =", which
	# names all the fields in order.  Record the index of each field
	# we're interested in (listed in @Items) in the hash refItems,
	# keyed by the field name.

        if ($line =~ /^\s*line\[1\]\s*\=/){
	    my @tar = split /\s+/, (split/\s*\=\s*/, $line)[1];
	    for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@tar); $i++){
		if(exists $refItems->{$tar[$i]}){
		    my $j = $i;
		    $refItems->{$tar[$i]} = $j;
	    $flgR = 1;

        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\<DATA\>/ and $flgR == 1){
	    # search for the DATA section
	    $flgR = 2;
        } elsif ($flgR == 2){

	    # Look for the catalog line for this burst, and parse it.
	    # Replace the indices stored in refItems with the values
	    # (nutty!!).  Note that split by default truncates trailing
	    # null elements but the -1 limit preserves them; we need that
	    # in case the GRB's entry is in the catalog but hasn't been
	    # filled in yet.

	    if (!defined $target  and $line =~ /^\s*GRB\s*$GRB/) {

		# $target isn't defined but it looks like the burst names
		# match, so check this line in detail.  If it's the right
		# one, load up refItems.
		my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
		my $tgrb = $art[0];
		$tgrb =~ s/^\s*GRB\s*//;
		$tgrb = uc($tgrb);
		my $gf = 0;

		if ($GRB =~ /\d{6}[A-Z]*/ and $GRB eq $tgrb) {
		    $gf = 1;
		} else {

		    # Originally "if($GRB =~ /$tgrb.'[A]*'/) {".  I think
		    # it's supposed to match $tgrb optionally followed by
		    # an A, which this seems to:
		    if ($GRB =~ /${tgrb}A*$/) {
			$gf = 1;
		if ($gf == 1) {
		    foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
			my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
			if ($idx != -1) {
			    if ($art[$idx] eq '' or $art[$idx] eq 'n/a') {
				$art[$idx] = undef;
			    $refItems->{$key} = $art[$idx];
			} else {
			    $strer .= "Unable to find value for $key. ";
		    $flgR = 3;

	    } elsif (defined $target) {

		# $target is defined, so check to see if target_id field
		# matches it (numerically!), if so load up refItems.
		# (looks_like_number() is from Scalar::Util.)
		my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
		my $tidx = $refItems->{target_id};
		if ( defined $tidx &&
		     looks_like_number($art[$tidx]) &&
		     $target == $art[$tidx] ) {

		    foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
			my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
			if ($idx != -1) {
			    if ($art[$idx] eq '' or $art[$idx] eq 'n/a') {
				$art[$idx] = undef;
			    $refItems->{$key} = $art[$idx];
			} else {
			    $strer .= "Unable to find value for $key. ";
		    $flgR = 4;


      } # end of while loop
      close INF;
    } # end of if (open INF, "swiftgrb.tdat"){

    if ($strer ne ''){
	$log->error(1, "$strer No position");
	$refP = undef;
	return $refP;
    } elsif ($flgR == 3) {
	$log->entry("get_swiftgrb_coord: GRB $GRB found in Lorella's catalog");
    } elsif ($flgR == 4) {
	$log->entry("get_swiftgrb_coord: TargetID $target found in Lorella's catalog");
    } else {
	$log->entry( "get_swiftgrb_coord: "
		     . (defined($target) ? "TargetID $target" : "GRB $GRB")
		     . " not found in Lorella's catalog" );
	$refP = undef;
	return $refP;

    # Transfer the fields we want to return (listed in rItems) from refItems
    # to refP.  Not sure why this is necessary (why not just return
    # refItems?), but since they're all numeric it gives us a convenient
    # place to add a sanity check that they're numbers.
    foreach my $it (@rItems) {
	if ( looks_like_number( $refItems->{$it} ) ) {
	    $refP->{$it} = $refItems->{$it};
	} else {
	    $refP->{$it} = undef;

    return $refP;;

} # sub get_swiftgrb_coord

#######################GET JD GRB COORD##########################
# Read GRB coords from JD Myer's catalog by requesting from the Web site
# Returns undef if not found or not a GRB.  If the GRB name from the
# job.par "object" parameter has the standard "GRB YYMMDDL" form, use it to
# query the catalog; otherwise, use the trigger ID as derived from the
# "sequence" parameter.  The catalog is queried by using wget to contact
# the program given by the URL in the sw0.par parameter "JDCatCoords",
# currently grb_lookupLC.php.  (Unfortunately this sub requires ALL
# returned values to be numbers, either decimal or sexigesimal, so it can't
# use grb_lookupLC3.php.  Ugh.)

sub get_grb_coord{

    my $self     = shift;
    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    my $refP = undef;

    my $GRB = $jobpar->read('object');
    $GRB = uc( $GRB );

    my $trigid = getTargetFromSequence($self, $jobpar->read('sequence'));

    my $TI = undef;

    if($GRB !~ /^(GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*)/i){
      $TI = $trigid;
    } else {
      $GRB = $1;

    my $grbOut = './GRB_'.$GRB.'.txt';
    if(defined $TI){
      $grbOut = './target_'.$TI.'.txt';

    $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

    $log->entry("get_grb_coord: GRB id= $GRB, trigger=$trigid");

    my $catErrors = "";   # errors found in catalog;  email to $catWatchers
    my $catWatchers = $procpar->read('watchers_JDcat');

    ###########FIND GRB only
    my $grb = isTargetGRB($self, $trigid);
    if (not $grb) {
      my $prog = (split/\./,(split/\//,(caller())[1])[-1])[0];
      $log->error(1, "This is not GRB, $prog not ran");
      return $refP;

# Remove file if it exists
   if(-e $grbOut){
     unlink $grbOut;

# Make new file by querying catalog with specific ID for the given GRB

    my $catRmtProg = $procpar->read('JDCatCoords');

    my $cmd = "wget --no-check-certificate $catRmtProg";
    if (defined $TI) {
	$cmd .= "?trig_id=$TI";
    else {
        $cmd .= "?grb_name=$GRB";
    $cmd .= " -O $grbOut > /dev/null 2>&1";

    my @GRBvals = ();
    my $retval = system($cmd);
    if($retval != 0){
      $log->error(1, "Unable to reach catalog ${catRmtProg}");
      return $refP;
    } else{
      @GRBvals = `cat $grbOut`;
      unlink $grbOut;

    # The catalog query returns a series of keyword = value lines (now in
    # @GRBvals), giving (separately) RA, Dec, and position error from each
    # instrument.  Try to parse them, and load results into hash $refGRB:

    my $refGRB = undef;

    my $flgNF = -1;   # Not Found flag: 0=OK, 1=GRB not found,
                      #   -1=retrieval error or no valid coords

    foreach my $line (@GRBvals){
        chomp $line;
        next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);
        if($line =~ /^\s*GRB\snot\sfound/){
            $flgNF = 1;
        } elsif ($line =~ /No\s+such\s+file\s+or\s+directory/){

        if ($line =~ /\s*\=\s*/) {
            my ($name, $value) = split/\s*\=\s*/, $line;
            $refGRB->{$name} = undef;

            # Filter out TBD, n/a, undefined, or empty.
            # Anything else SHOULD be a number, either decimal or sexigesimal.
	    # (Other errors, like misspellings, "TDB", etc., will be caught
	    # by the looks_like_number check below, set to undef there,
	    # and reported.)
            if ( $value =~ /tbd/i or $value =~ /n\/a/i or
                 !defined $value or $value eq '' ) {
                $value = undef;

            if (defined $value) {
                # If value contains a :, h, d, or space surrounded by digits,
		# try to convert as a sexigesimal value. Otherwise it should
		# be a decimal number.
                if ($value =~ /\d+\s*[: hd]\s*\d+/) {   # digit,(sp),h/d/sp,(sp),digit
                    if ($name =~ /ra$/) {
                        my ($status, $ra) =
                        if (not $status) {
                            $refGRB->{$name} = $ra;
                        } else {
			    $catErrors .= $status;
			    $log->error( 1, "RA conversion error in \"$line\"");
                    } elsif ($name =~ /dec$/) {
                        my ($status, $dec) =
                        if (not $status) {
                            $refGRB->{$name} = $dec;
                        } else {
			    $catErrors .= $status;
			    $log->error( 1, "Dec conversion error in \"$line\"");
                    $flgNF = 0;

                } else {
                    # Not sexigesimal, check for an ordinary decimal number
		    # looks_like_number() is in standard package Scalar::Util
		    if ( looks_like_number( $value ) ) {
			$refGRB->{$name} = $value;
			$flgNF = 0;
                    } else {
			my $msg = "Bad value from JD catalog: \"$line\"\n";
                        $log->error( 1, $msg );
			$catErrors .= $msg;
		if ( defined( $refGRB->{$name} ) ) {
		    $log->entry("get_grb_coord: $line to " . $refGRB->{$name});
            }  # if (defined $value)
        }  # if ($line =~...)

    }   # foreach

    # If there were any errors in the catalog, email them to $catWatchers.
    # This isn't fatal, because other fields may be good.  Don't log
    # errors here because they were already all logged individually.
    # (Note: non-null string evaluates true.)
    if ( $catErrors ) {
	my $subject = "Errors found in JD's catalog for GRB $GRB trigger $trigid";
	my $sequence =  $jobpar->read('sequence');
	my $procnum  =  $jobpar->read('seqprocnum');
	my $job_title = $jobpar->read('job_title');
	my $obsdate   = $jobpar->read('obsdate');

	my $msg = "$subject:\n\n$catErrors\n\n" .
	    "sequence= $sequence\n" .
	    "processing number= $procnum\n" .
	    "observation date= $obsdate\n" .
	    "job title= $job_title\n" ;
	$self->Subs::XrtGrbLc::sendEmail($subject, $msg, $catWatchers);
	$log->error( 1, "Errors in JD's catalog emailed to $catWatchers");

    if ($flgNF == 1){
	$log->entry( "get_grb_coord:"
		     .  (defined($TI) ? "TriggerID $TI" : "GRB $GRB" )
		     . " not found in JD catalog" );
	return $refP;
    } elsif ($flgNF == -1){
	$log->error(1, "GRB $GRB not found: command $cmd must have failed");
	return $refP;

    $log->entry("get_grb_coord: "
		. (defined($TI) ? "TriggerID $TI" : "GRB $GRB")
		." found in JD catalog");

    my @items = qw/batra batdec baterr xrtra xrtdec xrterr uvotra uvotdec uvoterr/;
    my @rItems = qw/bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err/;

#Some sanity checks while also writing out the data

    my $erIt = '';
    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $it (@items) {
      if (!exists $refGRB->{$it}) {
        $refP->{$rItems[$i]} = undef;
      } else {
        $refP->{$rItems[$i]} = $refGRB->{$it};

    return $refP;

} #end of get_grb_coord

#######################GET LOCAL GRB COORD##########################
# Look up GRB coordinates in the local catalog.  Returns -1 if this
# isn't a GRB.  If the GRB name from job.par "object" parameter has
# the correct form, check it against each line's name field, otherwise
# compare the trigger_id field with the trigger ID read from the
# job.par "sequence" field.

sub get_grb_coord_local{

    my $self     = shift;
    my $log      = $self->log();
    my $filename = $self->filename();
    my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
    my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

    my $refP = undef;

    my $catalog = $procpar->read('LGrbCat');
    if(!-e $catalog){
      $log->error(1, "Local GRB catalog $catalog does NOT exists.");
      return $refP;

    my @Cat  = split/\//, $catalog;
    my $Lcat = $Cat[-1];

    my $GRB = $jobpar->read('object');
    $GRB = uc( $GRB );

    my $target = undef;

    if($GRB !~ /^GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*/){
      $target = $jobpar->read('target');
      $target =~ s/^0*//;

    my $trigid = getTargetFromSequence($self, $jobpar->read('sequence'));

    $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

    $log->entry("get_grb_coord_local: GRB id= $GRB, trigger=$trigid");

###########FIND GRB only
    my $grb = isTargetGRB($self, $trigid);

    if (not $grb) {
      my $prog = (split/\./,(split/\//,(caller())[1])[-1])[0];
      if($prog ne 'XrtEvents' and $prog ne 'XrtProducts'){
        $log->error(1, "This is not GRB, $prog not ran");
      return -1;

    ########### COPY local catalog file to here, if don't already have it
    if (! -e $Lcat) {
	system("\$LOCKIT $catalog;cp $catalog .;\$UNLOCKIT $catalog");

    my $refItems = undef;

#    my @Items = qw/name sequence target_id bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err  ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/;
#    my @rItems = qw/bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err  ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/;

#    foreach my $it (@Items){
#      $refItems->{$it} = -1;
#    }

    my $strer = '';
    my $flgR = 0;

    if (open INF, "<$Lcat"){
      while (my $line = <INF>){
        chomp $line;
        next if ($line =~ /^\#/);

	# Look for the catalog line that begins with "line[1] =", which
	# names all the fields in order.  Record the index of each field in
	# the hash refItems, keyed by the field name.  (Record all, unlike
	# get_swiftgrb_coord which only records some.  Local catalog has
	# far fewer fields.)

        if ($line =~ /^\s*line\[1\]\s*\=/){
	    my @tar = split /\s+/, (split/\s*\=\s*/, $line)[1];
	    for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@tar); $i++){
		$refItems->{$tar[$i]} = $i;
	    $flgR = 1;

        } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\<DATA\>/ and $flgR == 1){
	    # search for the DATA section
	    $flgR = 2;
        } elsif ($flgR == 2){

	    # Look for the catalog line for this burst and parse it.
	    # Replace the indices stored in refItems with the values
	    # (nutty!!).  Note that split by default truncates trailing
	    # null elements but the -1 limit preserves them; we need that
	    # in case the GRB's entry is in the catalog but hasn't been
	    # filled in yet.

	    if (!defined $target  and $line =~ /^\s*GRB\s+$GRB/) {

		# $target isn't defined but it looks like the burst names
		# match, so check this line in detail.  If it's the right
		# one, load up refItems.
		my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
		my $tgrb = $art[0];
		$tgrb =~ s/^\s*GRB\s*//;
		$tgrb = uc($tgrb);
		my $gf = 0;

		if($GRB =~ /\d{6}[A-Z]*/ and $GRB eq $tgrb){
		    $gf = 1;
		} else {

		    # Originally "if($GRB =~ /$tgrb.'[A]*'/) {".  I think
		    # it's supposed to match $tgrb optionally followed by
		    # an A, which this seems to:
		    if ($GRB =~ /${tgrb}A*$/) {
			$gf = 1;
		if ($gf == 1) {
		    foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
			my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
			my $it = $art[$idx];
			if (!defined $it or $it eq '' or $it eq 'n/a') {
			    $it = undef;
			$refItems->{$key} = $it;

		    $flgR = 3;

	    } else {

		# $target is defined, so check to see if target_id field
		# matches $trigid (numerically!), if so load up refItems.
		# (looks_like_number() is from Scalar::Util.)
		my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
		my $sidx = $refItems->{target_id};

		if ( looks_like_number($art[$sidx]) &&
		     $trigid == $art[$sidx] ) {
		    foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
			my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
			my $it = $art[$idx];
			if(!defined $it or $it eq '' or $it eq 'n/a'){
			    $it = undef;
			$refItems->{$key} = $it;
		    $flgR = 4;


      } # end of while loop
      close INF;
    } # end of if (open INF, "<$Lcat"){

    if ($flgR == 3) {
	$log->entry("get_grb_coord_local: GRB $GRB found in Local catalog.");
    } elsif ($flgR == 4) {
	$log->entry("get_grb_coord_local: TriggerID $trigid found in Local catalog.");
    } else {
      $log->entry("get_grb_coord_local: GRB $GRB, trigger $trigid not found in Local catalog.");
      return $refP;

    # Sanity check that values that should be numeric really are
    foreach my $it ( qw/bat_ra bat_dec bat_pos_err xrt_ra xrt_dec xrt_pos_err
		     uvot_ra uvot_dec uvot_pos_err ot_ra ot_dec ot_pos_err/) {
	if ( !looks_like_number($refItems->{$it}) ) {
	    $refItems->{$it} = undef;

    return $refItems;

} # sub get_grb_coord_local

# Add trigger time, read from one of the catalogs, to the file.
# Order is:
#   job.par burst_time parameter (passed in as $trigtime argument)
#   TDRSS catalog
#   Lorella's/Davide's catalog
#   JD's catalog
#   local catalog
sub AddTrigtime {

    my $self=shift;
    my ($refA, $trigtime, $trigid) = @_;

    my $log = $self->log();

    # Initial trigtime passed in was read from burst_time in job.par file.
    my $trigtimeSrc = "burst_time Parameter";

    if (!defined $trigtime or $trigtime == 0){
	$trigtime = $self->getTrigFromDB();
	$trigtimeSrc = "TDRSS Catalog";

	if (!defined $trigtime){
	    $trigtime = $self->getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog();
	    $trigtimeSrc = "Lorella Catalog";

	    if (!defined $trigtime){
		$trigtime = $self->getTrigFromJDCatalog();
		$trigtimeSrc = "JD Catalog";

		if (!defined $trigtime){
		    $trigtime = $self->getTrigFromLocalCatalog();
		    $trigtimeSrc = "Local Catalog";

    my $rv = 0;

    if (defined $trigtime){

	$rv = -1;

	$log->entry("AddTrigtime: Trigger time from $trigtimeSrc used: $trigtime");

	foreach my $file (@$refA ) {

	    my $fits = Util::FITSfile->new($file);

	    my $nhdus = $fits->nhdus();
	    unless ($nhdus) {

	    my $hdu;
	    for($hdu=0; $hdu<$nhdus; $hdu++) {
		my $extname = $hdu==0 ? '' : $fits->keyword('EXTNAME');

		# write keywords to the file

		$fits->keyword('TRIGTIME', $trigtime,
			       '[s] MET TRIGger Time for Automatic Target');
		$fits->keyword('TARG_ID', $trigid, 'Target ID');


	    $rv = 1;
	}   # foreach

    } else {
	$log->error(1, "Could not find trigtime in any catalog");

    return $rv;

# Get trigger time from swifttdrss.rdb
sub getTrigFromDB {

  my $self    =shift;
  my $log     =$self->log();
  my $filename=$self->filename();
  my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();

  my $targetid =$jobpar->read('sequence');
  $targetid =~ s/\d{3}$//;
  $targetid =~ s/^0*//;

  my $RDB_BIN = '/aps/tools/rdb';
  if(defined $ENV{RDB_BIN}){

  my $RDB_TABLES_DIR = '/aps/db/rdb/tables';
  if(defined $ENV{RDB_TABLES_DIR}){

  my $db = "$RDB_TABLES_DIR/sw/swifttdrss.rdb";

  my $host = `/bin/hostname`;
  chomp $host;

  if($host =~ /^sdcdev/i){
    $db = "/data/sdc/local/data/sdc1/apsop/db/rdb/tables/sw/swifttdrss.rdb";

  my $cmdb = "$RDB_BIN/row < $db target_id eq $targetid | $RDB_BIN/column time_seconds1 ufcf_corr -a utime 23N | $RDB_BIN/compute utime = time_seconds1 - ufcf_corr | $RDB_BIN/column utime | $RDB_BIN/headchg -del | head -1";

  my $btime = `$cmdb`;

  chomp $btime;

  if(defined $btime and $btime =~ /^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}/){
    $btime = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::convertTG($btime);

  if($btime =~ /^\s*$/ or $btime == 0){
    $btime = undef;
    $log->entry("getTrigFromDB: While searching for TRIG_TIME, TargetID $targetid not found in $db");

  return $btime;


# Get trigger time from Lorella's catalog.  File name read from sw0.par
# parameter GrbCat is copied to the working directory always as
# "swiftgrb.tdat".

sub getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog {

  my $self     = shift;
  my $log      = $self->log();
  my $filename = $self->filename();
  my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
  my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

  my $GRB = $jobpar->read('object');
  $GRB = uc( $GRB );

  my $target = undef;

  if ($GRB !~ /^GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*/) {
    $target = $jobpar->read('target');
    $target =~ s/^0*//;

  my $trigid = $jobpar->read('sequence');
  $trigid =~ s/\d{3}$//;  $trigid =~ s/^0*//;
  $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

  my $refP = undef;

  ###########FIND GRB only
  my $grb = isTargetGRB($self, $trigid);
  if (not $grb) {
    my $prog = (split/\./,(split/\//,(caller())[1])[-1])[0];
    $log->error(1, "This is not GRB, call from $prog not ran");
    return $refP;

################# COPY swiftgrb.tdat file from /aps/db/grb_coord to here
# Only copy if we don't already have it, since this sub gets called twice,
# and the catalog is also read by get_swiftgrb_coord.  We'll always copy
# to "swiftgrb.tdat" for compatibility with the later steps, no matter
# what the name in sw0.par.

    if (! -e "swiftgrb.tdat"){

	my $swiftcat = $procpar->read('GrbCat');
	if (! -e $swiftcat) {
	    $log->error(1, "getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: Could not locate Lorella's catalog $swiftcat");

	system("\$LOCKIT $swiftcat;cp $swiftcat swiftgrb.tdat;\$UNLOCKIT $swiftcat");
	if (! -e "swiftgrb.tdat") {
	    # If we still don't have it, there was a problem copying.
	    $log->error(1, "getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: Could not copy Lorella's catalog $swiftcat");

  my $refItems = undef;
  my @Items = qw/name target_id trigger_time/;
  my @rItems = qw/trigger_time/;
  foreach my $it (@Items) {
    $refItems->{$it} = -1;

  my $strer = '';
  my $flgR = 0;

  if (open INF, "swiftgrb.tdat") {
    while (my $line = <INF>) {
      chomp $line;
      next if ($line =~ /^\#/);

      # Look for the catalog line that begins with "line[1] =", which
      # names all the fields in order.  Record the index of each field
      # we're interested in (listed in @Items) in the hash refItems,
      # keyed by the field name.

      if ($line =~ /^\s*line\[1\]\s*\=/) {
	  my @tar = split /\s+/, (split/\s*\=\s*/, $line)[1];
	  for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@tar); $i++) {
	      if (exists $refItems->{$tar[$i]}) {
		  my $j = $i;
		  $refItems->{$tar[$i]} = $j;

	  $flgR = 1;
      } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\<DATA\>/ and $flgR == 1) {
	  # search for the DATA section
	  $flgR = 2;
      } elsif ($flgR == 2) {

	  # Look for the catalog line for this burst, and parse it.
	  # Replace the indices stored in refItems with the values
	  # (nutty!!).  Note that split by default truncates trailing null
	  # elements but the -1 limit preserves them; we need that in case
	  # the GRB's entry is in the catalog but hasn't been filled in
	  # yet.

	  if (!defined $target  and $line =~ /^\s*GRB\s*$GRB/) {

	      # $target isn't defined but it looks like the burst names
	      # match, so check this line in detail.  If it's the right
	      # one, load up refItems.
	      my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1;   # -1 keeps trailing null fields
	      my $tgrb = $art[0];
	      $tgrb =~ s/^\s*GRB\s*//;
	      $tgrb = uc($tgrb);
	      my $gf = 0;

	      if ($GRB =~ /\d{6}[A-Z]*/ and $GRB eq $tgrb) {
		  $gf = 1;
	      } else {

		  # Originally "if($GRB =~ /$tgrb.'[A]*'/) {".  I think
		  # it's supposed to match $tgrb optionally followed by
		  # an A, which this seems to:
		  if ($GRB =~ /${tgrb}A*$/) {
		      $gf = 1;

	      if ($gf == 1) {
		  foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
		      my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
		      if ($idx != -1) {
			  if ($art[$idx] eq '' or $art[$idx] eq 'n/a') {
			      $art[$idx] = undef;
			  $refItems->{$key} = $art[$idx];
		      } else {
			  $strer .= "Unable to find value for $key. ";
		  $flgR = 3;

	  } elsif (defined $target) {

	      # $target is defined, so check to see if target_id field
	      # matches it (numerically!), if so load up refItems.
	      # (looks_like_number() is from Scalar::Util.)
	      my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
	      my $tidx = $refItems->{target_id};
	      if ( defined $tidx &&
		   looks_like_number($art[$tidx]) &&
		   $target == $art[$tidx]) {

		  foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
		      my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
		      if ($idx != -1) {
			  if ($art[$idx] eq '' or $art[$idx] eq 'n/a') {
			      $art[$idx] = undef;
			  $refItems->{$key} = $art[$idx];
		      } else {
			  $strer .= "Unable to find value for $key. ";
		  $flgR = 4;


    }                           # end of while loop
    close INF;
  }                             # end of if (open INF, "swiftgrb.tdat"){

  if ($strer ne ''){
      $log->error(1, "$strer No position");
      $refP = undef;
      return $refP;
  } elsif ($flgR == 3) {
      $log->entry("getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: GRB $GRB found in Lorella's catalog");
  } elsif ($flgR == 4) {
      $log->entry("getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: TargetID $target found in Lorella's catalog");
  } else {
      $log->entry( "getTrigFromSWIFTCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, "
		   . (defined($target) ? "TargetID $target" : "GRB $GRB")
		   . " not found in Lorella's catalog" );
      $refP = undef;
      return $refP;

  foreach my $it (@rItems) {
      $refP = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::convertTG($refItems->{$it});

  return $refP;


# Query JD's catalog for trigger time.
# We parse the GRB name to get the trigger's date, but since our GRB name
# isn't necessarily in the standard form (eg, it may be "BURST (...)"), use
# the GRB name returned by the catalog query.  The catalog is queried by
# contacting the program given by the URL in the sw0.par parameter
# "JDCatTrigs" (currently, grb_lookupLC3.php).
# The catalog is queried by GRB name (job.par parameter "object") if the
# name we have appears to be in standard "GRB YYMMDDL" form, or by target
# id (job.par "target") if it doesn't.

sub getTrigFromJDCatalog {

  my $self     = shift;
  my $log      = $self->log();
  my $filename = $self->filename();
  my $jobpar   = $self->jobpar();
  my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

  my $GRB = $jobpar->read('object');
  $GRB = uc( $GRB );

  my $target = undef;

  if ($GRB !~ /^(GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*)/) {
    $target = $jobpar->read('target');
    $target =~ s/^0*//;
  } else {
    $GRB = $1;

  my $trigid = $jobpar->read('sequence');
  $trigid =~ s/\d{3}$//;  $trigid =~ s/^0*//;

  my $refP = undef;

  my $grbOut = './GRB_'.$GRB.'.txt';
  my $TI = undef;
  if($GRB !~ /^GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*/){
    $TI = $trigid;
    $grbOut = './target_'.$TI.'.txt';

  $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

  my $catErrors = "";   # errors found in catalog;  email to $catWatchers
  my $catWatchers = $procpar->read('watchers_JDcat');

# Remove file if it exists

  if (-e $grbOut) {
    unlink $grbOut;

# Make new file by querying catalog with specific ID for the given GRB

  my $catRmtProg = $procpar->read('JDCatTrigs');

  my $cmd = "wget --no-check-certificate $catRmtProg";
  if (defined $TI) {
      $cmd .= "?trig_id=$TI";
  else {
     $cmd .= "?grb_name=$GRB";
  $cmd .= " -O $grbOut > /dev/null 2>&1";

  my @GRBvals = ();
  my $retval = system($cmd);
  if ($retval != 0) {
      $log->error(1, "Unable to reach catalog ${catRmtProg}");
      return $refP;
  } else {
      @GRBvals = `cat $grbOut`;
      unlink $grbOut;

  # The catalog query returns a series of keyword = value lines (now in
  # @GRBvals).  Search these for trigger_time, and load results into hash
  # $refGRB.  (Why the heck does this program use a hash for a single
  # value??)  Also look for grb_name: if JD has added the burst to his
  # catalog, it should already have a standard YYMMDDL burst name, even
  # though we may not know what it is yet.  So it's more reliable to use
  # grb_name from JD.  We use the GRB name to get the date to use to convert
  # trigger time (in UTC) to mission time.

  my $refGRB = undef;
  my $grbName = undef;

  my $flgNF = -1;   # Not Found flag: 0=OK, 1=GRB not found,
                    #   -1=retrieval error or no valid coords

  foreach my $line (@GRBvals) {
      chomp $line;
      next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);
      if ($line =~ /^\s*GRB\snot\sfound/) {
          $flgNF = 1;
      } elsif ($line =~ /No\s+such\s+file\s+or\s+directory/) {

      # Look for "trigger_time = ..." and "grb_name = ..."
      if ($line =~ /\s*\=\s*/) {
          my ($name, $value) = split/\s*\=\s*/, $line;

          # Filter out TBD, n/a, undefined, or empty
          if ( $value =~ /tbd/i or $value =~ /n\/a/i or
               !defined $value or $value eq '' ) {
              $value = undef;

          if (defined $value and $name =~ /trigger_time/i ) {
	      $refGRB->{trigger_time} = $value;
	      $flgNF = 0;

	  if (defined $value and $name =~ /grb_name/i ) {
	      $grbName = $value;

  }   # foreach

  if ($flgNF == 1) {
      $log->entry( "getTrigFromJDCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, "
		   . (defined($TI) ? "TriggerID $TI" : "GRB $GRB")
		   . " not found in JD's catalog");
      return $refP;
  } elsif ($flgNF == -1) {
      $log->error(1, "getTrigFromJDCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, " .
		  "GRB $GRB not found in JD's catalog: command $cmd must " .
		  "have failed, or trigger_time not returned");
      return $refP;
  $log->entry("getTrigFromJDCatalog: "
	      . (defined($TI) ? "TriggerID $TI" : "GRB $GRB")
	      . " found in JD's catalog");

  # If $grbName isn't a proper GRB name in YYMMDDL format, we can't use it
  # to derive the date, so give an error:  (NB: case-insens match)
  my $grbNameOK = (defined $grbName) && ( $grbName =~ /^\d{6}[A-Z]*/i );
  if ( not $grbNameOK ) {
      my $msg = "grb_name from JD's catalog not YYMMDDL, can't use for GRB date: "
	  . ((defined $grbName) ? $grbName : "(undefined)") . "\n\n";
      $log->error( 1, "getTrigFromJDCatalog: $msg" );
      $catErrors .= $msg;

  # And make sure trigger_time is OK:
  my $trigTimeOK = (exists $refGRB->{trigger_time}) &&
      (defined $refGRB->{trigger_time}) &&
      ( $refGRB->{trigger_time} =~ /\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}/ ) ;
  if ( not $trigTimeOK )  {
      my $msg = "Could not read good trigger_time from JD's catalog,\n got: \""
	  . $refGRB->{trigger_time} . "\"\n\n";
      $log->error( 1, "getTrigFromJDCatalog: $msg" );
      $catErrors .= $msg;

  # Add date derived from GRB name to trigger_time, then convert to mission
  # time:
  if ($grbNameOK and $trigTimeOK) {

      $log->entry( "getTrigFromJDCatalog: grbName=$grbName  trigger_time="
		   . $refGRB->{trigger_time} );

      my $y = substr($grbName, 0, 2);
      $y += 2000;
      my $m = substr($grbName, 2, 2);
      my $d = substr($grbName, 4, 2);

      my $t = "$y\-$m\-$d".'T'.$refGRB->{trigger_time};

      $refP = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::convertTG($t);

      if ( ! defined $refP ) {
	  $catErrors .= "convertTG error parsing trigger_time: \""
	      . $refGRB->{trigger_time} . "\"\n\n";

  # If there were errors in the catalog, email them to $catWatchers.
  # Don't log errors here because they were already all logged
  # individually.  (Note: non-null string evaluates true.)
  if ( $catErrors ) {
      my $subject = "Errors found in JD's catalog for GRB $GRB trigger $trigid";
      my $sequence =  $jobpar->read('sequence');
      my $procnum  =  $jobpar->read('seqprocnum');
      my $job_title = $jobpar->read('job_title');
      my $obsdate   = $jobpar->read('obsdate');

      my $msg = "$subject:\n\n$catErrors\n\n" .
	  "sequence=$sequence\n" .
	  "processing number= $procnum\n" .
	  "observation date= $obsdate\n" .
	  "job title= $job_title\n" ;
      $self->Subs::XrtGrbLc::sendEmail($subject, $msg, $catWatchers);
      $log->error( 1, "Errors in JD's catalog emailed to $catWatchers");

  return $refP;


# Read local catalog for trigger time
sub getTrigFromLocalCatalog {

  my $self=shift;
  my $log     =$self->log();
  my $filename=$self->filename();
  my $jobpar  =$self->jobpar();
  my $procpar  = $self->procpar();

  my $refP = undef;

  my $catalog = $procpar->read('LGrbCat');
  if (!-e $catalog) {
    $log->error(1, "Local GRB catalog $catalog does NOT exist.");
    return $refP;

  my @Cat  = split/\//, $catalog;
  my $Lcat = $Cat[-1];

  my $GRB = $jobpar->read('object');
  $GRB = uc( $GRB );

  my $target = undef;

  if ($GRB !~ /^GRB\s*\d{6}[A-Z]*/) {
    $target = $jobpar->read('target');
    $target =~ s/^0*//;

  my $trigid = $jobpar->read('sequence');

  $trigid =~ s/\d{3}$//;  $trigid =~ s/^0*//;

  $GRB =~ s/GRB//g;

  ########### COPY local catalog file to here, if don't already have it
  if (! -e $Lcat) {
      system("\$LOCKIT $catalog;cp $catalog .;\$UNLOCKIT $catalog");

  my $refItems = undef;

  my $strer = '';
  my $flgR = 0;

  if (open INF, "<$Lcat") {
    while (my $line = <INF>) {
      chomp $line;
      next if ($line =~ /^\#/);

      # Look for the catalog line that begins with "line[1] =", which
      # names all the fields in order.  Record the index of each field in
      # the hash refItems, keyed by the field name.  (Record all, unlike
      # get_swiftgrb_coord which only records some.  Local catalog has
      # far fewer fields.)

      if ($line =~ /^\s*line\[1\]\s*\=/) {
	  my @tar = split /\s+/, (split/\s*\=\s*/, $line)[1];
	  for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@tar); $i++) {
	      $refItems->{$tar[$i]} = $i;
	  $flgR = 1;

      } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\<DATA\>/ and $flgR == 1) {
	  # search for the DATA section
	  $flgR = 2;
      } elsif ($flgR == 2) {

	  # Look for the catalog line for this burst, and parse it.
	  # Replace the indices stored in refItems with the values
	  # (nutty!!).  Note that split by default truncates trailing null
	  # elements but the -1 limit preserves them; we need that in case
	  # the GRB's entry is in the catalog but hasn't been filled in
	  # yet.

	  if (!defined $target  and $line =~ /^\s*GRB\s+$GRB/) {

	      # $target isn't defined but it looks like the burst names
	      # match, so check this line in detail.  If it's the right
	      # one, load up refItems.
	      my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
	      my $tgrb = $art[0];
	      $tgrb =~ s/^\s*GRB\s*//;
	      $tgrb = uc($tgrb);
	      my $gf = 0;

	      if ($GRB =~ /\d{6}[A-Z]*/ and $GRB eq $tgrb) {
		  $gf = 1;
	      } else {

		  # Originally "if($GRB =~ /$tgrb.'[A]*'/) {".  I think
		  # it's supposed to match $tgrb optionally followed by
		  # an A, which this seems to:
		  if ($GRB =~ /${tgrb}A*$/) {
		      $gf = 1;
	      if ($gf == 1) {
		  foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
		      my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
		      my $it = $art[$idx];
		      if (!defined $it or $it eq '' or $it eq 'n/a') {
			  $it = undef;
		      $refItems->{$key} = $it;

		  $flgR = 3;

	  } else {

	      # $target is defined, so check to see if target_id field
	      # matches $trigid (numerically!), if so load up refItems.
	      # (looks_like_number() is from Scalar::Util.)
	      my @art = split /\|/, $line, -1; #-1 keeps trailing null fields
	      my $sidx = $refItems->{target_id};

	      if ( looks_like_number($art[$sidx]) &&
		   $trigid == $art[$sidx] ) {
		  foreach my $key (keys %$refItems) {
		      my $idx = $refItems->{$key};
		      my $it = $art[$idx];
		      if (!defined $it or $it eq '' or $it eq 'n/a') {
			  $it = undef;
		      $refItems->{$key} = $it;
		  $flgR = 4;


    }                           # end of while loop
    close INF;
  }                             # end of if (open INF, "<$Lcat"){

  if ($flgR == 3) {
      $log->entry("getTrigFromLocalCatalog: GRB $GRB found in Local catalog.");
  } elsif ($flgR == 4) {
      $log->entry("getTrigFromLocalCatalog: TriggerID $trigid found in Local catalog.");
  } else {
      $log->entry("getTrigFromLocalCatalog: While searching for TRIG_TIME, GRB $GRB, trigger $trigid not found in Local catalog.");
      return undef;

  my $trigtime = undef;

  if(defined $refItems->{trigger_time} and
     ($refItems->{trigger_time} =~ /\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}/ or
      $refItems->{trigger_time} =~ /\d+\.*\d*/)){
    $trigtime = $self->Subs::UvotProduct::convertTG($refItems->{trigger_time});

  return $trigtime;


# Convert trigger time.  Calls swifttime to convert from calendar
# time to MET seconds.  Now returns undef and gives error if couldn't
# convert instead of returning input arg.
sub convertTG {

  my $self     = shift;

  my $trigtime = shift;

  my $rettime  = undef;   # returned time

  my $log      = $self->log();

  my @Mon = qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/;

  # Match trigtime date/time string that may have fractional seconds or not,
  # and may be separated by T or by 1 or more spaces (the GRB cats have both).
  if ($trigtime =~ /^\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}(T| +)\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}(\.\d*)?$/) {

      my ($ymd, $hms) = split/[T ]+/, $trigtime;  # split on T or space(s)
      my ($y, $m, $d) = split/\-/, $ymd;

      $m = $m - 1;
      if($m < 0){
	  $m = 11;

      my $ymdhms = $y.$Mon[$m].$d.' at '.$hms;

      my $swiftT = Util::HEAdas->new("swifttime")->is_script( 1 );

      $swiftT->seriousness( 1 );

	  intime     => $ymdhms,
	  insystem   => 'UTC',
	  informat   => 'c',
	  outsystem  => 'MET',
	  outformat  => 's',
	  swcofile   => 'CALDB'

      my $stdo = $swiftT->stdout();

      my @tar = split/\n/, $stdo;
      foreach my $l (@tar){
	  if ($l =~ /Converted\s+time\:/) {
	      my $tg = (split/\s*\:\s*/, $l)[-1];
	      $tg = $tg * 1;
	      if ($tg =~ /^\d+\.*\d*/) {
		  $rettime = $tg;

      $log->entry("convertTG: trigtime=" . $trigtime .
		  "  ymdhms=" . $ymdhms . "  MET=" . $rettime . "\n");

  if ( ! defined $rettime ) {
      $log->error( 1, "Could not convert trigger time: \"$trigtime\"\n");

  return $rettime;


##########cat /aps/scripts/ #################
#crontab -l|grep grb
#0 * * * *  /aps/scripts/ >/aps/db/grb_coord/grb.txt
#   this script is run by cronjob every hour
##!/usr1/local/bin/perl -w
#use LWP::Simple;
############URL FOR ROOT GRB TABLE :
#        $t=get($URL);
#        $t1=join(" ",split(/">/,"$t"));
#        $t=join(" ",split(/="/,"$t1"));
#        @table=split(/ /,"$t");
#############URL FOR GRB TABLE EXTENSION grb_table.txt:
#        $y=0;
#        foreach $x (@table){
#                if($x=~m/.txt/) { $y=$x; last; }
#        }
##       open(F,">/aps/db/grb_coord/grb.txt");
##       print F $t;
##       close(F);
#        print $t;